TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #10

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So I'm assuming the phone that possibly recorded the murder is a disposable phone, that's how they know it recorded something, but can't trace the number to an individual?
Wow, yes, I'd say that would make me exceedingly angry, if my DIL decided to go off to Austin rather than stay with my ill son. Esp. if he had stayed by HER side when SHE had surgery. Not angry enough to kill, but everybody is different.

I think that if the step-MIL was angry for this it is not really rational - but then rationality didn't earn 'M-I-Ls-in-general' their good name :)
From what I read BB's troubles were intestinal and not severe. He reported a 'minor procedure' recently. I don't think he was laid-up with any kind of major illness or operation. And definitely not something on the same scale of equivalence with a partial hysterectomy (and related psychological impact)...
Interesting observation from BB FB this morning. Yesterday after his daily scripture 29 people commented encouraging replies. Today, after the news from yesterday, there were 2 so far.

BB said they had been going to the Cowboy church for 15 years. There will be people that find that hypocritical. Others will forgive and help him stand, IF it turns out he's not involved in MBs murder.

I see 2 comments and 26 "likes" on BB's latest post. One of the "likes" is from one of Missy's brothers. That same brother seems to "like" most of BB's Bible posts from what I have noticed.
Actually she could have been becoming the breadwinner of the family and the ability to live well independently and divorce him, especially if he was having medical issues where he couldn't work, which this says the average trainer makes $75K and top earning CG trainers make $175K+:
If she is the one who had the managerial responsibility of hiring the trainer for another CG Midlothian location, she could have been on her way to making good money off the income streams of everyone attending CG Midlothian locations plus whatever else she was making selling nutritional supplements.

Yes, but if she was making that much money, then I doubt they'd be having "financial troubles". Now, first of all, that blurb you linked to is written in the worst English I've ever seen. It's nearly unintelligible. That right there makes me doubt the credibility. The second thing is that CG is essentially a MLM; of course they are going to claim people can make "big bucks" by joining their team. Anyone in sales knows, however, that it's rare to make that much. Think about it; MB had a class of how many people? I never saw more than 6 to 10 people in her photos (but someone can correct me if they know differently). The monthly plan costs an avg. of $69 (according to people who go there, and there own materials). The trainers are only going to get a PIECE of that monthly total. Even if you throw in commission from selling supplements, it would be very difficult to bring in 75K to 175K at all, let alone on a consistent basis.

I've known far too many people who fell for these type of sales job gimmicks to ever believe the puffery.
True. Since it's a family business taking time off is probably not a problem.

The thing is that I'm not seeing where the source of financial problems is, if he's getting a steady income from the family business and she's be a trainer for 2 years where she can earn what she buys herself. I'm not saying this to disparage BB or MM, but if the trip was OK along with everything else, that would seem to point to a relatively recent drug or gambling addiction that would cause a change in the finances as otherwise it sounds like their financial condition should have improved since Missy went back to work where anything she earned should have just been an extra bonus.
Wow, yes, I'd say that would make me exceedingly angry, if my DIL decided to go off to Austin rather than stay with my ill son. Esp. if he had stayed by HER side when SHE had surgery. Not angry enough to kill, but everybody is different.

Agree. I'm just not sure that BB is her bio son. I think step son. IMO But yes, I agree.
So I'm assuming the phone that possibly recorded the murder is a disposable phone, that's how they know it recorded something, but can't trace the number to an individual?

If the perp did actually record it, they must have planned that the murder would occur in a certain area of a room and had the phone/device propped in a way to stay put. I can't imagine holding a phone, holding it steady, and ambushing (for a better word ... or whatever they did for the first blow) someone. Unless of course, they started recording after she was incapacitated. Or, I'll say this for a long shot, a second accomplice perp recorded it.
That sends chills up my spine.

Oh, that's not true. Christians are taught to forgive and to stand by people in times of trouble. Being a murderer definitely falls under "times of trouble." That does not mean murder is okay!! But it does mean that not everyone will turn their backs on him and will instead see him as a broken person in need of support.

Just had to chime in with that. Churchgoers are not perfect, and the practice of forgiving one another is the heart of the faith. (Again, this does not mean murder is okay...don't misquote me, anyone!)

But yes, people are likely to drop him if they think he is guilty. That happens, understandably.

Carry on.

I have been a Christian for 35 years. A dear friend of mine has a son who was high on drugs and drunk and killed another young man. To this day a lot of people at our church still don't speak to him. This happened four years ago. The father had no control over what his son did.

Every person is different, whether Christian or not.

Prefacing you comment with, "Oh that's not true," paints with a pretty broad brush.
It may be that LE saying none of these people are suspects is not true and may give someone a false sense of security, causing the perp to hopefully mess up. Or not. Time will tell.

I am trying to put myself in the MILs shoes. If BB told her that MB was having an affair, while her oldest son is ill and MB went to Austin during his last test at the hospital, would that make me angry?

Going back to last summer on her FB account, I noticed Missy had a partial hysterectomy. She commented that BB took excellent care of her and her MIL came over and made her dinner, etc.

BB mom seemed to have a decent relationship with MB - the dad and stepmom (RB & VB) OTOH raise a few flags for me! Totally JMO!
The thing is that I'm not seeing where the source of financial problems is, if he's getting a steady income from the family business and she's be a trainer for 2 years where she can earn what she buys herself. I'm not saying this to disparage BB or MM, but if the trip was OK along with everything else, that would seem to point to a relatively recent drug or gambling addiction that would cause a change in the finances as otherwise it sounds like their financial condition should have improved since Missy went back to work where anything she earned should have just been an extra bonus.
You are right! I wondered about that too!
The thing is that I'm not seeing where the source of financial problems is, if he's getting a steady income from the family business and she's be a trainer for 2 years where she can earn what she buys herself. I'm not saying this to disparage BB or MM, but if the trip was OK along with everything else, that would seem to point to a relatively recent drug or gambling addiction that would cause a change in the finances as otherwise it sounds like their financial condition should have improved since Missy went back to work where anything she earned should have just been an extra bonus.

