Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #8 *Arrests*

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Another thought I had after we were all saying how the photos of Sherin were all smiles and she seemed happy how she smiled in the face of all this horror. The possibility I am thinking about is if she had a high pain tolerance. I've seen little ones with it who fall and just 'don't care'. Some bully parents might strike a child, and the child doesn't give the pain reaction the parent had hoped for. The parent sees this as defiant and hits harder and harder each time because they want to see the child suffer and be submissive. Just a thought that maybe that was happening. Poor Sherin couldn't even communicate verbally yet to say anything.

Sad. Reminds me of Erica Parsons. Murdered by her adoptive parents. Broke her fingers one by one and she still smiled in her pictures.
I just woke up from a horrible horrible dream. In order to tell you about my dream, I need to tell you something about myself that not many people know.

When I was in my mid 20's, my parents were forcing me to have an arranged marriage. They were abusive my whole life. When I refused to get married, they became so abusive I feared for my life. I walked out of the house one night with nothing but my handbag and have not seen or talked to any famiky member or family friend since. I constantly have nightmares about being in a similar scenario.

So back to my dream, I was telling my mother about Sherin and she didn't care. Instead, my family trick me into going to India so I can have an arranged marriage. I run away from them so I can get back to Australia. I end up in a slum and am barefoot, running through human and animal poop. I find a baby girl crying and alone. I somehow know she has nobody and decide to adopt her. In my dream, I kept telling myself that I'll never raise her like the Mathews did. I then see many many abandoned baby girls. I think back to all the posts I read here about adopted children and wonder how those babies will grow up. It was heartbreaking. A whole bunch of things happened after it and I woke up crying.

Poor little Sherin. I love her even though I don't know her. I wish I could have raised her. She would have been treated like a queen.

It also reminded me of the millions of abandoned babies and children in India. If you walk through any street, you are guaranteed to see atleast one child begging for money. I learned that many of these children have "pimps" that beat them up and torture them. When people with money see this child with broken bones, disabled etc. they feel sorry for them.and give them money. This money then goes back to the pimp.

I'm sorry for not talking about Sherin but I'm really really down right now and need to get this off my chest.

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I’m so sorry. Thank you for sharing. Peace to your heart. ❤️
Just a thought....

I’ve been reading other cases of course and preliminary autopsy reports come out rather quickly... Sherin there was no mention of one... could this mean that maybe they believe Sherin was drugged or had been drugged for a long period of time? I know LE knows a whole heck of a lot more than we do... I just want to see some charges filed agains these “people” for her death.

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I think preliminary autopsy results were not available because little Sherin's body was so badly decomposed by the time she was found. so the only autopsy results they can really share will be bone analysis and toxicology, in my opinion. And the toxicology can take a long time.
I think preliminary autopsy results were not available because little Sherin's body was so badly decomposed by the time she was found. so the only autopsy results they can really share will be bone analysis and toxicology, in my opinion. And the toxicology can take a long time.

Thank you, you answered my question. It really wouldn’t surprise me if there is something in her toxicology. This is just heartbreaking

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Maria Guerrero is there this morning...

CPS Hearing for Sini & Wesley Mathews about to begin. I'm here and will be posting developments.
They could find out if their parental rights are being terminated by the state.
Their biological daughter is with family in the Houston-area.
Last hearing [emoji1427]
Doctor: Sherin Mathews, 3, Showed Signs of Abuse

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David Goins
it's 9:22am and hearing resumes w/both Wesley and Sini Mathews in the courtroom. @wfaa


David Goins
It's 9:21 am & hearing resumes with Wesley Mathews in attendance.

Sini Mathews not in courtroom presently. @wfaa


David Goins
we are back in juvenile court for 9am resumption of custody hearing for surviving Mathews child.

it will start late, take most of the day & is expected to include details surrounding the crime scene & discovery of #SherinMathews on Oct 22. @wfaa
David Goins
majority of defense questions related to structure of pediatrician's practice (child abuse specialty).

Dr says she examined oldest daughter once - no signs of abuse. #SherinMathews last visit with this doc was in July, family indicated Sherin was gaining weight. @wfaa


David Goins
we resume with Children's Health pediatrician Susan Dakil on the stand for defense cross-exam. @wfaa #SherinMathews
David Goins
judge removes onlooker who tweeted out name of 4-year old Mathews child.

we have a brief pause while state attorneys speak w/individual outside Ct room@wfaa


David Goins
Pediatrician says #Sherin did not gain any weight between July and August.

A fact Dr says she didn't learn until preparing to testify for this hearing - described that lack of weight gain as "noteworthy" @wfaa

David Goins
Pediatrician is off the stand - state calls CPS investigator Kelly Mitchell as next witness @wfaa
David Goins
investigator Mitchell removed #SherinMathews older sister from home around 1am on Oct 9.

says Sini Mathews remained "fairly unemotional" during the removal.

"Eerily calm" - CPS says.@wfaa
David Goins
"no one in the home mentioned Sherin at all" - CPS investigator in Mathews home on Oct 9 @wfaa

Checking in for Sherin. Thanks in advance to those providing updates on the hearing! [emoji173]️

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David Goins
CPS investigator said Wesley Mathews showed up at home after bonding out of jail.

Says Sini didn't appear upset with Wesley @wfaa

:tyou: for the updates sassyblue!

I'm disgusted for both of these children. No one mentions Sherin and no emotion when bio is removed. smh.
David Goins
CPS investigator says Sini Mathews did not mention #SherinMathews during that early morning visit to home.

No photos of #SherinMathews in home, several of 4yo daughter, CPS says. @wfaa
David Goins
CPS investigator affirms state is advocating for "aggravated circumstances" against both Wesley and Sini - moving to deny either services to reestablish custody of surviving child. @wfaa
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