Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #7 *Arrests*

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Even if it is the case in India to leave children at home, a family that can afford to eat out often, would have live-in household staff and that may be why it is accepted. I am pretty sure that ordinary Indian families would not leave a three year old totally alone.
THANK YOU. There is no cultural justification for stupidity. In rural India you literally have a village raising a child.. in urban centres.. servants (ugly word but kind of gives you an accurate picture of the environment)... children are very important and culturally its almost our duty to have them .. those that dont have children are judged.. and harshly. (It took us 5 years and 4 miscarriages before i had my i know bit about harsh judgments.)

Its very rare that even older children are lef home unsupervised .. and while boys may be a rare exception .. girls would be unfounded.. because of the need to keep them honourable.

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This. My gut feeling is not that she was any sort of "victim." I feel she was just as much a part of this and made choices that resulted in her daughter being found in a culvert...and again SHE NEVER EVEN LOOKED FOR HER MISSING CHILD. Red flag. If your child is missing, and your abusive husband is in jail- wont you go LOOK FOR HER????

While complete strangers were looking for her daughter, she's retaining lawyers and not talking to anyone!
If she was "the abused spouse," you'd think she would've helped with searches while her abuser sat in jail.

I don't think a 'cultural differences' defense against breaking the law is going to fly here.
And let's not forget, ignorance of the law is not a defense either.
THANK YOU. There is no cultural justification for stupidity. In rural India you literally have a village raising a child.. in urban centres.. servants (ugly word but kind of gives you an accurate picture of the environment)... children are very important and culturally its almost our duty to have them .. those that dont have children are judged.. and harshly. (It took us 5 years and 4 miscarriages before i had my i know bit about harsh judgments.)

Its very rare that even older children are lef home unsupervised .. and while boys may be a rare exception .. girls would be unfounded.. because of the need to keep them honourable.

Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

Thanks for clearing that up!! I can't recall who said it yesterday that someone they work with said he was often left alone and that it's part of the normal discipline. It did seem odd to me, but may have been that person's normal, and like you said the "it takes a village" mentality, would mean a child home alone, isn't really "alone" or unsupervised anyway!
Originally Posted by Gigglingtoes
This. My gut feeling is not that she was any sort of "victim." I feel she was just as much a part of this and made choices that resulted in her daughter being found in a culvert...and again SHE NEVER EVEN LOOKED FOR HER MISSING CHILD. Red flag. If your child is missing, and your abusive husband is in jail- wont you go LOOK FOR HER????

While complete strangers were looking for her daughter, she's retaining lawyers and not talking to anyone!
If she was "the abused spouse," you'd think she would've helped with searches while her abuser sat in jail.


Please understand I am not defending her but, just for reference you will rarely if ever see a parent actively involved in searching for their missing child once LE is involved. LE will make every effort to prevent them from being involved in the search for several reasons. Since parents are statistically the most common perpetrators in child deaths (see previous posts re child maltreatment) having them in the search runs the risk of them contaminating the crime scene or misdirecting resources.

On a more humane level no one wants the parents to stumble upon the deceased body of their child. There was a time that parents were encouraged to participate but no longer. Some LE in the past wanted to observe the parents during searches to see reactions. Now they are more likely to recommend they remain home in the event the child might return.

I don't think a 'cultural differences' defense against breaking the law is going to fly here.
And let's not forget, ignorance of the law is not a defense either.

Nope, ignorance is very rarely something that can be defended. Most people know right from wrong. Perhaps if this happened and CPS were called CPS may have given a very strong warning and forced parenting classes on proper discipline and the laws, but given her position as a pediatric nurse, I can't imagine ignorance being a realistic claim. Doesn't mean she won't try and use it though :( If Sini knew that Sherin was dead, she should have said so. If Sini knew WM had killed her, she should have said so and defended her daughter in death. Maybe she didn't know where her body was, maybe she put it there. We don't know at this point. But, regardless, this isn't just a single notable instance of possible "ignorance" to the law... Plus, if you were genuinely ignorant to this being illegal, you wouldn't have failed to disclose this detail when you reported your child missing, you wouldn't have said you went to dinner as a family when in fact you went to dinner and left one child home. Ignorance would imply you didn't know it was bad, so you wouldn't leave that detail of punishment out.

