Found Alive TX - Rudolph 'Rudy' Farias, 17, Houston, 6 March 2015 *found beaten and unresponsive in 2023*

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The way I understood it, Rudy didn't want to speak to anyone with his mom in the room.
He agreed to speak to QX, and also have a Houston detective/investigator in the room as well.
I believe all of that info came from QX directly, when he spoke to MSM yesterday.

QX and the detective/investigator came out of that room with 2 completely opposite stories of what Rudy said.

QX's version is the shocking, controversial, outrageous terrible version of years of mental and sexual abuse.
HPD's version is, Rudy never alleged any abuse, and no one was arrested and Rudy and his mom drove away.

So... :oops: I'm still confused.
Isn’t it likely that HPD merely (a), had nothing to keep the mother right now, and/but (b), don’t want to publicize all the investigatory details?

tossing into the mix above, the mother’s claim to the news/interrogator that she’s “probably going to be arrested” and all.
You'll be relieved to know that's not the case.

The police chief and the detectives stated repeatedly at the press conference that the investigation is ongoing.

The detective who was in the room with Rudy and Quanell stated that Rudy did not allege abuse or any crime occurred. He did not elaborate because of the ongoing investigation.

Another detective stated that the DA declined to press charges for false reporting. He explained it is a misdemeanor, comparable to a parking ticket. That news indicates that police have been working with the DA on possible charges as they are investigating. Charging for a misdemeanor like that would discourage Rudy's cooperation as the investigation continues.

I hope what the police said at the press conference puts your mind at ease. The investigation is active.
They also mentioned that LE doesn't give details about SA cases. Understandable.

Isn’t it likely that HPD merely (a), had nothing to keep the mother right now, and/but (b), don’t want to publicize all the investigatory details?

tossing into the mix above, the mother’s claim to the news/interrogator that she’s “probably going to be arrested” and all.
My impression of the mom's comments is she is manipulating the story so she looks like a victim. My opinion.
Ok, so...before the press conference, there was some type of police presence at the family home, right? Unless I just can't find it now, I haven't seen any more buzz about it since the press conference.
They claimed it was a burglary. But it was previously reported it was the mother at the house in the middle of the night and neighbors called LE.
Don't have the link handy, but It was linked earlier.
I really wish there was a way for a counselor specializing in trauma to speak to Rudy w/o his mother.
It disturbs me to think he was held for eight years and possibly molested/sexually assaulted by his own mother all those years.
As a society, we need to do better to help those that are suffering from trauma to get help!
And quite possibly much earlier than that.Jmo
The way I understood it, Rudy didn't want to speak to anyone with his mom in the room.
He agreed to speak to QX, and also have a Houston detective/investigator in the room as well.
I believe all of that info came from QX directly, when he spoke to MSM yesterday.

QX and the detective/investigator came out of that room with 2 completely opposite stories of what Rudy said.

QX's version is the shocking, controversial, outrageous terrible version of years of mental and sexual abuse.
HPD's version is, Rudy never alleged any abuse, and no one was arrested and Rudy and his mom drove away.

So... :oops: I'm still confused.
Thanks for clarifying this ! ^^^

Sorry but I'm more confused than ever.
Even if this young man was well treated -- albeit hidden away and falsely reported missing ( a big deal, imo !)-- I'm not sure he should be back with his mother at this time ?
It sounds like he has now consented to go and be with her.

But I have my doubts if this is a good arrangement, until a fuller investigation is conducted ?
Allegedly filing a false missing persons' report and lying to the police, are more serious than misdemeanors or traffic tickets.
What if RF is afraid to tell the truth ?
Stockholm syndrome is also something to consider.
My take on it.

Some links :

I don’t completely trust either at this point, but my trust in HPD is dwindling even further considering that filing a false report at the very least seems like it warrants charges. Maybe they legitimately are still investigating, but idk…

Bolding is mine.

It sounds like someone(s) wants this to go away ?
At least that's how I see it.
Quanell said the reason Rudy was found last week was because he stole his mother's car to get away from her, but crashed and ended up bloodied and bruised outside the church last week.

