Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #1

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8 kids here and it makes no sense. No one is trying to get their toddler to drink milk at 3 am.

Good point. Milk at 3am. Would make more sense it would be before bed at a reasonable hour. Or in the morning.

So, if he harmed her, why tell the tree story which shows abusive behavior when he could've just said they were sleeping only to wake up and find her gone?
Unfreaking believable! WTH is wrong with people? So a developmentally challenged 3 year old is going to understand being punished by being thrown outside in the middle of the night? OMG!


I can't post anything else because I'll get thrown off the board with a lifetime ban.

Bless you Teal! I thought the same thing about the punishment. How much does a 3 yr old understand about punishment, much less one who's not speaking or communicating much at all? The point of any punishment is to 'make the parent feel better'. It's not going to do anything to teach the child a lesson. God be with this baby!

ETA Did not see the updates before I posted. Sounds to me like dad's thrown out the' knew about coyotes' to hope to explain the condition she may be found in. I'd also guess the not drinking milk may have happened much earlier and the day and the punishment lasted for hours and finished up at 3 a.m. :( **speculative**
Yes. It just seems that a more believable lie could be told.

Reminding me of a local case in which a man killed his 5 yo stepdaughter for waking him up asking for food to eat. I lost sleep for weeks over it. I just hope Sherin did not suffer the same fate.


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If this is the story he is willing to admit to, I cannot imagine what it is he is leaving out. :cry:
Good point. Milk at 3am. Would make more sense it would be before bed at a reasonable hour. Or in the morning.

So, if he harmed her, why tell the tree story which shows abusive behavior when he could've just said they were sleeping only to wake up and find her gone?

Also, if you 'check on her' 15 minutes later and she is 'gone'... cough...cough... why not call for help right then, at 3:15 am? Why the wait until 8 am?
Speech/language delays often are tied to behavior issues. This is called "communication disorder" and often includes problem behaviors -- the child cannot express wants and needs and so acts out. (Not going in search of a link, but the research is out there.)

I'm not saying that Sherin, or any child, deserves punishment, not at all, rather that language delay can become a big problem for families. If this child had other delays, possibly many adults had difficulty grasping that Sherin and her sister actually need different guidance & parenting?

3 AM can be a hard time to apply your developmentally appropriate parenting skills, KWIM?

I taught preschool for many years. Parents can get rather upset when they see their child in your classroom doing things the child "won't do" at home...

Re: Mom. IIRC someone stated that Mom is a nurse? Was Mom at work, leaving Dad with the 2 young children?

Whatever happened, Sherin, I'm sorry & hope that you are OK!


Sweet little Sherin where are you?

This poor girl probably had a lot of stress on top of it all if this house was a difficult one to live in. Something is very off with this guy. I feel so bad for this dear one.
So let me get this straight. His story for why he's not responsible for her disappearance is that he left her outside unattended for 15 minutes at 3am while there were coyotes in the area. Over a glass of milk.

HTH did this guy pass the adoption screenings?

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That is the question! If agencies can't evaluate potential adoptive parents sufficiently to rule these individuals out then there are problems which need addressing. The story he is willing to admit to is incredible and unacceptable.
And, even if there's truth to this, he left here out there unattended knoooowing there were coyotes out there...
If this is the story he is willing to admit to, I cannot imagine what it is he is leaving out. :cry:
Yes, exactly. It is possible the punishment started around dinner or bed time and he last saw her at 3 a.m. Unlikely, though, that the coyotes wandered off with her. Makes me think this is a standard punishment he uses and think nothing of telling this to LE and the public. Perhaps he thinks this is a reasonable explanation and one that could have happened any other time he left her outside in the dark for hours. Disturbing on so many levels.

Was it ever stated when anyone else last saw her? Neighbors, church, other family members? Anything new regarding the Mom? I last read she was being questioned but hadn't come home yet (last night).

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I hope they check septic tanks, sewers, etc. Remember little Noah who was found in the parents septic tank? Such a sweet, beautiful baby. So heartbreakingly sad!

So, did he place her somewhere she can be revisited? Or dump her like garbage?

Malik was buried out by an abandoned shed approx an hour away, iirc. (Ugh, visions of that awful, lonely, dilapidated place...)
So let me get this straight. His story for why he's not responsible for her disappearance is that he left her outside unattended for 15 minutes at 3am while there were coyotes in the area. Over a glass of milk.

