Found Safe TX - Michelle Reynolds - 6th Grade Reading and Language Arts Teacher - Missing Since 22 Sept 2022

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Michelle's brother Chris Townsend posted to the Facebook search page today.

His post:
This has been a Roller Coaster of emotions for us, and everyone involved. We have not posted or responded to any information up to this point, as to not interfere with any ongoing investigation, but at this point, we need help!!

Hoping this post will bring a new idea, interest, someone willing to check cameras they may have access to, just anything to help bring Michelle Townsend Reynolds home.

Brazoria County Sheriffs Dept, Louisiana State Police, and Texas Eqqusearch, along with family and friends have extensively been involved in searching for Michelle.

Two weeks in, and NOT ONE CALL or COMMUNICATION from N.O.P.D. They do not answer the phone and have not returned one message requesting them to do so.

We do not believe Michelle intended to become a “missing person”

We do not believe she took any previous action or steps to plan to leave, we think this was a spur of the moment decision to go to New Orleans, and we do not know “WHY”.


She is a card person, normally has very little cash on her

Her wallet, drivers license, cards, etc were found in her car, along with her cell phone.

All devices she would have access to, including her children’s, have been looked at. No searches, emails, texts, messenger, facetime, no dating sites, no calls, no facebook, nothing out of the ordinary.

All hospitals have been checked

Amtrak, bus line, city bus, airline, cruises have been checked

All bank and credit transactions have been researched, nothing. She had access to cash at the bank, no withdrawals. Credit was pulled, no new cards issued.

All shelters have been checked, non-profit networks, nothing.

Timeline of what we know:

She did park her car about noon on Friday 9/23 at the corner of St. Joseph and S Peters St.

The picture circulating of her was taken a little before 4:00pm Friday 9/23 at the corner of Constance St and Poeyfarre St, from a camera on the WWII Memorial parking garage. (We do not know where the time went in between, it appears to be a 20 min walk or so.)

About ten minutes later, she is seen on camera at Sidecar Patio and Oyster Bar/Rusty Nail, orders a glass of water, uses their restroom, and that’s the last confirmed video sighting of her.

Around 4:00, she confronts inhabitants of a tent just behind the restaurant and states that she needs a place to stay, and they offered a tent. They shared cheese/crackers and water, and she only stated her name and gave no other details. They report she had chewing gum and menthol cigarettes with her(she does smoke menthol cigarettes)

The tent is along Calliope St, between Magazine St and Annunciation St. They state she left early morning Saturday 9/24.

A few days later they called stating they found her shirt in the tent, and that there is a black t-shirt missing, that is why it is reported that she may have changed into a black t-shirt. Police have the shirt.

So, the video from the restaurant at 4:00 is the last known video of her, Friday 23rd

Please help, please assist, any information at this point would be a blessing. It is unbelievable to me that we know a date and a time of her last sighting, and after all this time, there is “no new information”. I just don’t see how that is possible, given the technology and cameras all around the area.

If you know something, please say something.

I'm worried that she is a "card" person and apparently would have access to money via the bank. But the car was towed and it had all of her cards in it (I'm assuming her drivers license would have been with her cards in a wallet) which would make it impossible for her to access money at a bank.
For clarification... Are you suggesting that someone wishing to harm MR somehow

1) kidnapped (or killed?) her, and then
2) forced her (or someone who looks just like her and is wearing her clothes?) to walk around a particular street in New Orleans to get obtain fake security footage,
3) then on Sep 23, parked her car within blocks of that filming location,
4) then pretending to be a local business(?), released the "fake" footage to Texas Equusearch with a different timestamp,
5) planted false witnesses at the restaurant to state that she'd ordered a water and used the restroom around that same time, and
6) planted more false witnesses among the homeless to state that she'd asked to stay in their tent around that same time

all to cover up their crime? IMO, that would be a highly complicated cover-up, with multiple points along the way where things could go wrong and many possible ways that it could backfire and point directly back to the culprit.
As I answered someone earlier, no, my post did not go beyond why I think there's room for doubt as to if Michelle was actually in NO on Sept. 23. Though of course if she wasn't, then that would bring up other questions about what happened on, before and after that date, with imo it meaning she was probably no longer with us by that date. That's the way I'm leaning at the moment, unfortunately, but of course that part is my personal opinion only.

I had deleted the post you replied to above because I realized that with no new info., as we see here, we seem to just be re-hashing and repeating at this point. But I didn't want to ignore you, since you put so much effort in here for us with your timelines.

Personally, when a case catches my interest enough to follow closely, I try to look at it as I think a police investigator would. In that light, who are these "witnesses" you speak of, for example. What are their names? "Some people in a restaurant" and "some people in a homeless camp" is not very solid. A lot of the rest that's come to light so far is the same. People giving out info. or statements is just that. Regardless of anything we think or believe, it's still not the same as verified info. or statements or evidence.

