TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #40

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I again watched the video of RB/BB at MPD re the bloody shirt, and from reading the comments in this thread, it easy to see why they said much of what they did and responded as they did. It's clear that RB and his wife had shirts (plural) that got blood on them, but LE had taken only one of them for testing, and they said exactly that.

Did they say it in the perfect wording or perfect order? I don't see anything like that, but even if they weren't polished, who cares. They knew the "bloody shirts" were much ado about nothing, we see both of them doing their best to make sure LE knows what's going on so they don't waste time on a wild goose chase, and we see them also informing media so some don't create wild ideas that have no value in finding the killer. In some ways, it's a total waste of time or even humorous, dealing with absurd "perceptions" coming from a dog's blood rather than evidence that has anything to do with the murder, yet they had no real choice. And even though they did that and were transparent about it, here we are 9 months later and some are still trying to gin up something nefarious because they WERE transparent. Go figure.

IMO.... it's people going back to the start to refresh their memory and also reading their body language which to some people..says a whole lot! I think we all have our own reasons for watching this video again.

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IMO.... it's people going back to the start to refresh their memory and also reading their body language which to some people..says a whole lot! I think we all have our own reasons for watching this video again.

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Exactly. I will try to force myself later today to watch the whole video this time. As I mentioned earlier, I am still put off by RB's jovial attitude throughout the video portion I have seen. It just strikes me, once again, as so disrespectful toward MB. SMH.

As far as who is responsible for MB's murder, I have absolutely no idea who committed this horrendous crime. I try to keep up with these threads but find it next to impossible so I usually just lurk when I can.
Someone upthread mentioned that it looks like a female facing the driver. If this is the case, she seems quite tall and that would be an odd position to be sitting in in a moving vehicle (albeit a slowly moving one). What are y'all's thoughts?

Didn't a poster say the female passenger was topless or at showing the driver "the goods"? Lol - been there done that got the award.....

Do we still see a dog in the back seat tho? That seems weird- if you are meeting up for a rendezvous, I wouldn't take Fido with me. Or maybe one of them told their spouse/significant other that they were taking the dog for a walk??? I'm sure there are some statements we couldn't even begin to make up in our wildest dreams
Someone upthread mentioned that it looks like a female facing the driver. If this is the case, she seems quite tall and that would be an odd position to be sitting in in a moving vehicle (albeit a slowly moving one). What are y'all's thoughts?

I think its clearly a dog with a lighter coat around the chest belly region. Possibly a brown and white dog with point ears and German Shepherd face. But could be a mixed pit bull.

It also looks like he is stopping the dog from hopping in the front seat while he is driving.


Or the dog looks to be in the front seat and the driver is reaching for the seat belt. Lol

Or rubbing the dogs belly and saying good boy. Lol.
I’ve found to decipher the sonogram pictures, youneed the right combination of the right screen and the right cropping/enlargement ratio. I’ve been looking at this Altima picture for a couple months now, and saw nothing close to definitive. But using an I-phone Plus (with the bigger,clearer screen) and mid-size crop (not the really close-up zoom) of NIN’s pictures, I can at least say with 95-98% certainty that I see a male driver and female passenger facing the driver with his hand in the cookie jar (or jars, orwhatever NIN called it).

A good question was asked. Could the person in the passenger seat be MB? Probably not, hair looks darker,but I’d definitely rule it out. Track MB’s cell. Question? Could BB have put a tracker on MB’s phone? I’m not that techie but my wife’s got our teenagers phone set so she can see where they are if she’s worried bout them and it’s a simple app I guess. Is that how BB knew about CW? I suspect there might be some legalities when dealing with adults but the technology is so readily available.

In Jethro’s clips, a couple things stood out. One is that while the board has focused onthe Altima parking under the light, they also are parking behind the largest shrubbery/foliage on the lot. In combination of that declining grade there, that’s a pretty good little hiding spot. I do see some rather consistent movement in the passenger seat but it’s hard to make out what (changing clothes? Romantic rendezvous? Could be anything). Is that why later the seat is way pushed back from the steering wheel? From all the work this week, I think it’s a distinct possibility that this was could be a late night dalliance. Which would explain no one coming forward.

Thanks whoever posted the NG show where the videogoes “black” I agree. That doesn’t look like an edit. Looks like someone put something over the lens. And correct me if I’m wrong. But I think SP-on video is far enough away from the camera that it seems like it couldn’t have been SP. Is that enough proof of a second perp?

