Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #7 *Arrests*

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Emphasis on "allegedly alive".
How anyone can still defend Sini,and make excuses for her is beyond comprehension.
Thankful for the dogged efforts of law enforcement,and the investigators. For without Little Sherin's body would still be out there,and Mommy Dearest would still be of Zero help. She only surrendered after they were forced to get a warrant for her.
Let that sink in.
This whole time she has been ZERO help to the investigators.
She still is of ZERO help.
I was married to one too, he nails every characteristic of the MSM definition of a sociopath, save for the last one, and even that I couldn't put past him.
So the signs are blatantly obvious in Sini. Only a sociopath would not help, not speak with investigators, when a beloved child is missing/ dead. Only a sociopath would leave a precious child home alone, and go out to dinner, etc. ( I bet the autopsy will show sini is up to her eyeballs in Sherin's death).
I have my theories about what really happened to sweet little Sherin.
That is who this case is all about.
That's who we need to be concerned with.

I'm not disagreeing with you here, but then wouldn't Wesley fit the bill as well, then?
He admitted to watching her die and did not get help. Admitted to leaving her in a drainage ditch. Admitted to going out to eat and leaving her alone.
I don't see one of these people to be any better or worse than the other. I wouldn't be able to say that I think Sini is the narcissist and Wesley is not -- or even vice versa. IMO we haven't seen or heard enough from either of them to make a good guess as to what kind of personality disorder either has, if any.
Just my opinion.
Keeping in mind that LE has said that more arrests/additional charges are possible, I'm still wondering why Wesley has not been charged for "removing her body from the home" since that was something he admitted doing. Is LE waiting for autopsy results because they have reason to believe she wasn't dead when he removed her or evidence that points towards it not being him?

Well, it would seem that the first goal of LE is to make an arrest, for something that can stick. According to the second arrest affidavit, WM admitted to watching Sherin die (apparently summoning no help) and then moving her body from the house. And that alone is good for 99 years.

We still don't know anything definitive about Sherin's death, although WM's story is she choked. Sometime during the timeframe between returning home from dinner and 3AM? 4AM. I think that they want to be careful about charges regarding the actual death until they can ascertain which parent actually caused her death. Right now it is wide open. They were both present in the house. We only have WM's word that she was alive when they returned. Only WM's word on the choking.

They DID NOT arrest Sini until they had corroborating evidence to bear out WM's story that they left the house together, with only one child, and then returned. We have no idea what else he may have told them, but possibilities might include something along the lines of Sini was very angry with Sherin at some point during the day and shook her. At dinner time she was lethargic and refusing food. They left, returned, etc. Then he "assisted" her in drinking her milk and she choked and died. There's a whole pile of uncorroborated stuff he could have said, implicating Sini. Who do they believe? Did he lie to cover for himself, or to cover for her? Or both? We can put together theories of the crime all day long--and so can LE--but they have to be able to back things up in order to not only charge, but ultimately convict. And I would think it's going to be tricky because there are two of them. If they blame each other, that may well provide a jury with reasonable doubt.
I'm curious if there was any cell phone activity on either of their phones that night.
The comment about there may be additional arrests makes me wonder. There was a lot of searching going on and I still get this feeling that her body was placed in that culvert after that area had been searched.
I'm not disagreeing with you here, but then wouldn't Wesley fit the bill as well, then?
He admitted to watching her die and did not get help. Admitted to leaving her in a drainage ditch. Admitted to going out to eat and leaving her alone.
I don't see one of these people to be any better or worse than the other. I wouldn't be able to say that I think Sini is the narcissist and Wesley is not -- or even vice versa. IMO we haven't seen or heard enough from either of them to make a good guess as to what kind of personality disorder either has, if any.
Just my opinion.

