TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #45

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I’ve also included a PNG of it. And this version is a clean format without all the labeling that is on the other one.

Thanks! I don't know why I couldn't open the .pdf, but I accessed the .png no problem. So your layout shows the same freestanding pillar in the short main entry at the corner by room #2 but without the corner cut away or recessed like on the older floor plans. For my post, it doesn't really matter other than that SP could lie in wait hidden from the main hallway camera(s) behind the pillar.

Isn't this just where the SW's trail off on MB's actions? She was walking down the hall, and then *poof* it's like she vanished.
* Experienced criminals.
* Gamer?
I don't play games so I could be off, forgive me. But is that movement ever part of video games?
* Someone naturally organized?! (I do love organizing, but I wouldn't think of SP's method.)
(* Someone who was directed by someone else who had the experience.)

If you would ask me, I would plead for these, maybe without the last of your points. IMO
It's interesting that we only have videos from 2 opposite corners of the building - the NE and SW. Creates the question of:

1 Did CC have far fewer cams (and coverage) in their system than we have thought?
2 Did they have lots of internal cams that were not working, or fail to trigger easily leaving massive blind spots?
3 Is there a roomful of footage we haven't seen?

At least one of those must be true.
3 - :) They said so, as there was more surveillance, but only similar to that, what we got to look at, and so far not important. I remember vague, but I think, it's like that (similar wording by LE).
Snipped. I’ve attached a photo showing the corner you’re speaking of. There is a vertical column there and a small chair or maybe that’s a table. Someone could hide out of sight there (not saying anyone did). And there is an alcove leading to a door to Cub Corner which could be a hiding place too.
That's the photo! Thanks! I believe SP could have hidden right there or perhaps even in the Cub Corner alcove.

If SP had stopped moving around for some time, say 10 minutes, wouldn't the cameras all go dark? Then the next movement is MB entering, walking down the main hall toward that corner. And LE says the murder is not on camera, so if there is a camera for the short main entry doors it must have a narrow view, or is mounted in a way where the vertical pillar area and maybe Cub's Corner wall is not in view.

In the photo, is that a fish eye camera on that wall right under the vent? If so, it would not 'see' that area behind the pillar nor the CC alcove.

Thanks! I never would have found that photo and I knew one existed.
Snipped. I’ve attached a photo showing the corner you’re speaking of. There is a vertical column there and a small chair or maybe that’s a table. Someone could hide out of sight there (not saying anyone did). And there is an alcove leading to a door to Cub Corner which could be a hiding place too.
If (hypothetically) SP entered cub corner room and (hypothetically) came out , which door would it show them exiting assuming there may be a door on the west side hallway.
Edit: I see Cub corner listed as room 2, BUT was there any indication SP may have entered through the door by main entrance?
If (hypothetically) SP entered cub corner room and (hypothetically) came out , which door would it show them exiting assuming there may be a door on the west side hallway.
Edit: I see Cub corner listed as room 2, BUT was there any indication SP may have entered through the door by main entrance?
No indication that SP went in or out the main entrance. See attached layout. I’ve marked the Cub Corner alcove and the other door to room 2 (which is next to the closet 1 that the killer attempted to pry open).


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Prior threads speculation was that MB needed to walk down the main hall and turn left to the short main entry hall to perhaps switch on more lights or access a secondary alarm panel to turn off?

If so, how did SP know that MB would walk right past that corner? Was SP concerned that if MB fought back, maybe she could pull off the balaclava and reveal SP's face, so SP made sure the actual murder was not filmed? Did SP know in advance about this position, or did they wander the halls checking for camera ranges that morning?

SP = very calculating
I think this is the confusing issue for me: why did MB walk down the hallway, wherever she did walk? If there was a predictability to this, then it seems to me the case for a targetted hit is very much increased. It also indicates someone who has gathered this information somehow: depending on why she did it. If it was to register a pin for the key entry, then that might only be known to the church, CGers might not have seen that. If it was some type of prep for the class, CGers would know, but not necessarily family and friends, etc.

