I found a structure of 3rd Cav on
wikipedia, so it may not be entirely accurate, but here is how VG and AR's squadron is structured.
Regimental Engineer Squadron (Pioneer)
- HHT (Railsplitter)
- Alpha Troop(ARES)- Engineer Troop
- Bravo Troop (Sapper)- Engineer Troop
- Charlie Troop (Centurion)- Signal Troop
- Delta Troop(Ghost rider)- Military Intelligence Troop
- Sustainment Troop (Tomahawk) – Squadron Support Troop
KCENTV reported that VG was in Tomahawk, the Sustainment Troop.
Army Times reported that AR is a combat engineer and in the same squadron as VG but in a different troop.
Stripes.com reported that AR was in Alpha Troop.