I was working on a similar post when I saw yours came up, and you said it better, so thank you!
I think we need a lot more information before we can determine much of anything in this case. LE is keeping things very close to the vest, and we don't have the usual parade of acquaintances and co-workers who get their moment in the spotlight by dishing the dirt on the accused or talking about the deceased. I do not get the sense that this is a typical case. As someone posted earlier, this family has no real history. If they are truly psychotic or psychopathic, they have hid it very well.

One factor I think played a huge role is having Sherin's sister be just 6 months older. Her parents may have been constantly comparing them, and trying to get Sherin to "catch up." With disastrous consequences.

Some questions I would be very interested in answering:
What time was Sherin last seen, outside of the home? And who saw her?
How old is Sherin, really?
What do Sini and Wesley's co-workers, bosses, and friends outside the family have to say about them?
What was Sherin's actual communication ability?
Well, it would seem that the first goal of LE is to make an arrest, for something that can stick. According to the second arrest affidavit, WM admitted to watching Sherin die (apparently summoning no help) and then moving her body from the house. And that alone is good for 99 years.

We still don't know anything definitive about Sherin's death, although WM's story is she choked. Sometime during the timeframe between returning home from dinner and 3AM? 4AM. I think that they want to be careful about charges regarding the actual death until they can ascertain which parent actually caused her death. Right now it is wide open. They were both present in the house. We only have WM's word that she was alive when they returned. Only WM's word on the choking.

They DID NOT arrest Sini until they had corroborating evidence to bear out WM's story that they left the house together, with only one child, and then returned. We have no idea what else he may have told them, but possibilities might include something along the lines of Sini was very angry with Sherin at some point during the day and shook her. At dinner time she was lethargic and refusing food. They left, returned, etc. Then he "assisted" her in drinking her milk and she choked and died. There's a whole pile of uncorroborated stuff he could have said, implicating Sini. Who do they believe? Did he lie to cover for himself, or to cover for her? Or both? We can put together theories of the crime all day long--and so can LE--but they have to be able to back things up in order to not only charge, but ultimately convict. And I would think it's going to be tricky because there are two of them. If they blame each other, that may well provide a jury with reasonable doubt.

Excellent post. This is why I hold great regard for RPD. They have handled this case with great professionalism and patience, IMO.
Thinking back now to that live/televised search in the field with that bag of stuff.... LE never said what it was nor that it didn't pertain to the investigation of this case. Now that we have gotten a few more details (Wesley's 2.0 and 2.1 stories) does anyone have any idea what may have been in that bag or if it's even relevant?

I keep thinking of what could possibly be in there that would be damaging enough to toss it/hide it if her death was simply choking on milk and that's it. Can't seem to think of anything that couldn't have just as easily been cleaned up in the WTH was in that bag and what really happened to her?
Hi TeaTime,

I wondered the same for a long time until I read a book about an Australian woman opening an orphanage in Cambodia. She states that adoption (sending kids to strangers) causes more harm than good. She is trying to have a fostering system in Cambodia similar to what is in the US.

She says that children that have families and relatives(most do), should be placed with them when the biological parents cannot care for them/ have been restricted from doing so. It's why many western countries have a foster system. Kids are placed in foster care temporarily whilst CPS/ other agencies find a suitable home amongst relatives that can care for the child on a more permanent basis.

Loss of family is a primal wound. Never heals. However, I would argue (as an adoptive parent) that a blanket assumption that adoption does more harm than good overlooks the reality that not all families/children/adoptions are alike. I was fortunate to be able to adopt both of my children very young (one a newborn, the other < 2 yrs). My impression of their families of origin was that in one case the extended relatives were already overwhelmed by kinship adoptions rescuing and raising relative's kids and in the other were a part and parcel of how the birth mom came to arrived at her circumstances of being pregnant and unable to care for herself, let alone an infant.

