Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #2

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I agree. I think LE knows way more than they're telling us, maybe even a specific search area. I guess we will wait and see. I hope they get something from the other two cars. If there was absolutely nothing there, would it take them this long to process?

It took from September to December to get the DNA back from EA’s trunk in Christina’s case. He was arrested the day after they got those results back.

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You know, this is the same area as the recent case with 14 year old Kaytlynn who was discarded in a dumpster and, quite frankly, ended up in a landfill and incidentally found - not as part of a search... maybe he took a page out of that book and did the same... do they use cadaver dogs in landfills on a regular basis?

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Is it at all possible that LE has already recovered her and that is why they are turning down the idea for search party's etc? I know we haven't seen them carry out a stretcher when they collected evidence, but perhaps they have found her alive somewhere and because she is a child they have her safely put somewhere and the case they are building is for attempted murder etc and they don't want public interference? I know I have never seen a case go like this, normally they would say they have found the person and they are recovering, but would it be completely out of the question? They called off the Amber Alert and never put it back up when tips did start to come in like possible time frames and so on, they are asking for camera footage and witnesses to the car at the time within a 10m radius, but aren't asking people to search for her body. Something just feels off about it all IMO.
From family friends that go to the same church, her father was the main caretaker. Mom didn't want to get involved in her care. I don't know what the reason behind that is. Dad fed her, changed her, took her to school etc. Dad was also sick with cold days prior to incident, so maybe he was at end of his rope.

This would fit with Dad working from home. (Just my opinion/theory).
Is it at all possible that LE has already recovered her and that is why they are turning down the idea for search party's etc? I know we haven't seen them carry out a stretcher when they collected evidence, but perhaps they have found her alive somewhere and because she is a child they have her safely put somewhere and the case they are building is for attempted murder etc and they don't want public interference? I know I have never seen a case go like this, normally they would say they have found the person and they are recovering, but would it be completely out of the question? They called off the Amber Alert and never put it back up when tips did start to come in like possible time frames and so on, they are asking for camera footage and witnesses to the car at the time within a 10m radius, but aren't asking people to search for her body. Something just feels off about it all IMO.

Agree with your questions, and that's why I can't quite cross off the possibility (hope?) that she is alive, but stashed elsewhere. (But I don't think they've recovered her.)
Is it at all possible that LE has already recovered her and that is why they are turning down the idea for search party's etc? I know we haven't seen them carry out a stretcher when they collected evidence, but perhaps they have found her alive somewhere and because she is a child they have her safely put somewhere and the case they are building is for attempted murder etc and they don't want public interference? I know I have never seen a case go like this, normally they would say they have found the person and they are recovering, but would it be completely out of the question? They called off the Amber Alert and never put it back up when tips did start to come in like possible time frames and so on, they are asking for camera footage and witnesses to the car at the time within a 10m radius, but aren't asking people to search for her body. Something just feels off about it all IMO.
I too expected to see the Amber Alert reinstated as soon as it was discovered that the SUV had been seen on video whizzing by. I know LE asked for any information from anyone who may have additional video or who saw the vehicle that morning but I feel that an Amber Alert would alert more people on their cell phones with description and photo of like vehicle and be more easily accessible than watching on TV.

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Agree with your questions, and that's why I can't quite cross off the possibility (hope?) that she is alive, but stashed elsewhere. (But I don't think they've recovered her.)

IF the rehoming was something they found to be true pretty immediately, whether on devices or via something they said, they may have recovered her and have placed her into foster care, I would THINK that if they "rehomed" her that CPS would be keeping all info about her out of the news to protect her from her "parents" who basically trafficked her, and anyone else who may have been interested in having her.

^^I HONESTLY never believed in a million years I would ever say that about any parent, adoptive or otherwise. I know it happens, heck my own past that I barely survived nearly involved a "sale" so I do get it... but its still mind-blowing to even think that it is a possibly viable option.

