GUILTY TX - Officer Jaime Padron, 40, shot to death, Austin, 6 April 2012 #2

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Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
Matt Baldwin, Padron's old partner from San Angelo. "You killed my brother. I don't hate you for that. I hate what you did."

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"THere is no way to fix it. Not even this. I've seen a family destroyed. I've seen communities destroyed." - Baldwin to Daniel.
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"There are some good things that come out of this. I witnesses this community come together like I've never seen."

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"I was lucky enough to see people come out of the woodwork as they transferred my friends dead body from Austin to San Angelo."
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"I want to thank you, Brandon, for making me realize how precious life is. Thank you for making me love my family more than I already did."

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
'Jaime was a man of justice. Jaime was a man of honor. Jaime was a hero." -
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
Matt Baldwin is done. Next is Amy Padron, Jaime's ex-wife.
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"I am the mother of Jaime Padron's children. I'd like you to meet Olivia and Arriana. They were 10 and 6 when you murdered their father."

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
Amy shows Daniel a picture of Jaime Padron with his two daughters kissing him.

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
Amy Padron very emotional talking about when Chief Art Acevedo showed up on her door.

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"He was there to tell me the father of my children was murdered. At first I did not believe him. I called his cell phone."
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"How do you tell your daughters that daddy is dead?" - Padron crying heavily.
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"I woke them up and told them a bad guy got daddy." "You are a pathetic coward who deserves pain, torture, and hell." - Amy Padron.
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
Amy Padron says when they grow up, her daughters will want to chat with Daniel and he WILL respect them. Daniel nods.
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
Amy Padron is reading a letter her 8-year-old daughter wrote to Daniel "Dear Bad Guy, why did you kill my dad?

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"Please be a good guy now. Circle yes or no. Please, Please, be a good guy."

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
Now a letter from Padron's older daughter to Daniel "Why are you so stupid to do something like that you moron?"

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"You just need to get some sense. What you did was wrong to the world and me. You are a jerk who killed my dad."

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
Not many dry eyes in the courtroom right now during Amy Padron's testimony. Especially not in the jury box.
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"I will make sure you carry this guilt for the rest of your life," Amy Padron still reading her older daughter's letter to Daniel.
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"You made me cry. Now it is your time to cry in prison for the rest of your life." - Padron's daughter's letter.

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"Get a life. Oh wait, you are never getting out of jail, you jerk. Get a life behind bars." - Letter from Padron's 12-year-old daughter.
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
Jurors sobbing heavily as Johnny Padron takes the stand.

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"I didn't want to come up here. I didn't even want to look at you. I respect our courts so I won't speak my mind."

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
"I will tell you that you are a coward and I hope you rot in hell." - Johnny Padron very brief in statements steps down off the stand.
Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
Brandon Daniel has been remanded into custody to be transferred to The Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

Chris Sadeghi @chrissadeghi
9 days of testimony, 8 hours of deliberations, and nearly 1000 tweets later...... this case is adjourned.
I saw absolutely no reaction from him at all. It was like 2 people on the other side of the room where having a conversation or something.

Thank you for all you have done for our online community, reporting information daily to members of WS.

OK, That was brutal. :(

I am never as satisfied as I should be when these judgements are finally handed down, just sad. Just a bunch of lives ruined (yes, even the defendant. He deserves what he is getting but it is such a waste that he brought himself to this place).

I think of the cases I have followed or am following, there are really 2 people I will not feel and pangs for when they SHOULD get death.
JA, of course. Because what she did was beyond killing, she ripped that man apart.
And Jonathan Richardson (this case going on now, he killed 4 year Teghan). With him I do not even want death, I want life WITH torture. He shredded a little girl until she died, he needs to feel that pain.

OK I am just ranting and babbling and emotionally exhausted.
Just ignore me....

PS- In about half the trials I have watched this year at the end of each I just wonder....What if they had not had a gun?
I am not anti- gun. Not for people who are responsible with them.
I just wish it was harder to get them. Seems like we would be watching a lot less of trials like this.
Don't shoot me, please! :truce:
G'night good folk...hug your families tonight.

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