TX - Moriah Wilson, 25, Cyclist Fatally Shot Before Race, Austin, 2022 *arrest* #7

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He was returning from lunch break when the photog incident occurred.

And yes, the defense would be foolish not to use CS as they alternate when he was the initial POI. It's a very big stretch but what else does the defense have to use here to plant reasonable doubt?

I'm sure CS was warned that defense was going this direction, and why he doesn't want to be at this trial.

CS lost his career over this last year and probably felt the ground finally settling and knows this defense will only serve to literally put cameras back in his face.

Hard to go from 'Gravel Jesus' to scum bag after the loss of a special young woman and cyclist. JMO
I thought they might go after an ex of Mo’s as an alternate.
Next witness: Lance Tindall. Lives in Austin, works in real estate. Colin Strickland is his friend. Knows him for 3 years. Tindall is a casual cyclist.Tindall had met Armstrong at various races he attended.He interacted with Armstrong on 5/12/22 when he came to their house to buy wheels.He observed a police car and Colin leaving the home. Colin reversed, told Tindall that he was going to police station."They think she was murdered last night," Tindall recalls Strickland saying.

Tindall says that Colin seemed shocked, surprised. "He had just gotten news that his friend had died."Tindall went inside to Armstrong to figure out the wheels situation. While there, Armstrong asked if he heard what happened. Tindall says Armstrong told him it was Mo. He knew who she was and of her accomplishments.Tindall says Armstrong described who she was and why she was in ATX. Armstrong did not say anything about the circumstances of her death.Tindall says they discussed if Austin was becoming more violent. Tindall says he felt surprised and shocked about Mo's death and he says Armstrong acted surprised and shocked, too.

Tindall says Armstrong asked if Cherrywood was a dangerous area. Tindall says he felt Cherrywood was safe. Tindall says that Armstrong brought up Cherrywood.(Alex note: The state has earlier clarified that Caitlin Cash lived in the Chestnut neighborhood, not Cherrywood.)

Tindall says Armstrong left for about 10 minutes toward the back of the house. He didn't know where she went, but she was gone for longer than he expected.Now looking at text messages between Tindall and Colin. Colin sent him a text the AM of 5/12. They arrange the wheels exchange and later Tindall apologizes to Colin about the difficult news of Mo's death.


Later, Tindall spoke to APD about his relationship with Colin and Armstrong. He recalls Armstrong going out of her way to make it clear that she was Colin's girlfriend.It was clear to Tindall that Colin was uncomfortable with Armstrong wearing his gear at his races.


Defense's turn: Tindall is a real estate agent, so he is familiar with Austin neighborhoods, including Chestnut and Cherrywood. Tindall says neighborhoods sometimes get blended. Defense is pleased with that answer.


Asking about who said what? Colin or Kaitlin? Cherrywood or Chestnut? Is it plausible that Colin told Kaitlin about the neighborhood of the murder, defense wonders aloud.


Tindall says that Armstrong seemed as shocked as he felt when they were discussing Mo's murder.

No further questions. Witness dismissed.Next witness: Detective Richard Spitler, APD.Alex note: The letter "T" broke on my keyboard. It is making typing extremely hard. You have no idea how often you type the letter T until you can no longer press it with ease.
I remember this early on. This may have been a major slipup for her, asking about the neighborhood she was found in, unless she can defend herself and say Colin told here where he was with Mo that evening. As far as I know, no one has brought this up yet - Colin wasn't asked if he told her where he was with Mo when he said he admitted to her that he had been with her.
Cherrywood neighborhood is on the opposite side of Manor Road from the Chestnut neighborhood. A realtor should know this. This strikes me as an attempt to appear as if she didn't know the murder location. just moo

Witness 23: Detective Richard Spitler.

Spitler is discussing his experience over the last 8 years with APD. He says he’s been lead detective in 125 aggravated assault cases.

Spitler says an aggravated is anything where a weapon is used during an assault - knife, gun, etc. or an assault that causes serious bodily injury. He says he’s seen firearms, knives, baseball bats. He says biggest diff with homicide is that in agg. assault, can speak w victim
APD handing the alternate to the defense definitely a better strategy -- especially when Austin is CS's home.

IMO, it doesn't follow they'd go for the ex located in SF who's never been to TX. That would be laughable to a jury.
Thanks. I had another ex of MO’s in mind. Maybe more of an admirer than a true ex. But irrelevant now. They are pointing at CS.
He needs to get his anger under control ASAP.

