TX - Moriah Wilson, 25, Cyclist Fatally Shot Before Race, Austin, 2022 *arrest* #7

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Alan and Armstrong have hung out a handful of times. Friendship was primarily with Colin. He spoke on the phone to Colin on 5/11/22. He was going to lend Alan some bike parts. The phone call ended with bad reception. Colin was at his house at the time of the phone call because Alan says Colin was looking for the bike part he needed and found it mid-call.

We are looking at a screenshot of Alan's phone call with Colin Strickland. It is 8 minutes long, happening at 9:07pm. Alan says he went to his home on May 11 at around 10pm. He could see Colin and Armstrong talking inside the home from the window, but did not interact with him. He took the bike parts and left. He said Colin and Armstrong "looked tired."
The man is in a court of law in jeans, cursing during questioning, and shoving people for god's sake. Who behaves like this? Try going out in public and purposely hip checking some people and see how that goes.
Honestly IMO it’s consistent with how he has acted all along since his initial media statement …
Not that it really matters, because there’s definitely no excuse for KA to murder Mo, but we have only heard CS’ side of his and KA’s relationship. Maybe KA did think they had a future. Why would CS have to change Mo’s name in his phone if they were free to date others.

He said they lacked the inertia to end their relationship (ie lazy). KA sounds anything but lazy. Was he breadcrumbing her along so that she’d continue to basically do everything for his business and he’d continue living his like as he chose? Really, what woman would do that?

And to think KA gave up her entire like (and obviously Mo’s, which she probably doesn’t care about anyway), for some selfish guy who used her, disrespected her, and cheated on her.

CS grew up in a poor rural part of TX, in the family of two hippies, doubtfully he had a great example of good family life. Add to it some degree of detachment that I see in him and maybe, it amounts to being clueless in the relationships. But…at a certain age, in guys, another program kicks in, to settle down and have a family, even if they don’t realize it. It happens later than in women, but it does. This is when he got on a dating site, met KA and probably, she hit many checkmarks but…I think he was not fully in love. (MOO - she has some personality traits that would attract introverted guys, but sooner or later, drive everyone away, and it probably happened before, and was going to happen here, too). So I think that when they split apart in autumn of 2021, both started dating, and KA probably didn’t find someone who would financially fit her requirements. Or maybe they did, but weren’t interested. CS, I think, didn’t find someone who’d share his interested in dirtbiking, his trailers, and his music. You know, it has to be a very specific person. MW was a short episode and i honestly believe she didn’t view him as a long-term partner, although he was interested.

I believe CS was afraid that if he left KA, he won’t find anyone at all. But didn’t love her enough to not cheat. Plus, he hoped that after leaving big sports, his luxury Spartan trailers would take off (a useless thing if you ask me) and needed KA to lift his business off the ground.

Here is where I got additional info about CS and KA. Pay attention to “Colin always paid for things” and him being generally somewhat unaware of what people don’t do in relationships. I think one has to either have superior social IQ to figure it out on his own, or a great family example growing up. CS had neither. JMO.

I feel slightly sorry for him because he worked hard for what he had, and achieved on his own, and lost it all due to absolutely unhinged partner. At the same time, I think that having gotten off that dirt bike Olympus, he would be of little interest to women. Maybe he could open a contractor’s business, not sure.


Colin explaining himself to APD and why he changed her name in his phone: "I wanted to be able to connect with Moriah and maintain a communication without triggering old wounds that the defendant was carrying."
I think this is an important point that will register with the jury. CS did, in fact, trigger old wounds in KA by maintaining contact with Mo. No excuse for KA here intended. But it’s clear that KA was set off by his relationship (even if in his mind it had evolved into a professional friendship.)

KA couldn’t handle it, and the emotional ”trigger” set into motion a real-life trigger being pulled.

Mo didn’t stand a chance against KA’s rage.

Alan says he saw her a few times at the Meteor café when she would wrap up her ride.Alan says the phone call with Colin on 5/11 was an audio only, not FaceTime. He says he uses Bluetooth in his car when chatting. He says he couldn't hear anything in the background. Which means he can't be sure Colin was in his garage during the call, but is basing his understanding on what Colin said, which is that he was in the garage looking for parts. He doesn't recall hearing Colin rummaging for parts.
He so doesn't want to be here. JMO
I agree, but who ever does?

Like it or not, several of his actions or inactions had unintended consequences, leading to this trial. It could be a sort of tragedy for him, but IMO this display of petulance keeps him more like a teen who resents having to buy clothes with his mom, than a tragic hero.

Next witness: Kenneth Alan Burrows, goes by Alan. Bought a bike from Strickland. He is a casual cyclist. Has lived in #ATX since 1995.Met Strickland in April 2020. They are friends, but not close friends. "He is a really great guy.”

Alan and Armstrong have hung out a handful of times. Friendship was primarily with Colin. He spoke on the phone to Colin on 5/11/22. He was going to lend Alan some bike parts. The phone call ended with bad reception. Colin was at his house at the time of the phone call because Alan says Colin was looking for the bike part he needed and found it mid-call.

We are looking at a screenshot of Alan's phone call with Colin Strickland. It is 8 minutes long, happening at 9:07pm. Alan says he went to his home on May 11 at around 10pm. He could see Colin and Armstrong talking inside the home from the window, but did not interact with him. He took the bike parts and left. He said Colin and Armstrong "looked tired.”

No further questions. Defense's turn:Alan is a lobbyist for the Texas legislature. Lobbies for energy. He says he is a cycling enthusiast. He races, but doesn't do very well. Alan says he and Colin were friends, but he wasn't in his inner circle.