Side note: I say WM had killed her etc based on the fact that the affidavits we have still say Sini was asleep. So playing a bit of devils advocate, once again, and am only considering her current charge and how she may try and get out of doing any time.
Please understand I am not defending her but, just for reference you will rarely if ever see a parent actively involved in searching for their missing child once LE is involved. LE will make every effort to prevent them from being involved in the search for several reasons. Since parents are stasticly the most common perpetrators in child deaths (see previous posts re child maltreatment) having them in the search runs the risk of them contaminating the crime scene or misdirecting resources.

On a more humane level no one wants the parents to stumbl upon the deceased body of their child. There was a time that parents wee encouraged to participate but no longer. Some LE in the past wanted to observe the parents during searches to see reactions. Now they are more likely to recommend they remain home in the event the child might return.


Want to add that in this specific case, LE said they did NOT WANT or NEED help. They didn't have anyone who wasn't LE/FBI searching and those searches were done as far from the public eye as possible. I know some people chose to search anyway, but those were NOT coordinated search efforts by any search group, and had one of them actually found Sherin, they may have done more harm then good to the scene.

Want to add that in this specific case, LE said they did NOT WANT or NEED help. They didn't have anyone who wasn't LE/FBI searching and those searches were done as far from the public eye as possible. I know some people chose to search anyway, but those were NOT coordinated search efforts by any search group, and had one of them actually found Sherin, they may have done more harm then good to the scene.

I would like to respectfully add.. even if LE so do not help.. if it were my daughter.. and I was sleeping when she disappeared.. i would be crawling around in my hands and knees looking for any shred/sign of her..

And this lack of action on Sini's part.. for me.. is the single most damning/adverse evidence against her.. and very disturbing.

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Please understand I am not defending her but, just for reference you will rarely if ever see a parent actively involved in searching for their missing child once LE is involved.


I don't just mean physically searching, but assisting in putting up posters is a way to help too. She could have made pleas to the abuctors (obviously we know why she didn't) too.

I just saw a Facebook post, referencing a report by Maria Guerrero ; biological child is with family now. She confirms that, also states that WM is aware that SM has been arrested. He's sad about that (or maybe it said sorry..)

I don't think I am allowed to post the report here. :)
THANK YOU. There is no cultural justification for stupidity. In rural India you literally have a village raising a child.. in urban centres.. servants (ugly word but kind of gives you an accurate picture of the environment)... children are very important and culturally its almost our duty to have them .. those that dont have children are judged.. and harshly. (It took us 5 years and 4 miscarriages before i had my i know bit about harsh judgments.)

Its very rare that even older children are lef home unsupervised .. and while boys may be a rare exception .. girls would be unfounded.. because of the need to keep them honourable.

Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

I've come to the speculation and opinion that despite their "class" in Indian society, these two are l-o-w-l-i-f-e-s.
I just saw a Facebook post, referencing a report by Maria Guerrero ; biological child is with family now. She confirms that, also states that WM is aware that SM has been arrested. He's sad about that (or maybe it said sorry..)

I don't think I am allowed to post the report here. :)

It is totally fine to post the news article:
Wesley Mathews' criminal defense attorney, Rafael De La Garza, tells NBC 5 that Wesley is, "Sad that his wife was arrested and hopes she will get out soon."
He was hoping that his 4-year-old daughter would be reunited with family.
De La Garza would not address allegations leveled against both parents by Richardson police which led to Sini Mathews' arrest last week.
I just saw a Facebook post, referencing a report by Maria Guerrero ; biological child is with family now. She confirms that, also states that WM is aware that SM has been arrested. He's sad about that (or maybe it said sorry..)

I don't think I am allowed to post the report here. :)

He's "sorry about that?" Sorry about that?! That his wife is in jail and his daughter is murdered and found in a culvert where she's been exposed to the elements and vermin?!
Sorry about that!!?

I'm "sorry about that" when I drop a piece of lunch meat in the kitchen.

I just saw a Facebook post, referencing a report by Maria Guerrero ; biological child is with family now. She confirms that, also states that WM is aware that SM has been arrested. He's sad about that (or maybe it said sorry..)

I don't think I am allowed to post the report here. :)

Thanks yes, Maria has been allowed thus far as

De La Garza said they will wait for the autopsy results to be released before making any statements.