My DH is a pilot who works with guys making >$300k a year, not including spousal income. I was and continued to be shocked at how many of them live on credit cards. I guess some people spend everything they make whether it's minimum wage or six figures. The more you make, the nicer things you want, and so forth.
Yes, but if she was making that much money, then I doubt they'd be having "financial troubles". Now, first of all, that blurb you linked to is written in the worst English I've ever seen. It's nearly unintelligible. That right there makes me doubt the credibility. The second thing is that CG is essentially a MLM; of course they are going to claim people can make "big bucks" by joining their team. Anyone in sales knows, however, that it's rare to make that much. Think about it; MB had a class of how many people? I never saw more than 6 to 10 people in her photos (but someone can correct me if they know differently). The monthly plan costs an avg. of $69 (according to people who go there, and there own materials). The trainers are only going to get a PIECE of that monthly total. Even if you throw in commission from selling supplements, it would be very difficult to bring in 75K to 175K at all, let alone on a consistent basis.

I've known far too many people who fell for these type of sales job gimmicks to ever believe the puffery.

Let's say she was making $7.5K instead of $75K, that's still more than she was making before she went back to work and became a trainer. Her having any job bringing in extra income doesn't explain how they'd be having financial troubles with extra money coming in from Missy as it's more money than being a stay at home mom, which she had been for years until recently when she got into fitness:
Okay, who wants to make a list of players involved? Sparky-Tricia-MODS- can we do that? IMO there is some confusion about the relationship of VB to BB and even I'm not sure who his bio mom is. Does anyone here feel up to starting the list? If nobody wants to, I'll start a rolling "soft" list and see if I can make sense of it.

I can create one in the next hour or so if it is ok with admins. I'll use initials. And I can send it to you via PM to share. LMK :)
My DH is a pilot who works with guys making >$300k a year, not including spousal income. I was and continued to be shocked at how many of them live on credit cards. I guess some people spend everything they make whether it's minimum wage or six figures. The more you make, the nicer things you want, and so forth.

Yep. This is a really, really important thing that people should keep in mind when thinking about money. If you're bad at managing your money at 30k a year, you will be bad at managing it at 300k.
If the perp did actually record it, they must have planned that the murder would occur in a certain area of a room and had the phone/device propped in a way to stay put. I can't imagine holding a phone, holding it steady, and ambushing (for a better word ... or whatever they did for the first blow) someone. Unless of course, they started recording after she was incapacitated. Or, I'll say this for a long shot, a second accomplice perp recorded it.
That sends chills up my spine.

Actually you could do it by using your phone as a WIFI with the broadcast coming from the mounted GoPro.
I can create one in the next hour or so if it is ok with admins. I'll use initials. And I can send it to you via PM to share. LMK :)

Oh you're the best! We can at least get one established and build to it as we go (if people come in)

TIA! :)
I have been pretty good at keeping up with all of these threads (don’t tell my boss) - but I am missing two things: 1) in the latest True Crime Radio, Waxahachie Media Publisher Scott Brooks talked about how the Midlo LE related rumor mill had the suspect being an African American female. Out of the list of 7 / 9 on the warrant, who is that? Not CT. So who is he talking about? And 2) regarding AJT, so much discussion about how he, possibly in addition to CW, was MB’s lover - (hence giving CT a motive). Where is the evidence for this? I am not being snarky. Seriously, I must have missed it. I don’t see it in sm. The fact that they were both working for the same company, both in Austin, knew each other . . . I get that. But where does that add up to extra-marital affair? Why are we not talking much about CW, who (even though "cleared" by LE) supposedly was having intimate texts or whatever with MB, but are instead talking about AJT? What did I miss? Please fill me in! Thanks!
My DH is a pilot who works with guys making >$300k a year, not including spousal income. I was and continued to be shocked at how many of them live on credit cards. I guess some people spend everything they make whether it's minimum wage or six figures. The more you make, the nicer things you want, and so forth.
You're right, and it doesn't take long at all to rack up 50-100k debt on credit cards, using it for food, clothes, odds and ends, etc. Not long at all. They could have been way over their heads in credit card debt.
Let's say she was making $7.5K instead of $75K, that's still more than she was making before she went back to work and became a trainer. Her having any job bringing in extra income doesn't explain how they'd be having financial troubles with extra money coming in from Missy as it's more money than being a stay at home mom, which she had been for years until recently when she got into fitness:

Well, at that small amount (which, frankly, I think is more likely for the aforementioned reasons of sales puffery), they could still have financial problems. They have a daughter who is attending a golf school, don't they? Correct me if I'm wrong. That can cost a bit more than 7500. Again, had she been making 75K to 175K, I doubt tuition would break them.

In any case, I still think that BB was the main breadwinner for most of their married lives, bc she was a stay at home. As such, a once a year fishing trip isn't asking too much, IMO, as long as the family is fed, clothed and sheltered. When you consider what some wives spend per year on hair, makeup, nails and clothing alone, I don't think it's fair to begrudge a man a fishing trip! However, this is all conjecture. We don't really know for sure if she did complain about that.
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