TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #45

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This has always been a biggie for me also, how did SP get away with no one seeing him/her since it was SO close to the time for campers to show? And I still wonder what lured MB into the trap. Empty building, dark and rainy outside, if I heard a weird noise or someone holler for me, I would NOT have gone into the building, I would have locked myself in my truck, especially since MB had a firearm inside. Was it the voice of someone she knew, she wasn't scared of? Or did they shoot her first while she was walking through then attack her.

My speculation - 17 minutes between MB arriving and first camper pulling into the lot. That is not a lot of time for SP to lure MB in to kill her and then get away. I'm going to factor in 5 minutes for MB to get doors open and start unloading a few things before she was trapped. That leaves a 12 minute window for the killing and SP escape. Now, the SP easy could have taken longer since MB wasn't found until 5:02, but still, SP had to get away and the closer to 5:02AM it gets, the more people start to show up in the lot and the harder for SP to get away unseen.


There was no need to lure MB into a trap. She was there to set up for her 5:00 a. m. class, which I think included unlocking the building so class participants could use the bathroom. She may have been planning for her class to use the main hallway, though some feel she intended to hold her class under the drive- through awning where she parked her truck to, probably, unload equipment. I think MB was blindsided by the attacker, and didn’t have much chance of escape.

My current thoughts are the killer is a female related to BB, which is why, if BB recognized Swatperp, he would not tell. This is someone who knew BB was out of town, knew the daughter was not accompanying MB that morning, knew MB’s routine for her classes, so Swatperp knew when MB would arrive at the church. Someone very upset with MB for personal reasons, and who determined MB must go.

Were any relatives attending MB’s class? Because I’d almost bet that the cars belonging to class attendees were not searched that morning. Way back when, not much information was released about what transpired at the church after the attack on MB, or maybe I’m just out of the loop where people talked about those first hours and days in detail.

I could also see a determined person arriving and leaving by foot, even if it was a rainy night. Probably worked better for covering tracks. There’s a creek close by, with a lot of tree cover. Of course, Swatperp would have to know the outside cameras weren’t working.

Again, this is all my speculation based on a few facts and a lot of imagination and supposition to fill in the gaps. And a lot of me just throwing out possibilities, however improbable. IMO
The casual way the perp walks around says exactly the opposite to me. They were NOT expecting to run into anyone that morning. They were not lying in wait for Missy. They thought they had plenty of time -- at least until 7am or so when one might expect a janitor to arrive at the earliest.

Which I agree with you on this also and I keep thinking about it. I go back to the question, why didn't SP just shoot and run? Why did he/she do both, shoot AND attack MB with the tools?

Then I think, ok, MB surprised SP and SP lashed out with whatever tool he/she had in their hand initially. But imo, SP was loaded down with the clothing gear, they would have had to give one massive first blow to knock MB down, otherwise I feel like MB easily could have gotten away/outran SP. And what are the chances of SP, again being heavily clothed, getting that kind of first blow on MB? Not out of the question of course, but imo smaller with their limited range of motion.

And if surprised and SP shot MB first (since we don't know what order that happened in), then why did SP also attack her with tools?

If MB was shot and shot only, I would lean more towards the surprise theory. But since she was also attacked with the tools, I keep trying to play out in my mind how this could have happened. In an open hallway, MB easily could have gotten away with her agility. If they trapped MB in a room, HOW in the world did that happen? It's like watching a scary movie, no person who is alone on a dark and rainy night is going to go into a room, closet, bathroom after hearing a noise.....what happened that MB got trapped and couldn't get away? Either a voice she knew and expected or imo they shot her first then attacked her. And this would lead me to more of a personal attack versus random.
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There was no need to lure MB into a trap. She was there to set up for her 5:00 a. m. class, which I think included unlocking the building so class participants could use the bathroom. She may have been planning for her class to use the main hallway, though some feel she intended to hold her class under the drive- through awning where she parked her truck to, probably, unload equipment. I think MB was blindsided by the attacker, and didn’t have much chance of escape.

My current thoughts are the killer is a female related to BB, which is why, if BB recognized Swatperp, he would not tell. This is someone who knew BB was out of town, knew the daughter was not accompanying MB that morning, knew MB’s routine for her classes, so Swatperp knew when MB would arrive at the church. Someone very upset with MB for personal reasons, and who determined MB must go.