I suppose they wait to see how damaging the autopsy report is before they tell version 3.0 aarrgggg. Jmho
I don't just mean physically searching, but assisting in putting up posters is a way to help too. She could have made pleas to the abuctors (obviously we know why she didn't) too.


The fact that there were no public statements or pleas addressing the abductors with the goal of at the least raising awareness and causing potential witnesses to come forward was the first thing that raised my suspicions about Sini. Her job, dealing with families, agencies, insurance companies and other staff, pretty much required good communication skills on her part so I really couldn't imagine a good reason for her silence.
I still think her attorney is going to ask for immunity if she was not involved with Sherins death but knew that she had died.
The fact that there were no public statements or pleas addressing the abductors with the goal of at the least raising awareness and causing potential witnesses to come forward was the first thing that raised my suspicions about Sini. Her job, dealing with families, agencies, insurance companies and other staff, pretty much required good communication skills on her part so I really couldn't imagine a good reason for her silence.

I still think back to the Amber Alert and how quickly it was called off, and then how quickly WM was arrested and searches on the home were carried out. I have a feeling that LE figured out pretty fast based on talking to WM that Sherin wasn't abducted and that's why his original charge was abandonment without intent to return. Clearly, we don't know what was shared from LE to Sini at that time, but for all we know, her lawyer may have said they wanted to do a public plea and LE said not to that they didn't have any reason to believe an abduction occurred. Clearly, we don't know. But just tossing this out as a possibility. It would also explain why Sini wasn't personally out putting up flyers, aside from the fact there was an angry mob outside her house almost immediately.

Tonight alone, when I saw Maria Guerrero's fb post about older sister being placed with family, there were only 15 comments, and one said to arrest every single family member. How could a parent safely go outside into their own yard, never mind walk around searching, with that type of mentality following them around?

I am NOT saying this IS the reason. I am simply giving it as a possible reason. I personally have anxiety. Esp around other people. I would have holed up too. I would have done what I refer to as "turtle-ing" where I pull completely into myself, if, I had been led to believe by either LE or my lawyers, that my child was dead.

A secondary issue, is that Sini had lost custody of her other child as well. She had an upcoming court date, had no clue what was happening with that child and those court dates and such are non-negotiable. She had to be focused on something, and I imagine for most people they would be concerned about the other child too. Had we saw her walking the streets posting flyers, demanding Sherin, looking in gutters, and so on, everyone would be saying she never cared about the older child and that she was just putting on a show to look innocent... damned if you do, damned if you don't...


"Sergeant Kevin Perlich with Richardson Police says the arrest of Sini came after investigators went through a lot of evidence and determined that the time was right to go forward and arrest her for endangering a child.
He said police have sent a lot of "stuff" to laboratories for analysis and some of them have returned. But they were still waiting for details from other equipment seized from the home and vehicles of the Wesley and Sini Mathews.
Perlich, the Internal Affairs & Public Information Officer of Richardson Police Department said, "We are still waiting for the additional evidence to come to us.
"When that additional evidence comes into us, it may lead us in another direction, it may result in additional charges, may result in amended charges. We will wait and see how it unfolds and make those adjustments," he said last week after Sini was arrested.
Police have said the investigation into the death of Sherin is continuing.
"As far as exact time and cause of the (Sherin's) death is concerned, we are still waiting to get from the Medical Examiner's office as well as trying to piece that together as when she may have actually passed away," Perlich said.
Last week, police said they have not determined whether Sherin was alive when the couple returned home an hour and a half later after having dinner at a restaurant".
Well, that is vomit worthy.
Poor baby!!!

I was thinking the same thing. Wouldn't the kids also be on a waiting list? Surely there were other children on the list before Sherin as they were already born!

An adoption process typically begins in a fairly general fashion--home study, sometimes some education (about what to expect, general info about kids available, etc)--all before a match is made, or presented. And there is generally more concern for a good match than just taking the kid and family at the top of a list. A child with fewer difficulties is generally easier to place than one with any health or behavioral issues. Sometimes one gender is more desireable than the other (not the same everywhere). So, they might well have been "in process" (including actual activities as well as just waiting) since before Sherin was born.
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