Emotionally with this case, I feel outraged, not only with the parents but with the lack of media camped out by the house, at the church, at the workplaces etc. It seems like this case is being ghosted except by sleuthers and a few dozen caring citizens. I really hope and pray that the reason for the radio silence is the request of the FBI/LE and that they are hoping that if they have little pressure on the family that they will slip up. I can't help but also wonder if they hadn't arrested the dad so quickly if the parents would have cooperated more under the rouse that their story was believed or couldn't get them in trouble. So many things are going through my mind.
I too expected to see the Amber Alert reinstated as soon as it was discovered that the SUV had been seen on video whizzing by. I know LE asked for any information from anyone who may have additional video or who saw the vehicle that morning but I feel that an Amber Alert would alert more people on their cell phones with description and photo of like vehicle and be more easily accessible than watching on TV.

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Exactly, especially since most people don't watch the news anymore, many people don't even have cable, they use the internet and those services to stream things. Like I said waaaaaaaay upthread, when they removed the Amber Alert Sherin disappeared off of Twitter almost immediately. She was in one of the top trending spots, they called off the Amber Alert and she stopped trending. People assume when an Amber Alert is called off it's because the person has been recovered (alive or dead), and there is no longer a reason to share.

In the 1st few days I could tweet about Sherin and it was retweeted like crazy, now I tweet about it and get no retweets/shares etc.

If LE would reissue the alert stating that they are looking for that vehicle during those hours, within a 20-30m radius and asking for anyone acting suspicious -carrying a gym bag or luggage, at that hour to call in, the Amber Alert would have thousands of people (and Twitter/FB etc) all on notice immediately, no need for word of mouth and trying to force this message to be shared.
If LE would reissue the alert stating that they are looking for that vehicle during those hours, within a 20-30m radius and asking for anyone acting suspicious -carrying a gym bag or luggage, at that hour to call in, the Amber Alert would have thousands of people (and Twitter/FB etc) all on notice immediately, no need for word of mouth and trying to force this message to be shared.

I feel like that would confuse what Amber Alerts are for(kidnapped children in immediate danger). Amber Alerts are meant for people out and about to be looking for a vehicle and/or suspect that is currently on the road and are spread by electronic alert signs on the highway and the emergency broadcast radio alerts. Its usually just basic information, just enough that someone driving and perhaps slightly preoccupied would be able to remember what vehicle to look for while driving. If you make the system too complicated, I feel like it wouldn't work as well.

I feel like a better approach would be if there was a different system for local radio DJs/news personalities to do regular updates and remind people that the police are looking for any surveillance videos. For example the afternoon show I listen to, the guys talk about how they get stuff sent to them every day that contains a list of stuff they can use during the show from corporate, like a list of celebrity birthdays, funny news stories, etc, I think included in that information could be reminding listeners about ongoing searches like Sherins.

However, being local, I've seen updates on my Facebook newsfeed multiple times every day this past week from the different local local news channels. I'm not a twitter user, so I don't know anything about it on that end. At this point I think that everyone who would be willing to help, probably has looked. A lot of people are going to have the mindset of if it doesn't personally affect them, they aren't going to go out of their way to check their cameras unless the police knock on the door and ask.
A couple of thoughts I wanted to share:

1. I feel like a previous post that LE knows a lot more than they are saying. The lack of search to me indicates they may have located her or know something about her location. . I kind of feel that the investigation at this point is a effort to solidify the case (make it more factual than circumstantial)..

This s the only thing that makes sense to me to address the lack of public searches and media coverage and even the family's own inaction..

2. There may have been an accident in that house.. children sometimes get hurt.. sometimes hurt each other .. and parents panick.. and the thought of losing both kids may have fed a frenzy and illogical actions..

In india.. one fears the police.. forced confessions, torture, corruption.. it took a long time for my husband who immigrated from India to understand that officers are here for our protection and well being. (He is a long haul truck driver and the first year on the highway he would have a panic attack anytime a police car got near him).
I want to say its probably similar to the bystander effect. Like when a car crash occurs, something happens where everyone assumes someone else will call 911, and in the end no one calls. In this case I would say, you have people thinking, well I'm sure my neighbor checked their cameras, so there is no need for me to. With the bystander affect, the "cure" is to point at/make eye contact with someone and identify them and give them instructions "you sir, in the green shirt, call 911", "you ma'am in the purple dress go check the other car to see if they need help". In this situation, you would need to personally ask each person with a camera to check theirs, otherwise they may just assume they don't need to, because in their mind "oh someone else will near will have checked already".
A couple of thoughts I wanted to share:

1. I feel like a previous post that LE knows a lot more than they are saying. The lack of search to me indicates they may have located her or know something about her location. . I kind of feel that the investigation at this point is a effort to solidify the case (make it more factual than circumstantial)..

