TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #45

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Let me try to rephrase. 5 years ago, we had one grainy still photo of the back of a car. It wasn’t clear at all where at SWFA the car was located. So the speculation was, this car might be some traveler who just pulled off to check a map, or was having an electrical malfunction in the rain, etc. We didn’t know what time it happened. We didn’t know how much time it spent there. We knew of no behavior of the car other than a car pulled off the highway, period.

Fast forward 7 months and SWFA released the video on their own in December 2016. Now we understood that the car didn’t simply pull just off the highway and then back on a moment later. It went all the way around the entire property. And it turned its lights off and on several times, including before it even made the turn into the lot. And we now knew it was around 2:00 a.m.

But even knowing this information, one could still point out that it’s quite a gap of time between 2 a.m. at the store and a 4:20 murder. As SteveS has consistently pointed out, that is “hours” of time between two buildings that aren’t exactly next door to one another.

Fast forward to January 2019 and the geofence warrant. It’s made clear that something unusual with the cameras happened at 2:23, which is just 19 minutes after the car left SWFA. And it’s also notable that police were using this information in the probable cause affidavit 3 years after the murder. So years later, they still have their eyes on that car and its possible relationship to the murder. So much so that they did a geofence warrant for both the church AND the gun store.

So that’s where it stands. Do weird coincidences happen? Yes. Do they often turn out to be just coincidences and nothing more? Yes. And that could still be the case with the Altima. But, from the point we started with it in 2016 until now, each new piece of info we’ve gotten on the Altima has only strengthened the potential of a connection.

Um, yeah. I was just wondering why this is more important today than when we discussed it two years ago. Was the Nissan involved? Maybe, maybe not...

Has something changed? tysm
Um, yeah. I was just wondering why this is more important today than when we discussed it two years ago. Was the Nissan involved? Maybe, maybe not...

Has something changed? tysm
The geofence warrant has never been discussed on Websleuths before now. The threads were closed when it came to light. Most people still don’t know it exists. I can only say that I was on the fence about the Altima’s involvement prior to seeing that warrant in 2019, and I could no longer ride that fence after realizing that not just one camera but more than one camera at the church activated 19 mins after the car left SWFA. At 2:23 when there shouldn’t be anything moving at a church.

Something else to point out - police recovered continuous footage from outside cameras at SWFA - so much footage that they had to bring their own external hard drive to contain it all. One or more cameras are mounted high and would have captured headlights turning into the church. If they have time stamped footage showing the headlights of a car turning in sometime close to 2:23, then that would be a pretty good reason to draw a correlation.
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Steve said we don't know when the crook entered the building even though the cameras were engaged at 2:23am. Wouldn't the SP be the one to cause the cameras to activate at 2:23am? Please do not introduce another player into the mix.
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Steve said we don't know when the crook entered the building even though the cameras were engaged at 2:23am. Wouldn't the SP be the one to cause the cameras to activate at 2:23am? Please do not introduce another player into the mix.
I believe what he is saying is that the killer could have done something to cause camera activation without actually entering the building. We know there was damage to the NE entrance doors. The killer could have busted those doors without making entry, and conceivably the cameras might have activated because of the vibration of the breaking, or because glass flew out onto the floor, etc. Then the killer could have conceivably left the scene to check for alarm response, then come back sometime later to enter thru the kitchen.
Steve said we don't know when the crook entered the building even though the cameras were engaged at 2:23am. Wouldn't the SP be the one to cause the cameras to activate at 2:23am? Please do not introduce another player into the mix.

I suspect this isn't the sort of highly suspicious answer you might prefer, but I think it's way more likely than those that make a lot of the 2:23 "event" (if we want to see it that way). I'm sure others will offer why they think it was suspicious.

If it was the perp that personally caused a camera to activate, then the camera would have seen the perp that activated it. That didn't happen. (It's not like the perp was The Flash who might have activated the camera and then whooshed out of sight, either!) But from all the reports, the cameras saw a big fat nothing.

Multiple cameras triggering at the same time - without catching anything - actually point away from it being an actual human-triggered event. A human wouldn't be multiple places at once.