I have known a lot of kids who cyled through various homes--relatives, foster, etc. In some cases it was the best available option and served to keep them safe and in contact with relatives who did love them. Other times it was simply a revolving door offering and then dashing hope that Mom (and sometimes Dad) would get it together and they could go "home." I remember a friend sharing that her adopted daughter (adopted at somewhere mid-elementary school as I recall) said "you can't grow" in foster care. Implying nothing negative about a whole lot of folks I know who have built families inclusive of foster children. Foster homes are not "forever homes." And that matters. Another reality that matters is that some kids have overwhelming needs, and it may be far better for them to be with a trained "therapeutic foster" parent than an adoptive placement that may disrupt.

I think we really need many kinds of solutions, and a lot of sensitivity to the ways in which kids' situations differ.
Also thought that I would add (in regards to Sherin's disabilities) that it is not uncommon for a child with a disability in speech to be diagnosed with or at least thought to have other disabilities when there may infact not be any other delays. Speech and/or the inability to communicate effectively can often overshadow a child who is otherwise bright or, be the basis for other issues to develop.

Anxiety, social problems, behavioral issues, etc are just a few.

I'm sure the communication and speech issues alone made Sherin sometimes difficult to deal with (some good posts recently by other members referenced this as well as the parents possible growing frustration or embarrassment about this, which I think, seem very possible)

Just wanted to point out that Sherin very well could have had many delays or different disabilities or it is also possible that speech and communication was the only delay and that she was simply thought to have others/misdiagnosed.
The Mathews' do sound like narcissists. Realistically, 2 narcissists cannot be married to one another. If I had to guess which one of them is a narc, I would say it is Sini.

Here is a summary of diagnostic criteria, restated in Psychology Today (with a link to the complete text in the DSM)

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance.
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).
4. Requires excessive admiration [regularly fishes for compliments, and is highly susceptible to flattery].
5. Has a sense of entitlement.
6. Is interpersonally exploitative.
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling [or, I would add, unable] to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty [rude and abusive] behaviors or attitudes.

I would suggest that what we know about either of these two individuals is pretty limited and based almost solely on photo impressions, or statements coming through others. I just have no idea if they are narcissists or not. If anything, I would think that WM's voluntary "confession" would be a contraindicator. Narcissists tend to deny, deny, deny. Even when caught with their hand in the cookie jar. And blame, blame, blame (cookie jar never should have been there).
Please understand I am not defending her but, just for reference you will rarely if ever see a parent actively involved in searching for their missing child once LE is involved. LE will make every effort to prevent them from being involved in the search for several reasons. Since parents are statistically the most common perpetrators in child deaths (see previous posts re child maltreatment) having them in the search runs the risk of them contaminating the crime scene or misdirecting resources.

On a more humane level no one wants the parents to stumble upon the deceased body of their child. There was a time that parents were encouraged to participate but no longer. Some LE in the past wanted to observe the parents during searches to see reactions. Now they are more likely to recommend they remain home in the event the child might return.


My own friend was missing before she was found murdered and her parents were def looking as well as with Christina Morris in Plano- not only searching but standing outside talking to anyone who would listen, pleading for their daughter. No LE could keep a Mom from looking if she wants to find her child and does not know where the child is, imo.

(and I dont think you are sticking up for anyone, you stay pretty neutral :)
Thinking back now to that live/televised search in the field with that bag of stuff.... LE never said what it was nor that it didn't pertain to the investigation of this case. Now that we have gotten a few more details (Wesley's 2.0 and 2.1 stories) does anyone have any idea what may have been in that bag or if it's even relevant?

I keep thinking of what could possibly be in there that would be damaging enough to toss it/hide it if her death was simply choking on milk and that's it. Can't seem to think of anything that couldn't have just as easily been cleaned up in the WTH was in that bag and what really happened to her?

I think it looked like a blanket or something... maybe that’s what she was transported in, to the culvert... but I don’t know why in the hell you would toss that elsewhere? Oh wait... to throw police off? Again remembering Jessica Ridgeway, he put her backpack 3 towns northwest to throw off the police. These people apparently like to keep it all in the same area?? JMO MOO now I’ve already forgotten the other acronym I used. Mommy brain at best over here!!!