What if it is PTSD? I think it is…

KA ruined everything he worked for and absconded with his money. He is a pariah and been blamed for the situation everywhere. The woman he (I think) was in love with is dead. He also realizes that for three years, he was living with a totally unhinged, but planning, would-be murderer. Does he have the right to be angry or maybe, apprehensive when a paparazzi making money on a tragedy shoves the camera in his face?

So when celebrities lose it on the paparazzi, we are fine. One of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s bodyguards seriously beat up a paparazzi, that’s all fine. Sean Penn beat up a paparazzi, we don’t boycott him. Why the double standard here?

Meredith Aldis

State calls Lance Tindell.
He went to Strickland's home the day after the murder to pick out some wheels Strickland was going to sell him.
Armstrong was there & asked Tindell if he knew what happened {Mo's death}.
Armstrong told him why Mo was in town and a little bit about her.
4:33 PM · Nov 6, 2023

Prosecutors: "Did she say anything about the circumstances of her death?"
Tindell: "No. Armstrong seemed surprised and shocked."

Tindell said he witnessed Armstrong & Strickland at bike events, "you could tell Armstrong wanted to be known as Strickland's gf."
4:36 PM · Nov 6, 2023

APD Detective Richard Spitler takes the stand.
He's the lead investigator. This case was his first homicide assignment.

Note: The defense has blasted APD's investigation into this case in the past.
5:08 PM · Nov 6, 2023
Next witness: Detective Richard Spitler, APD.Alex note: The letter "T" broke on my keyboard. It is making typing extremely hard. You have no idea how often you type the letter T until you can no longer press it with ease.

Spitler says he handled about 125 aggravated assault cases for APD. He later became homicide detective. He is one of 16 detectives.

Spitler was notified of the murder on 5/11 and a potential witness, Caitlin Cash. Spitler interviewed Cash. He wanted to know her whereabouts and if any guns were owned by her or victim. Wanted to know background about victim. Spitler says Cash was upset during the interview.

Spitler released Cash and went to crime scene. He met with other detectives there. Spitler walked through crime scene and is describing his recollection of his investigative technique. No signs of forced entry or disturbance.

What if it is PTSD? I think it is…

KA ruined everything he worked for and absconded with his money. He is a pariah and been blamed for the situation everywhere. The woman he (I think) was in love with is dead. He also realizes that for three years, he was living with a totally unhinged, but planning, would-be murderer. Does he have the right to be angry or maybe, apprehensive when a paparazzi making money on a tragedy shoves the camera in his face?

So when celebrities lose it on the paparazzi, we are fine. One of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s bodyguards seriously beat up a paparazzi, that’s all fine. Sean Penn beat up a paparazzi, we don’t boycott him. Why the double standard here?

This is a court of law, addressing the extremely serious issue of a young woman's murder.

I don't follow or care one even teeny tiny whit about Hollywood and celebrity culture.
What if it is PTSD? I think it is…

KA ruined everything he worked for and absconded with his money. He is a pariah and been blamed for the situation everywhere. The woman he (I think) was in love with is dead. He also realizes that for three years, he was living with a totally unhinged, but planning, would-be murderer. Does he have the right to be angry or maybe, apprehensive when a paparazzi making money on a tragedy shoves the camera in his face?

So when celebrities lose it on the paparazzi, we are fine. One of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s bodyguards seriously beat up a paparazzi, that’s all fine. Sean Penn beat up a paparazzi, we don’t boycott him. Why the double standard here?

I agree. I think his behavior was inappropriate—he obviously did have feelings for MW, imo, but was stringing KA along. The other anecdotes about leaving her behind on rides when she couldn’t keep up, it seems like he was cruel to her and just didn’t like her that much. He should have removed her from his life.

OTOH, she seems to have been very controlling and in a sense took over some aspects of his life (financial accounts and business) where splitting became more complicated. She inherently knew this man didn’t love her but then dug in deeper to force it. He himself is immature and probably lives outside reality a bit. Investments and bank accounts are beneath him, he just wants to be a cyclist. Totally happy to have KA adult for him. It made it hard for that necessary separation to happen.

I do really see some elements where he seems a little on the spectrum to me. The uncontrolled anger in court, inability to handle rational adult decisions. Hyperfocus on minutae in some of the testimony. KA seems very intelligent and I gather enjoyed that power and control over him.
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