Some “evidence” being discussed to me is highly subjective. Not saying we ignore it; butit doesn’t carry a lot of weight IMHO. Like RB’s light-heartedness in certain situations. I’ve seen people in very seriouscircumstances react nervously in a way that could be taken aslight-hearted. I’ve seen people get the giggles at the world’s most in opportune times (see you-tube). Doesn’t mean they are guilty. Their reaction mechanism went wacko. SP (“& assoc) could be such cold-bloodedkiller(s) that there is NO reaction.

I can put myself in his shoes and there’s a bloody murder and it’s tense; and everyone is pointing fingers at everyone; and some are pointing fingers at you and that week two dogs get in a fight right in front of you and you end up with blood all over your clothes and its was complete happenstance, and you just gotta go, “Criminy. What next. This looks terrible. What other bizarre thing could happen this week.” HE could have just burned or destroyed and dumped the shirt but that might make it look even worse. Between the alibi and the SP video; I think it’s 99.9% that RB is not SP (esp with NIN’s latests enhancements). RB is way, way too large to be SP on video.

I’m not one to dismiss suspicion of the B-family. Actually, to me they have as much motive and means as anyone. When police say they didn’t see large chunks of money moving in the B’s accounts, that really doesn’t mean a ton to me. I’ve work in finances enough; you can move large sums around undetected:cash, barter, debt forgiveness, quit claims, pro bono labor, etc. or any combination thereof. To me that doesn’t exonerate anyone.
I think its clearly a dog with a lighter coat around the chest belly region. Possibly a brown and white dog with point ears and German Shepherd face. But could be a mixed pit bull.

It also looks like he is stopping the dog from hopping in the front seat while he is driving.


Or the dog looks to be in the front seat and the driver is reaching for the seat belt. Lol

Or rubbing the dogs belly and saying good boy. Lol.

hahahaha ! ^^^^^^ (post of the day nominee) !
One of my "theories" has always been that MB knew the car/person was there. I somewhat feel prior meeting arrangements had been made so when she got there, and the "voice" called out to her, she went to it because she knew him/her. I only feel this way because of the talk of affairs. I have to be honest that my thinking is hubby is out of town, girls are taken care of at home, she has a some time before class to meet with someone if she wished. NOW.....I never knew MB personally but I do have a hard time convincing myself she would have done something like this in a church setting. Maybe she planned to meet them outside. I don't know but it's been one of my thoughts since day one.

My other thought was that a camper offered to help her set up early and she knew they would be there. No flag to car being there. Again, voice said "hey MB, I'm back here" and again, no flag because she expected them. Camper then blended right back in after murder and wasn't noticed.

These are only "feelings" I had and I know no one or anything personal to this case. Just what I took from reading since threads began.

I go back to the thought of being a woman. You show up somewhere 4-ish AM, I'm going to assume most women would be on guard that early. If lights are on that normally aren't. If a car is parked there you don't expect. I just can't believe that if MB saw something out of the ordinary at that time of morning, she would not have waited for a camper to show before she went inside. I get not calling cops. I even get maybe getting out of her car to unload under the awning, but not going inside alone if she had seen a weird car parked there.

I think the church didn't have an alarm system (I think I remember no alarm certificate filed) but that really surprises me. The church I used to attend had one and they weren't that big. If SP is in church with alarm off, would MB have gone on inside when the alarm wasn't set?

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Your first thought... BBM I definitely agree with you about meeting someone there
she may have went early to meet someone that showed an interest in her and they had an alternative motive to
meet her in the pretense of following through with that message. Perhaps they were carrying out a premeditated plan to get rid of her for someone. Maybe... IDK.

Then your second thought. I have suspected that as well. It was the perfect setup to carry through with someone that wanted her gone. Therefore it was possibly not involving her immediate family. JMO

I will be glad when they figure this out. She needs justice and to be able to RIP.
Your first thought... BBM I definitely agree with you about meeting someone there
she may have went early to meet someone that showed an interest in her and they had an alternative motive to
meet her in the pretense of following through with that message. Perhaps they were carrying out a premeditated plan to get rid of her for someone. Maybe... IDK.

Then your second thought. I have suspected that as well. It was the perfect setup to carry through with someone that wanted her gone. Therefore it was possibly not involving her immediate family. JMO

I will be glad when they figure this out. She needs justice and to be able to RIP.