I don't have time to go find it right now so I'll paraphrase what Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch said, "The only thing we know for sure is that Michelle is missing."

It's a terrible situation, for sure. Hopefully she is alive and well and will show up soon.
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Feeling a little better that her husband had the car removed, not because he wanted to, but because the city's parking enforcement were threatening him with a $200 per day fine.

However, I really do think that there were mitigating circumstances in this case, and the city's parking department should have agreed to leave the car there and waiver the fees.
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I don’t buy the sharing of cheese and crackers bit, not with her shirt found there. She had literally just gone into a restaurant to get water

I wasn't sure what to think, but I took it at face value. I thought it was really nice they invited Michelle into their tent and they shared their crackers with her.

I was glad that some homeless people are giving and kind. It filled me with hope.....and we need some of that.
I wasn't sure what to think, but I took it at face value. I thought it was really nice they invited Michelle into their tent and they shared their crackers with her.

I was glad that some homeless people are giving and kind. It filled me with hope.

The thing about homelessness is that it tends to be romanticized, sensationalized, and/or sanitized by media, and therefore skews otherwise reasonable folks' perceptions about what homelessness actually means (and the reason folks generally become that way). I'd bet less than 1% of homeless folks are homeless on the streets because they are otherwise good people who have just fallen on hard times and can't seem to catch a break (as the media portrays them more often than not). This is because most sane, rational, societal-conscious/incorporative, productive folks have the capacities to remedy their plight before it gets to that point.

There is a lot more serious, often-violent crimes on large city streets percentage-wise than anywhere else, and this tends to be committed by the folks who live on those streets.

Homeless folks also tend to be very territorial and hostile to outsiders. And this makes sense considering the limited resources. This is why the 'welcome, let's break bread tent' is likely a CYA fairy tale.

Homeless folks also tend to be very territorial and hostile to outsiders. And this makes sense considering the limited resources. This is why the 'welcome, let's break bread tent' is likely a CYA fairy tale.
Yes, I have heard that homeless people have a high degree of mental health issues, drug addiction and alcohol dependency.

I've also read about problems in homeless encampments, including territorial issues and violence in places such as Los Angeles and Portland OR, etc.

I just want the sharing of cheese and crackers to be true. It may be. And maybe I'm naïve in thinking it, but I still try and see the hopeful potential. At least until we find out otherwise.

I so want Michelle to be alright.
I wasn't sure what to think, but I took it at face value. I thought it was really nice they invited Michelle into their tent and they shared their crackers with her.

I was glad that some homeless people are giving and kind. It filled me with hope.....and we need some of that.
Perhaps I'm just a washed up old cynic, but I tend not to assume that last sighting eyewitnesses are of the altruistic variety. Particularly those living in tents on the streets of a relatively dangerous city with an oft-dangerous homeless population who also happen to possess the shirt that she was wearing on video.

The shirt is very worrisome. In my amateur opinion, the reasons the shirt is in someone else’s possession is likely:
A) she was murdered or beaten and it was taken from her person
B) she used it to barter for food, cigs, drugs, money.


Amateur opinion and speculation
The shirt is very worrisome. In my amateur opinion, the reasons the shirt is in someone else’s possession is likely:
A) she was murdered or beaten and it was taken from her person
B) she used it to barter for food, cigs, drugs, money.
I wonder if she's still got her baggy jacket which she was wearing in the lat photo? Or is that the 'shirt' in question?
I am still confused about the black t-shirt.

Her brother said the other day that the people from the tent called a few days after she had left to say that they had found her shirt in a tent, and that there is a black t-shirt missing so they assumed she had changed into that.

However, In the last video sighting of Michelle, she doesn't appear to be carrying anything, no items of clothing, no bag or anything like that. We also know she didn't go back to her car, so where did this t-shirt come from?
has there been any “walk through the area she was seen in“ type of searching done in NO? It didn’t sound like the NO LE was doing much. I know TES searched the river some but didn’t know if any searching was still being done.

My husband volunteers with a group in Dallas that asks hotels, convenience stores, etc in areas that are suspected of trafficking to hang posters in break rooms, windows, etc. They actually found a clerk who’d seen the girl they were hanging posters for one weekend and she was later found by the professional group of PIs this organization works with. I just hope some groups of people might go down there and hang posters, talk to clerks, etc.
I am still confused about the black t-shirt.

Her brother said the other day that the people from the tent called a few days after she had left to say that they had found her shirt in a tent, and that there is a black t-shirt missing so they assumed she had changed into that.

However, In the last video sighting of Michelle, she doesn't appear to be carrying anything, no items of clothing, no bag or anything like that. We also know she didn't go back to her car, so where did this t-shirt come from?

