TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #41

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TY for clearing that up! Still puzzling.....why would the same camera that captured the last second of video we see of SP NOT capture him/her EMERGING from wherever he/she was???? Makes it seem like SP did NOT exit the same route as he/she came in and met up with or found or "lay in wait" for Missy. JMO
One possible scenario is that SP covered the camera so that it did not pick up whatever was going on. JMO
I was expressing my opinion that a targeted hit on MB did not necessarily have to be connected to a "love triangle" situation. It could just as well be a targeted hit from someone who just wanted her out of the way. The fact that she sustained multiple puncture injuries to the chest and head could indicate a lot of anger toward the victim, either personal anger or at the direction of someone with personal anger who wanted to cause more damage than necessary to kill her. It's my opinion that she most likely suffered injuries to her breast area since her chest was mentioned. It is also easy for me to conclude that she most likely suffered injuries to her face since the pick hammer was being used on her chest. Just as I stated in my earlier post, this is JMO.
What does it tell us about the SP that his exit was not on video? If he is running does that indicate he freaked out, is fearful or that he does not want to be seen with blood on him? Do we learn more about his ability to plan? Could he have known in 30 minutes which areas were not covered by cameras? Were some cameras not working? If so had they been disabled? If so why would the SP want to conceal his exit?
Or was it even something SP even considered?
If he is seen carrying Missy towards the glass table then it is not possible she was killed there. Unless he carried her all around the hallways. It's just not adding up what MPD is saying. JMO
So now that we know definitively that SP is not seen on video after the murder, what do we take from that in terms of his exit?

Did SP head toward the doors that MB had entered through, or did he go back to the kitchen? If the latter, wouldn't he have had to be sprinting (a camera would have picked him up otherwise)?

If he was sprinting to the kitchen, does that throw a monkey wrench in the cool, calm, collected, methodical killer theory?
As you can gather from all of my previous posts on this topic that there are only two possibilities in my opinion: either some of the cameras (particularly at the Northwest corner of the building) were not working or SP, using knowledge of the layout of the church and information about the cameras that is obtainable only in limited ways, was actively evading cameras.
TY for clearing that up! Still puzzling.....why would the same camera that captured the last second of video we see of SP NOT capture him/her EMERGING from wherever he/she was???? Makes it seem like SP did NOT exit the same route as he/she came in and met up with or found or "lay in wait" for Missy. JMO
This is excellent. The key is that MPD has stated that Missy was seen heading in the direction where SP was last known to be. If that did not come from the camera that showed Missy for the last time then that would mean SP was "trapped" between at least two known working cameras (even if we haven't privy to footage from one of those cameras). If this is the case then SP would have to be actively evading cameras to get out of the site of the murder. On the other hand, if it were the case that the last time SP was seen and the last time Missy was seen it was from the same camera (at different times) then it is possible to leave unseen due to a non-working camera.
As you can gather from all of my previous posts on this topic that there are only two possibilities in my opinion: either some of the cameras (particularly at the Northwest corner of the building) were not working or SP, using knowledge of the layout of the church and information about the cameras that is obtainable only in limited ways, was actively evading cameras.

ETA:,never mind, I just saw your other post. Just ignore the below.

What about the third possibility that the cameras were working, and SP showed the same indifference to them after the murder that he displayed prior to it, and he didn't really know or care much about their operation at all?

Then after the killing, which I still think may have been unplanned, he high-tails it outta Dodge so quickly the cameras don't catch him, although they may have activated (and thus would have alerted MPD to where he exited). Not that he really cared whether they caught him leaving or not since he was in costume and knew the cameras weren't being monitored.

What is it about the above scenario that you find impossible? This may be a rehash -sorry - but I do this forum mostly on the road from my phone. I'm great with remembering things people said, but not so much with intricate theories layouts and diagrams. So just tell me in a nutshell, why this guy couldn't have been surprised by MB, killed her out of surprise and anger, and left however he wanted to leave as long as he did it in haste?
Jethro is a great SME on the cameras and motion so he can answer in great detail. As I understand it, the perp would have to come close enough to the camera to activate it. But if he is moving pretty fast, he'll be gone by the point that the camera begins recording. At that point all the camera would pick up would be empty hallway.
I think the most significant footage of SP with regard to how well they can move about with the tactical gear on is the sequence of the long video where SP is seen coming west up the south hall toward the camera and directly to the alcove where the SW doors to the sanctuary are located right across from the Dutch Doors. I will note my opinion that SP does not appear to me to be awkward in their movements with the gear on at any time as if they are getting used to wearing such gear. So, that all said, I believe that SP was capable of moving reasonably rapidly with that gear on. However, if the cameras were working at the Northwest corner and SP headed in that direction to exit they would not be able to move fast enough to cover the distance not only toward the camera looking South but also the camera that was looking East without tripping either, or likely both of them. If they are positioned and configured like the ones we know to be working in the Southwest then those Northwest cameras would also partially overlap in their views.

