TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #45

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I don’t know as much as a lot of y’all on this case and I’m sure I’m showing my ignorance , but just one more question and I’ll be quiet about it.
I thought that the SWAT person broke into the church through a window or something. That there was no video of that, LE just found where they had broken in. I guess that’s what I was thinking. But if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. It’s OK, thanks for the info!
The swat perp entered through the northern kitchen ish window or door. I can’t recall which exactly it was. there is also video of him coming out of the kitchen door and walking down one of the halls.
you would need to go back to the threads I’ve posted here for exact details.


Batbrat, I've admired your extensive research and knowledge in this area, along with your graphic representations. Please remind me again what your height estimation was. TIA.
Thank you! I have consistently arrived at 71" - 73" or slightly higher, based on a an 84" door installation. Subtracting shoes and helmet, my estimation without gear is between 5'8.5"- 5'11".


ringing this forward from thread #33 page 14


BatBrat! Your work is so interesting and helpful, I really appreciate you taking your time and using your expertise to demonstrate SWATPERP's height.

Perhaps the measurements can not be corroborative of those of LE because SP is not standing directly at the right door jamb, but rather a few inches to its left. Would this position show different measurements of height? I dunno. Try it maybe?
Click to expand...
I'm including another image I worked on where he's standing virtually against the edge of an open door. Unfortunately, the top portion of that image is cropped by the camera, but using the adjacent door measurements and matching the perspective and lens distortion correction technique, this is my result. The subject stands directly against or behind an 84" door, he is 73+" with helmet and shoes:



Editing to add the above image for reference.

Attached Files:

ringing this forward from thread #23 page 6

No it's notthat simple
The question is, why did the perp broke the glass of the NE entrance double doors, and yet made their entry through the metal kitchen door, supposedly by breaking in the glass panel and engaging the panic bar by reaching inside according to LE presser? Why was the kitchen door not locked - panic bar disengaged ? Especially, if the church knew of the outside surveillances not properly functioning?

The blood drive in the church's parking lot the day before Missy was murdered mayhave served as a good "excuse" for forgetting to lock that kitchen door, if that door is usually being kept locked. Or, that door is never being locked. Then again, why not?

Even if the perp pretested, whether the church had an alarm or not, why not entering through the already broken glass doors (NE)?


bringing forward from thread #33 page 46
I guess my thought was, the murder itself was not caught on video(that I know of), so there must be some area near the entrance not covered by video where the murder took place. And I just wondered if someone else might have been there, and not roamed around.

I could be wrong but I thought L.E. did say (in the very first pressers) that the footage of the actual murder is NOT going to be released.
In other words, I think L.E. has that capture.

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I remember that also....I would swear there was a picture of the broken window in one of the news stories too......
This is from 2016, rbbm.
Police Release New Information in Midlothian Murder Investigation
''Midlothian Police Department- Surveillance Still Images from Creek Side Church Homicide''

''Surveillance video recorded inside the church shows a person, dressed in black gear with police markings, using a tool to pry open doors to enter the building shortly before Bevers entered.''

''EMS workers noted broken glass and other signs of a struggle near Bevers' body. Police searched the building and determined there were visible signs of forced entry.

Police said the motion-activated surveillance cameras did not record any interaction between Bevers and the person.''
I don’t know as much as a lot of y’all on this case and I’m sure I’m showing my ignorance , but just one more question and I’ll be quiet about it.
I thought that the SWAT person broke into the church through a window or something. That there was no video of that, LE just found where they had broken in. I guess that’s what I was thinking. But if I’m wrong, I’m wrong. It’s OK, thanks for the info!
There was an elevated off the ground window that had been broken, just down from the kitchen door.

Police did not say whether it was broken out or broken in or whether the killer went thru it (doubtful, because it is raised up off the ground). Then on the east side of the church at the northern corner, that entrance had its glass doors smashed.

The killer entered thru the metal kitchen service door:

, but some have theorized that he broke the window and the NE entrance doors to test for the presence of an alarm, maybe.
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(Respectfully snipped )
Thanks for finding this!
Wow just insane luck ...or planned by the perp.

Or it could be neither of those. Cameras only covered the hallways. No cameras in the rooms or the auditorium or in the West entrance foyer (which is most likely where she ended up). So the only way the murder would have been caught on camera would have been if it went down in the hallway. Even there, there were dead spots that were out of reach of one camera but not close enough to the other one.
Exactly, walked very much like a pregnant woman, or an out of shape guy with a back/foot problem.

Maybe that is why the perp brought various tools of destruction, because they lack the physical strength to attack the very fit MB without them.
Unless of course, the whole get up and creepy choreography was rehearsed for the benefit of the cctv cameras and to do what it seems to have done so far - confuse.
All speculation, imo.
Tools are needed, if you intent to violently murder at the end, IMO. Maybe, the perp had also a gun, but didn't want to show it to surveillance cameras.
Your next sentence tells, what I believe, it was: a large, creepy show for confusing the investigators, successful for nearly 5 years now.
MY speculation, dotr. ;)

ETA: I wouldn't be surprised, if the perp is from out of state.
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The 90's movie The Usual Suspects where Keyser Soze throws off an entire police investigation by presenting himself as weak with a very noticeable limp.

It makes me think of the suspect here. Are they purposely walking that way to throw off the investigation that they know will be coming?

