TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #41

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Transcripts for press conferences by our own AWESOME Galadriel are posted in the Media Thread (start on page 5) He/She did a few out of order as I believe started with current at time then went back and did first one. Links for review or newbies. Can watch on youtube most if not all are in the Media Thread also .

April 18 - http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12592838#post12592838
April 22- http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12581680#post12581680
May 20 - http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12581000#post12581000
May 24 - Published by FOX4 Interview with BB- http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12586070#post12586070

July 1 - (Friday) Midlothian's assistant police chief, Kevin Johnson, said in a weekly update Friday that the department had received additional cellphone service records from an April "tower dump" search warrant — adding that it would take some time to analyze the data. Johnson also released search warrants for the Facebook accounts of Bevers, 45, and her husband, Brandon Bevers.>> On Friday, Johnson said he did not see a reason to continue the weekly updates unless there is new information to release. http://www.dallasnews.com/news/crim...death-slowed-police-say-new-warrants-released
Arkmimi-No one has anything. (that I know of).We looked at lps a while ago when NIN showed images and then it was dropped. I was picking it back up but obviously there Is no consensus or further observations but my own. And my observations and my opinion of those images at that time were/are: It appears to be a Texas plate with a star in the upper left hand corner.
When I compared that observation with the old, new, farm owned, disabled and any kind of Texas plate, there were limited choices. I should have private messaged Jethro.

I assume wrongly I'm afraid that everyone reads everyone's posts and that we're all kind of on the same page.
When actually, I'm the only one on that page and no one knows what I'm talking about. Sorry, my brain works.......hmmmmm...differently than most. Not always a good thing for others trying to understand or follow what I'm saying.
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I try my best to read everyones post, I just thought I may have missed that someone actually had that info. I know myself putting in writing doesn't always come out as I meant it to. We are all just talking this through... we all have available the same factual info from MPD. Some see it different than others. But what they have said is still the same.

Keep posting and asking questions! Just like someone posted about why would the Suspect who seems to have went through each thing so planned out, not know if the church had an alarm. That is a good point! Maybe that was one of the mess ups? Maybe it was just part of the staging of a burglary like the high kitchen window screen? But does give new ideas to think about. I try to stay open to all things possible. (but I do think came and left in vehicle not on foot and a target murder against MB) JMHO

We Good :loveyou:
I personally think this is the case. I think the Altima video release was MPD working via SWFA, and they were trying to apply a little pressure without being overly obvious to general public. They absolutely have more video and possibly know more about that Altima and potentially other car/truck(s), but it may be hard to tie any of that to the murder in the church IF that Altima is involved at all - which I think it is IMO.

For whatever reason, I just curious as to why SWFA deleted their replies to questions asked. Does make one wonder for sure, why reply then delete days later? All they said was it was not common, they acted alone in posting the video, and have zoomed in images but not good quality. JMHO only reason to delete may be the last part about zoomed in and not good quality. Not good for business maybe? ETA Deleted comments but left video. I too see possibility of MPD having a hand in it. Even if there was as SWFA told FOX4 and BrainScratch that posted re an attempted break in. JMHO it also shows public that they have at least 17 cameras and if your thinking of stealing and/or breaking in we have you on tape. Which makes me wonder again about the FOX4 photo of busted window at SWFA in their report. With all the other gun store/pawn shop robberies that were going on around time MB was murdered, never know that could have been something like that. We know there is video we haven't seen from SWFA. Potentially a crime but not related to MB murder. JMHO
Jan 5, 2017 SWFA Commented Jan 5 SS.JPG
Jan 11, 2017 SWFA had deleted their replies/comments SWFA Comments from Jan 5 are deleted SS Jan 11.JPG
For whatever reason, I just curious as to why SWFA deleted their replies to questions asked. Does make one wonder for sure, why reply then delete days later? All they said was it was not common, they acted alone in posting the video, and have zoomed in images but not good quality. JMHO only reason to delete may be the last part about zoomed in and not good quality. Not good for business maybe?

I'd go with 'Not good for potential trial' myself...
Just thought of something when posting the links upthread. Ever since BB exclusive with FOX4, when BB said the MPD told him that no one is cleared we have not heard from BB or anymore letters to the Killer from MT. So much bs on social media but still, makes wonder if lawyered up. I hope so, should have to begin with.

