Found Safe TX - Michelle Reynolds - 6th Grade Reading and Language Arts Teacher - Missing Since 22 Sept 2022

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It doesn't appear for now that the conversation with her therapist disclosed any obvious and imminently dangerous issues, because it was her husband who ultimately contacted LE. If the therapist contacted LE, they would've initiated the visit to the home rather than being summoned by the husband (and probably in time to coordinate a sweeping effort to locate her before she got to her destination).

I imagine the therapist is racking his or her brain over this and replaying lots and lots of interactions and hypotheticals. Not a good place to be I'm sure. "What if I didn't ask the right question there?" or "What if I would've followed up on this comment?" - Ugh. Has to haunt. :(

The therapist during the course of the session may have been encouraging MR to talk about issues that she is repressing or anything that she is finding difficult to deal with. That is the job of the therapist. However, it may have been some sort of trigger for MR.
Sometimes therapists do not tell their patients what they want to hear, what would validate a patient’s feelings, and this can cause frustration on the part of the patient.
The therapist during the course of the session may have been encouraging MR to talk about issues that she is repressing or anything that she is finding difficult to deal with. That is the job of the therapist. However, it may have been some sort of trigger for MR.
Sometimes therapists do not tell their patients what they want to hear, what would validate a patient’s feelings, and this can cause frustration on the part of the patient.

Very true. Acknowledging and/or reflecting feelings isn't the same as validating them, and in my view the therapist would be doing a (potentially grave) disservice with unchallenged, blanket validations. The therapist's role is (ideally) also to help facilitate some level of insight before the session closes, lest he or she leave the patient unsatisfied (or unbalanced) over any existential angst/unresolved dissonance. The hard part of that is many patients tend to be really good at glossing over their issues if they want to, and they often want to, so unless the relationship between them is well-established and the behavior clearly atypical, an unseasoned therapist would likely take them at their word.

ETA: The reason patients tend to gloss over things is because they often view their therapist like they do any other social contact, and want him or her to like them (or not think they are "crazy"). A seasoned therapist should know this and is not going to take a depressed and/or potentially psychotic patient's narrative at face value.

I'm pretty sure I've read every article since this started and, to be honest, I don't think we really know much at all anymore.

First, the surveillance video. Huge emphasis has been put on it. However, upon closer inspection, it's such poor quality that you can't really even tell what or who it's of. We also don't know who it's actually from, who they gave it to, what's been done with it since then, who decided to release it as-is to the public (without having it cleaned up and lightened up to be more clear or even checking the height of the person in it against Michelle's height- and there's been no update on that since). And then with all that, how do we know if the time on it is even correct or if Michelle was ever even in New Orleans?

Another of many things that's been unclear and with many contradictory reports is the last contact with Michelle, which is also very important. I've read that she last spoke with her husband and said she was going to get something to eat, both "at noon" and "in the afternoon." Later reports said he was at work at the time but it wasn't clarified if he spoke to her on the phone or if we are talking about a text message. Other articles said she was "seen leaving in her SUV" but that no one had actually seen or spoken to her at that time, and it wasn't stated who had seen her leaving in her SUV. Then I read that her daughter was actually the last person she spoke with. And it wasn't clear if Michelle spoke to anyone in person or by phone or if they are just talking about a text message. One more recent article said that she said she was going to get food AND go to the bank. So, do we even know who last spoke to Michelle or who last saw her and when? (and of course, a text message is far less reliable than a phone call or in-person sighting).

More recently, it's been reported that Michelle met with her counselor Thursday morning before leaving. I get it that her mental state is private info. that would not be given out right away but then when that info. was released, I first read that she met with her "team of counselors by Zoom call." A later report said Michelle "went to" her counselor's office.

There's more but I'll stop there for now. I know early reports are often confusing and contradictory but this has been a lot and does not seem to have been resolved.

Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch's latest statement, I believe, was something along the lines that we only know ONE thing at this point, which is that Michelle is missing. Personally, I think I'd go back to that for now. Wondering what others think, especially anyone who is in LE or related professional opinion.
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I'm pretty sure I've read every article since this started and, to be honest, I don't think we really know much at all anymore.