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Emphasis on "allegedly alive".
How anyone can still defend Sini,and make excuses for her is beyond comprehension.
Thankful for the dogged efforts of law enforcement,and the investigators. For without Little Sherin's body would still be out there,and Mommy Dearest would still be of Zero help. She only surrendered after they were forced to get a warrant for her.
Let that sink in.
This whole time she has been ZERO help to the investigators.
She still is of ZERO help.
Yup ZERO help. My thought is she CAN'T say anything. I don't believe she knows what WM told them exactly. He sure pulled a fast one on her, told them just enough to let them get an arrest warrant. First rat to talk gets the cheese (deal). Not that I think either of them deserves any kind of deal. JMO
I was married to one too, he nails every characteristic of the MSM definition of a sociopath, save for the last one, and even that I couldn't put past him.
So the signs are blatantly obvious in Sini. Only a sociopath would not help, not speak with investigators, when a beloved child is missing/ dead. Only a sociopath would leave a precious child home alone, and go out to dinner, etc. ( I bet the autopsy will show sini is up to her eyeballs in Sherin's death).
I have my theories about what really happened to sweet little Sherin.
That is who this case is all about.
That's who we need to be concerned with.

Sociopathy (or antisocial personality disorder) criteria from the DSM as restated by Psychology Today

Superficial charm and good intelligence
Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking
Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations
Untruthfulness and insincerity
Lack of remorse and shame
Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
General poverty in major affective reactions
Specific loss of insight
Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
Fantastic and uninviting behavior with alcohol and sometimes without
Suicide threats rarely carried out
Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated
Failure to follow any life plan

As with narcissism, we have very little knowledge by which to make a diagnosis, but I think for this one there are truly a good many contraindications. Both parents are professionals--which doesn't mean good mental health, but it does indicate that they have seen through some fairly rigorous educational requirements. They also have purchased a home in a nice neighborhood. Again doesn't make them nice people, but does give evidence to an ability to follow a life plan. First marriage for both, so far as I can tell. No one has offered any history of workplace issues, such as might be the case in someone with grandiose thinking and poor interpersonal relationships.

Sociopaths tend to rack up a list of exes (many with tales to tell). Their work history is likely to be "troubled," to say the least. They also tend to show up early life (torturing family pets, or siblings, lots of school difficulties, don't learn well from experience). The guy who shot up the Texas church had a strong look of sociopathy in the form of a list of failed relationships, a substantial history of violence, lack of remorse and a propensity to keep on doing the same things that had already gotten him in trouble.

I don't quite see that here.
Thinking back now to that live/televised search in the field with that bag of stuff.... LE never said what it was nor that it didn't pertain to the investigation of this case. Now that we have gotten a few more details (Wesley's 2.0 and 2.1 stories) does anyone have any idea what may have been in that bag or if it's even relevant?

I keep thinking of what could possibly be in there that would be damaging enough to toss it/hide it if her death was simply choking on milk and that's it. Can't seem to think of anything that couldn't have just as easily been cleaned up in the WTH was in that bag and what really happened to her?

I still feel like it looked like a booster seat.
I'm curious if there was any cell phone activity on either of their phones that night.
The comment about there may be additional arrests makes me wonder. There was a lot of searching going on and I still get this feeling that her body was placed in that culvert after that area had been searched.

Yeah, that bothers me as well. If the body was placed after the initial search, I think we can rule out WM as having put her there. And, she was in somebody's keeping during the in between time. We know that WM was wearing a monitor. I would also suppose that Sini was being watched--which necessitates another person. Somewhere.
Emphasis on "allegedly alive".
How anyone can still defend Sini,and make excuses for her is beyond comprehension.
Thankful for the dogged efforts of law enforcement,and the investigators. For without Little Sherin's body would still be out there,and Mommy Dearest would still be of Zero help. She only surrendered after they were forced to get a warrant for her.
Let that sink in.
This whole time she has been ZERO help to the investigators.
She still is of ZERO help.