MPD gave 1 more comment on July 1 Johnson said he did not see a reason to continue the weekly updates unless there is new information to release.

The whole no one seeking information publicly about a murder is odd to me. I have faith in LEO but having followed cases it still strange. Even the Dec 2016 People article just referenced May comments by BB and July comments from MPD.

Anyone else ever seen a case like this? High profile murder gone zip quiet? Stratigic maybe? One can only pray. Keep the Killer wondering... or feeling safe and screw up. :thinking: jmho
Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
For whatever reason, I just curious as to why SWFA deleted their replies to questions asked. Does make one wonder for sure, why reply then delete days later? All they said was it was not common, they acted alone in posting the video, and have zoomed in images but not good quality. JMHO only reason to delete may be the last part about zoomed in and not good quality. Not good for business maybe?

I'd go with 'Not good for potential trial' myself...

Agree, no matter what potential trial is for.
Arkmimi-No one has anything. (that I know of).We looked at lps a while ago when NIN showed images and then it was dropped. I was picking it back up but obviously there Is no consensus or further observations but my own. And my observations and my opinion of those images at that time were/are: It appears to be a Texas plate with a star in the upper left hand corner.
When I compared that observation with the old, new, farm owned, disabled and any kind of Texas plate, there were limited choices. I should have private messaged Jethro.

I assume wrongly I'm afraid that everyone reads everyone's posts and that we're all kind of on the same page.
When actually, I'm the only one on that page and no one knows what I'm talking about. Sorry, my brain works.......hmmmmm...differently than most. Not always a good thing for others trying to understand or follow what I'm saying.

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Razz, I have been working on the license plate in an off and on manner and am pursuing it with priority now. If you have a good image, please post it. Include the original raw frame or unprocessed image, so we can recreate the results.

Just thought of something when posting the links upthread. Ever since BB exclusive with FOX4, when BB said the MPD told him that no one is cleared we have not heard from BB or anymore letters to the Killer from MT. So much bs on social media but still, makes wonder if lawyered up. I hope so, should have to begin with.

MPD gave 1 more comment on July 1 Johnson said he did not see a reason to continue the weekly updates unless there is new information to release.

The whole no one seeking information publicly about a murder is odd to me. I have faith in LEO but having followed cases it still strange. Even the Dec 2016 People article just referenced May comments by BB and July comments from MPD.

Anyone else ever seen a case like this? High profile murder gone zip quiet? Stratigic maybe? One can only pray. Keep the Killer wondering... or feeling safe and screw up. :thinking: jmho

Yes, they did zip it locally here in Florida in the Dr Teresa Sievers case (murder for hire). It drove us insane. -Nin
Razz, I have been working on the license plate in an off and on manner and am pursuing it with priority now. If you have a good image, please post it. Include the original raw frame or unprocessed image, so we can recreate the results.

Nin, I was looking at yours. Maybe I'm seeing what I'd like to see but all I remember is, the tag thing got dropped and I wasn't sure why but by then we were all onto something else so I figured no one agreed.

But honestly, there was another member who saw it before I did and they mentioned it (which is why I looked at it because I respect their opinion) but since it didn't go anywhere or no one seemed to think along the same lines, or no one said too much, I dropped it thinking I may have needed an eye exam or that it wasn't important.

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Razz, I have been working on the license plate in an off and on manner and am pursuing it with priority now. If you have a good image, please post it. Include the original raw frame or unprocessed image, so we can recreate the results

Nin, In your opinion did you find that the SWFA video had been altered to make it less clear to public before it was released by SWFA?
Nin, In your opinion did you find that the SWFA video had been altered to make it less clear to public before it was released by SWFA?

No, I have not seen any indication of pixel alteration or cloudiness. Whenever I blow up and process the vehicle and in particular the cloudiness layer, it turns out to be moisture (distinguishable drops) on the camera glass. Also, the facial image of the driver I posted was pretty clear IMO. The license tag does not seem to be blocked either, it is just difficult to see due to the weather conditions IMO.

Again, no alterations IMO.

