TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #40

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On #2, you would agree that the maximum time that was given to clearing the scene was 7 hours, correct? It was actually less but we don't know exactly how much less.

I read something from a veteran detective - not about this case but about CSI generally. He had over 20 years as a homicide detective.

He said that in his experience it normally takes between 8 and 20 hours to clear a murder scene. He said the longest he had personally participated in was 26 hours. The shortest was 7 hours. So the MB case would be a "record" for that particular CSI if he had been working it.

ETA: it was a CSI, not a detective. Here is the link:


I agree would be less than 7. And I would agree with that statement that would be a record for that Detective. However EA case is different and we don't know all the particulars in this case as far of CSI work. So I don't know if a record for those CSI and Detectives Thanks for explaining and good job again on your list.
I am REALLY PUZZLED as to why the entire family has been SO SILENT the last several months. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why they have not been visible and LOUD to raise awareness for justice in their loved ones VICIOUS and BRUTAL murder. Anyone, want to share their thoughts?

They've probably been told not to talk if I had to guess...which makes me think they know way more about the case than the public. JMO

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I am REALLY PUZZLED as to why the entire family has been SO SILENT the last several months. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why they have not been visible and LOUD to raise awareness for justice in their loved ones VICIOUS and BRUTAL murder. Anyone, want to share their thoughts?

Trying to move ahead with life for the sake of the children?

They've probably been told not to talk if I had to guess...which makes me think they know way more about the case than the public. JMO

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What do you make of the fact that the only family members to speak publicly or to the media are on Brandon's side of the family? Missy's mother and brothers have said not a single word from day one, if I'm not mistaken.
I am REALLY PUZZLED as to why the entire family has been SO SILENT the last several months. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why they have not been visible and LOUD to raise awareness for justice in their loved ones VICIOUS and BRUTAL murder. Anyone, want to share their thoughts?

I just made that same comment to my friend!!! I've heard someone say that maybe they are quiet because it hurts too much to talk. Really??? As a spouse , wouldn't you go on talk shows and raise awareness ? Wouldn't you speak out for 3 girls that are hurting and show them that you are not going to stop until you get justice for their mother? There is no way that someone would ever murder my spouse with a hammer and me sit back and carry on! However, that's just me and my opinion.

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Would someone with some legal knowledge please explain the grand jury process,since Texas has the grand jury. Will this crime have a grand jury convened? If so why? If not why not? Thanks in advance. :)

"Every felony case that goes to trial or pleads must be indicted by a grand jury unless the defendant chooses to waive indictment and proceed per the Texas Constitution.

"The most common role of the grand jury is to listen to the facts of a case and determine if probable cause exists for the charges alleged against the defendant. The grand jury is also an investigative body. It can assist the district attorney’s office in uncovering evidence to support charging a particular defendant with a crime, or it can choose to independently investigate matters brought to its attention."


"Will this crime have a grand jury convened?"

If LE finds enough evidence to put someone on trial for this crime, then definitely yes. A grand jury is the body that provides an indictment based on evidence, which is part of the criminal trial process towards a conviction. And in theory, a grand jury could also be convened for investigative purposes, or to consider evidence which then doesn't bring about an indictment, but those possibilities are much less common. (It should also be noted that a grand jury's process and deliberations are secret.)

Just to add to your Grand Jury info. I served as foreperson on Grand Jury for a year in NC. Not only is the Grand Jury kept secret but on the cases given to the Grand Jury I served on, the identification of person or persons being considered for a "true bill", indictment was also kept secret from the jury. You heard the evidence and details of the case and based your decision upon that only.

I can add that the Ellis County Grand Jury was dismissed in November 2016 after hearing their final case. When does the new year begin for Grand Jury in EC? Jan. - Dec.?


Interesting that these shoes don't appear to be "that big"......Camera aspects must have a "way" of displaying perceptions that cause one to believe something that is not necessarily true. ...Same thing I observed when I saw the SP appear to be pot-bellied and/or slim but from different camera angles........
They've probably been told not to talk if I had to guess...which makes me think they know way more about the case than the public. JMO

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I do feel that Missy's mother and her brothers have probably been told to be quiet and I understand. I feel that they know more and have no choice. JMO

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I just made that same comment to my friend!!! I've heard someone say that maybe they are quiet because it hurts too much to talk. Really??? As a spouse , wouldn't you go on talk shows and raise awareness ? Wouldn't you speak out for 3 girls that are hurting and show them that you are not going to stop until you get justice for their mother? There is no way that someone would ever murder my spouse with a hammer and me sit back and carry on! However, that's just me and my opinion.

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BB, and possibly his entire family, was instructed by LE not to speak to the public about the case. Perhaps LE felt one, or more of them, already said too much and did not want them speaking lest they say too much again. I have never thought anything suspicious about their silence since I am aware of LE asking BB, and possibly extended family members, to refrain from commenting.
BB, and possibly his entire family, was instructed by LE not to speak to the public about the case. Perhaps LE felt one, or more of them, already said too much and did not want them speaking lest they say too much again. I have never thought anything suspicious about their silence since I am aware of LE asking BB, and possibly extended family members, to refrain from commenting.

I do understand that certain comments are not good but I don't think there should be anything wrong with raising awareness publicly at this point. At the first, I did understand and thought this case would be solved by now. I would let the media know that certain questions will not be tolerated but I would for sure let the public know that you are fighting hard for justice and keep this case in the public eye. I remember Laci Peterson's family giving interviews live and everyone knew that Scott was a POI. It didn't seem to stop him from being arrested. Just my own thoughts

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I am REALLY PUZZLED as to why the entire family has been SO SILENT the last several months. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why they have not been visible and LOUD to raise awareness for justice in their loved ones VICIOUS and BRUTAL murder. Anyone, want to share their thoughts?

BB was asked to stop by LE.

And whether they are involved or not I would guess partly because they're tired of their every move, blink, and word have been over analyzed and critiqued. Their names, their lives and those of friends and family have been sleuthed and some dragged thru the mud. It has to be stressful during this time.

IMO they know more than we do and are okay with the investigation.
BB, and possibly his entire family, was instructed by LE not to speak to the public about the case. Perhaps LE felt one, or more of them, already said too much and did not want them speaking lest they say too much again. I have never thought anything suspicious about their silence since I am aware of LE asking BB, and possibly extended family members, to refrain from commenting.

How do you know BB was instructed not to speak?
I am REALLY PUZZLED as to why the entire family has been SO SILENT the last several months. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why they have not been visible and LOUD to raise awareness for justice in their loved ones VICIOUS and BRUTAL murder. Anyone, want to share their thoughts?
A person I was telling about the case asked, "Have they hired a PI?" This is out of my wheelhouse. Does LE appreciate the extra help and welcome them? Find them an unnecessary hassle and discourage them? How effective are they when there's lots of LE already on the case?

Is there anything specific you had in mind concerning the first campers?

I know it would be great to get detailed accounts from the campers, but what would be specifically important to you?

If only one question allowed per customer mine would be: "What time did you arrive at CoC for the CG program?
If only one question allowed per customer mine would be: "What time did you arrive at CoC for the CG program?

Okay, you ask that question, and I will follow up with, "Did you see a car in the parking lot?"
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