TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #11

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I keep reading about the police taking last weekend off. Wasn't that just the local police force? All of the other agencies were still working the case. Or am I mistaken?

Yes. As far as we know, it was just MPD. It was just strange given that there was an announcement made about it. I think that's why it gets brought up! It's very unusual.
Lots of threads back I think someone checked the flight schedule from where he was and it was probably quicker to drive as others also though that was suspicious. Also interested in who was on the fishing trip.

I don't think driving back is suspicious either. I can't think of anything worse in that situation, than waiting around in an airport and then being without cell service for a couple of hours. No way. I'd be wanting to make and receive calls to find out what was going on. He would have spoken to his family (including the kids) as well as the police to get updates etc.
At first I was sure this would be solved quickly. How could there be so many possible suspects? Now I don't know what I think. All the agencies involved make this seem like something else must be going on. Women are killed all the time and don't get this level of investigation. It's a head scratcher.

I agree
I don't think driving back is suspicious either. I can't think of anything worse in that situation, than waiting around in an airport and then being without cell service for a couple of hours. No way. I'd be wanting to make and receive calls to find out what was going on. He would have spoken to his family (including the kids) as well as the police to get updates etc.
Exactly. This was discussed in great detail a few threads back. Air travel these days is difficult in the best circumstances. If at all possible, I would not choose it as a mode of transportation to get home after a tragedy. IIRC, there were no direct flights back until that night and the connections would have taken longer than just to drive. Most planes are packed these days, meaning there may not have been a seat to be had (or at least no guarantee of one unless someone else was willing to give up theirs).
I agree...I seem to be the minority but I haven't understood thinking this perp is small and super padded for size. I see stocky mannish build. That's why I haven't been able to picture it a woman. I keep wondering if this person had any idea the huge debate their appearance would make.

I agree; I don't think the clothing is too big. The shirtsleeves would come down over the hands; same with the pants, but we can see the shoes and even socks at one point. I was never of the opinion that the shoes were too big, either. Looking at them in stills, they look normal size. If the shoes were several sizes too big, the perp would likely trip at some point b/c the toe box would hit the floor and catch.
Can anyone point me to the full-length BB/RB shirtgate press conference? I've Googled and searched like a wild woman for it and can find only excerpted versions.

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At first I was sure this would be solved quickly. How could there be so many possible suspects? Now I don't know what I think. All the agencies involved make this seem like something else must be going on. Women are killed all the time and don't get this level of investigation. It's a head scratcher.

I agree

I'm getting a bit discouraged. I thought it would be solved quickly considering all the different LE agencies involved. I wonder now if it will ever be solved.
...SBM...length.... 7. That all call detail, direct connect, subscriber, numeric messages, alpha-numeric/text messages, and any related records and/or access be provided, upon the specific request of officers/agents/designees of specific data from specific time period within the confines of this , Order, in an electronic format specified by agents/officers/designees. Notice too all the agencies listed. (one of the Investigators in this case is a deputized US Marshal ;) ) He can go anywhere View attachment 94022View attachment 94023
I notice they also added the New York Police Dept. Analytical Programs Unit AND.. the DEA Drug Enforcement Admin. YIKES! Way back in thread one, Shulte hinted to the media that this murder was part of something bigger....
Thank you, a while back I was going to post that I thought the plastic wrap or what may have been a box of wrap could of been used to suffocate her from behind. But then the collective thought moved to various tools and not a box. I still think this is a possibility. Thanks for triggering that idea again.

I can't even tear off Saran Wrap in a nice piece without it turning into a wad that gets stuck to itself; I'm not sure how someone would be able to tear off a piece large enough to go around a head but not get wadded up.
AJ T said on Facebook that his trash was taken by people other than trash collectors. My concern is that whoever did this might have been evil enough to try to plant evidence in that trash that they hoped would be incriminating. Could the perp have thrown costume or parts of costume away in that trash in hopes it would be linked to that family? Did the perp intentionally wear things resembling items trainer might have worn in another attempt to draw attention to him? Note: I just checked his FB and he said he found out why the trash was taken, but it was too crazy to post about.

Do LE need a warrant to look through trash, in which case it shouldn't be a surprise or is trash once on the kerb considered on public property and doesn't need a warrant?
I'm not doubting that it was on his page. I read that a neighbor commented on his page about it. That would be a rumor.

At least that's what I read here on WS. That's the problem I have with using Facebook for facts. I don't trust it. JMO

It was NOT the neighbor comments on his page that said it. A. Tucker posted himself. Then later he posted that he called and left a msg with MPD after people kept posting that he should Later that night he said he did find out and crazy story and cant talk about it. So not rumor, A Tucker posted it.

So do you think it was LE that took the trash to go through?

I do. Easiest investigative technique ever invented. No need for a warrant.

Doesn't mean that AT was seriously considered at suspect, but some peon investigator was assigned to check him out, and I believe they did.
Re Batbrat's post (welcome!):

New to Websleuths. My first post.

My area of interest and study is mainly anatomy and kinesiology. I have made my own evaluation of the surveillance footage, compiling physical trait similarities of Bevers family members to the suspect.

