TX - Moriah Wilson, 25, Cyclist Fatally Shot Before Race, Austin, 2022 *arrest* #8

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Wonder what she was doing during these periods throughout the day where she was just stationary in her car. Given the descriptions about her calm/focused demeanor, it reminds me of animals stalking their prey. I wonder if she had been looking for moments to act earlier in the day

Fini in relation to her “appointment” I assume. Wonder whether this was her giving him a last chance, or just attempt to establish alibi.

I may have missed it, but is this first time we hear that she did the lock the door? I have always thought KA walked in by surprise, very different scenario if not. I guess I’m not sure which is preferable :(

Thanks for the twitter reposts!
IIRC, Mo locked the door when she left the house. To leave with CS.

CC got an alert when Mo unlocked the door, after CS dropped her off. No alert that the door was then locked.




This morning we heard from a DNA analyst who said it was highly likely that Armstrong's DNA was found on Mo Wilson's bike at the crime scene. A medical examiner showed us pictures of the gunshot wounds Wilson sustained. Live tweets below.

Next Witness: Pamela Mazak, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Cold Case and Missing Persons Unit, Texas Attorney General's Office.Former APD Crime Analyst for 20 years.

Mazak helped detectives analyze the cell phones and extraction data. She also looked at the Jeep infotainment system. We are going to look at call detail records.

Because the cell phone records are so voluminous, it is too difficult for the witness to easily explain to a jury. For that reason, it appears we are going to instead look at a PowerPoint presentation that Mazak created.

This PowerPoint presentation was altered on Nov. 10, 2023. A previous version was discoverable and given to the defense for review. There is a sidebar happening with the Judge now; I suspect because this version was not made available to the defense with enough time to review.

Sidebar over. The PowerPoint has been admitted into evidence without objection. We are now about to view it.
Presentation: Methodology was using databases from cell phone companies. Call Detail Records document the network interactions to and from the cellphone, including date, time, duration, number called and calling number. CDRs use cell towers to pinpoint cell placement.

Cells are considered radios that scan the cellular network looking for the best signal from the cell sites. It is often the closest cell site, but not always. Various factors affect signal quality.

The location of cell towers are often determined by population and anticipated capacity/use. Generally, there are more cell towers with partial overlapping coverage in urban areas and less cell towers in rural areas.

We are looking at Kaitlin Armstrong's cell records, received from Verizon. Phone was disconnected on 5/16/22.Mazak was asked to analyze Armstrong's data from 9/1/21-5/15/22.Location information is provided for calls only, location information is NOT provided for texts.

Before going into the mapping, Mazak is also sharing that she looked at the cell phone data of Strickland and Mo Wilson, as well. Armstrong's data will be mapped in yellow, Strickland's in blue, Wilson's in green. Only mapping locations with accuracy of <= 200 meters.

The locations of interest: Fort Clarke Home, Deep Eddy Pool, Pool Burger Bar and crime scene in East Austin.

There is now a timeline of Kaitlin, Colin and Mo's communication on 10/28/21. Kaitlin and Colin text back and forth, including the text: "I know you know better than to show up at Meteor with that girl." There is a phone call from Kaitlin to Colin. Kaitlin also calls Mo at 6:34 pm. That call lasts 1 minute and 28 seconds. At 6:41 pm, Kaitlin calls her sister Christine Armstrong and speaks to her for 23 minutes.

Later on at 6:53pm, Colin responds to Kaitlin. "Could you please be an adult?" Later, "Mo left for Meteor with friends an hour ago. I am not going because I am trying to respect you"... "Yet, I'm not feeling respect from you." Kaitlin responds: "Not the best feeling is it." Colin: "Yeah, you sure are paying it back.”

About an hour and a half after Kaitlin's phone calls Mo's phone, Colin texts Kaitlin: "Did you call Mo? Wtf?""Sorry, I can't talk right now," is the response.

About an hour and a half after Kaitlin's phone calls Mo's phone, Colin texts Kaitlin: "Did you call Mo? Wtf?""Sorry, I can't talk right now," is the response.

We are now fast forwarding to May 9 & May 10, 2022.Kaitlin's phone views Mo's Strava profile once on 5/9/22 and four times on 5/10/22. Mo Wilson arrived in Austin at 4:47pm on 5/10/22.

On 5/11/22, the day of the murder, Mo texts Colin at 9:01am: "Whatcha thinking?" Kaitlin and Colin's phone records show an arc location that most likely means they were at home. Mazak says it is hard to be precise with location data. Mo's location is likely Cash's apartment.