In any case, I think it's possible SP had been there before, stalking her, and casing the church in daylight. That could explain the apparent confidence, the unhurried, systematic checking of all the doors.
I think this is the confusing issue for me: why did MB walk down the hallway, wherever she did walk? If there was a predictability to this, then it seems to me the case for a targetted hit is very much increased. It also indicates someone who has gathered this information somehow: depending on why she did it. If it was to register a pin for the key entry, then that might only be known to the church, CGers might not have seen that. If it was some type of prep for the class, CGers would know, but not necessarily family and friends, etc.

In any case, I think it's possible SP had been there before, stalking her, and casing the church in daylight. That could explain the apparent confidence, the unhurried, systematic checking of all the doors.

Thank you, GS, for posting the clip! 'She heard something' is relevant. Wished we could watch the longer version. Is there anything else the doc said?

One other thing he said that is interesting. He said one or both knees are hyperextended.

If you are in the U.S. and your TV provider gives you channels on demand, you can find this on HLN. It’s a series called Lies, Crimes & Video. The episode is from season 1 (the 2nd season is currently airing) and is titled “Murder In The Church”.
One other thing he said that is interesting. He said one or both knees are hyperextended.

Can we say, based on the video, the turned out foot and uneven gait, along with hyperextended knee(s) that the perp has a non-athletic build and lifestyle? Can we add that this person does not currently play any sports or exercise regularly based on this observation? Would love to flesh out a fresh, new profile of this perp. I know these are assumptions... but it doesn't look like the perp is a cross-fitter, runner, avid tennis player etc.

My opinions.
Can we say, based on the video, the turned out foot and uneven gait, along with hyperextended knee(s) that the perp has a non-athletic build and lifestyle? Can we add that this person does not currently play any sports or exercise regularly based on this observation? Would love to flesh out a fresh, new profile of this perp. I know these are assumptions... but it doesn't look like the perp is a cross-fitter, runner, avid tennis player etc.

My opinions.
The very FIRST time I saw the video (years ago now, sadly), I thought SP looked like a out-of-shape, lackadaisical, large older teen/young adult. I pictured a stereotypical guy who plays games in the basement, and this stroll through the church was some underground gaming activity - perhaps recording it to share.

I know that is far fetched and I am not suggesting that is the case (and I don't think that type of person would murder) .... but just remembering my first impression, and it was not that SP was athletic.


p.s. I don't think that gamers are necessarily out-of-shape people in basements! Just relaying my first impression of SP.
The very FIRST time I saw the video (years ago now, sadly), I thought SP looked like a out-of-shape, lackadaisical, large older teen/young adult. I pictured a stereotypical guy who plays games in the basement, and this stroll through the church was some underground gaming activity - perhaps recording it to share.

I know that is far fetched and I am not suggesting that is the case (and I don't think that type of person would murder) .... but just remembering my first impression, and it was not that SP was athletic.

I had the same impression of the perp physically. At the time, and even now, I believed it was a young-er male joyriding, thrill-breaking & entering. Someone that had a some fantasy of breaking into a building and roaming free for a few hours that they were playing out. They thought the outfit would throw off LE if they were caught on video and they might have been smart enough to think that the outfit would buy them some time if they were spotted in the act. I think MB surprised him.

Now hearing that additional video potentially shows that MB looked like she "heard something" doesn't sound like someone was lying in wait for her. Perhaps she heard more banging and glass breaking and went to investigate.

And thus I'm not sure if he intended to murder her once she encountered him - but she did lay on the floor without assistance for almost 25 minutes before she was found. Was MB already dead when the perp left the building? Were her injuries survivable if she was found earlier? And if so, could this show lack of intent to kill? (i know aiming/firing a weapon is intent, full stop, but i'm talking about a planned murder vs an interrupted B&E)
. I think MB surprised him.

Now hearing that additional video potentially shows that MB looked like she "heard something" doesn't sound like someone was lying in wait for her. Perhaps she heard more banging and glass breaking and went to investigate.

quoting myself to add another point that has stuck out to me.

