TX - Scott Buchholtz-Sanchez, 3 wks, decapitated, San Antonio, July 2009 *Insanity*

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Thank you for sharing such a painful story. That could not have been easy for you.

I do believe this woman is mentally ill, not your day to day depression, but definately paranoid schizophrenic and maybe some other issues. I am not a therapist. I just know this behavior is indicative of schizophrenia and the family most likely had no idea she would slip this far beyond, and most definately she had no idea.
If the woman had a history of being in psych wards and it was well known that she had mental problems, why on earth did the OB Physician allow her to take the baby home from the hospital after delivery? Doesn't the physician have any legal responsibility to make sure that this newborn would not be placed in such danger? This is just incredible. An insane woman in and out of hospitals with mental problems, one visit just prior to the infants murder, even. At the last hospital visit she wrote out a letter deciding who was to have custody of the child? And this insane woman (I can't bring myself to call her a mother) was allowed to keep a newborn? Shocking. Why wasn't Child services called when this woman was last in the hospital due to mental problems? Why wasn't this child placed into protective custody? Someone really dropped the ball here. She told the father of the baby that he was not going to raise the baby after they separated. Well, I guess she was correct, the father is NOT going to raise the baby.:furious:

So many fair questions in this post, lonetraveler. We may never have the answers. I do know that often - very often - people with psychiatric problems who eventually "go over the edge" slip through crack after crack....not because people aren't cautious or aware, I don't think, but because the nature of these mental illnesses we are discussing are so mercurial.

I have no idea what CPS has to do or know to take a child. I do not know what the family was told about her PPP, but I just don't think anyone thought this woman was capable of doing what she did.
My father was a paranoid schizophrenic who suffered from auditory hallucinations. His worst psychotic break came one day when he broke a heavy beer mug in the kitchen sink and attacked my step-mother from behind, stabbing at her face with the bottom of that broken mug. He was trying to gouge out her eyes because he had been told to do so by the voices in his head. Fortunately for my dear step-mother, the first slash of the mug against her face severed the nerves so she felt no pain while he exacted his carnage. She ended up having over 750 stitches in her face and underwent multiple surgeries. My father then went to the basement, ratcheted up the temperature on the hot water heater, and then proceeded to the bathroom where he was trying to scrub the "filth of her blood" from his hands. He ended up burning his hands almost to the bone.

She never blamed my father for his actions. She knew that he was sick. The whole family knew, and we had made numerous futile attempts to have him committed. Unfortunately, because of the laws in the state where this occurred, they refused to admit him until he had either harmed himself or someone else. After the attack on my step-mother, he spent the next 15 years in and out of the state hospital before finally committing suicide by diving head first out of a 3rd story window onto a concrete driveway.

I am only too aware of how this and other mental illnesses not only affects a family (my sister was an undiagnosed/untreated schizophrenic who also committed suicide), but I also am painfully aware of how it is perceived by the general public.

I am horrified by what this woman did to this little baby--just as I was horrified by what my own father did to my step-mother--but she should not be held responsible for her actions during a psychotic break from reality.

I am deeply disturbed by the comments that state that this woman should be put to death. Mental illness is just like any other illness--it needs to be treated with medication. Would those of you who think she should be put to death also put to death someone who has cancer, or liver disease, or even something such as heart disease? Each of these diseases is cause by a defect in the human body--as is mental illness.

If the answer to that question, is "no," then how can you make such a distinction between mental illness and any other type of illness?

What would you do if one of your famly members suffered from mental illness? Put them to death?

Cleo thank you for sharing your experience. I appreciate it very much as I was reading this thread and was forming my own response in my mind as I read.

I have shared in a thread in our private forums of my experience of cleaning up after a loved one's death. That family member was my Biological Father. He was diagnosed at the age of 19 with Paranoid Schizophrenia. He was found dead in an unairconditoned trailer out on a rural plot of land many weeks after his death.

I am gently suggesting that anyone that is unfamiliar with that subtype of schizophrenia to please read up on it.