Kaitlin and Colin's phones leave home for a morning bike ride around 9:00am. Mo texts Colin for the first time of the day one minute later.Colin's phone continues to Lockhart while Kaitlin's turns around and heads home. This path matches her Strava activity of the day.

Colin responds to Mo at 11:12 am after returning from his bike ride: "I rolled out early with my buddy...I never heard from you!"Moriah wonders if the two are having phone troubles again. In reality, the phone issues of the past were likely a result of her phone number being blocked without either of them realizing it.

At 12:41pm, Mo texts Colin: "Do you have plans tonight? Cash has a dinner with some college friends who are visiting so I'm on my own." At 1:31pm, Mo goes on her own bike ride.

Colin to Mo at 3:15pm: "Want to go swimming? Maybe swimming and a beverage."Kaitlin's jeep begins leaving their home area shortly after Colin's phone arrives back home. Kaitlin's Jeep and phone travel to S Lamar Blvd and stop around 2:07pm. That's the last location of the Jeep for over an hour.

Colin's texts about swimming plans happen around the same time he arrives to his dentist at 2:30pm. Mo is still on her bike ride at this time. Kaitlin's Jeep is now heading downtown. At 3:41pm, Colin follows up with Mo: "What do you think?" Mo agrees.

At the dentist, Colin finalizes plans to pick Mo up after her bike ride on his motorcycle. Kaitlin arrives back home at 4:13pm. Her cellphone location data is being corroborated by her Jeep infotainment location data.

Kaitlin and Colin speak over the phone at 4:24pm. They speak for 3 minutes and 4 seconds. Colin is still at his dentist appointment. Gotta wonder what that discussion was like. At 4:31pm, Mo tells Colin she got back and he can come and pick her up at Cash’s.

Kaitlin sends Colin a series of texts about real estate deals at the same time he is texting Mo. Simultaneously, Mo texts Colin Cash's address for him to come pick her up.Kaitlin begins to view Mo's Strava profile and activity at this time. She looks at her specific route and starting/ending point to view the map.

Cash leaves home at 5:30pm. Colin arrives to pick up Mo up at around 5:40pm. Mo locks the door of Cash's apartment behind her at 5:55pm. Mo & Colin's phones move together away from Cash's home, arriving at Deep Eddy at 6:09pm.

During this entire time, Kaitlin has remained at home through 6:15pm. Kaitlin calls Colin at 6:24pm. No answer. Kaitlin texts Colin. No response. Colin is at Deep Eddy this entire time. Around 6:57pm, the two head to Pool Burger.

Around 6:33pm, Kaitlin's jeep leaves home and heads down South Lamar. Jeep stays in one location until 6:54pm.Alex Note: Mazak's presentation is really well done. In addition to being informative, it is interactive and corroborates all of the facts with other evidence the prosecution has presented, including maps, receipts and still images. It is is really easy for a jury member to follow along to get the full picture.

Kaitlin's Jeep moves north on South Lamar around 7:15. She has not received any replies from Colin. We are watching an animation now of Kaitlin's Jeep traveling North on Lamar. It crosses Lady Bird Lake into Downtown around 7:20pm. The cell and Jeep data corroborate each other.

Kaitlin's Jeep takes a series of turns through downtown over the next 10ish minutes.At 7:30pm, the phone goes "off-network" meaning the network can no longer communicate with the phone.

The next time Kaitlin's phone would go "on-network" would be 9:55pm. Kaitlin's Jeep, however, continues to provide location information.Kaitlin heads east to I-35, North on Frontage Road, and then East on MLK toward Cash's place. The jeep circles the block twice using the alleys around Cash's apartment before stopping on a nearby road.

Kaitlin's Jeep is spotted on various video surveillance systems near Maple Ave. at 8:05pm, 8:06pm, 8:08pm. This video is corroborated by the Jeep infotainment data. The jury is reminded with still images from each of these video systems.

Colin and Mo leave the Deep Eddy/Pool Burger area at ~8:16pm. Video surveillance confirms cell phone data.Colin and Mo arrive back at Cash's around 8:28pm. The Jeep is seen around 8:26pm on video surveillance just a few doors down.

At exactly the same time, 8:28pm, all three phones are all within a few hundred feet from each other. The courtroom is enraptured by the drama and storyline that this map is providing. Everyone's eyes are glued to the closest screen.