Were any relatives attending MB’s class? Because I’d almost bet that the cars belonging to class attendees were not searched that morning. Way back when, not much information was released about what transpired at the church after the attack on MB, or maybe I’m just out of the loop where people talked about those first hours and days in detail.

I could also see a determined person arriving and leaving by foot, even if it was a rainy night. Probably worked better for covering tracks. There’s a creek close by, with a lot of tree cover. Of course, Swatperp would have to know the outside cameras weren’t working.

Again, this is all my speculation based on a few facts and a lot of imagination and supposition to fill in the gaps. And a lot of me just throwing out possibilities, however improbable. IMO

I guess I should clarify what I mean by trap. SP had to have hidden somewhere imo, had MB seen them standing in the hallway, I THINK she would have ran. So where could SP hide, with all of that gear on and limited mobility that they could attack MB so forcefully that first time that they were able to overpower MB and kill her? So when I say "trap", I more mean I think SP was able to get MB into a smaller area and/or hide so that when he/she attacked MB, they were able to take her down right away. The old church I used to go to didn't have any hiding spaces other than rooms with doors. So if MB were to go INTO a room, I would consider that a "trap". Or..........technically they could have shot her first, then attacked her. I guess since we don't know the order in which the tools or shot happened, there are all kinds of possibilities.

I do remember that morning being discussed and I'm like you, I don't remember hearing much of anything. Lots of speculation and I do remember someone wondering if campers vehicles had been searched, but nothing was ever known.

I'm really of no help in this case except throwing thoughts out there :/ It bothers me so much her case have never been solved.
I wondered the same as you. Then we heard that a witness reported seeing a "dark SUV" (iirc) leaving the CCOC parking lot about the time that the perp would have been leaving.
Either I never did know or my memory isn't working: The dark SUV is interesting! Though there are too many SUV to find out more so easily. If many stickers on the rear windshield were seen, now that would be a "nice" coincidence (Delphi IN).
No, that is not what I mean. Perhaps at the SWFA parking lot they were practicing a code with the headlights, then AT THE CHURCH, the driver in the car (if they worked as a duo) flashed the headlights to the perp inside. Would a flash of headlights at the CHURCH be enough to turn on the motion-detection camera?

We don't know the answer to that theoretical (although LE and CCOC certainly do) on what can activate the cams.

But if you want to theorize that, you might want to walk through the various ramifications of that idea and see if that is revelatory, or if it just adds a whole layer of what-if's with no actual evidence.
* We now have a 2nd (never-seen) perp.
* We have the Altima outside at 2:23, and the perp inside but not having triggered a camera.
* How does the perp see the flashing headlights from a place that would be similar to where they were later?
* What does the perp do for the next 1 1/2 hours inside the building, but never going anywhere?
* What does the car perp do, just sit in the car and wait for what seems like forever?
* How does the car outside go unnoticed at that hour, for that extended length of time?
* How did the outside perp/ca manage to be unseen by MB, yet can be seen by the inside perp?
And so on.
We don't know the answer to that theoretical (although LE and CCOC certainly do) on what can activate the cams.

But if you want to theorize that, you might want to walk through the various ramifications of that idea and see if that is revelatory, or if it just adds a whole layer of what-if's with no actual evidence.
* We now have a 2nd (never-seen) perp.
* We have the Altima outside at 2:23, and the perp inside but not having triggered a camera.
* How does the perp see the flashing headlights from a place that would be similar to where they were later?
* What does the perp do for the next 1 1/2 hours inside the building, but never going anywhere?
* What does the car perp do, just sit in the car and wait for what seems like forever?
* How does the car outside go unnoticed at that hour, for that extended length of time?
* How did the outside perp/ca manage to be unseen by MB, yet can be seen by the inside perp?
And so on.
If I knew all the answers, this thread wouldn't be ongoing because I would have solved the case.

Also, we don't know what MB saw.

Which I agree with you on this also and I keep thinking about it. I go back to the question, why didn't SP just shoot and run? Why did he/she do both, shoot AND attack MB with the tools?

Then I think, ok, MB surprised SP and SP lashed out with whatever tool he/she had in their hand initially. But imo, SP was loaded down with the clothing gear, they would have had to give one massive first blow to knock MB down, otherwise I feel like MB easily could have gotten away/outran SP. And what are the chances of SP, again being heavily clothed, getting that kind of first blow on MB? Not out of the question of course, but imo smaller with their limited range of motion.