First, the surveillance video. Huge emphasis has been put on it. However, upon closer inspection, it's such poor quality that you can't really even tell what or who it's of. We also don't know who it's actually from, who they gave it to, what's been done with it since then, who decided to release it as-is to the public (without having it cleaned up and lightened up to be more clear or even checking the height of the person in it against Michelle's height- and there's been no update on that since). And then with all that, how do we know if the time on it is even correct or if Michelle was ever even in New Orleans?

Another of many things that's been unclear and with many contradictory reports is the last contact with Michelle, which is also very important. I've read that she last spoke with her husband and said she was going to get something to eat, both "at noon" and "in the afternoon." Later reports said he was at work at the time but it wasn't clarified if he spoke to her on the phone or if we are talking about a text message. Other articles said she was "seen leaving in her SUV" but that no one had actually seen or spoken to her at that time, and it wasn't stated who had seen her leaving in her SUV. Then I read that her daughter was actually the last person she spoke with. And it wasn't clear if she spoke to anyone in person or by phone or if they are just talking about a text message. One more recent article said that she said she was going to get food AND go to the bank. So, do we even know who last spoke to Michelle or who last saw her and when? (and of course, a text message is far less reliable than a phone call or in-person sighting).

More recently, it's been reported that Michelle met with her counselor Thursday morning before leaving. I get it that her mental state is private info. that would not be given out right away but then when that info. was released, I first read that she met with her "team of counselors" by Zoom call. A later report said Michelle "went to" her counselor's office.

There's more but I'll stop there for now. I know early reports are often confusing and contradictory but this has been a lot and does not seem to have been resolved.

Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch's latest statement, I believe, was something along the lines that we only know ONE thing at this point, which is that Michelle is missing. Personally, I think I'd go back to that for now. Wondering what others think, especially anyone who is in LE or related professional opinion.
Excellent summary. I really appreciate you listing these contradictions. Please list any others you feel are critical. Family or friends may see this & realize helping is hampered by not knowing what basic facts can be relied on.

Until pertinent questions are verified with definitive factual answers, we cannot assess what happened, much less how to assist in sleuthing or searching.
So, the surveillance video apparently shows Michelle Reynolds wearing a "dark colored jacket." At 12:01 pm on Friday, September 23. When the temperature in New Orleans would have been, what, in the mid 80's? I mean, I'm sure it's possible but I just found it a little odd.
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No idea if this is related and hate to even think it, but a body was just discovered in a dumpster at a Galveston school. Galveston is about 30 miles from Alvin, where Michelle Reynolds lived.

This article says the body found today in Galveston is a man.
Investigation underway after man’s body was found in dumpster outside Galveston middle school, police say
Here's a small update. Texas Equusearch sent a 40-foot boat out today to search the Mississippi River in New Orleans but didn't find anything.

Thanks for sharing.

The report says Michelle's car was parked at a broken coincidence or so it wouldn't draw attention? Just thinking out loud.

"Miller confirmed Reynolds' car was parked on St. Joseph Street in front of a broken parking meter so it was not towed, not ticketed. He says her husband had the car moved Thursday to a Lexus dealership."
Updating TIMELINE with new info in RED and corrected info in GRAY

- moved from Natchitoches, LA to Orange, TX for a teaching job (9)

- marriage to husband (9)

- couple began teaching in Alvin - both 6th grade teachers at different schools (9)

- began struggling with mental health (9)

- "had been undergoing outpatient treatment for about three weeks after a recent episode, having been on leave from her job as a teacher during that time. She had been taking nightly medications" (8.)

THU SEP 22 - LAST CONTACT WITH FAMILY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AM - [Zoom meeting with counselor (8.)] visited a counselor in person, then came home (9)
- 12p - [spoke to husband,] said she was going to get something to eat (last contact with family)] (7) told daughter she was going to get food and stop at the bank; when daughter returned home from school, called dad at work to see if he knew where she was; he started calling MR but calls went directly to voicemail (9)
- PM - reported missing by husband to local LE (Brazos County Sheriff's Department) (9)

- 12:01 PM - Vehicle parked at corner of St. Peter & St. Joseph St, New Orleans (4) in front of broken parking meter (10); person who may look like MR sits in car for about twenty minutes, then gets out (9) and leaves alone on foot (5) heading west (6) - husband notes potential height discrepancy between his wife and the driver in the video (8.)
- PM - Lexus "pinged" car in New Orleans; upon LE arrival, vehicle was no longer there (1)

- PM - Vehicle located in New Orleans by husband and brother by geo-location. (2) - see Sun Sep 25

- 3AM - Vehicle located in New Orleans by husband and brother by geo-location (9)
- First MSM news coverage (3)


- Footage released of MR leaving vehicle alone on foot (5)
- Helicopter search on Mississippi River (8.)