It is pervasive and it is a lifelong illness. There isn't a magic pill to cure this mental disease. There are treatments but the meds come at a high price to be paid by the patient. They don't always work, and many times they may only work for a period of time and then the patient will have a breakthrough of the illness.

It not only effects the person diagnosed with it but it also impacts their family. It's a horrific disease that robs those with family members diagnosed with the illness of even basic relationships. It is a disease that ravages the family as well as the patient.

I understand the level of horror and shock at what this Mother did to her son Scott. I really do. I also understand that she is mentally ill and there is a chance that she might have been in the subtype of schizophrenia I outlined above. I don't know.

What I do know is that I am quite disturbed at the suggestion that profoundly mentally ill people should be put to death.

I can't help but be personally offended given my own life experiences. I do know that no one here would be intentionally hurtful to me though.

I will close by saying that I am very sorry to this family that they had this tragedy in their life, and lost this child to such horrifying circumstances. I think we need to keep in mind when we allow the state or federal gov. to mandate who can procreate, who can be a parent, we are opening the door not only to have a small ratio of our population with limited rights but we open the door to have the same state and fed. gov. to take away our freedoms too. There is no easy answer, but this woman needs to be in a treatment facility for the rest of her life, not executed.

Just my very long but humble opinion, thanks to anyone that took the time to read it.
My father was a paranoid schizophrenic who suffered from auditory hallucinations. His worst psychotic break came one day when he broke a heavy beer mug in the kitchen sink and attacked my step-mother from behind, stabbing at her face with the bottom of that broken mug. He was trying to gouge out her eyes because he had been told to do so by the voices in his head. Fortunately for my dear step-mother, the first slash of the mug against her face severed the nerves so she felt no pain while he exacted his carnage. She ended up having over 750 stitches in her face and underwent multiple surgeries. My father then went to the basement, ratcheted up the temperature on the hot water heater, and then proceeded to the bathroom where he was trying to scrub the "filth of her blood" from his hands. He ended up burning his hands almost to the bone.

She never blamed my father for his actions. She knew that he was sick. The whole family knew, and we had made numerous futile attempts to have him committed. Unfortunately, because of the laws in the state where this occurred, they refused to admit him until he had either harmed himself or someone else. After the attack on my step-mother, he spent the next 15 years in and out of the state hospital before finally committing suicide by diving head first out of a 3rd story window onto a concrete driveway.

I am only too aware of how this and other mental illnesses not only affects a family (my sister was an undiagnosed/untreated schizophrenic who also committed suicide), but I also am painfully aware of how it is perceived by the general public.

I am horrified by what this woman did to this little baby--just as I was horrified by what my own father did to my step-mother--but she should not be held responsible for her actions during a psychotic break from reality.

I am deeply disturbed by the comments that state that this woman should be put to death. Mental illness is just like any other illness--it needs to be treated with medication. Would those of you who think she should be put to death also put to death someone who has cancer, or liver disease, or even something such as heart disease? Each of these diseases is cause by a defect in the human body--as is mental illness.

If the answer to that question, is "no," then how can you make such a distinction between mental illness and any other type of illness?

What would you do if one of your famly members suffered from mental illness? Put them to death?

My feelings go out to you cleo,

My sister-in-law is a paranoid schizophrenic. Since age 19. She's been in and out of different mental hospital's and private ones as well.

I was feeling very guilty recently, because I had to report her at her most recent mental health hospital. It was because there was a barrage of calls to my home from her threatening our family.

She is under the delusion that my children (in there twenties) are her children from birth. She still thinks they are toddlers. I can go on and on but I won't. I had to call the hospital and she still called. I invested 7 bucks a month in "call intercept" from Verizon and it has put me at ease. Every number, every change in her location and can block it. I went thru years of this and right now there is a little peace. She only has two siblings left my husband and his other sister. We all feel bad, but her messages were so frightening.