8:29pm, Colin and Mo arrive at Cash's. The Black Jeep is stationary on the side of the street for 3.5 minutes. At 8;35, Colin's phone moves North while Mo's stays at Cash's. Colin's motorcycle is seen riding away on surveillance video. At 8:36pm, Colin texts Kaitlin his false alibi. Mo Wilson unlocks Cash's door.

At 8:37, the Jeep is seen traveling westbound in the alley next to the apartment where Mo was staying. A still image of the Jeep from the video pops up for the jury to see and remember.

Mo Wilson begins using phone apps within a few minutes of being dropped off. The Jeep pulls out of the alley and parks at 8:41pm. It doesn't move until 9:17 pm. Colin's phone shows that he arrives back home at 8:50pm.

At 9:07pm, Colin receives an incoming call from Allan Burrows that lasts 9 minutes. Cell phone data shows that he is home when he receives this call.At 9:13pm, Mo would send her final text message. At 9:16pm, a woman's screams can be heard and three gunshots. The full audio of that moment was played with a loud speaker for the jury to hear.

Mazak says Mo Wilson's bike was found at the approximate location where Kaitlin's Jeep was parked for about half an hour. At 9:21, Colin texts Kaitlin. She never responds. Kaitlin's Jeep travels north on I-35 all the way to HWY 290 before turning around and heading back to South Austin via I-35. At 9:43pm, Kaitlin's Jeep stops at a dumpster near an apartment complex for three minutes. It then turns and heads home. This is where Kaitlin's phone is once again powered on and goes "on-network.”

At 9:54pm, Cash arrives home and calls 911.Correction: Kaitlin's phone arrives home at 9:47pm. It goes "on-network" at 9:55 pm. Mazak doesn't have a reason why there is a time gap between the two, other than to say it could be for a number of reasons.

State has no further questions. Defense's turn. But first. a 10 minute recess!

After the 30 minute break testimony picks back up:

On the stand: Pamela Mazak, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Cold Case and Missing Persons Unit, Texas Attorney General's Office.Former APD Crime Analyst for 20 years.

Defense's turn

Defense Questioning: Mazak discussing how cell towers determine time and location of cellphones. It is reliable for getting general locations, but not precise locations. Mazak admits there is nothing in the presentation, records or analysis that definitively says that Kaitlin Armstrong was driving the Jeep or using her phone during that entire time.

Mazak often spoke about how she corroborated her data and time stamps between two or more sources. Think: Cell data and Jeep data. Defense questioning how accurate the time stamps could be and how the data was inputted in the animations that were shown to the jury.

Defense asking if Mazak is ever asked for input on how detectives should investigate their cases. Mazak agrees that happens sometimes. Mazak says in this case there was a lot of data to comb through, and she helped detectives and the DA narrow down what is most relevant.

Defense asking if anyone attempted to corroborate what Armstrong was doing during the day of the murder. Mazak says she doesn't know if anyone did.Defense asking why the presentation did not use any of the text/call extractions from Mo Wilson's phone. Also Colin's iPad.

Mazak says she does not know of any data or proof that exists which shows that another device was monitoring Strickland's phone's activity.

Defense now discussing the phone going "off-network." Mazak can't speculate why a device would power off, but says there are a couple of ways that would happen. Mazak says she doesn't know if APD looked in the area where the phone was powered off for more surveillance video.

Mazak testifies that her presentation is as comprehensive as she could make it and it includes all possible data that she knew about it and deemed relevant.

No further questions from defense.

State redirect pushes Mazak to confirm that while we do not know who may have been driving the Jeep, whoever was was also carrying Armstrong's cell phone. Mazak concludes that she does not believe it was Colin Strickland because he was at home using his cell phone at the time of the murder.

No further questions. Witness dismissed. We have now adjourned for the evening. Have a good night, friends.

Mills Hayes


11:12 AM Colin text to Moriah Wilson "I rolled out early with my buddy in town from Asheville" "I never heard from you!

11: 15 AM MW text to CS "Ahh I texted ya back! Did you not get it? Maybe phone issues again"
3:08 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Defense attorney Sylestine asking Mazak questions about map areas from presentation.