RBBM. JMHO the SWFA cameras are continuous recording cameas. Not like the ones at Church. And they are not set up as surveillance for the CCoC they just happen to be in the direction where the Church is in view. JMHO

As to your other questions, we have not seen that video to be able to answer any of those questions. But, knowing the cameras are pointed in that direction, and it being very dark outside, we can see just with what we have that head lights and tail lights are picked up. MPD knows what time frame to look at so they can tell lots by looking at time stamp of SWFA for those times. JMHO say 3-5am as with the ATT Tower Dump time frame. JMHO they also no doubt have looked at any other early mornings that show vehicles turning into the church drive. On the Today Show, on Thurs 4/21 Kerry Sanders said FBI was going through 1000's of hours of video to see if possibly someone with gait as SP had been in with face uncovered. Lots of cameras so unsure how much time is on ea they were looking at. JMHO I thinking something may have been seen around 3 a.m. Suspect was first on camera around "ten til four". Assuming that is from inside the church at "ten til four". That is 50 minutes prior to that they asked for the Tower Dump. And it stops at 5 when the 911 calls were made. Curious why not say 5:30ish? JMHO

ETA, no the video from early rainy morning that MB was murdered would not be as clear as a clear daytime video. No snark intended. That is why jmho Johnson said what he did

JMHO, they would know this vehicle was not there when they went to look after LEO arrived and found damage. JMHO there was not a vehicle parked in that area when MPD looked. *so again they would be able to possibly know when veh left. This would also go along with what BB said on Tues interview, that "we do not think a vehicle was there at the church " (paraphrasing)

Johnson said a vehicle can be seen on the video may belong to the killer, but there's not enough information to give the public.
"There’s one surveillance camera where you can see the car in the far corner of the frame, parked in the distance. You can't make out a plate, and we're not even comfortable releasing anything about a possible make or model,”
Johnson said.
I'm thinking that SP did not even consider that their vehicle could have been picked up by the security cameras at the SWFA. Probably thought those cameras were too far away and was only concerned with the security camera at the church.

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What is everyone's thoughts on that they have a suspect or 2...but don't have any clear evidence to indict, hence no new information coming out??

My thoughts all along. I don't think we're giving them enough credit, but I could be completely wrong.

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No, I have not seen any indication of pixel alteration or cloudiness. Whenever I blow up and process the vehicle and in particular the cloudiness layer, it turns out to be moisture (distinguishable drops) on the camera glass. Also, the facial image of the driver I posted was pretty clear IMO. The license tag does not seem to be blocked either, it is just difficult to see due to the weather conditions IMO.

Again, no alterations IMO.


Do you find some individual frames are missing? I know it was cut and pasted from several cameras. But it seems to me that just when I am slowly viewing and trying to stop at the best view it jumps just a bit like the best views have been cut. But I do not have any special software for viewing.
RBBM, The SW only speaks of 1 shirt having "animal blood". On the receipt also shows blood on the white shirt. How would someone know that LEO would only take 1 shirt if more had blood on them? JMHO I would think they would take any that appeared to have blood on them. Since they could only take with the SW what the SW said, maybe the Det went there, saw what was there and applied for SW. All I know is they could only take what listed on the SW (the one shirt they took with blood on it)

RB stated in front of MPD that he took 2 shirts with blood to the cleaners.
I hope it's ok to post this and I'm guessing it's already been discussed, but the POI in the April Vancleave murder??? His walk?

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Re SP: wrong skin colour, too much body weight (think of green man). IMO
Snip>>>...I assume wrongly I'm afraid that everyone reads everyone's posts and that we're all kind of on the same page. When actually, I'm the only one on that page and no one knows what I'm talking about. Sorry, my brain works.......hmmmmm...differently than most. Not always a good thing for others trying to understand or follow what I'm saying...<<<snipped for space
Wait - are you saying that ya'll don't hear me when I'm talking to you?
Because we're having conversations all the time over here in my head... we even argue sometimes, just like a real family.
Don't we???
Re SP: wrong skin colour, too much body weight (think of green man). IMO

Ok, makes sense.

Edited to add: But, I didn't think skin color was that off and his head shape looked a lot like the shape of he head in NIN's videos. I do see the discrepancy between him and green man though. I'll look again. Thanks :)

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