Head-forward posture:

Hypermobility (hyper-extended joints or lax ligaments):

Sway back:

Additional observances are pronate ankles:

Height approximation 70-72" (based on standard commercial door handle installations of 950-1000mm):

The suspect in the surveillance photo walks with a toe-out gait and what appears to be pronate ankles. These traits are often linked together, as well as to other hypermobility issues such as lax ligaments and joint weakness. I was unable to find enough footage to make a strong link between the suspect and either Bevers man with regards to these characteristics, but both Bevers men do appear to walk with toe-out gait. People with hypermobility are prone to knee and ankle weakness and injuries. The suspect can be seen in a few frames walking awkwardly, as if wearing oversized footwear or compensating for weakness or limping.

I feel these physical similarities are notable enough to point out.

Great to see the detailed offering in this post. I completely agree with the pronated feet analysis, as a member of my family also walks with right foot turnout (due to flat feet) though not nearly as severe as the subject in the video. Several threads back, in fact, I posted that same foot diagram. In my opinion, perp probably thought he was disguised head to toe with the SWAT get up, so was not concerned with what the cameras might see. Gait is not something (IMHO) that a suspect could disguise easily for 30 minutes of video when distracted with the bigger task of murdering someone and vandalizing and/or trying to make this look like an interrupted burglary. Fact is, a person with turnout does not always display the exact same degree of turnout while walking for 30 minutes (depending on terrain, whether turning a corner, etc.), but a certain degree is generally consistently present. When LE first put out the video they said to look for someone walking with this unusual gait (not standing position, but walking). I believe they said that because their experts agreed with you that this is likely true gait for this person, not something faked for camera. (Remember, they have viewed the entire 30 minute sequence with much better video resolution.)

As regards to the part of your post picturing RB and BB...while yes, it appears they do have a degree of hunchback, that characteristic is almost universal with older people, particularly men, starting about middle age. So the photos alone won't convince me they could be the men in the SWAT uniform. BB is above-average in height, head and shoulders above everyone else when photographed. Above average in height, certainly over 6' in these photos. So I don't think even LE think that BB could've been the actual man in the SWAT suit, because they have said the suspect is 5'8" to 5'9" tops. That doesn't mean they've cleared BB of involvement in perhaps other ways, but IMO it does mean he's ruled out as SWAT guy.

Regarding RB...besides the fact that he has a middle-aged paunch which I personally don't see in the video views (nor do I see the pronounced foot turnout in RB), his cellphone and travel records most likely will rule him out or not (and my guess is they have), but ruling out suspects publicly is not in the best interests of this investigation right now. Because at this point LE probably could rule him out (as SWAT guy) if they wanted to. But it'd be my guess that LE wants perp to relax, and think a vast pool of people are being investigated, that LE really has no clue. (Remember, they spoke to perp almost as a kid in that press conference, appealing for him to 'talk to someone'.)

I still maintain SWAT guy is teens to twenties, local, fit, and not a 'professional' hired hit, though this killing could have that aspect to it. (I believe SWAT guy did not leave scene in a car but walked/jogged to his next destination.) I believe SWAT guy knew Missy, but that there may be more than one reason why SWAT guy agreed to carry out this targeted albeit unprofessional hit (his youth, the fitness aspects, and, my personal theory, steroid use and sales being interwoven, here.) And the complexity of motive(s) and the unknown number of peripheral people involved are what is causing this case to 1) have so many specialty agencies involved, and 2) proceed slowly, methodically, and thoroughly.
Please remember the only family members who are allowed to be discussed are those who have been in the media. The only FB pages of the family that can be discussed are BB and Missy.

Please don't create a Family Tree it Will be removed.

Maybe she saw things when she was out and about on her early mornings that caused her to be suspicious of something nefarious going on. Maybe she was starting to ask questions about something, or was seen coming and going when some bad things were occurring and there was concern she was a witness to something. Maybe whoever did this purposefully walked/moved like her husband/fil inside the church knowing there were cameras in order to throw suspicion on the family. Maybe the time set up to kill her was arranged exactly when her husband/fil were out of town. Maybe the outfit worn was meant to lead back to AJ. Maybe something was suggested about the garbage, and was then picked up. Maybe all of this has been brilliantly executed to muddy the investigation in as many ways as possible.
Just reading between some lines here based on the wording of the affidavits. While LE confirms having found LinkedIn flirtatious messages dating back to January - but they only describe the "creepy" message in terms of being told by a friend that she saw it and didn't remember who it was from.

To me it sounds like they weren't able to confirm the creepy message and may not believe it actually happened.

What do y'all think?

What the Emergency Data Request on 4/26 and the Search Warrant on 4/27 (which LEO had already did the Extraction from MB phone on 4/20... they also did CW phone, per the Search Warrant and had confirmed communication between them from their phones and retrieved some deleted messages. Since they knew that CW and MB had been communicating since Jan 2016.. I do believe they know there were messages and this is how to find out who sent the messages in that time frame. JMHO from reading the SW.
If nothing else, this thread has persuaded me to use better posture.
It was NOT the neighbor comments on his page that said it. A. Tucker posted himself. Then later he posted that he called and left a msg with MPD after people kept posting that he should Later that night he said he did find out and crazy story and cant talk about it. So not rumor, A Tucker posted it.

Why would LE take his trash when he was at the other CG location at the same time. Can't be at two places at once.
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