- Boat search planned for Mississippi River (8.) - see Thu Sep 29
- Equusearch received several calls about possible sightings and leads; each was mistaken identity (10)

- Boat search on Mississippi River (10)
- Husband moves vehicle to Lexus dealership (10)

(1)Search for missing Alvin ISD teacher continues after car found in New Orleans
(2)'Really tough time' | Husband of missing Alvin woman says children are struggling with news
(3)Alvin ISD teacher still missing after car found in New Orleans, sheriff's office says
(4)Missing Texas teacher's car found in New Orleans as search continues
(5)HAVE YOU SEEN MICHELLE REYNOLDS?: Search continues for missing Alvin ISD teacher last seen on Thursday
(6)Missing TX teacher's car found in New Orleans; husband desperately in search of answers exclusively speaks to WDSU
(7)A Search Is Underway for a Texas Teacher Whose Car Was Found Out of State
(8.)Alvin teacher Michelle Reynolds still missing; New Orleans police now involved in case | Houston Public Media
(9)Family desperate for clues in Texas woman Michelle Reynold's disappearance
(10)Texas EquuSearch hits pivotal point in the hunt for TX school teacher

- It strikes me as VERY strange that the vehicle was parked at a broken meter. What are the chances? From what I've read about the surveillance footage, it doesn't seem like the driver of the vehicle checked the meter at all before walking off. Was it just a weird coincidence? -OR- Did the driver know that meter was broken and choose that parking spot intentionally, knowing that the vehicle wouldn't be discovered as quickly there as in any other spot?
Has anyone besides her husband commented on her mental health?

This is a bit tricky. I feel that since LE is using the husband's report in their own narrative that they either strongly believe this to be true or have confirmed it outright. If they suspected foul play by anyone close to her, I imagine they would use words like "allegedly stopped taking her meds", etc. If contacted, her therapist could have also verified the essentials to LE if they classified her as a missing person in likely imminent danger.

This is from the Texas Equusearch site. It shows a new photo of Michelle and says it's from Sept. 23 and shows her walking south on Constance St. towards Pontchartrain Expressway in New Orleans. (An updated flyer of theirs says it was at about 4 pm).

I didn't recognize her at first, compared to the other photos of her that have been shown.

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This is from the Texas Equusearch site. It shows a new photo of Michelle and says it's from Sept. 23 and shows her walking south on Constance St. towards Pontchartrain Expressway in New Orleans. (An updated flyer of theirs says it was at about 4 pm).

I didn't recognize her at first, compared to the other photos of her that have been shown.

That's a great definitive find! But where is she now? Where is she staying? How is she eating? Is she alone?
This is from the Texas Equusearch site. It shows a new photo of Michelle and says it's from Sept. 23 and shows her walking south on Constance St. towards Pontchartrain Expressway in New Orleans. (An updated flyer of theirs says it was at about 4 pm).

I didn't recognize her at first, compared to the other photos of her that have been shown.

I agree with you. She does look different in this new photo compared to the previous ones.


The area where this photo was taken (Constance St. towards Pontchartrain Expressway) is only a few blocks from where her car was left. The driver of the car (presumably Michelle) left it just after noon and this photo was taken at about 4:00pm. I wonder what she was doing for those four hours? And where is she now?
This is from the Texas Equusearch site. It shows a new photo of Michelle and says it's from Sept. 23 and shows her walking south on Constance St. towards Pontchartrain Expressway in New Orleans. (An updated flyer of theirs says it was at about 4 pm).

I didn't recognize her at first, compared to the other photos of her that have been shown.

She has a disheveled, disoriented appearance IMO. Post-trauma? Withdrawal from medications? New medications? No purse or possessions visible...
She has a disheveled, disoriented appearance IMO. Post-trauma? Withdrawal from medications? New medications? No purse or possessions visible...
That's a fairly warm-looking jacket to be wearing in September in NOLA. Maybe a BOLO in the area near her car & this sighting will help. Being a taller woman is an advantage in spotting her, I think.

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