HTH did this guy pass the adoption screenings?

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I'm starting to wonder this about a lot of cases here lately, Faye Lin Cannon, etc...
I don't know how I messed that up It's on Locate The Missing FB page. Shows her with her arm in a sling!

(Omg, this is so Malik...remember we noticed bruises on him, etc.... :( )
I don’t believe him.

I’m actually disgusted that he’s trying to blame this on Sherin.

Basically- ‘Her fault for not drinking her milk.’ ~Dad


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I don't know what the typical nursing hrs are in TX, but in IA there are 12 hr shifts. Maybe Mom was at work, Dad harmed the little girl (3 am, not drinking milk, punished, coyotes..what a load of crap. Although I can't imagine making this story up). Mom got home after 7 am, couldn't find her daughter, Dad makes up whatever and then MOM insisted they call the police? I don't believe this man for a second and I'm afraid the outcome will not be good..hopefully he buckles and confesses the truth so the little thing can be found and have peace. Seriously, are there coyotes in this area? I didn't see woods in any pictures. moo

It looks like an area that would have coyotes, moo.
Holy cow...if this is a lie, how bad is the truth?!? Thinking of poor little Sherin and hoping she's safe and sound somewhere.

Ain't that the truth!! That's what I'm thinking!
Ok, behind here and catching up, trying to catch my composure, even IIIIIFFFF he had her stand by the tree for 15 minutes, he just left her out there without keeping an eye on her, meaning anything could happen to her out there at 3am alone and unsupervised...not saying this is an appropriate punishment, just sayin not only did he do this, but didn't even keep an eye on her? What if she was kidnapped or taken away by coyotes or wandered off? I'm not saying I believe his story, just some thoughts. So angry.

The admitting of making her stand by a tree as punishment sounds like it it could be classic example of offering some guilt but without going all the way, because that is too painful as of yet. The coyotes comment could be an example of offering an alternative story, a way out, a way to minimize. Could be, hope not.
I understand what you're saying and absolutely agree it is no excuse for harming a child. Children with developmental and emotional delays do need more patience, compassion, and support. The issue is that parents have their own triggers, emotional history, etc that impacts their ability to parent effectively 100% of the time. Add sleep deprivation, middle of the night, etc and someone at their wits end could do something horrible in the heat of the moment.

It is not an excuse nor should it factor into the consequence but it could be an explanation and way to understand what drives the behavior in otherwise "good" or perceived "normal" parents. When thinking of child abuse prevention interventions, this is important. Jmo.

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Leaving a child in a safe place instead of harming them isn't rocket science. When my baby had colic and screamed for hours on was not hard to put him in his crib or hand him to my husband so I could go in the other room for some peace and to regroup. Even now...with him being 4 and non-verbal and whatnot...if I need a moment, I can go into the bathroom. Thankfully, harming him would never even cross my mind because I love him and cherish him. People who harm their children in ANY circumstance will never get sympathy from me.

It sounds like this piece of garbage is just a sad excuse for a parent. Not a NORMAL or GOOD parent. Normal and good parents would never put their child outside for punishment.

Mom needs to be charged as well if she knew she was left outside for punishment.

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AMEN! There's no way she didn't know about this punishment. And there's no way this is the first time it happened. Sick individuals.

IF he placed her outside as punishment for wetting the bed or whatever, why would he have placed her outside fenced area?
The media seems adamant on this fact that she was outside the fence, just saying because they don't always get their facts straight and there may be a communication issue with the father.
Do we know how long he has been in the US?
It appears from their FB page that they adopted her at birth and she is tiny - reminds me of the tiny girl adopted from India on that show The Little Couple. Their pastor indicates she was very smart, I noticed but parents are saying she had developmental issues.
Why haven't there been any updates?
I'm glad there are people on here that can tell us that they are still searching this morning but if they are searching in that area - would that mean that nothing was found in vehicles and they do believe he threw her outside the fence and just left her?
And WHY did the AA not alert until 3pm if police were contacted at 8AM?????
All of this makes me sick to my stomach. I'm praying she is found.

Just an FYI, the girl on The Little Couple has a type of dwarfism.
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