He said Rudy had his mother's two-year-old credit card on him, which proved he could not have been missing for eight years.
Quanell claimed Santana kept her son hidden and convinced him he had to hide because police were looking for him to put him in jail.
Activist doubles down on claim Rudy Farias was sexually abused by mom

QX has doubled down on his accusations about SA and an inappropriate relationship. I just don't get it. He claims the officer heard exactly the allegations he did. It is shocking and I am not a big truster of X, but I am not sure what could be gained by him making up such a bold faced lie. To what end? This case is weird.
On the sex abuse allegation, Sgt. Jimenez, the LE who addressed it, only said there was no probable cause for any charges. That's not the same as saying there was no abuse. LE may have heard all the same things QX stated, but doesn't considered any of it actionable. What we or QX might consider abuse colloquially is not necessarily a crime legally, even if still wrong. QX never claimed there was sexual contact beyond kissing. He said they slept in the same bed, sometimes naked, or that she opened door when he was showering. That is creepy af, but likely not a crime, unless RF were to specifically claim any of it were coerced somehow. It doesn't appear RF is wanting to get his mother charged for anything, and unclear whether he even believes she committed any crimes against him.

If there was any coercion here, this may be in a grey area that is hard for the law today to address, where adults on the surface may appear to or even claim to consent to an activity but that they are really coerced into by manipulative techniques. The concept of "coercive control" comes up with some of the cult related cases, like Keith Raniere or Lawrence Ray.


- Today, we're discussing facts related to 25 yr. old, Rudy Farius, who was reported missing on March 7, 2015. He was 17 yrs. old, when his mother reported him missing. During the 8 year timeframe where he was missing, investigators followed up on many tips, leads, collected evidence proving that Rudy was not missing during the 8 yr. period.

Many of these facts included: contacts and statements with relatives, friends, neighbours and medical professionals. Rudy was recently identified as having previous HPD interactions, meaning that he made contact with patrol officers out on the street. However, during these contacts, fictitious names and date of births were given, misleading officers, and Rudy would remain missing. In fact, both Janie, Rudy's mother and Rudy himself, gave fictitious names while interacting with various patrol officers. After investigators talked with him yesterday, it was discovered that Rudy returned home the following day on March 8, 2015. The mother Janie continued to deceive police by remaining adamant that Rudy was still missing. She alleged her nephew was the person friends and family we're seeing coming and going. However, we disputed that.

Currently, the DA has declined any charges, at this time, for making fictitious reports and failure to ID. Investigators have reached out to Adult Protective Services, HPD Victim Services has reached out. We've also connected Rudy with victim services to ensure that he has a method to recovery.

Now, based on Rudy's interview, there were no reports of sexual abuse reported. If there is a disclosure made we will continue to investigate. Currently the investigation is active and there are new leads coming in and we'll continue to follow those leads. We do take all allegations seriously and any new information or facts that we receive will be investigated.

REPORTER - Yesterday we heard from activist, Quanell X, and he made some shocking allegations that he was in the room with the detective and he heard from Rudy, first-hand. He said, that there were sexual abuse allegations and that he was drugged by his mother. From what you've just said today - Are you saying that the activist was lying?

CHIEF - Basically, what we're saying is our investigation is our investigation and we treat it the same. Our investigators were in the room and basically, you know, what they heard and what they interviewed, that's what we attest to and all offence reports and all investigations, and I'm not here, neither are they here, to question anybody's integrity. But our integrity with the Houston Police Department stands and we're going to report and put in offence reports what a victim or potential victim tells us.

REPORTER - Just to be clear - in that room the detective did not hear anything about sexual abuse allegations?

SERGEANT - Yes, I interviewed him and no, there was no... I'm trained to listen for probable cause, I'm trained to listen for statements that can help me get charges or move forward with a case. And no, there was no statements made during this investigation, so far, no.

REPORTER - You said there was no reports of sexual abuse - Is that correct, is that what you said?

