Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #1

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The admitting of making her stand by a tree as punishment sounds like it it could be classic example of offering some guilt but without going all the way, because that is too painful as of yet. The coyotes comment could be an example of offering an alternative story, a way out, a way to minimize. Could be, hope not.

I do believe the best lies are based on truth. This might be PART A of the story, moo.
When I was a little girl my abusive father locked me out of the house many times when it was pitch dark outside. Not for punishment but because he thought it was so funny knowing how terrified I was of the dark. He liked nothing better than to instill more fear in any way he could.

Finally I learned how to open the car door, and would crawl up on the seat/lock the doors, and sleep there with my puppy until he decided to let me back in. Sometimes it would be early the next morning. We lived in an area that was surrounded by nothing but woods/wild animals, and we were the only home around for over a mile.

My heart breaks for this tiny little fragile girl who is so precious. Even though Sherin cant verbally communicate she knows what fear is. :( Although I don't believe he is telling the truth. I think he is telling A truth from another time he abused his little daughter by making her stay all alone in the dark as punishment in the dead of night. I think he may have done that many times to Sherin and even told her there were wild animals that could eat her up. What he told LE is from another time or times when he abused her and not what he did THIS time.

A so called father that would make his daughter stand all alone in the dark over her not wanting to drink her milk has long been abusing Sherin. IMO I am afraid this time he has killed her. If not, they should have been able to find her or her scent by now.

What a mean cruel world so many children have to live in. God bless Sherin and may she be found.

God bless all of the other many abused and neglected children who's greatest enemies are those who are within the very same walls where they live.:(

It looks like an area that would have coyotes, moo.

Has there ever been an incident of North American coyotes running off with a child of this size? It sounds ridiculous although we do all remember the 'Dingo took my baby' case from some years ago in Australia.
I don't know what the typical nursing hrs are in TX, but in IA there are 12 hr shifts. Maybe Mom was at work, Dad harmed the little girl (3 am, not drinking milk, punished, coyotes..what a load of crap. Although I can't imagine making this story up). Mom got home after 7 am, couldn't find her daughter, Dad makes up whatever and then MOM insisted they call the police? I don't believe this man for a second and I'm afraid the outcome will not be good..hopefully he buckles and confesses the truth so the little thing can be found and have peace. Seriously, are there coyotes in this area? I didn't see woods in any pictures. moo

Yes, in TX most nursing shifts are 7-7.

There are coyotes all over the DFW area... many pets go missing due to them - maybe this is where he got his idea for his story??

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Has there ever been an incident of North American coyotes running off with a child of this size? It sounds ridiculous although we do all remember the 'Dingo took my baby' case from some years ago in Australia.

Let's not forget Deorr....
(Mountain lion claims)
Has there ever been an incident of North American coyotes running off with a child of this size? It sounds ridiculous although we do all remember the 'Dingo took my baby' case from some years ago in Australia.

Chihuahuas, Malteses, Cats... not kids!

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Do we know if there is water nearby? If some of his story is based in truth...I wonder if she could have wandered toward water.
I don't believe coyotes took her, but FTR she's small enough that a pack (or single/duo coyote) could harm her or take her away, moo. 22 lbs right? That's a med/small dog.

Coyote dens need to be searched right now, a local one time went to a coyote den here in CO and recovered her cat's collar...not saying coyotes got Sherin, just saying...

But I think they "yep" when they catch a prey.
Has there ever been an incident of North American coyotes running off with a child of this size? It sounds ridiculous although we do all remember the 'Dingo took my baby' case from some years ago in Australia.

I cant remember about a child but many pets and cattle/small deer have been killed by coyotes. I do remember a case a few years back where an adult man was on a golf course and he was attacked and killed by coyotes.
I cant remember about a child but many pets and cattle/small deer have been killed by coyotes. I do remember a case a few years back where an adult man was on a golf course and he was attacked and killed by coyotes.

I can name a few examples here in CO, adults and children.

Coyotes have different stages, mating season, etc...bla bla...
Leaving a child in a safe place instead of harming them isn't rocket science. When my baby had colic and screamed for hours on was not hard to put him in his crib or hand him to my husband so I could go in the other room for some peace and to regroup. Even now...with him being 4 and non-verbal and whatnot...if I need a moment, I can go into the bathroom. Thankfully, harming him would never even cross my mind because I love him and cherish him. People who harm their children in ANY circumstance will never get sympathy from me.