There are any number of reasons why cameras could have activated for no apparent reason. And it could have happened at other times we haven't heard about. Shadows from cars passing down the highway, lightning in a rainstorm, clouds making it alternate between sudden light and sudden dark in just the right place, and more.

Here's what I favor. There was a lightning flash (it was a huge storm that night) that suddenly lit up walls that had been dark, and caused cams to sense "motion." And I also suspect that there were other phantom camera activations at CCOC various times and days, but that only 2:23 was mentioned because it offered a convenient "link" to halfway justify the search warrant request for info on the Altima driver's phone.

I also find it interesting that while LE used the "trigger alarms and then see what happened" explanation, combined with the sighting at SWFA and then the cams at 2:23, that is contradictory. They used it anyhow, because I think it was the best possible justification they had to support the search request, and it seems to be the same thing if you don't look closely. Or, if you want to pretend you didn't notice the contradiction.

Also, if perp entered at 2:23, that's a full hour-and-a-half before ever being seen on camera. That seems unlikely - way too long imo to have sat doing nothing, with a car parked outside and exterior damage to the building announcing his presence to any police on patrol.
I’m going to leave one other Altima-related item here for consideration, as it’s kind of a head scratcher and hasn’t been discussed here.

At the three-year anniversary in 2019, police issued a press release acknowledging the milestone. In mentioning the car at SWFA they repeated that it could be a Nissan Altima but then threw in the possibility it might be an Infiniti G37.

One doesn’t have to do much research to find that the hoods of a G37 and an Altima are differently-contoured. The car in the SWFA footage is clearly not a G37. So why would police say that it could be?
The geofence warrant has never been discussed on Websleuths before now. The threads were closed when it came to light. Most people still don’t know it exists. I can only say that I was on the fence about the Altima’s involvement prior to seeing that warrant in 2019, and I could no longer ride that fence after realizing that not just one camera but more than one camera at the church activated 19 mins after the car left SWFA. At 2:23 when there shouldn’t be anything moving at a church.

Something else to point out - police recovered continuous footage from outside cameras at SWFA - so much footage that they had to bring their own external hard drive to contain it all. One or more cameras are mounted high and would have captured headlights turning into the church. If they have time stamped footage showing the headlights of a car turning in sometime close to 2:23, then that would be a pretty good reason to draw a correlation.

Maybe the cameras captured lights 0.8 miles - more than 14 football fields away - on a dark rainy night. Maybe they didn't. Maybe it was a Nissan. Maybe it was it lightning on wet pavement. I'm still not finding this definitive or new, but tysm for your reply.

The geofence warrant link is here in our media thread.

TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, Dallas 18 Apr 2016 Media & Timeline *NO DISCUSSION*
All this info about the car at the SWFA before the crime, but what about any cars captured on camera driving away after the crime? It was still early so not as if it could get lost in heavy traffic. Did the same car appear driving past the store after the murder? Or did it go another way? How did the perp get away invisibly?

All this info about the car at the SWFA before the crime, but what about any cars captured on camera driving away after the crime? It was still early so not as if it could get lost in heavy traffic. Did the same car appear driving past the store after the murder? Or did it go another way? How did the perp get away invisibly?


This has always been a biggie for me also, how did SP get away with no one seeing him/her since it was SO close to the time for campers to show? And I still wonder what lured MB into the trap. Empty building, dark and rainy outside, if I heard a weird noise or someone holler for me, I would NOT have gone into the building, I would have locked myself in my truck, especially since MB had a firearm inside. Was it the voice of someone she knew, she wasn't scared of? Or did they shoot her first while she was walking through then attack her.

