Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #2

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Let's just say that the father did have the little one stand by the tree. I have read on this thread that would not be an unusual custom in India. In that event, what do you think happened to her? My takes would be she wandered off, got abducted, brought into a neighbor's home. Any other ideas?

By deduction, we can say it's fair to assume she didn't wander off or get brought into a neighbours home as they DID have dogs there that did NOT pick up her scent. So, however she left that alley was in a vehicle -not being carried or on her own feet.

With that, we have no clue if she left dead or alive or harmed. For all we know the milk is true and the tree is not. Almost every lie contains a few fragments of truth. So say she got up and she didn't want to drink her milk, he finally gets her put back to sleep around the 4am mark and carries her out to the car, places her in her car seat and drives half hour from the home and hands her over to other people in an arranged "kidnapping", I am saying "he" because he is at this point, our only named suspect, BUT it could have been anyone driving their vehicle, from the mother to a neighbour, babysitter, nanny, grandparent, etc. We have no clue if they often left their car locked/unlocked with its keys or without, if they often lent the car to other people who cared for their children like a sitter/nanny or close friend.

I think my biggest concern is the fact that like I said lies always have a glimmer of truth, and he made a point of saying "coyotes", it terrifies me to think of the possible condition she could be in if someone had tried to stage this as an animal attack on her, but is something that needs to be considered because the group who tracks coyotes in that area is likely to know where their dens are and their moving habits pretty well and if he is claiming coyote he may have followed a known coyote path to dispose of her.

Of course, this is all my opinion and complete speculation. We have no clue what LE/FBI already know and have, or if they are running their own searches.

Someone said the other day that they drove through and saw two dark vehicles parked with people looking, I wondered if these were unmarked/undercover officers as it was a few blocks up from the house. If they are using unmarked/undercover officers to search it could mean they expect someone involved is watching the investigation closely and may even join in and "help" and strike up a conversation with other "volunteers".
That^^ is what I am afraid of. I think he may have placed her in a big dumpster somewhere. Maybe an industrial one that he passes on way to work, or a construction one he knows of somewhere. Her little body would be easy to hide. :cry:

I still think it was just a stroke of pure luck that K’s body was even found... it made me wonder how many more missing persons are located in the landfills.... [emoji22]

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AFIK staged kidnappings are quite rare except, apparently for the new "get yourself kidnapped" thing or to scare their kid [video=cnn;us/2015/02/06/dnt-fake-kidnapping-missouri.cnn][/video] and scammy/no one actually kidnapped just for money things... here is a book with more info epage&q=staged kidnappings&f=false or adults acting on their own to stage their own kidnapping.

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Just catching up. I can't get the story of little Sherin or Saraswati and "Nani", who she bonded with so well, out of my head. I know an orphanage is no place for a child but... if only she hadn't of left there to go with this monster :(
I expect that Sherin was simply dumped somewhere, likely in a garbage bag or luggage. Too dark to stick around dig a hole, etc.
"We would like to thank those who have provided tips and video up to this point. We are diligently working our way through all of the material. We continue to request businesses and residents within a 30-minute drive of the 900 block of Sunningdale to check your video systems to see if there is any footage that may have captured a 2013 maroon Acura MDX SUV on Saturday, October 7th, between 4AM and 5AM," Richardson Police Department said recently in a Facebook post.

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I expect that Sherin was simply dumped somewhere, likely in a garbage bag or luggage. Too dark to stick around dig a hole, etc.

I suspect she was put in a dumpster so she would be taken to landfill. It's so hard to recover their bodies when this happens. I hate even writing that :(
So, we have a 30 minute time frame. Unless he had this planned out to a T and there were no red lights, no stopping to bury a body, or any reason that would have held him up, surely he cannot have travelled much further than 10 miles? I was just checking it out on the map. That seems like such a big area :( and it's possible he travelled further than that.



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A couple of thoughts I wanted to share:

1. I feel like a previous post that LE knows a lot more than they are saying. The lack of search to me indicates they may have located her or know something about her location. . I kind of feel that the investigation at this point is a effort to solidify the case (make it more factual than circumstantial)..

This s the only thing that makes sense to me to address the lack of public searches and media coverage and even the family's own inaction..

2. There may have been an accident in that house.. children sometimes get hurt.. sometimes hurt each other .. and parents panick.. and the thought of losing both kids may have fed a frenzy and illogical actions..

In india.. one fears the police.. forced confessions, torture, corruption.. it took a long time for my husband who immigrated from India to understand that officers are here for our protection and well being. (He is a long haul truck driver and the first year on the highway he would have a panic attack anytime a police car got near him).