My problem with her going toward the familiar voice for a prearranged meeting or expecting a friend to help her set up, requires her thinking they have a key since they had apparently let themselves in. Right? Now if SP were playing the role of LE investigating a B&E, broke into the back then parked at the porte cochere so she wouldn't be afraid of them? Wouldn't it just be easier to hide and lie in wait?
Final thoughts.
When there’s so much you don’t know or in question, you have to go back sometimes and review what you do know.

Two things stick out. 1. That SP is between 5’2 and 5’7. That’s from an exact recreation and apparently, Tarrant County had the best resources and technology to do that. And the fact that they gave a 5 inch range, they seem to me to be covering all their bases (not having a 5’8 or + suspect on the stand). They have direct access to the crime scene and the best abilities and resources in the area. That’s a pretty big clue.

And they have a video of someone that 99.999% is involved in MB’s murder, and SP has some very district mannerisms, gait. Is light skin-ed. Was gone from their house the night of 4/18 for quite a while and the case has received extensive and wide coverage. And no one has come forward and said, “I know who that is.”

Someone said “I think LE has interviewed SP already.” With how much evidence we DO know, I’m skeptical. SP would have walked into the MPD headquarters (I’m sure they have a camera outside) and they would have been able to say, “Hmmmm.” I don’t think we have spent a lot of time looking at the real SP. The video evidence would have been able to raise them to POI level and they would have to dig beyond that to get a “Yeah” or “Nay”. I don’t think we’d still be sitting here stuck.

There’s areas I hope MPD was thorough. Some have mentioned SP being a camper. The hurdle there is how to get rid of the bulky (and I think we can assume blood-stained) gear. Was SP meandering through the building looking for where they were going to hide their gear? I doubt they would be that sloppy. If found (and it probably would be); DNA would nail the coffin shut. Could it have been slipped in their trunk? Again. Very risky and SP doesn’t look like they took unnecessary risks.

Some have said SP could be a jilted lover. The more I think about that, the more I don’t think SP is MB’s type. She liked stronger, masculine guys. SP doesn’t fit that prototype. Some have even said a woman. Wife of lover? That’s possible. Esp with the details of the attack.

So we are left with looking for someone a little farther away. Time wise (a year or two); distance-wise (outside the Midlo-community); or a step away (hired or convinced hit). The search goes on.
Here is a better picture:


Excellent work as always NIN!!! Was there a blur (layers) that you had to remove to get to the lady? Now I am back to not sure if related to what happen at church or not. Thanks again!
Didn't a poster say the female passenger was topless or at showing the driver "the goods"? Lol - been there done that got the award.....

Do we still see a dog in the back seat tho? That seems weird- if you are meeting up for a rendezvous, I wouldn't take Fido with me. Or maybe one of them told their spouse/significant other that they were taking the dog for a walk??? I'm sure there are some statements we couldn't even begin to make up in our wildest dreams

Personally I have never seen anything or anyone in the back. JMHO. NIN work is where i see anything other that side view of driver passing the front of store prior to parking. Do not see any sunglasses on either. JMHO
I’ve found to decipher the sonogram pictures, youneed the right combination of the right screen and the right cropping/enlargement ratio. I’ve been looking at this Altima picture for a couple months now, and saw nothing close to definitive. But using an I-phone Plus (with the bigger,clearer screen) and mid-size crop (not the really close-up zoom) of NIN’s pictures, I can at least say with 95-98% certainty that I see a male driver and female passenger facing the driver with his hand in the cookie jar (or jars, orwhatever NIN called it).

A good question was asked. Could the person in the passenger seat be MB? Probably not, hair looks darker,but I’d definitely rule it out. Track MB’s cell. Question? Could BB have put a tracker on MB’s phone? I’m not that techie but my wife’s got our teenagers phone set so she can see where they are if she’s worried bout them and it’s a simple app I guess. Is that how BB knew about CW? I suspect there might be some legalities when dealing with adults but the technology is so readily available.

In Jethro’s clips, a couple things stood out. One is that while the board has focused onthe Altima parking under the light, they also are parking behind the largest shrubbery/foliage on the lot. In combination of that declining grade there, that’s a pretty good little hiding spot. I do see some rather consistent movement in the passenger seat but it’s hard to make out what (changing clothes? Romantic rendezvous? Could be anything). Is that why later the seat is way pushed back from the steering wheel? From all the work this week, I think it’s a distinct possibility that this was could be a late night dalliance. Which would explain no one coming forward.