Random thoughts - was there a church member upset/offended by the victim and the class she was holding at the church? It's not unusual for churches to rent out their space for various venues. People can get bent out of shape over petty things.

The type of class the victim held sounds a little intense. Some people like these classes, especially if the instructor is tough and motivates through a loud and direct tone. Did someone in the class become resentful and reach a bizarre breaking point?

This seems so personal and the suspect wanted the victim to be afraid and suffer. IMO
Random thoughts - was there a church member upset/offended by the victim and the class she was holding at the church?

People can get bent out of shape over petty things.
I think it is possible.

I have gone to church my entire adult life. As humans go to churches, I have seen well, unchurchy behavior deliberately directed at others.


All of the cases that I have seen were 100% internal to the actual church. They involved either abuse of petty authority directed at other members, or people directing their anger at other members perceived to threaten their internal status, position, or prestige

In this case, the victim, though hosting classes at the church, was not a member and not involved in anything internal. Thus, she was not a threat to anybody's status, position, prestige with in the church.

It is entirely possible that a church member became enraged due to too much spandex, or dim views of the victim's uhmm.... "extra curricular" activities. But, I think that as the victim did not pose a threat to a position, status or prestige, there would more likely be a build up.

For example, member repeatedly complains to the pastor and encourages others to complain. Maybe "advises" the instructor to leave. Or, constantly monitors the group for small violations (doors not closed, music too loud, too much changing in the bathrooms etc).

I dont think there has been evidence of a build up. Then again, build ups are not required for rage motives either.
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Midlothian resident here....sadly this case isn't talked about as much anymore. I know some of her close friends don't think the husband had anything to do with her murder, even though maybe half of the town does. I don't really know anymore...

The break-ins that usually happen here have been at gas stations or vehicles. Don't happen as often as the city, but it's usually out of towners or teens/high schoolers breaking into vehicles. We've never had issues with break-ins at churches. And we've never had a murder due to criminal activity. It's a pretty safe town, even with it's growth. Always has been.

The church is situated on an old highway that (at the time) was pretty secluded, no neighborhoods. At the time the murder happened it was dark and rainy, and no one would be paying attention driving past it and it probably wasn't busy around that time. It's busy now and tons of construction going on.

So, I feel that it either was someone that knew her and knew what time she would be there and that the church would be empty, or it could have been some immature high schooler/or young adolescent that was bored and thought it'd be "awesome" to break in and all dressed up in their gear and got busted by Missy. Maybe got surprised by Missy and that's why he/she attacked/killed Missy.

I've only known about her puncture wounds to her head and chest area. Without getting into details or causing any issues for the person...a family member of mine worked with the camper that found her.

It's just crazy that they haven't solved this case, but this is a smallish town and we have never experienced something like this. I think our last murder was in the 80's, undercover cop George Rayfield was killed by two high school boys over drugs.
Midlothian resident here....sadly this case isn't talked about as much anymore. I know some of her close friends don't think the husband had anything to do with her murder, even though maybe half of the town does. I don't really know anymore...

The break-ins that usually happen here have been at gas stations or vehicles. Don't happen as often as the city, but it's usually out of towners or teens/high schoolers breaking into vehicles. We've never had issues with break-ins at churches. And we've never had a murder due to criminal activity. It's a pretty safe town, even with it's growth. Always has been.

The church is situated on an old highway that (at the time) was pretty secluded, no neighborhoods. At the time the murder happened it was dark and rainy, and no one would be paying attention driving past it and it probably wasn't busy around that time. It's busy now and tons of construction going on.

So, I feel that it either was someone that knew her and knew what time she would be there and that the church would be empty, or it could have been some immature high schooler/or young adolescent that was bored and thought it'd be "awesome" to break in and all dressed up in their gear and got busted by Missy. Maybe got surprised by Missy and that's why he/she attacked/killed Missy.

I've only known about her puncture wounds to her head and chest area. Without getting into details or causing any issues for the person...a family member of mine worked with the camper that found her.

It's just crazy that they haven't solved this case, but this is a smallish town and we have never experienced something like this. I think our last murder was in the 80's, undercover cop George Rayfield was killed by two high school boys over drugs.
Thanks for the community perspective, and reminder of how extra bizarre this was in your context.

If it was a common thing for young miscreants to dress up in bizarre costumes to break into buildings and be captured on video, that would give credence to the coincidence theory. But I'm not aware that's a 'thing'. IMO, relatively harmless people get their ideas from other people and TV, even the misfits follow the trends in how to be a misfit.

Whereas a psychopathic murderer will put a lot of careful thought into how to commit a crime, and may find satisfaction in being unique and clever (unlike an impulse murderer).

So, although I want to believe Missy just accidentally met up with this person, who over-reacted to her, it just seems so unlikely. IMO though, whoever did it, did it partly for kicks. They didn't need to be waiting in the building, they could have attacked her from outside.
There was an elevated off the ground window that had been broken, just down from the kitchen door.

View attachment 285915
Police did not say whether it was broken out or broken in or whether the killer went thru it (doubtful, because it is raised up off the ground). Then on the east side of the church at the northern corner, that entrance had its glass doors smashed.

View attachment 285916
The killer entered thru the metal kitchen service door:

View attachment 285917
, but some have theorized that he broke the window and the NE entrance doors to test for the presence of an alarm, maybe.

Thank you!! I knew I had seen these somewhere! Glad to know my brain somewhat still retains things, lol.
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