LIEUTENANT - That is correct, coming from Rudy Farias.

REPORTER - Was there any conversations about a sexual relationship between the mother and son?

LIEUTENANT - So, we don't release any type of information related to sexual assault, that's just state law. I can't comment on that.

REPORTER - Is Rudy a victim then in all of this, or did he and his mother work together? I mean he wasn't missing.

CHIEF - The investigation is still going on and I'm not gonna say he's a victim or not. I'm thinking and saying that we're gonna treat this just as we do with any potential victim or victim and we're gonna give respect to everybody that's involved and we're gonna conduct our investigation. And we're kind of right at the beginning of it. This investigation is gonna go on after this press conference.

REPORTER - Will we see any charges?

CHIEF - If charges are appropriate, we'll see, but let us conduct the investigation, and what's next, just as any other investigation, we're gonna follow our evidence. We're gonna do more interviews and we're gonna follow the evidence and I think that's important.

REPORTER - Were there any signs of mental illness, that he might be mentally ill, or his mother might be mentally ill?

CHIEF - We're not gonna say that right now. We're going to conduct an investigation. It's really too early to determine that. There are gonna be more parts to the investigation and some of that may come into play, but right now, no.

REPORTER - So, just because there were some other allegations that he was being held prisoner, that he had been taken to Mexico - Is there any indication that that was true, or.... that would have been kidnapping, right?

SERGEANT - We don't have any information to say there was any kind of kidnapping or anything like that, right now.

REPORTER - How many search warrants have you served at the house?

LIEUTENANT - At the time he was reported missing, 8 yrs. ago - being missing is not a crime, so the detectives had no lawful means or probable cause to issue a search warrant for the residence, which was searched several times.

REPORTER - I heard you mention that there was no need for a search warrant when he was first reported missing. Inbetween yesterday and the day that he was discovered, was anything searched? was anybody questioned? did anybody go by the house?

LIEUTENANT - Rudy and his mother were interviewed yesterday. As far as anyone going to the house, it's still an active investigation and we can't release details pertaining to that.

REPORTER - For quick clarity - was he 17 at the time that he was missing?

LIEUTENANT - Yes sir. That's correct.

REPORTER - So, he's 25?

CHIEF - 25, yes.

REPORTER - Was there a missing person's report filed by his mother at the very beginning?

LIEUTENANT - That was in March 7, 2015.

REPORTER - So, there was a missing person's report that was filed?


REPORTER - So this is what I'm asking - Could the mother be detained for filing a missing person's report, and never once confirming to HPD that he came home?

LIEUTENANT - Yes, she could be reported or detained. That offence is a Class C misdemeanour, which is similar to a traffic citation.

REPORTER - Rudy Farius was found on Thursday - Your Investigators spoke to him nearly a week later. Do you think it was a mistake not to speak to him sooner? You said yourself the DEA has not accepted charges. That's a week where evidence could be destroyed, what's your response to that?

LIEUTENANT - So, it's procedure for the investigation to go through a channel and when it reaches us, we review it. There was no urgency to investigate a recovered or found person. And I say that because patrol officers made contact with him, they ensured that he was safe, they contacted HFD to make sure that he didn't need medical treatment, and he was cleared on scene by HFD. They refused... he refused transportation to the hospital. His mother took him to the hospital later on that evening.

CHIEF - What the lieutenant said, I think is important. You can't force a potential victim of a missing person, okay? with nothing else, to come in and give a statement. It takes time to try to work with people to get that statement.

REPORTER - Chief, I know you believe in transparency and for the public, we're gonna put this on the news and it's going to cause more questions, because yesterday we hear from the activist who made these shocking allegations, and as a reporter who was there, I did see him myself go in and out of the room, so it was clear that he had some sort of communication...

CHIEF - Transparency doesn't come in front of maintaining the integrity of the investigation and that's where my transparency stops, but... and this is the last question I'm asked about the activist or anybody else. We're gonna follow our investigation and we treat it the same. Everybody has a role in society and we respect everybody, including our activists, but the integrity of the investigation is number one, and we're gonna maintain that, okay?