The only situation where I think it would be possible to evade the cameras using speed is for short distances, and if I had to hazard a guess I would say 12-15 feet provided that a door to a room to enter was already open or an alcove was within that range. So this would be akin to crossing a hallway or potentially from a blind spot in the middle of a hall between the ranges of cameras on either end to an open door or alcove. This would only seem possible to me with the alcoves at the stage end of the sanctuary and the doors that are relatively across from them or the northern entry to the Sanctuary in the west hallway - provided the folding door that covers that alcove was already open.

As has been mentioned by others if the murder happened in the Main Entry area on the west side (middle of that hallway) then it would require two things: 1) The camera I expect is located there was not working and 2) either those doors there were not locked or SP took Missy's keys and opened those doors. It would take too long to exit two sets of doors there, even if unlocked, without a working camera picking up either SP or the motion of the doors. At least in my opinion.

If SP were using a stop and go technique like I had described some pages back on this thread then SP could exit via any doors unseen by any of the internal cameras.

Of course, this is the number one reason I have for wanting to see the additional unreleased footage as it will tell us what other cameras, if any, were working along with where Missy was killed in the building. This knowledge would constrain the possible theories as to where and how SP exited the building and tell us much more about SP.
This is excellent. The key is that MPD has stated that Missy was seen heading in the direction where SP was last known to be. If that did not come from the camera that showed Missy for the last time then that would mean SP was "trapped" between at least two known working cameras (even if we haven't privy to footage from one of those cameras). If this is the case then SP would have to be actively evading cameras to get out of the site of the murder. On the other hand, if it were the case that the last time SP was seen and the last time Missy was seen it was from the same camera (at different times) then it is possible to leave unseen due to a non-working camera.

Or an area not covered by cameras like the Main West entrance foyer?
--I see this already answered. Thanks
This is excellent. The key is that MPD has stated that Missy was seen heading in the direction where SP was last known to be. If that did not come from the camera that showed Missy for the last time then that would mean SP was "trapped" between at least two known working cameras (even if we haven't privy to footage from one of those cameras). If this is the case then SP would have to be actively evading cameras to get out of the site of the murder. On the other hand, if it were the case that the last time SP was seen and the last time Missy was seen it was from the same camera (at different times) then it is possible to leave unseen due to a non-working camera.

In response to being 'trapped' what do you mean? If I'm interpreting it correctly, it's probably possible that since the 2 were walking around and on 2 different cameras that the system couldn't record both and SP either got really lucky or methodically planned the murder exactly where 2 cameras meet in order to make sure the murder would not be on camera.. Also, I agree with everyone saying SP probably booked it ASAP after killing MB.. but also makes you wonder if SP was just a random burglar and knew nothing of the CG fitness class AND could run that fast, why not just hightail it out of there when MB appeared? No way to know if she could out run you.. unless she saw SP and went running towards him(highly unlikely).. Or why couldn't SP just hide somewhere? The odds of someone going roaming thru CCoC looking for someone even if they saw something that didn't seem right is highly unlikely too. To me there's no way that SP was a random person there just vandalizing.. Your at a church alone in the middle of the night, 30 mins before she even got there. So you would for sure hear someone else there even if it was just little sounds, All JMO tho..

ETA: wouldn't all exit doors be unlocked from the inside? Wouldn't it be considered a fire hazard to not be able to? So hypothetically SP could've exited at any door...
This is excellent. The key is that MPD has stated that Missy was seen heading in the direction where SP was last known to be. If that did not come from the camera that showed Missy for the last time then that would mean SP was "trapped" between at least two known working cameras (even if we haven't privy to footage from one of those cameras). If this is the case then SP would have to be actively evading cameras to get out of the site of the murder. On the other hand, if it were the case that the last time SP was seen and the last time Missy was seen it was from the same camera (at different times) then it is possible to leave unseen due to a non-working camera.

Do you think Missy might of known about the cameras and how they worked meaning did the church inform anyone that had keys to the building about their "security" ? If she knew about how the cameras worked then possibly she might have told someone that she would be safe going into the church early in the mornings and how the cameras worked so no one would worry about her safety.........
Do you think Missy might of known about the cameras and how they worked meaning did the church inform anyone that had keys to the building about their "security" ? If she knew about how the cameras worked then possibly she might have told someone that she would be safe going into the church early in the mornings and how the cameras worked so no one would worry about her safety.........
Anything like that is possible. I would hope that if Missy had told anyone about cameras that weren't working or anything Missy knew about the security that they would have mentioned that to MPD or MPD should have asked that question of everyone Missy had been known to be in contact with in the prior 6 weeks. But to the specific question of whether I think Missy knew about the cameras or not - I don't believe she knew about them in terms of whether they were working or not nor paid any attention to them at all.
Anything like that is possible. I would hope that if Missy had told anyone about cameras that weren't working or anything Missy knew about the security that they would have mentioned that to MPD or MPD should have asked that question of everyone Missy had been known to be in contact with in the prior 6 weeks. But to the specific question of whether I think Missy knew about the cameras or not - I don't believe she knew about them in terms of whether they were working or not nor paid any attention to them at all.