The whole family is fearful because she makes threats to kill us.

I feel bad that she hasn't made any progress, and I do pray one day she will.

Here's another link. Don't know if this news article has been posted yet.

Forgive me if it's here already.

Warning signs missed in baby dismemberment case

Thank you, bogeygal. Heartbreaking.

From the article:

"Scott W. Buchholz, the infant's father who met Sanchez six years ago while they were studying to be pharmacists assistants..........said although his girlfriend had postpartum depression and told him a week before the killing that she was schizophrenic, she didn't appear unstable."

In this article, Buchholz also confirms that he is schizophrenic.

Also, after reading this article, it is easy to see how tough it was for those closest to her - she had all these mental health problems, but they would wax and wane - she'd be in a hospital and then she'd seem fine. It doesn't sound like there was any history of strange violent behavior. One day she's lovingly breastfeeding the infant and posing for photos - the next she is following voices to kill.
Cleo thank you for sharing your experience. I appreciate it very much as I was reading this thread and was forming my own response in my mind as I read.

I have shared in a thread in our private forums of my experience of cleaning up after a loved one's death. That family member was my Biological Father. He was diagnosed at the age of 19 with Paranoid Schizophrenia. He was found dead in an unairconditoned trailer out on a rural plot of land many weeks after his death.

I am gently suggesting that anyone that is unfamiliar with that subtype of schizophrenia to please read up on it.

It is pervasive and it is a lifelong illness. There isn't a magic pill to cure this mental disease. There are treatments but the meds come at a high price to be paid by the patient. They don't always work, and many times they may only work for a period of time and then the patient will have a breakthrough of the illness.

It not only effects the person diagnosed with it but it also impacts their family. It's a horrific disease that robs those with family members diagnosed with the illness of even basic relationships. It is a disease that ravages the family as well as the patient.

I understand the level of horror and shock at what this Mother did to her son Scott. I really do. I also understand that she is mentally ill and there is a chance that she might have been in the subtype of schizophrenia I outlined above. I don't know.

What I do know is that I am quite disturbed at the suggestion that profoundly mentally ill people should be put to death.

I can't help but be personally offended given my own life experiences. I do know that no one here would be intentionally hurtful to me though.

I will close by saying that I am very sorry to this family that they had this tragedy in their life, and lost this child to such horrifying circumstances. I think we need to keep in mind when we allow the state or federal gov. to mandate who can procreate, who can be a parent, we are opening the door not only to have a small ratio of our population with limited rights but we open the door to have the same state and fed. gov. to take away our freedoms too. There is no easy answer, but this woman needs to be in a treatment facility for the rest of her life, not executed.

Just my very long but humble opinion, thanks to anyone that took the time to read it.

(((Kat))) :blowkiss:
So... if the father loved his baby so much, and he knew the mother was mentally ill.. tell me why again he abandoned them?
Am I the only one that doesn't care if the mother is nuts or depressed? She ate her baby's brains, and toes, people. I agree with the baby's father - execute her. She can't be fixed. We don't have to keep murderers alive just because they are nuts. She knew it was wrong, that is why she was crying "I killed my baby!" when LE arrived.

Don't blame the father or the other members of the family. They are ill equipped to understand her particular mental issue. They aren't responsible for her actions.

"Hearing voices" - that is so lame. Why don't these voices ever say "love your baby and be gentle with him"?

I do care because I could have been her. Hearing voices is not lame. Being of sound mind and body many years later, I can tell you it was one of the scariest parts of PPP. If it were as simple as making the voices say what we want them to say, I think we'd see a lot less psychotic patients. And not just those suffering postpartum. We'd see a lot less schizophrenics, as well.

Unless you yourself have suffered from postpartum psychosis or schizophrenia you cannot begin to understand how out of control it is for the sufferer. This is not a mind over matter issue. It is much more powerful than that.
Thank you, bogeygal. Heartbreaking.