REPORTER - (inaudible) jeopardise the investigation by allowing...

CHIEF - I don't think so.

REPORTER - Do you know where Rudy is at this moment, and his mum?

LIEUTENANT - Yes, we do. Rudy is safe. He is with his mother, by choice, and he's an adult. He's a 25 year old man.

REPORTER - You used the word a minute ago, describing Rudy as a victim. Do we know...

CHIEF - I said potential victim, and I want to be respectful on that.

REPORTER - He disappeared when he was a young man?

CHIEF - 17.

REPORTER - There have been cases in the past where people have been brain washed, where people have been told you cannot... and they're being held against their will. For everyone that's going to be watching this worldwide, because this is a worldwide story - How do you not separate him until you guys are able to get everything together, considering that he disappeared as a child?

CHIEF - We've explained everything, some of the challenges and whatnot. Here's a fact: he's a grown man. (reporter interrupts him) Listen to what I'm saying, if you want me to answer. He was an adult, 17, 17 years old, that's an adult in the state of Texas, okay? A lot of things that we shared up here. So, we're going to work our way through it, it takes a little while. There's a lot of development still, even last night, we know that. Everything's coming up, we're going to investigate it, the integrity is gonna stay in place, we're going to treat him the same as any other person that comes through, that we're conducting an investigation on. I'm done with that part.

REPORTER - What can you tell us about why Rudy and his mother, allegedly lied for 8 yrs, and tell you he was missing when he clearly wasn't?

CHIEF - We can't predict motivation and whatnot.

REPORTER - (inaudible) interview, why go on living this lie?

CHIEF - But, you know, doing the interview and the particulars of it, it's an active investigation and we respect that.

REPORTER - (asks about the resources for an 8 yr. investigation)

CHIEF - We wasn't just doing 8 yrs. total investigation. So, it went dormant for a little bit, but the case was still open, and I want to say this - until we find people, until we clear, that's when it should be clear, but if your question is... we expended some resources, absolutely, yes.

REPORTER - Did they give you any explanation as to why they did this?


REPORTER - You can't say at all?

CHIEF - No. We're not going to say anything.

REPORTER - Why were HPD officers at the home this morning? Also, I know family members are concerned for Rudy's safety - Is there no concerns as far as the investigators..?

SERGEANT - There was a burglary report last night, at the house. Patrol responded and we were alerted because it was a house of note and it's part of the investigation and that is also now part of our investigation what happened last night, and it's still going on.

REPORTER - You said at the beginning of the press conference that Rudy has made contact with patrol units at some point - can you explain what that was? and does he face any charges for saying that he had false names?

LIEUTENANT - So, it is a criminal offence to give false names when you're detained, under arrest or you're making a valid police report. There was an instance where he did that, him and his mother. At this time though, the District Attorney has declined to accept charges on that until our entire investigation has been completed.

REPORTER - So you tried to charge him as well?

LIEUTENANT - The facts were presented to the District Attorney.

REPORTER - Did HPD ever go to his home and with his mother, and were any fictitious names given?

LIEUTENANT - Investigators did go out to the home multiple times, they talked to various family members, relatives, friends, neighbours and yes, they were given a fictitious name.

REPORTER - So, was there contact made with Rudy at his home?

CHIEF - Let me close with this one thing. Look, we've been open, as we can. It's not our first investigation and everybody here understands what I'm saying about the integrity of the investigation. This is where we're gonna end. We wanted to get up before, because this has come, not only as a local, but a national, in some cases international, because everything is going on. But it ends today, not our investigation, but as we get more information, and when it's appropriatee, we'll send out information.

So, I want to thank everybody. I want to thank you for your patience and thank you all for what you do every day.
This is cued up to the aunts answering questions.

The three aunts said:

RF is not with mom right now, he's with a friend of the mom, Nikki Garza.

They believe QX was there to help, they support him but not in the sense that they can confirm any sex abuse allegations. They don't know about it themselves but believe RF if he said it happened, and they believe Janie is capable of it.