First met Armstrong in the summer 2020. Doesn't remember specific moment, but recalls meeting the couple at Onion Creek for a swim.Describes Colin/Armstrong relationship: "They were dating. I didn't think he was that into her.”

Alan says he saw her a few times at the Meteor café when she would wrap up her ride.Alan says the phone call with Colin on 5/11 was an audio only, not FaceTime. He says he uses Bluetooth in his car when chatting. He says he couldn't hear anything in the background. Which means he can't be sure Colin was in his garage during the call, but is basing his understanding on what Colin said, which is that he was in the garage looking for parts. He doesn't recall hearing Colin rummaging for parts.


Clarifying questions from the State:Q: "Based on your familiarity with Colin, do you have any reason to believe he was being dishonest with you?"A: "No"Witness dismissed.
... If her financial well-being was so enmeshed with her life with CS that may be an additional insight into mental state about the relationship.
I know that, when I was in my 30's, I was a professional with my own home, car and investments. I met my future husband, and we certainly were not financially intertwined in a year. In fact, we have always kept our finances and investments separate and split the bills for years.

So, what did KA do before she met CS? Why wasn't she able to get temporary housing or another place to live when her apartment flooded, or why didn't she stay with friends?

It all seems very strange to me that she moves in with a guy that she met on a dating app and is so obsessed with him in that short a period of time so much so that she murders someone that she considers a rival.

It makes me wonder what former boyfriends have to say about her. Was she always so jealous and overboard in those relationships?

CS said the relationship was volatile interspersed with break-ups. KA had to know that he wasn't that interested in her if he was constantly cheating or looking outside of their relationship. I mean, they hadn't been together all that long. They should have still been in the honeymoon phase if he really liked her.

Jodi Arias comes to mind when I think of KA's behavior. CS is fortunate that he wasn't the target of her anger that evening.

Note: Thanks to everyone who posted concerning "crime of passion." :)

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State calls Witness 22: Lance Tindall. He works in real estate and is a friend of Colin Strickland. They met through friends and cycling according to Tindall.

Tindall says he is familiar with Armstrong, specifically knowing her as being Strickland’s girlfriend. May 12, 2022 Tindall was purchasing bike parts from Strickland.

Next witness: Lance Tindall. Lives in Austin, works in real estate. Colin Strickland is his friend. Knows him for 3 years. Tindall is a casual cyclist.Tindall had met Armstrong at various races he attended.He interacted with Armstrong on 5/12/22 when he came to their house to buy wheels.He observed a police car and Colin leaving the home. Colin reversed, told Tindall that he was going to police station."They think she was murdered last night," Tindall recalls Strickland saying.

Tindall says that Colin seemed shocked, surprised. "He had just gotten news that his friend had died."Tindall went inside to Armstrong to figure out the wheels situation. While there, Armstrong asked if he heard what happened. Tindall says Armstrong told him it was Mo. He knew who she was and of her accomplishments.Tindall says Armstrong described who she was and why she was in ATX. Armstrong did not say anything about the circumstances of her death.Tindall says they discussed if Austin was becoming more violent. Tindall says he felt surprised and shocked about Mo's death and he says Armstrong acted surprised and shocked, too.
Meredith Aldis

Defense: "Do you recall saying Armstrong likes pink things, she's very female and not very familiar with guns.”
Strickland: "Yes."
Strickland: "I apparently told detectives she was mechanically inept.”
4:05 PM · Nov 6, 2023

Defense passes the witness.
State asks him to recall some more answers from interrogation.

Strickland: "Should I just read the document?"
Prosecutors: "No."
Strickland replies sarcastically: "Interpret it? Very accurate."
4:07 PM · Nov 6, 2023

Prosecutors ask point blank: "Mr. Strickland, did you kill Moriah Wilson?"
Strickland: "No."
He leaves the courtroom. He's still on standby & subject to recall.
4:09 PM · Nov 6, 2023

Alan Burrows takes the stand.
He says Colin is a really great guy.

He went to Strickland’s home the night of the murder (around 10), says he didn’t talk w/he & Armstrong, but could see them as he picked up bike parts in the garage, says he saw them talking & they seemed tired.
4:15 PM · Nov 6, 2023

Defense: "Did you hear Strickland going through bike parts while you were on the phone with him?"
Burrows: "No."
Defense: "Does this screen shot {of Burrows phone log} show his location?”
Burrows: "No."
Burrows dismissed.
4:22 PM · Nov 6, 2023
100% to your post. I don’t get it either. Yes, be hurt, be upset and angry, that’s normal, but get some help for your emotions and move on!

Start with “get some help”. I suspect that KA had a string of failed relationships but couldn’t understand where her problem was, or didn’t want to acknowledge it. The best thing is to find some DBT therapist or group and work on these issues instead of looking for another knight in shining armor, hoping that “this time it will work, he is perfect.” See how many lives she ruined, not speaking of her own. And even if she managed to disappear in CR, the pattern would have repeated it there, too. One can run away from consequences, but not from oneself.

Tindall says Armstrong asked if Cherrywood was a dangerous area. Tindall says he felt Cherrywood was safe. Tindall says that Armstrong brought up Cherrywood.(Alex note: The state has earlier clarified that Caitlin Cash lived in the Chestnut neighborhood, not Cherrywood.)

Tindall says Armstrong left for about 10 minutes toward the back of the house. He didn't know where she went, but she was gone for longer than he expected.Now looking at text messages between Tindall and Colin. Colin sent him a text the AM of 5/12. They arrange the wheels exchange and later Tindall apologizes to Colin about the difficult news of Mo's death.
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