My speculation - 17 minutes between MB arriving and first camper pulling into the lot. That is not a lot of time for SP to lure MB in to kill her and then get away. I'm going to factor in 5 minutes for MB to get doors open and start unloading a few things before she was trapped. That leaves a 12 minute window for the killing and SP escape. Now, the SP easy could have taken longer since MB wasn't found until 5:02, but still, SP had to get away and the closer to 5:02AM it gets, the more people start to show up in the lot and the harder for SP to get away unseen.
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Let me try to rephrase. 5 years ago, we had one grainy still photo of the back of a car. It wasn’t clear at all where at SWFA the car was located. So the speculation was, this car might be some traveler who just pulled off to check a map, or was having an electrical malfunction in the rain, etc. We didn’t know what time it happened. We didn’t know how much time it spent there. We knew of no behavior of the car other than a car pulled off the highway, period.

Fast forward 7 months and SWFA released the video on their own in December 2016. Now we understood that the car didn’t simply pull just off the highway and then back on a moment later. It went all the way around the entire property. And it turned its lights off and on several times, including before it even made the turn into the lot. And we now knew it was around 2:00 a.m.

But even knowing this information, one could still point out that it’s quite a gap of time between 2 a.m. at the store and a 4:20 murder. As SteveS has consistently pointed out, that is “hours” of time between two buildings that aren’t exactly next door to one another.

Fast forward to January 2019 and the geofence warrant. It’s made clear that something unusual with the cameras happened at 2:23, which is just 19 minutes after the car left SWFA. And it’s also notable that police were using this information in the probable cause affidavit 3 years after the murder. So years later, they still have their eyes on that car and its possible relationship to the murder. So much so that they did a geofence warrant for both the church AND the gun store.

So that’s where it stands. Do weird coincidences happen? Yes. Do they often turn out to be just coincidences and nothing more? Yes. And that could still be the case with the Altima. But, from the point we started with it in 2016 until now, each new piece of info we’ve gotten on the Altima has only strengthened the potential of a connection.

Thank you for this explanation and timetable. I, like you, tend to believe that there is a connection with the Altima. Although there was quite a time gap between the Altima sighting and the murder, there was also a gap between when the perp entered the church and the actual murder, which to me actually strengthens the possibility they were connected if you think about how this crime went and the potential mentality of the killer - they were not in any hurry whatsoever. They had the time to stake out the location, both from a distance and from within. It implies a very methodical, prepared killer who wanted to leave absolutely nothing to chance. The whole operation, was an operation, not a smash and grab gone wrong, not a quick hit kill that just gets the job done. The method and planning and execution and stalking of MB may have been an important element to the killer. Perhaps savoring every minute of each aspect, or so anxious and nervous about not botching it that they wanted to cover all their bases.
Thank you for this explanation and timetable. I, like you, tend to believe that there is a connection with the Altima. Although there was quite a time gap between the Altima sighting and the murder, there was also a gap between when the perp entered the church and the actual murder, which to me actually strengthens the possibility they were connected if you think about how this crime went and the potential mentality of the killer - they were not in any hurry whatsoever. They had the time to stake out the location, both from a distance and from within. It implies a very methodical, prepared killer who wanted to leave absolutely nothing to chance. The whole operation, was an operation, not a smash and grab gone wrong, not a quick hit kill that just gets the job done. The method and planning and execution and stalking of MB may have been an important element to the killer. Perhaps savoring every minute of each aspect, or so anxious and nervous about not botching it that they wanted to cover all their bases.
Reading this aspect of patience made a thought pop into my head. I wonder of the perp waited for a rainy day, knowing Missy would would go inside the church in bad weather?

Reading this aspect of patience made a thought pop into my head. I wonder of the perp waited for a rainy day, knowing Missy would would go inside the church in bad weather?


Speaking of patience.....I know at some point in the threads early on, someone mentioned the thought of TWO people involved and this has always been a thought of mine also. The way the person leisurely strolls through the church really makes me consider that there was another person outside on lookout. Letting SP know when MB arrive and why SP could walk through the church so easily knowing that no one (church person included) showed up unplanned. My personal thought is female inside and male outside. Someone helped SP with outfit, helped them prepare, plan and they both executed.

Downside to this thought is that we now have two people keeping a secret of killing versus one.....it's been done before though.
Speaking of patience.....I know at some point in the threads early on, someone mentioned the thought of TWO people involved and this has always been a thought of mine also. The way the person leisurely strolls through the church really makes me consider that there was another person outside on lookout. Letting SP know when MB arrive and why SP could walk through the church so easily knowing that no one (church person included) showed up unplanned. My personal thought is female inside and male outside. Someone helped SP with outfit, helped them prepare, plan and they both executed.