It just seems to me that the sp knew exactly how the cameras worked. A few possibilities of how the sp knew bothers me. Hoping justice comes soon!
I was expressing my opinion that a targeted hit on MB did not necessarily have to be connected to a "love triangle" situation. It could just as well be a targeted hit from someone who just wanted her out of the way. The fact that she sustained multiple puncture injuries to the chest and head could indicate a lot of anger toward the victim, either personal anger or at the direction of someone with personal anger who wanted to cause more damage than necessary to kill her. It's my opinion that she most likely suffered injuries to her breast area since her chest was mentioned. It is also easy for me to conclude that she most likely suffered injuries to her face since the pick hammer was being used on her chest. Just as I stated in my earlier post, this is JMO.

"The love-triangle thing is not really panning out so far" as Johnson said. I would rather think about the ones who were perhaps affected by a (maybe former but not undetected) love-triangle, NOT the love-triangle itself.
Does anyone else wonder how SERIOUSLY LE investigators looked for footprints? JMO

"Medical Detectives" on TV told me recently :D : Footprints are destroyed by rain, even more by very heavy rain.
Work in progress


Check out the MPD video again and look at the SP walking down the West hallway. Look at the very first frames all until the individual enters the room next to the bulletin board. The individual completely disappears and comes back out.

Now, slow it down or watch frame by frame, look at the POLICE logo on the right front side of the jacket and watch the patch - or whatever it is. It is way further to the left or towards the middle of the *first* person:






Upon exiting the room you will see all angles of the logo and patch, including the angle you see, when SP enters first.


That could explain variations of pants, socks, boots, shoes etc . and height/size..IMO

THIS WAS PLANNED AND EXECUTED ACCORDING TO PLAN. I do not know, how the first SP got inside that room, unless the individual we see has cruised around the church twice? We need to see the remaining footage of the video.

I am stunned.



  • SP West 5 0571.jpg
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  • SP WEST 4 videoplayback 0567.png
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    SP West 3B videoplayback0588 copy.png
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  • SP West 2 0190.jpg
    SP West 2 0190.jpg
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Work in progress


Check out the MPD video again and look at the SP walking down the West hallway. Look at the very first frames all until the individual enters the room next to the bulletin board. The individual completely disappears and comes back out.

Now, slow it down or watch frame by frame, look at the POLICE logo on the right front side of the jacket and watch the patch - or whatever it is. It is way further to the left or towards the middle of the *first* person:






Upon exiting the room you will see all angles of the logo and patch, including the angle you see, when SP enters first.


That could explain variations of pants, socks, boots, shoes etc . and height/size..IMO

THIS WAS PLANNED AND EXECUTED ACCORDING TO PLAN. I do not know, how the first SP got inside that room, unless the individual we see has cruised around the church twice? We need to see the remaining footage of the video.

I am stunned.


Thanks!!!!!!! Finally..... !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I really find it hard to believe that there weren't any traces of a bloody footprint or a glove print inside the church to indicate where SP exited the scene.

Since a camera caught MB entering the building, that same camera would have picked up SP on the way out. So my guess would be SP used a different way out. You would think there would be a trace.

I guess which way SP left the building doesn't help find the killer. <..sigh..>

Work in progress


Check out the MPD video again and look at the SP walking down the West hallway. Look at the very first frames all until the individual enters the room next to the bulletin board. The individual completely disappears and comes back out.

Now, slow it down or watch frame by frame, look at the POLICE logo on the right front side of the jacket and watch the patch - or whatever it is. It is way further to the left or towards the middle of the *first* person:






Upon exiting the room you will see all angles of the logo and patch, including the angle you see, when SP enters first.


That could explain variations of pants, socks, boots, shoes etc . and height/size..IMO

THIS WAS PLANNED AND EXECUTED ACCORDING TO PLAN. I do not know, how the first SP got inside that room, unless the individual we see has cruised around the church twice? We need to see the remaining footage of the video.

I am stunned.


WOW NIN, be careful and safe please. This whole case is creepy and mind blowing. Other sleuths should read the first few threads because a lot of us talked about 2 sp's.....Since NIN confirmed it with her gift of working with pics then it narrows it down completely to a bigger theory that a lot of ppl talked about re multiple agencies and corrupt LE figures
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