Thanks whoever posted the NG show where the videogoes “black” I agree. That doesn’t look like an edit. Looks like someone put something over the lens. And correct me if I’m wrong. But I think SP-on video is far enough away from the camera that it seems like it couldn’t have been SP. Is that enough proof of a second perp?
Snipped for space.
The thing about the "goes black" video is that it goes black in this version but the reporter is saying that the video went black after MB entered and walked down the hall toward the SP. Which we have only heard in this report, no others have said that. And this version of "going black" would have to be their own version of it, since no news media have seen the video of MB inside the building.
Here is a better picture:


This image is amazing, I can actually see a face. That is a first for me. Where I made a red line, shouldn't that be the dash looking down on the car at this level? And also did you change the color of the seat behind this driver to make it dark so the face would show up? Because the seats are light right? Do the seats look dark in this shot?20170206_183241.png
Did you see the video? I believe RB says both shirts are at drycleaners. Supposedly, dry cleaner only had one blood stained shirt (I think they said the white women's shirt looked laundered, as if previously someone had tried to get stains out). RB appears flustered when questioned about the other bloody shirt. I can see BB looking down and worried as his father digs himself deeper into the untruth. Notice RB get really frustrated w/the 2 reporters.

Does anyone remember in the original SW, was one bloody shirt called for or two?
The reporters say one.

I am concerned that people are not up in arms!

Here is the link again in case anyone else wants to give their interpretation of the Bevers' Dog and Pony show.

I don't understand. It was dog blood. Why does it matter?
'She' could be changing into her LE costume and the driver could be trying to help her get the LE costume on.

I just commented about the female turned sideways facing the driver and when I first thought about that, I did think to myself she seems really tall compared to the driver. But upon reflecting upon times I've sat straight up in the car on that angle, that my head more than reaches the top of the car and I'm only 5"6".

Hopefully I've explained that right haha ��
This image is amazing, I can actually see a face. That is a first for me. Where I made a red line, shouldn't that be the dash looking down on the car at this level? And also did you change the color of the seat behind this driver to make it dark so the face would show up? Because the seats are light right? Do the seats look dark in this shot?

We all see different things, looking at the same picture. I see a man in a ligjt-colored button shirt, long sleeves, head tipped back. Possibly looking in rearview mirror or at the visor om teh passenger side, with his right arm extended over to the left, bent up at elbow area, possibly adjusting the mirror/visor.
Did you see the video? I believe RB says both shirts are at drycleaners. Supposedly, dry cleaner only had one blood stained shirt (I think they said the white women's shirt looked laundered, as if previously someone had tried to get stains out). RB appears flustered when questioned about the other bloody shirt. I can see BB looking down and worried as his father digs himself deeper into the untruth. Notice RB get really frustrated w/the 2 reporters.

Does anyone remember in the original SW, was one bloody shirt called for or two?
The reporters say one.

I am concerned that people are not up in arms!

Here is the link again in case anyone else wants to give their interpretation of the Bevers' Dog and Pony show.

The bloody shirt was a long, drug out conversation many threads back. It was discussed and dissected and repeated over and over until we finallynmoved on. The shirt was cleared by LE as having DOG blood from the little dog that died, which belonged to RB's wife. It was probably in one of the earliest threads (1 or 2?) if you want to go back and catch up on the discussion had here.

Lab tests show the blood on a shirt dropped off at a dry cleaners by the father-in-law of slain fitness instructor Missy Bevers is not human blood, Midlothian police say.
My problem with her going toward the familiar voice for a prearranged meeting or expecting a friend to help her set up, requires her thinking they have a key since they had apparently let themselves in. Right? Now if SP were playing the role of LE investigating a B&E, broke into the back then parked at the porte cochere so she wouldn't be afraid of them? Wouldn't it just be easier to hide and lie in wait?

I agree. And if they had a key, that would narrow down the suspect list tremendously and that has t happened. But I also haven't ruled out two people, one inside waiting and the other baiting.

Arghhhhh. I can't believe they haven't solved this :(

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We all see different things, looking at the same picture. I see a man in a ligjt-colored button shirt, long sleeves, head tipped back. Possibly looking in rearview mirror or at the visor om teh passenger side, with his right arm extended over to the left, bent up at elbow area, possibly adjusting the mirror/visor.

In this version of the Altima picture the image on the far right of the windshield appears to be the mark left by the windshield wiper which looks odd because of the processing done to get part of the image more visible. Look carefully and you'll see that the dark area to the right of the driver has an arc shape at the top.
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