I would suggest that there is a difference between making excuses and trying to understand what happened.
Well, it would seem that the first goal of LE is to make an arrest, for something that can stick. According to the second arrest affidavit, WM admitted to watching Sherin die (apparently summoning no help) and then moving her body from the house. And that alone is good for 99 years.

We still don't know anything definitive about Sherin's death, although WM's story is she choked. Sometime during the timeframe between returning home from dinner and 3AM? 4AM. I think that they want to be careful about charges regarding the actual death until they can ascertain which parent actually caused her death. Right now it is wide open. They were both present in the house. We only have WM's word that she was alive when they returned. Only WM's word on the choking.

They DID NOT arrest Sini until they had corroborating evidence to bear out WM's story that they left the house together, with only one child, and then returned. We have no idea what else he may have told them, but possibilities might include something along the lines of Sini was very angry with Sherin at some point during the day and shook her. At dinner time she was lethargic and refusing food. They left, returned, etc. Then he "assisted" her in drinking her milk and she choked and died. There's a whole pile of uncorroborated stuff he could have said, implicating Sini. Who do they believe? Did he lie to cover for himself, or to cover for her? Or both? We can put together theories of the crime all day long--and so can LE--but they have to be able to back things up in order to not only charge, but ultimately convict. And I would think it's going to be tricky because there are two of them. If they blame each other, that may well provide a jury with reasonable doubt.

You bring up a very interesting point about Sherin possibly being shaken. I think there is a real possibility she was shaken before they left for dinner and she suffered a fatal brain injury while they were away. This article has a lot of info, but what piqued my curiosity was the symptoms and signs which sound eerily familiar to WM's statement about Sherin's difficulty swallowing the milk, slowed breathing, etc.:

Altered level of consciousness
Drowsiness accompanied by irritability
Convulsions or seizures
Dilated pupils that do not respond to light
Decreased appetite
Posture in which the head is bent back and the back arched
Breathing problems and irregularities
Abnormally slow and shallow respiration
Cardiac arrest

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I am just stopping in really quick to make a comment .. but unfortunately I cant find the original post, but someone had asked what would have happened had she gone missing in India.. and my knee-jerk reaction is - NOTHING. I guess its hard to articulate how I come to this conclusion, so I had stayed mum, but just now I am streaming through NetFlix's KARMA KILLINGS (A high profile serial murder case in India, where a millionaire is implicated in serial murders via "his servant".. I have not decided which way I am leaning on this) but the POINT of this post is - almost 22 children vanished from a lower class area (Nithari) and Police took barely any notice. (Mostly females, ages ranged from 4-12). The pressure wasnt on until a sim card was traced back to the Servant. (A sim card that belonged to a missing woman, not child).
You bring up a very interesting point about Sherin possibly being shaken. I think there is a real possibility she was shaken before they left for dinner and she suffered a fatal brain injury while they were away. This article has a lot of info, but what piqued my curiosity was the symptoms and signs which sound eerily familiar to WM's statement about Sherin's difficulty swallowing the milk, slowed breathing, etc.:

Altered level of consciousness
Drowsiness accompanied by irritability
Convulsions or seizures
Dilated pupils that do not respond to light
Decreased appetite
Posture in which the head is bent back and the back arched
Breathing problems and irregularities
Abnormally slow and shallow respiration
Cardiac arrest

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It plays out almost like a movie. "What have you done?" as one parent confronts the other with the limp child. Racing through the consequences--jail, loss of the other child. Conclusion--must hide the evidence. First plan (coyote bait) fails. Time running short. What to do? Get her out of the house, somehow. And that's where my movie falls apart. Cut to commercial. I don't know what happens next.
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