S: "There is no way to say definite from this data that jeep & phone are moving at same time?"
3:21 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Rickey Jones, State: Somebody had Miss Armstrong's jeep & phone almost at same place & time?
Mazak: during day of may 11, yes
RJ: can we agree that between 7-8, someone is driving KA's jeep?
M: Yes
RJ: Can we agree between 7-8, that person driving is not Colin Strickland?
M: Yes
3:28 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Jones: Can we agree that whoever was using KA's phone between 6-7:30PM was at or near her jeep until phone went off network?
M: Yes
J: Can we agree whoever was using her phone on May 11 after 9pm returned back to her home at 9:55PM?
M: Yes
3:29 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Jones: Can we agree that at 8:37 pm we see black jeep near 1708 maple ave?
Mazak: Yes
Jones: Can we also agree according to gps, Armstrong's jeep was in same alley at or near same time?
Mazak: Yes
3:30 PM · Nov 14, 2023

State & defense is done with Mazak as witness. Court is in recess until tomorrow at 9AM. Goodnight, y'all!
3:40 PM · Nov 14, 2023

Defense asking if Mazak is ever asked for input on how detectives should investigate their cases. Mazak agrees that happens sometimes. Mazak says in this case there was a lot of data to comb through, and she helped detectives and the DA narrow down what is most relevant.

6:01 PM · Nov 14, 2023
I would think the defense would be well aware of how collaboration helps narrow down what's most relevant. I'm sure they themselves sorted through the elements of this crime and narrowed down what they felt was most important. I doubt if only one person in their office was responsible for that determination.
Analyst: Kaitlin Armstrong's DNA found on Mo Wilson's bike, along with third person's

Analyst: Kaitlin Armstrong's DNA found on Mo Wilson's bike, along with third person's

DNA from Kaitlin Armstrong and Anna Moriah "Mo" Wilson was found on the handlebars and seat of Wilson's bicycle, but so was the DNA of an unknown person, a state analyst testified Tuesday.

The DNA of an unknown third person also was found on Armstrong's gun, along with that of Armstrong and her former boyfriend, Colin Strickland, said Samantha Perkins, the supervisor of a Texas Department of Public Safety laboratory.

The testimony happened during the eighth day of the murder trial of Armstrong, who is accused of killing Wilson on May 11, 2022, in an East Austin garage apartment. Prosecutors have said Armstrong was jealous of Wilson's relationship with Strickland, and witnesses have testified Armstrong had talked about wanting to kill her.
Could the third person DNA come from KA? Did she shed that DNA from whomever she met with (if she met with anyone)?
Will we get to hear from the place she supposedly had the appointment with? I think we read she had 2-3 appts that evening including the last one with a "healer". Would the state call them as a witness if she appeared agitated and upset during the appt?
I hope the defense calls this "healer" to testify. Otherwise I'm going to think KA had an appointment with the gun box and the "healer" was the weapon. moo
I would think the defense would be well aware of how collaboration helps narrow down what's most relevant. I'm sure they themselves sorted through the elements of this crime and narrowed down what they felt was most important. I doubt if only one person in their office was responsible for that determination.
IMO, this defense team has nothing to work with so their default seems to be to exercise the "gotcha" strategy. I think the jurors see right through it -- especially when it comes off as more "mean-spirited" than probative. JMO
Healers are multidimensional beings who dance between the realms of the seen and unseen worlds. If you're a healer, you may have a hard time navigating the 3D realms of this dimension, which may cause you to withdraw into yourself so you can visit the realms of consciousness where you feel most at home. Especially after periods of lots of social interaction, you need time to rest, recharge, and power up again.

ETA: I recall earlier messages KA exchanges when she was in Mexico during the CS "break" -- visited another Healer for a "re-birth."

Enuf said....
So, what is everyone's opinion on whether or not the state is going to call Christine at this point? I know she was sworn in, on day one, but it sure looks like the criminal intelligence analyst, Pamela Mazak, who I earlier mistakenly and unfortunately referred to as a "guy", who was still on the stand as court recessed for the day, has done a great job of wrapping this case up, and all but putting a bow on it, and sitting it in the lap of the jurors. I do not know that the state really needs CA at this point, or would benefit from anything she might say. I think it is likely that she would be a hostile witness at best, and she is not going to throw her sister under the bus, so I would think her testimony would be a series of "I don't recall". I almost hope the state rests without calling her (after I have been waiting since last Thursday to hear her testify). JMO
Last edited:
Wow, ok, I'm caught up now. Was out all day.

Incredible, informative and very disturbing testimony today.
Anyone notice that all the experts, from ME to the DNA & cell phone analysts etc., even the two cops who chased KA, are all female? In a way I find that very satisfying that it's also several women who are putting this vile woman hater away.