It sounds like this piece of garbage is just a sad excuse for a parent. Not a NORMAL or GOOD parent. Normal and good parents would never put their child outside for punishment.

AMEN! There's no way she didn't know about this punishment. And there's no way this is the first time it happened. Sick individuals.

Just an FYI, the girl on The Little Couple has a type of dwarfism.
Oh, I'm with you on the anger and disgust. I'm not justifying abuse. But, it happens so frequently that it behooves us to try to understand the motivating factors if we are ever going to make strides to reduce it. There is research to support that children who have emotional or developmental disabilities are at higher risk for abuse, even when other factors such as SES, ethnicity, age, etc are controlled.

Strategies such as giving oneself a time out and knowing when to take a break are so important but unfortunately not everyone uses them, has support to trade off responsibility, etc.

Some have questioned how he was approved for adopting this child if he is capable of such behavior and the answer to that requires that we understand how to assess for it, know risk factors, provide early intervention, etc.

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I can name a few examples here in CO, adults and children.

Coyotes have different stages, mating season, etc...bla bla...

They have become so dangerous and overpopulated in many areas of my state that the DNR will have a season where it is legal to shoot and kill coyotes. They are becoming bolder and bolder and more aggressive.

It makes me wonder if this man is aware of coyote dens in his area. If he has harmed Sherin then he may go to those kind of places to discard her little body. :( It pains me to even write that.
It was a horrible summer for young ladies. Now I see we will have a horrific fall of little babies being killed or "missing"
So many of us would do anything for a baby. It's sickening what people do to the most innocent. I need a glass of wine.

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Chihuahuas, Malteses, Cats... not kids!

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I don't believe the father's story. More accurately, as someone above said, I suspect he's done this before and did something worse to her this time, resulting in her death.

I live in coyote country and often hear them howl at night. If a coyote were to attack her (extremely unlikely, coyotes stick to smaller prey and scavenging), there would be signs of that. A coyote is not going to snatch up a 22-lb child and disappear without a trace.
I don't believe the father's story. More accurately, as someone above said, I suspect he's done this before and did something worse to her this time, resulting in her death.

I live in coyote country and often hear them howl at night. If a coyote were to attack her (extremely unlikely, coyotes stick to smaller prey and scavenging), there would be signs of that. A coyote is not going to snatch up a 22-lb child and disappear without a trace.

I couldn't agree more. Btw, I thought that in order to issue an Amber Alert, there had to be at least some info - make, model, license - regarding a car? But no such info here.
I don't believe the father's story. More accurately, as someone above said, I suspect he's done this before and did something worse to her this time, resulting in her death.

I live in coyote country and often hear them howl at night. If a coyote were to attack her (extremely unlikely, coyotes stick to smaller prey and scavenging), there would be signs of that. A coyote is not going to snatch up a 22-lb child and disappear without a trace.

I live in a coyote filled area too. We have a 19 pound cat who roams the 10 acres and we have dozens of coyotes in the field behind. We hear them literally every night and the cat is almost 16 yrs old. Cats and small dogs do get dragged off often by them but I think our cat's size is why he has not. I find it very, very unlikely coyotes took her. This is the dingo story in all its glory. My two cents!
I don't believe the father's story. More accurately, as someone above said, I suspect he's done this before and did something worse to her this time, resulting in her death.

I live in coyote country and often hear them howl at night. If a coyote were to attack her (extremely unlikely, coyotes stick to smaller prey and scavenging), there would be signs of that. A coyote is not going to snatch up a 22-lb child and disappear without a trace.

I agree, even though I have known of a pack of coyotes who have taken down a full size cow, and a small deer about 70 pounds but there is always evidence they have done this.

No way did a coyote or even multiple coyotes do this and leave not one trace behind. ITA!
I agree, even though I have known of a pack of coyotes who have taken down a full size cow, and a small deer about 70 pounds but there is always evidence they have done this.

No way did a coyote or even multiple coyotes do this and leave not one trace behind. ITA!
I agree. The coyote story is a way to explain the condition she'll likely be found in that diverts attention from him (sickening to even think of) IMO.

Also, the more I think of this poor girl, the more I wonder about her short three years of life, which lead to her being nonverbal. It is possible she is not otherwise delayed and the verbal delay is a result of early and chronic ongoing trauma. We know that at minimum Dad's punishment style is abusive. I'm wondering about domestic violence, other abusive punishments, any history of protective services involvement, criminal history etc, which could have interfered in her development and lead to her being mute.

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