My impression was that the shirt found in the tent was her floral shirt we have seen in the photos of her on the street in New Orleans. The homeless folks assumed she took off the floral shirt, left that behind, and put on a black t-shirt of theirs that she found in their tent.
I am still confused about the black t-shirt.

Her brother said the other day that the people from the tent called a few days after she had left to say that they had found her shirt in a tent, and that there is a black t-shirt missing so they assumed she had changed into that.

However, In the last video sighting of Michelle, she doesn't appear to be carrying anything, no items of clothing, no bag or anything like that. We also know she didn't go back to her car, so where did this t-shirt come from?

I am assuming they mean that she left her shirt there and THEIR black t-shirt was missing. Meaning, in a very basic way, she "stole" their t-shirt and left the shirt she was wearing in their tent.

I am more concerned about this story from the homeless camp then I want to be. Is there a chance that they are the reason she is missing?
I am assuming they mean that she left her shirt there and THEIR black t-shirt was missing. Meaning, in a very basic way, she "stole" their t-shirt and left the shirt she was wearing in their tent.

I am more concerned about this story from the homeless camp then I want to be. Is there a chance that they are the reason she is missing?
Why would they contact police several days after she left to report finding her top in their tent & a black top missing if they caused her disappearance? Some homeless person may have harmed her at some point but it is unlikely anyone who did would make an effort to talk to/follow up with LE.

I think the homeless are likely to be able to help LE if she is staying in the camps & they have a good relationship with some officers. Every homeless person is unique. As in regular society, some people are more prone to criminal activity than others.

For sure if she is still out on the streets of NOLA, Michelle is likely to have been/be a crime victim. With the poor policing there, she could be victimized by anyone at any time for any reason or no reason.

This is one major reason why finding Michelle is critical: to protect her from herself.

I just hope it's not already too late.
<modsnip - quoted post was removed>

It seems like they need someone familiar with NOLA & doing this kind of outreach to help them organize & strategize. Even the best campaign may not yield results if she is no longer in NOLA.

Her husband has their children to help & his job. He can't just go live in another city when his children have already lost one primary caregiver (hopefully temporarily).

Other family members no doubt have personal commitments they may not be able to just drop to devote the energy & time to go to a place they don't know, with no help coming from LE & needing to find an organization or volunteers to help organize a massive effort in a city of 300,000 plus.

Hiring a PR person to lead the search strategy might help. How would they find the right one? Raising funds will help but you need an infrastructure to implement action otherwise it's not going to be an effective use of money.

When & if they have a lead, where do they go for help & follow up? NOPD probably has no one to assign to this case....there have to be so many families in tragic situations wanting & needing help with few public resources available.

I understand your viewpoint but providing strategy & direction, finding NOLA orgs that might help, press coverage, boots on the ground investigating & a myriad of other things is a big ask from people in pain & crisis.

So many great ideas for raising awareness in NOLA have been shared here & on the Facebook page. Who is going to take charge & implement them in an effective & consistent way?

Unfortunately, Michelle choose a good place to disappear if she wanted to not be found. And, once again, we don't really know if she is still in NOLA.

They need to check the morgue every day. What a terrible thing to have to do.

Does anyone have a SAR contact in Louisiana or maybe know someone in the Cajun Navy? The more professional the search effort, the better.

Surely together we can find this family a professional resource to help them organize the effort to locate Michelle. Pairing that effort up with Equusearch could be just the synergy that is needed.
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I am assuming they mean that she left her shirt there and THEIR black t-shirt was missing. Meaning, in a very basic way, she "stole" their t-shirt and left the shirt she was wearing in their tent.

I am more concerned about this story from the homeless camp then I want to be. Is there a chance that they are the reason she is missing?
Maybe she did switched the shirts on purpose … Has anything thing been mentioned from LE if anyone in the background of the images matchup ?
Yep, and there's no telling what's going on behind the scenes, if anything at this point.

There was supposed to be a prayer vigil for Michelle at a park in Alvin, Texas tonight, as someone posted here a few days ago. Wondering if anything more was discussed there or if it will at least lead to another article that gets her case back out in the news.

It would be great if some seasoned detective type person dropped by here. They so often see and know things that the rest of us don't (though of course speculation isn't allowed here on anything and everything at all at this point and rightly so).
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Speaking of... here is an article about the vigil. Not much new but at least it gets the case out there in public again. Oh, Texas Equusearch was there.

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Speaking of... here is an article about the vigil. Not much new but at least it gets the case out there in public again. Oh, Texas Equusearch was there.

From Michelle's mother-in-law:
"We are just all incredibly devastated this is happening in our family, You never think that it would happen in your family," says Maggie. "And it’s been 18 days today with no significant leads."

She says her son, Michelle’s husband, Michael, is hoping to spread the word in hopes of finding his wife.

"He is back in Alvin now to care for the children," says Maggie. "He is torn between being home with the children, and being there searching for his wife, but for how the kids need him."

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