From the article:

"Scott W. Buchholz, the infant's father who met Sanchez six years ago while they were studying to be pharmacists assistants..........said although his girlfriend had postpartum depression and told him a week before the killing that she was schizophrenic, she didn't appear unstable."

In this article, Buchholz also confirms that he is schizophrenic.

Also, after reading this article, it is easy to see how tough it was for those closest to her - she had all these mental health problems, but they would wax and wane - she'd be in a hospital and then she'd seem fine. It doesn't sound like there was any history of strange violent behavior. One day she's lovingly breastfeeding the infant and posing for photos - the next she is following voices to kill.

If the Mom was hospitalized and diagnosed I am surprised the hospital didn't arrange a family meeting for aftercare of Mom and baby once she was released. Usually this meeting discusses the very real dangers of the mental illness their loved one is being treated for. Things just may be different out here.
If the woman had a history of being in psych wards and it was well known that she had mental problems, why on earth did the OB Physician allow her to take the baby home from the hospital after delivery? Doesn't the physician have any legal responsibility to make sure that this newborn would not be placed in such danger? This is just incredible. An insane woman in and out of hospitals with mental problems, one visit just prior to the infants murder, even. At the last hospital visit she wrote out a letter deciding who was to have custody of the child? And this insane woman (I can't bring myself to call her a mother) was allowed to keep a newborn? Shocking. Why wasn't Child services called when this woman was last in the hospital due to mental problems? Why wasn't this child placed into protective custody? Someone really dropped the ball here. She told the father of the baby that he was not going to raise the baby after they separated. Well, I guess she was correct, the father is NOT going to raise the baby.:furious:

I'm just taking a guess here, but it's likely the child wasn't placed in protective custody because the mother lived with family members. Family members who likely reassured health care workers they would be the support and foundation this woman needed.

The hospital wouldn't let her just walk out without knowing she had a support system in place. But again, this is just based on my own experience with PPP.
So... if the father loved his baby so much, and he knew the mother was mentally ill.. tell me why again he abandoned them?

She left him a week before she killed the baby. He tried to get her to come back but she wouldn't. The one time she visited him after she left, he ended up calling the police because she flew off the handle and threw the baby (in his car seat) in the car and roared off without buckling the car seat in.

She was in counselling for Post Partum but refused to take the medicine prescribed for her.
I think you're right, Disguiseduser. Only trouble is the family let her take a shift during the night when she watched her baby alone. It was during that time (with the other family members sleeping) that she killed little Scotty.
Something else we must consider. Many people who suffer from mental health issues receive less than optimal care because of lack of insurance or limited benefits for mental health care.

It concerns me this mother already had a diagnosis of PPP and yet was out of the hospital with a baby a mere three weeks old. I can tell you, with my decent insurance I was kept inpatient for two and a half weeks. Just long enough to see results from my many medications.

Another assumption on my part but I have to say, it doesn't sound like this mother received the minimum supervision on an in-patient basis once the diagnosis was learned. Just MO. There's been no indication of the length of her hospitalization.
My father was a paranoid schizophrenic who suffered from auditory hallucinations. His worst psychotic break came one day when he broke a heavy beer mug in the kitchen sink and attacked my step-mother from behind, stabbing at her face with the bottom of that broken mug. He was trying to gouge out her eyes because he had been told to do so by the voices in his head. Fortunately for my dear step-mother, the first slash of the mug against her face severed the nerves so she felt no pain while he exacted his carnage. She ended up having over 750 stitches in her face and underwent multiple surgeries. My father then went to the basement, ratcheted up the temperature on the hot water heater, and then proceeded to the bathroom where he was trying to scrub the "filth of her blood" from his hands. He ended up burning his hands almost to the bone.

She never blamed my father for his actions. She knew that he was sick. The whole family knew, and we had made numerous futile attempts to have him committed. Unfortunately, because of the laws in the state where this occurred, they refused to admit him until he had either harmed himself or someone else. After the attack on my step-mother, he spent the next 15 years in and out of the state hospital before finally committing suicide by diving head first out of a 3rd story window onto a concrete driveway.