Downside to this thought is that we now have two people keeping a secret of killing versus one.....it's been done before though.
The seemingly casual way the perp walks around does seem like a duo is involved - giving a comfort level of not being alone in the crime.

To me, it looks like the perp is sort of looking around the church's room to see where Missy might hold class indoors, while awaiting a signal from a partner that Missy arrived.

The seemingly casual way the perp walks around does seem like a duo is involved - giving a comfort level of not being alone in the crime.

To me, it looks like the perp is sort of looking around the church's room to see where Missy might hold class indoors, while awaiting a signal from a partner that Missy arrived.

Replying to myself, lol.

Maybe the headlight flashing at the store parking lot was the duo practicing what the signal would be at the church for when Missy arrived. Perhaps the "getaway car" was parked so the perp could see a flashing headlight from inside the church?

Would flashing headlights be enough to alert the motion-detector camera to turn on?

The seemingly casual way the perp walks around does seem like a duo is involved - giving a comfort level of not being alone in the crime.

To me, it looks like the perp is sort of looking around the church's room to see where Missy might hold class indoors, while awaiting a signal from a partner that Missy arrived.

The casual way the perp walks around says exactly the opposite to me. They were NOT expecting to run into anyone that morning. They were not lying in wait for Missy. They thought they had plenty of time -- at least until 7am or so when one might expect a janitor to arrive at the earliest.
Interested in Cases "how did SP get away with no one seeing him/her since it was SO close to the time for campers to show?"

Perhaps someone did see them.

I wondered the same as you. Then we heard that a witness reported seeing a "dark SUV" (iirc) leaving the CCOC parking lot about the time that the perp would have been leaving. It's a highway with consistent traffic, even at that hour. And the chance of witness confusion is diminished by the fact that the CCOC footprint is isolated, a vehicle coming onto the highway at 4:30 am or so from a church would have been unusual, and someone driving by would be very likely to know about when they were driving.

While some here want to be dismissive of that as unreliable, preferring to put more stock into a vehicle hours earlier and at a different site, to me it makes perfect sense that they couldn't - and didn't - get away unobserved.

In The Details
"Would flashing headlights be enough to alert the motion-detector camera to turn on?"

If you're asking about headlights flashing in the SWFA parking lot, definitely not. It was a long ways away, very obscured view of CCOC and vice versa as they were 1/2 mile or so apart with trees in-between.

In The Details
"Would flashing headlights be enough to alert the motion-detector camera to turn on?"

If you're asking about headlights flashing in the SWFA parking lot, definitely not. It was a long ways away, very obscured view of CCOC and vice versa as they were 1/2 mile or so apart with trees in-between.

No, that is not what I mean. Perhaps at the SWFA parking lot they were practicing a code with the headlights, then AT THE CHURCH, the driver in the car (if they worked as a duo) flashed the headlights to the perp inside. Would a flash of headlights at the CHURCH be enough to turn on the motion-detection camera?

I’m going to leave one other Altima-related item here for consideration, as it’s kind of a head scratcher and hasn’t been discussed here.

At the three-year anniversary in 2019, police issued a press release acknowledging the milestone. In mentioning the car at SWFA they repeated that it could be a Nissan Altima but then threw in the possibility it might be an Infiniti G37.

One doesn’t have to do much research to find that the hoods of a G37 and an Altima are differently-contoured. The car in the SWFA footage is clearly not a G37. So why would police say that it could be?
Very interesting, but a surprise: the Infiniti G37, never heard of.
So, they are searching for one car only, because it's the same, we saw on a surveillance pic from the Church parking lot?
Police say the Nissan in the video is the same vehicle seen in a surveillance photo they released in May. They said they chose to only release the photo instead of the video because the photo contained what appeared to be a distinctive emblem or sticker on the back bumper.
New video surfaces in Missy Bevers murder mystery
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