Thanks again for your perspective. I have similar thoughts to these. I get the feeling, with the actions LE have taken (calling off the Amber Alert, not doing the horseback searches, etc.), that they may have a strong hunch where she could be, and are info-gathering to get a search warrant, make an arrest, or simply establish where she's been taken. Though maybe that's just me being hopeful...

Despite the incredibly unbelievable story WM told LE, and despite their not wanting to cooperate with police, I've never had the sense that WM and/or his wife are the sort who would conspire to kill a 3-yr old. I can see a panicked reaction to an unintentional death, perhaps,...or possibly some sort of orchestrated rehoming situation (through networked channels or independently and privately). JMO.

<snipped for space>

Someone said the other day that they drove through and saw two dark vehicles parked with people looking, I wondered if these were unmarked/undercover officers as it was a few blocks up from the house. If they are using unmarked/undercover officers to search it could mean they expect someone involved is watching the investigation closely and may even join in and "help" and strike up a conversation with other "volunteers".

You might be thinking of my post from yesterday, where I mentioned after driving around the block, I saw a dark blue, sporty car with two guys with dark hair idling by the neighbors' mailboxes. My first impression was that they were both Indian, and my first reaction was that they were friends or relatives who'd possibly been sent to pick up the mail (they were actually at the double mailboxes north of WM's mailbox, but pointed in the direction of his house). They'd not been there long, though, as I'd just circled the block, and they weren't parked...just idling, then moved a few inches forward when they saw me. If they were undercover, IMHO, they weren't very good at being discreet about it. :eek:
There are a good number of photos and short video clips on the "Finding Sherin Mathews" Facebook page and they all show a lovely, happy responsive child.. she looks like such a sweetheart. I'm not sure if they're okay to post here, here's one showing some kind of bruise/scab on her arm, could be perfectly normal for a toddler rather than a sign of something sinister


With that, we have no clue if she left dead or alive or harmed. For all we know the milk is true and the tree is not. Almost every lie contains a few fragments of truth. So say she got up and she didn't want to drink her milk, he finally gets her put back to sleep around the 4am mark and carries her out to the car, places her in her car seat and drives half hour from the home and hands her over to other people in an arranged "kidnapping",I am saying "he" because he is at this point, our only named suspect, BUT it could have been anyone driving their vehicle, from the mother to a neighbour, babysitter, nanny, grandparent, etc. We have no clue if they often left their car locked/unlocked with its keys or without, if they often lent the car to other people who cared for their children like a sitter/nanny or close friend.

AFAIK, at this time, neither WM or anyone else has been named a suspect in Sherin's disappearance.
Has it been established as a fact that the family's SUV was missing during the night?

Or, is that just speculation?

AFAIK, at this time, neither WM or anyone else has been named a suspect in Sherin's disappearance.

He has been charged with child endangerment, I believe. So that does make him, potentially, a viable suspect, imo.
AFIK staged kidnappings are quite rare except, apparently for the new "get yourself kidnapped" thing or to scare their kid [video=cnn;us/2015/02/06/dnt-fake-kidnapping-missouri.cnn][/video] and scammy/no one actually kidnapped just for money things... here is a book with more info kidnappings&f=false or adults acting on their own to stage their own kidnapping.

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A staged kidnapping, no, but, a re-homing, because her needs were more than what he felt his family, or he, could take on any longer, I'm not leaving out. He could have set it up all on his own so that his wife would never know. Zoomed out with the child, at that hour of the morning, handed her over to her new "parent(s)", zoomed back home, reported her as missing, and already had his story, not just for LE's inquiries, but for his wife's benefit, so she won't know what he did. Maybe the milk and punishment are true things that he has done, before, and the coyotes are to throw them off track. He is in tech. I don't know to what degree he works in tech, but he would probably know at least enough not to arrange any of the re-homing on his own electronics, and to use a burner phone to make connections. I know it's far out there but who would have ever thought that re-homing boards for failed adoptions were a real thing? Hopefully, if he did go this route, she is alive, and with someone who truly wanted a child, for all the right reasons.
He has been charged with child endangerment, I believe. So that does make him, potentially, a viable suspect, imo.

Potentially, I agree, but the poster wrote that he was named a suspect and LE has not named him as such.

Did I misunderstand, but hasn't CPS been involved with this "loving family"? What happens behind closed doors may often be very different than the public face. <modsnip>

Speculation and opinion only.
I am really wondering what LE knows, and I know they have to keep some things close to the vest. However, the lack of searching leads me to believe that they have an idea where she is. However, if WM has been out on bond most of the week, where are they getting their information from? He is certainly not offering it up, in my opinion. I am just very puzzled by the whole thing, and wish there were active searches for her.
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