I am only too aware of how this and other mental illnesses not only affects a family (my sister was an undiagnosed/untreated schizophrenic who also committed suicide), but I also am painfully aware of how it is perceived by the general public.

I am horrified by what this woman did to this little baby--just as I was horrified by what my own father did to my step-mother--but she should not be held responsible for her actions during a psychotic break from reality.

I am deeply disturbed by the comments that state that this woman should be put to death. Mental illness is just like any other illness--it needs to be treated with medication. Would those of you who think she should be put to death also put to death someone who has cancer, or liver disease, or even something such as heart disease? Each of these diseases is cause by a defect in the human body--as is mental illness.

If the answer to that question, is "no," then how can you make such a distinction between mental illness and any other type of illness?

What would you do if one of your famly members suffered from mental illness? Put them to death?
Cleo612, you have had very painful life experiences and my heart hurts just reading them. With much regret, I must admit to you that I was one who said that this woman needed to pay with her life. I was so horrified with what she had done. However, I calmed down and read all of the most helpful posts that made me understand what I did not before. I do have to reply though on your comment comparing cancer, liver disease and heart disease with this illness. There is a major difference IMO between an illness that, although the illness affects the loved ones of those with cancer, liver or other life threatening disease, does not cause the afflicted to harm or murder others because of their illness. Mental illness that can cause a person to commit indescribable horrors against another person stand alone and imo should be treated as such. I believe that people should be protected from others who can injure or even kill them. Once diagnosed, the afflicted person should be prevented from harming another person or themselves. I am terribly sorry for the loss of your father and your sister, I can not even imagine your pain.
She left him a week before she killed the baby. He tried to get her to come back but she wouldn't. The one time she visited him after she left, he ended up calling the police because she flew off the handle and threw the baby (in his car seat) in the car and roared off without buckling the car seat in.

She was in counselling for Post Partum but refused to take the medicine prescribed for her.

She was non-compliant with her medications? Okay, that alone would turn it into a case for Child Protective Services. Each new snippet that is released, the more tragic the details become. :(

This story brings up so many raw emotions for me. I was just remembering how many times my family would see me balled up on the floor, rocking and crying asking God to please make it stop.

I think I have to step away from this for a bit.
She left him a week before she killed the baby. He tried to get her to come back but she wouldn't. The one time she visited him after she left, he ended up calling the police because she flew off the handle and threw the baby (in his car seat) in the car and roared off without buckling the car seat in.

She was in counselling for Post Partum but refused to take the medicine prescribed for her.
It really bothers me that the incident that you posted about the 911 call was the day before she killed the baby. LE investigated the incident as a disturbance. Too bad they did not act at that time to commit this woman for treatment and to protect the baby.
He had mental problems too, according to the article, but he was taking several medications to keep it under control. She wouldn't take her medications.

In one of the articles, it was stated that she appeared to be a "caring, loving mother".

She was also said to have been breastfeeding baby Scotty.

This makes me wonder if she stopped taking her medication so that she could breastfeed, knowing/believing that breastfeeding her baby was the best thing for the baby.

How tragically ironic, if this is the case.
I would like to know if the mom had the capacity to understand the diagnosis, and if she chose to ignore the danger.

Personally, I do not believe that she had the capacity to decide or not decide for herself. JMO. Yes she committed the crime and she will pay for it in ways that we can never imagine-if she was dx'd with PPP on top of her schizophrenia the the family, including the father of the child, obviously had no clear idea of what the physicians were telling them. They believed on some level that she still had the power to make choices for herself and her children well before anyone indicated that was a good idea.

Dad moved out a week ago-did he take the children with him for their protection? Clearly not and I would like to know more about this. He does not get a pass-she NEVER will.

The price the baby paid for this is intolerably high-we have to learn from it. We know how to execute people who are different or who make choices that are aberrant to us-how do we identify and treat prior to the choice being made?

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