TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #13

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I keep watching the video.

It looks like the pants are too short, there's something close to the crotch crease on the right leg (white), and when I paused the video, I thought that the police part looked like a vest and under it looked like the heavy jacket used when training dogs for protection (the bite jacket or whatever it's called). Wouldn't that jacket both be pretty easy to get your hands on AND add bulk?
Hey I have an important question. The door that was jimmied that there is a pic of in the above thread I posted, supposedly the way the suspect "entered" the church - I thought those doors are pretty much impossible to break to get into from the outside. Wouldn't you have to remove it from inside the church?

If this was made to look like a robbery, the killer could have came in with a key and stupidly removed the door from inside, not realizing that conflicts with the theory of entering from outside through that door.

Not sure of this, can someone who would know about these types of doors please comment?? Thank you!!

Unsure of your question. This is the metal door that the LEO believe the Suspect entered in... it goes to a small area then door into the Kitchen. Creekside kitchen door 2.JPG This is the OUTSIDE of that metal door. 1) there is damage done to the door for sure. but we the public do not know it it was still on the door when LEO arrived or what. JMHO I doubt Suspect took with him/her. Possible but again I doubt. LEO most likely took it with them (as we had a discussion way back and another member asked if possible LEO took for evidence) which I think very possible. Could have even been on the ground. These are from a news video ss. Per the Chief and Captain at news conf later that evening, the crime scene was done around noon. Unsure what time of day these video were taken but def early that day. Creekside kitchen door 3.JPG missy bevers TODAY 4 20 CHURCH SS 6.JPG
I keep wondering what the "creepy messege" was. But it wasn't creepy enough to have missy go with a friend at 4:30 am?
Well creepy doesn't necessarily mean threatening.

Not to be rude, but men can be very creepy with women on social media. I'm single and have had alot of creepy interactions with men on online dating sites. Obviously linkedin isn't a dating site, but that's just one thought I had.
One possible location for discarded swat-type clothes or anything else needed to be gotten rid of might be at the bottom of Joe Pool Lake. https://www.google.com/maps/@32.5658107,-96.9866794,12z

I keep watching the video.

It looks like the pants are too short, there's something close to the crotch crease on the right leg (white), and when I paused the video, I thought that the police part looked like a vest and under it looked like the heavy jacket used when training dogs for protection (the bite jacket or whatever it's called). Wouldn't that jacket both be pretty easy to get your hands on AND add bulk?

All that bulk would make movement rough. I wonder how much a struggle missy put up???
Unsure of your question. This is the metal door that the LEO believe the Suspect entered in... it goes to a small area then door into the Kitchen. View attachment 94173 This is the OUTSIDE of that metal door. 1) there is damage done to the door for sure. but we the public do not know it it was still on the door when LEO arrived or what. JMHO I doubt Suspect took with him/her. Possible but again I doubt. LEO most likely took it with them (as we had a discussion way back and another member asked if possible LEO took for evidence) which I think very possible. Could have even been on the ground. These are from a news video ss. Per the Chief and Captain at news conf later that evening, the crime scene was done around noon. Unsure what time of day these video were taken but def early that day. View attachment 94174 View attachment 94175

so are you thinking - from your Creekside kitchen door #3 pic - that the large white thing that the killer is carrying is possibly that missing door handle & plate?
Well creepy doesn't necessarily mean threatening.

Not to be rude, but men can be very creepy with women on social media. I'm single and have had alot of creepy interactions with men on online dating sites. Obviously linkedin isn't a dating site, but that's just one thought I had.

So true. I am on a bunch of garage sale sites and often get perverted and creepy messages from random guys. I just think they are hoping someone eventually takes their bait kinda like those email scams where a family member is stranded out of country and needs money.
* BUMPING Tricia's Podcast for Missy Bevers

Tricia's Podcast:

There was no one within a half mile of the church, when he went there. He could have gone to the church naked, and nobody would have noticed him.

Perp was inside the church for thirty minutes (30m) before Missy arrived in the door at the covered awning. She would have walked straight across the wide hallway to the door the perp was last seen entering. It is the room where the camp would be held. The killer was still inside the church when the first Camper arrived at the church, yes? Thus, he left from the same door s/he entered on the way inside. Is that area considered the back of the church?

Good Morning all!

Looking for an update, busy weekend! Istiff~~~ any cliffnotes again?? TIA

What was left out of the CliffNotes was that Dr. Teresa Siervers' beautiful head and face was bashed by a hammer 27 times that was wielded by a killer who uses the name "The Hammer" b/c it's his preferred tool.

I was reading early in the thread someone posted something about the 40 second mark so I was looking at the video of about that time. I think I may have an answer to the did the perp have a flashlight or not....

In the screen shot, you can see the perp has a black flashlight up near their ear or mounted on the helmet, similar to the one here. So, I do believe the reflections of light are correct and are seen in some of the video. Could the perp have been taking it off the helmet and putting it back on in some scenes? I believe so.