This s the only thing that makes sense to me to address the lack of public searches and media coverage and even the family's own inaction..

2. There may have been an accident in that house.. children sometimes get hurt.. sometimes hurt each other .. and parents panick.. and the thought of losing both kids may have fed a frenzy and illogical actions..

In india.. one fears the police.. forced confessions, torture, corruption.. it took a long time for my husband who immigrated from India to understand that officers are here for our protection and well being. (He is a long haul truck driver and the first year on the highway he would have a panic attack anytime a police car got near him).

Thanks for pointing out the fear of law enforcement. I have a GF from Afghanistan and she was suffering from postpartum depression and was in an abusive relationship, she was terrified of the police killing her if she were to call. A crime was committed by her and I remember how shocked she was that they didn't kill her and brought her to a hospital for evaluation and such. It took her a long time and with language barriers and not understanding our laws it was a very long hard process, she was found "not criminally responsible" because of the mental illness and her extreme fears of seeking help and being killed for it and was treated and rehabilitated into our society.

My point in this story is all the people who are shaming the mom for not saying anything or leaving her husband. Depending on her upbringing and area she is from, she may really feel that those options put her life on the line and that she would be tortured or killed. I am NOT familiar with the Indian culture esp towards women, but I think your husbands fear, and then how my friend reacted with her situation, that its very possible that culture has a lot to do with what many people are pointing out as "wrong".

I hope your husband is doing far better now. I don't think the fear ever goes away and I know as my dad is a trucker, that they are often targeted for safeties and that sort of thing and it can be very nerve-racking. I can't imagine doing it as a minority or an immigrant who simply hasn't had LE on their sides before!
Let's just say that the father did have the little one stand by the tree. I have read on this thread that would not be an unusual custom in India. In that event, what do you think happened to her? My takes would be she wandered off, got abducted, brought into a neighbor's home. Any other ideas?
I have had a thought where I believed someone waited in wake for opportunity. . If it wad a regular occurrence to have her stand near the tree.. could someone have been watching for awhile (days weeks moths) for the chance to grab her ... (KP in Shaylyn Ammerman.. where he was a regular visitor to the house..)..

But i tossed that theory when they said the SUV was gone for an hour ..
You know, this is the same area as the recent case with 14 year old Kaytlynn who was discarded in a dumpster and, quite frankly, ended up in a landfill and incidentally found - not as part of a search... maybe he took a page out of that book and did the same... do they use cadaver dogs in landfills on a regular basis?
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That^^ is what I am afraid of. I think he may have placed her in a big dumpster somewhere. Maybe an industrial one that he passes on way to work, or a construction one he knows of somewhere. Her little body would be easy to hide. :cry:
Let's just say that the father did have the little one stand by the tree. I have read on this thread that would not be an unusual custom in India. In that event, what do you think happened to her? My takes would be she wandered off, got abducted, brought into a neighbor's home. Any other ideas?

But if that is true, that he was just giving her a big, scary timeout, why didn't he call 911 for 5 hours, after seeing she was gone?

WHY didn't he wake up his wife and run around, waking neighbors, getting help in the urgent search?
Bringing forward the latest msm/sorry for any reposts:

Exclusive: Grandparents of missing 3 yr old in Texas speak to TNM from Kerala, say they love Sherin

Police want to know why a couple’s SUV left home after their toddler went missing at 3 a.m.

Police clueless on 3-yr-old Indian girl's disappearance in US

SUV mystery may lead to clues about missing 3-year-old girl near Dallas

Answers elude police one week after Richardson girl's disappearance

Missing Texas girl, adopted by Malayali parents, none other than Bihar's Saraswati
The landfill where little Aveion Lewis was found is 11mi from my house, I hate it that this is where my mind tends to go when a little one is missing for so long[emoji26]

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