With the helmet on and potentially breathing heavily into the balaclava after hammering away at windows and whatnot, a dense and distracted guy might not notice MB until she was right up behind him, asking, what to her might look like a a "police officer" what on earth is going on? He spins, reacts, she fights back and ends up dying on the floor.
All my opinions.
Can we say, based on the video, the turned out foot and uneven gait, along with hyperextended knee(s) that the perp has a non-athletic build and lifestyle? Can we add that this person does not currently play any sports or exercise regularly based on this observation? Would love to flesh out a fresh, new profile of this perp. I know these are assumptions... but it doesn't look like the perp is a cross-fitter, runner, avid tennis player etc.

My opinions.
JMO that would be No, not exclusionary but possible. Many athletes injure their knees and end up with hyperextended knees. Dancers, gymnasts, skiers, football QBs ... and some people just have a lot of flexibility, children & teens?

In earlier threads, some poster(s) thought they saw the stance and steps specifically of a ballet dancer? Several useful photos of real legs with and without hyperextended knees:
PROM – Hyperextended knees | Rexburg Yoga Teacher Reference

I noticed something else. At the end of the video, from about 2:00 but right at 2:05 - that is perhaps the best view of how slim SwatPerp really is with a thin profile in the gut, hips and legs. Also there is a very clear view of the topside of the shoes or boots. IMO I can see laces.

Remember how it sometimes looks like shoe covers or flippers when the toe of the SP's shoe meets the shadow on the floor? In this downward camera view it can be seen there are no extending covers on the shoes. The images from 2:00 are on that other back hall solid color flooring. I remember lots of discussion of what was in his free hand, what room numbers, but I don't remember looking just at the very bottom right corner of the frame at just those shoes/boots. If 2:05 were an image of some sneakers, the company name or logo might be there on the side, but could be covered by black tape.
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JMO that would be No, not exclusionary but possible. Many athletes injure their knees and end up with hyperextended knees. Dancers, gymnasts, skiers, football QBs ... and some people just have a lot of flexibility, children & teens?

In earlier threads, some poster(s) thought they saw the stance and steps specifically of a ballet dancer? Several useful photos of real legs with and without hyperextended knees:
PROM – Hyperextended knees | Rexburg Yoga Teacher Reference

I noticed something else. At the end of the video, from about 2:00 but right at 2:05 - that is perhaps the best view of how slim SwatPerp really is with a thin profile in the gut, hips and legs. Also there is a very clear view of the topside of the shoes or boots. IMO I can see laces.

Remember how it sometimes looks like shoe covers or flippers when the toe of the SP's shoe meets the shadow on the floor? In this downward camera view it can be seen there are no extending covers on the shoes. The images from 2:00 are on that other back hall solid color flooring. I remember lots of discussion of what was in his free hand, what room numbers, but I don't remember looking just at the very bottom right corner of the frame at just those shoes/boots. If 2:05 were an image of some sneakers, the company name or logo might be there on the side, but could be covered by black tape.
Some people have speculated that they see the UA logo of Under Armor on the boots. I don’t see it myself.
For the members, who are savy with exploring the videos so very well, it might be interesting, to compare the shoes of BG (Delphi case) with the shoes of SP (Missy case). I think, there are similarities, although it's all only assumption. The speculation/expert opinion about the knee/s of both of the perps (BG and SP) is also quite similar. IMO
If we have a sk, who is on the loose, it might be the same person possibly. Think of the disguise also and the fact, that videoing him doesn't bother him one bit.

^^ The shoe (sneaker?) of BG (Delphi) like I meant to see it. Can you recognize? I have drawn the shoe from view on it from above. It could be something like that: like a curved light (white) stripe in front and (maybe not connected around the shoe) a light (white) stripe on the side/sides. Of course I may be very wrong and the shoe looks quite different.

The shoe of SP in the Missy case I for my part don't recognize in the video, but if someone sees an UA logo, I wouldn't be surprised and I would wonder, if there are matches between the BG-shoes and the SP-shoes (sneakers?).
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