The hospital pics were from 2012. (me: the media and LE have been stupid in repeating Janie's hospital claim as fact)

Said yesterday Janie was in cuffs, but they let her go because DA said to.

If RF gave fake names, he was coerced and manipulated by Janie to lie.

Said HPD was called in 2018 about a RF sighting and they went to Janie's house and they took a photo of somebody while there and sent pic to an aunt. Not clear what came of this.

Aunt/godmother Sylvia has RF's rosary that he dropped on ground recently.

Janie is driving a car loaded with clothes and has 2 guns.

Neighbors told them Janie offered neighbors $150-$250 per day to keep quiet.

Janie is manipulative, greedy, self centered, and always scheming to get money.

They would like RF to come stay with them, will try to make it happen legally.

There were other allegations: about Janie mistreating her mom, that Janie's dad sexually abused one aunt, that HPD is protecting Janie, that Janie's friend Nikki Garza is sketchy somehow involving cars, that the first female PI on case was sketchy and hostile to an aunt.

jtao (just the aunts' opinions) per jmo
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She became a frequent poster on true crime chat boards on social media and reportedly used multiple Facebook accounts under various names.
Inside the bizarre story of Rudy Farias - and his true crime buff mom

I wonder if her continued insistence he was missing after he turned back up at home has anything to do with attention she received online in the true crime and missing persons chat boards. I don't know about the "daddy" stuff but I get a strong sense Janie has some MH issues.
REPORTER - You said there was no reports of sexual abuse - Is that correct, is that what you said?

LIEUTENANT - That is correct, coming from Rudy Farias.

REPORTER - Was there any conversations about a sexual relationship between the mother and son?

LIEUTENANT - So, we don't release any type of information related to sexual assault, that's just state law. I can't comment on that.
Snipped and bolded for focus. This phrasing in this context strikes me as a bit unusual and possibly significant.
She became a frequent poster on true crime chat boards on social media and reportedly used multiple Facebook accounts under various names.
Inside the bizarre story of Rudy Farias - and his true crime buff mom

I wonder if her continued insistence he was missing after he turned back up at home has anything to do with attention she received online in the true crime and missing persons chat boards. I don't know about the "daddy" stuff but I get a strong sense Janie has some MH issues.
So far, I have gotten the impression that she craves attention and is a pathological liar. That’s about the only thing I feel certain of with this case. MOO
But that's the thing, APS can't and won't do anything if Rudy is so ensnared by his mother's abuse that he is unwilling to "get her in trouble". They can't force him to talk to a therapist or get out of the situation or pursue legal charges or anything. It is up to Houston PD to determine if a crime has happened that Janie should be held accountable for, and it doesn't sound like they are taking it seriously. Moo.

I did not get the feeling that they aren' t taking it seriously. They stated multiple times that it's an open investigation and that they would continue to investigate. They took information to the prosecutor and he or she denied filing charges at this time. They may be waiting to gather the information needed to get more serious charges--we don't know.
I did not get the feeling that they aren' t taking it seriously. They stated multiple times that it's an open investigation and that they would continue to investigate. They took information to the prosecutor and he or she denied filing charges at this time. They may be waiting to gather the information needed to get more serious charges--we don't know.
I find it hard to believe they were ever taking it seriously, if he was considered missing for 8 years but wasn't actually missing and they haven't figured it out until now.
But it was previously reported it was the mother at the house in the middle of the night and neighbors called LE.
Don't have the link handy, but It was linked earlier.

It's posted in two places in the thread.

Linked to a twitter post here with the reporter saying that (about 8 seconds in) the mom was seen and the neighbor called 911.

That OP in the thread is here.

And for those who prefer it, here's the same video but on FB.

OP in of that post in the thread is here.
So he can speak now, but refuses any counseling and only trust QX and one investigator to tell he was abused.
It doesn't raise any eyebrows for further investigation from the HPD, that is deeply disturbing to me.
They said they are still investigating. Until they can prove something.....? What do they do?
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