Thanks very much to all for the thorough posting !

This KA woman is toast ....thoroughly burnt toast at that.
So, what is everyone's opinion on whether or not the state is going to call Christine at this point? I know she was sworn in, but it sure looks like the criminal intelligence analyst, Pamela Mazak, who I earlier mistakenly referred to as a "guy", who was still on the stand as court recessed for the day, has done a great job of wrapping this case up, and all but putting a bow on it, and sitting it in the lap of the jurors. I do not know that the state really needs CA at this point, or would benefit from anything she might say. I think it is likely that she would be a hostile witness at best, and she is not going to throw her sister under the bus, so I would think her testimony would be a series of "I don't recall". I almost hope the state rests without calling her. JMO
I think Christie is a mystery. Did KA fly to NY to see her before jetting off to Costa Rica, as we all read about her being spotted at the holistic camp in upstate NY in the Catskills Christie had moved to. Did KA tell her something very bad happened, and she was in need of C’s passport? Or did KA confess to C? Or did KA say nothing and then just stole her sister’s passport?

I could see the defense needing her sister’s testimony to help prove she was desperate to leave the US and not because she (KA) was fleeing from a murder. But who knows… maybe KA fed Christie a story saying she thought Colin did something to Mo and he was trying to frame her.

It does seem to me, IMO, that the passport issue absolutely needs to be addressed in some way. That’s another crime, and was it provided to her, stolen, or “I don’t recall”? I hope to God if Christie testifies on either behalf we don’t hear that phrase. Had enough from Gravel Jesus.
Healers are multidimensional beings who dance between the realms of the seen and unseen worlds. If you're a healer, you may have a hard time navigating the 3D realms of this dimension, which may cause you to withdraw into yourself so you can visit the realms of consciousness where you feel most at home. Especially after periods of lots of social interaction, you need time to rest, recharge, and power up again.

ETA: I recall earlier messages KA exchanges when she was in Mexico during the CS "break" -- visited another Healer for a "re-birth."

Enuf said....
I always just thought I was a clumsy introvert, I never knew I was a multidimensional being with the power to heal.

If anyone is looking to clear up a zit or treat their split ends, I am now offering online consultations at very reasonable rates.
I am hearing that closing arguments for the #KaitlinArmstrong murder trial could begin as early as tomorrow.
Meaning the state would rest its case and the defense would not call many, if any, witnesses. That happens sometimes when the defense feels the State did not present a strong enough case to meet the burden of proof.
Buckle up, we could be heading to a verdict real soon.
6:51 PM · Nov 14, 2023
So, what is everyone's opinion on whether or not the state is going to call Christine at this point? I know she was sworn in, on day one, but it sure looks like the criminal intelligence analyst, Pamela Mazak, who I earlier mistakenly and unfortunately referred to as a "guy", who was still on the stand as court recessed for the day, has done a great job offr wrapping this case up, and all but putting a bow on it, and sitting it in the lap of the jurors. I do not know that the state really needs CA at this point, or would benefit from anything she might say. I think it is likely that she would be a hostile witness at best, and she is not going to throw her sister under the bus, so I would think her testimony would be a series of "I don't recall". I almost hope the state rests without calling her (after I have been waiting since last Thursday to hear her testify). JMO
I just remembered that today we learned KA had a lengthy call with Christie after her snarky call to Colin about not meeting up with Mo at the Meteor in October 2021. So I think I could see the state calling on Christie to at least testify about what KA may have said during that long and immediate call. Was she upset? Fuming? Raging? I guess CA could plead “I don’t recall” but that event could be used as some sort of timeline evidence.
I am hearing that closing arguments for the #KaitlinArmstrong murder trial could begin as early as tomorrow.
Meaning the state would rest its case and the defense would not call many, if any, witnesses. That happens sometimes when the defense feels the State did not present a strong enough case to meet the burden of proof.
Buckle up, we could be heading to a verdict real soon.
6:51 PM · Nov 14, 2023
It also happens sometimes when the defense has no defense...kinda like in this case. JMO
I am hearing that closing arguments for the #KaitlinArmstrong murder trial could begin as early as tomorrow.
Meaning the state would rest its case and the defense would not call many, if any, witnesses. That happens sometimes when the defense feels the State did not present a strong enough case to meet the burden of proof.
Buckle up, we could be heading to a verdict real soon.
6:51 PM · Nov 14, 2023
Woah, really? I would think a defense would still want to call their own witnesses… just in case. Hmm.
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