And if surprised and SP shot MB first (since we don't know what order that happened in), then why did SP also attack her with tools?

If MB was shot and shot only, I would lean more towards the surprise theory. But since she was also attacked with the tools, I keep trying to play out in my mind how this could have happened. In an open hallway, MB easily could have gotten away with her agility. If they trapped MB in a room, HOW in the world did that happen? It's like watching a scary movie, no person who is alone on a dark and rainy night is going to go into a room, closet, bathroom after hearing a noise.....what happened that MB got trapped and couldn't get away? Either a voice she knew and expected or imo they shot her first then attacked her. And this would lead me to more of a personal attack versus random.

I respect your thought process and trying to make sense of it like we all are. My only retort would be that MB wouldn't have necessarily just flat out ran from what appeared to be a legitimate law enforcement presence and for that matter SP could have tried to play that card for a bit until they realized MB wasn't buying it and then they panicked. So, the scenario of having MB "trapped" may not have been as difficult as one would assume.
If I knew all the answers, this thread wouldn't be ongoing because I would have solved the case.

Also, we don't know what MB saw.

Yeah I get all that.

I guess what I was trying to say is more general than the specific examples. To reword it - if we theorize "flashing headlights being used as a signal," in order to answer the question of why the cams went on for some unknown reason, then where does that take us (other than answering something about the cams turning on)?

What added questions do we create if we assume that's why the cams went on?
Do any of them help fit into what we otherwise know?
Do any of them leave us with something impossible, or extremely absurd to consider?
The dark SUV is mentioned in the December 2016 search warrant. I'll try to find it in our media thread.

Perhaps it's not from the Dec search warrant after all. So sorry! I found reference to the dark SUV in our media thread in this post.

TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, Dallas 18 Apr 2016 Media & Timeline *NO DISCUSSION*

Do you have a link the the Dec 2016 search warrant you mentioned?
Perhaps it's not from the Dec search warrant after all. So sorry! I found reference to the dark SUV in our media thread in this post.

TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, Dallas 18 Apr 2016 Media & Timeline *NO DISCUSSION*

Thank you for this. So is this or could this be the Infinity G37 apparently mentioned by police in 2019? Is there a wagon version?

Other thoughts:
- Really wondering what the geofence warrant turned up or what it helped rule out.

- Re MB being 'trapped' - I agree that she might have initially considered this person to be a security guard giving them time to make a move, either because of a planned hit or randomly an impulsive reaction to getting caught. I'm imagining her saying , "What happened?" upon seeing the glass and this 'police' person. But then she'd realize there was no police car and either resisted or .... well, hard to know. Just thoughts obviously.

- I'd like to buy the idea that the person in the car at the gun store parking lot is connected. I have tried to imagine what they would do for over an hour before showing up on the camera at 3:50. Maybe they were cold and wet so they just sat for awhile. Was there food in the kitchen? Maybe they ate. Those kinds of details probably could have been determined though I would think. There would be some evidence probably, maybe not, left behind if they'd been there that long.
And if they had a phone on them... well, anyway.
Which I agree with you on this also and I keep thinking about it. I go back to the question, why didn't SP just shoot and run? Why did he/she do both, shoot AND attack MB with the tools?

There is no reason we have to think MB was attacked with anything other than a gun. So when you ask why she was attacked with both, the answer is very possibly: "She wasn't."

For all we know - and, entirely consistent with what we have been told - the perp saw her, shot her, and left. It could have been just that simple.
Thank you for this. So is this or could this be the Infinity G37 apparently mentioned by police in 2019? Is there a wagon version?

"Perhaps an Inifiniti G37" was a description for the car seen on the video at SWFA. That's not a station wagon, or an SUV, and very unlikely to be described as "dark" in color. They are clearly different vehicles.

It is informative that LE used the "dark SUV" (not the Altima) as the car of interest in the Dec 2016 warrant (Thanks, gliving!) as being relevant to a desired search that led to an arrest (which later, they determined wasn't the guy). That further reinforces my belief that the reference to the Altima in the Jan 2019 Google warrant was NOT an indicator that they had settled on there being a connection. But rather its inclusion was to enable a broadened fishing expedition, just in case. And, why not?
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