Awesome and unbelievable images at the same time. Scares the hell out of me. Poor Missy. Thank you for the volunteered IT work BCA.

Sure the flashlight was moveable. Recording of the betraying incident was a thrill for the killer. The thick disguise was necessary for the confusion over the perp's weight and, quite frankly, the male or female confusion. No hair shows. It's all covered.

VB (MIL) Is she speaking specifically and directly to someone she definitely knows is the killer(s) in her public communications?
I don't want to witness your arrest. Turn yourself in.

Bloody shirts are a red herring. JMO

A.J.T. founded the Camp Gladiator company. Would he risk his business to head off to prison? He earns enough that his wife doesn't work full-time. No way. JMHO

I see what you mean now - it may just be from the poor quality of the video...and here's another closeup I made from your pic

View attachment 94149

This stalking to Murder Missy did not just come about b/c they knew she would be inside that church because of the rain. Didn't BB post a weather app SS on his FB pg that indicated heavy rain? Did Missy always enter the places where she instructed the CG? No, or possibly. Normally they would exercise on the sidewalks that I assume are lighted.

SWAT gear well-equipped with tools was a disguise because of the CCTV video. The murder could have been performed at home as she got into her truck or shot from a sniper's distance when she entered the parking lot. Only the killer thought long about this plan, especially detail to the disguise and how to enter, exit and get away.

Dear MrsPC,
We opined earlier if that tool was a "level" but I notice the ragged uneven edges. That looks like something I've never seen. A white taser? Thank you so for the image.

I LOVE this website for getting a general overview of a town, take a look: (includes crime stats)


Agreed. Always. City data gal myself.

The average income is acceptable as it's the middle class + educated who have moved into the area the past 4 years. We need the new 2016 census reports.
No murders in over ten years.
Unfortunate for Missy.
Plenty of theft tho.

Monday, April 18, 2016
3:50 a.m. — Suspect first appears on video surveillance camera at Creekside Church of Christ.

4:16 a.m. — Mrs. Bevers’ pickup truck is shown on video surveillance driving into the church parking lot.

4:20 a.m. — Mrs. Bevers appears on video surveillance camera walking into the church building.

4:35 a.m. — Participant in Camp Gladiator arrives at location.

5:00 a.m. — First of two 911 calls received from location.

5:03 a.m. — Initial Patrol Officers dispatched along with EMS to the location.

5:10 a.m. — Officers arrive at the location.

Some members arrive thirty minutes early, if the instructor is agreeable. Who was helping Missy that morning unload the equipment that it takes to get this workout done?
A hired hitman would also not need to make it look like a robbery. The only person who would do that would be someone close to her.

Even IF a hired hitman chose to make it look like a robbery, he would do a much better job at it (like actually steal something...) lol

Not caught up yet, but I wanted to address this point. This is Texas where they really do have a death penalty. If apprehended, it could be the difference between a Life sentence for the suspect to have incidentally killed someone in the commission of a felony burglary, where proof of a premeditated murder for hire is going to be the death penalty. If apprehended, the suspect actually is relying on the co-conspirators to continue to not say a word, because the killer suspect doesn't want the death penalty and wants a deal for his life. If the co-conspirators have a breakdown of remorse and go blabbing, they are ALL up for that death penalty. JMO and not based on the intricacies of Texas jurisprudence - let's see what we have for suspects when arrests are made - but staging a burglary may be to the advantage of the hired hitman.
How do you add pictures?

I've found an example of the K-9 tactical that the perp's suit reminds me of.
I'm still leaning towards perp being female. Of course I have no way to confirm. But one thing I noted was where they grip the hammer. In the video at the locked door they grip the hammer at the top. I guess it stands out to me cause my ex would always tell me your doing it wrong hold the hammer at the bottom they are designed to use the grip at the bottom. Can any men comment on this if you so choose. I see male/female attributes but more female to me. Imo
Well creepy doesn't necessarily mean threatening.

Not to be rude, but men can be very creepy with women on social media. I'm single and have had alot of creepy interactions with men on online dating sites. Obviously linkedin isn't a dating site, but that's just one thought I had.

The problem with the word "creepy" is that 10 different women would probably define it 10 different ways.
3 weeks. That's a long time. That's a lot of time to watch how people walk. Slip ups. Phone traces.
* BUMPING Tricia's Podcast for Missy Bevers

Tricia's Podcast:

Perp was inside the church for thirty minutes (30m) before Missy arrived in the door at the covered awning. She would have walked straight across the wide hallway to the door the perp was last seen entering. It is the room where the camp would be held. The killer was still inside the church when the first Camper arrived at the church, yes? Thus, he left from the same door s/he entered on the way inside. Is that area considered the back of the church?

Awesome and unbelievable images at the same time. Scares the hell out of me. Poor Missy. Thank you for the volunteered IT work BCA.

Sure the flashlight was moveable. Recording of the betraying incident was a thrill for the killer. The thick disguise was necessary for the confusion over the perp's weight and, quite frankly, the male or female confusion. No hair shows. It's all covered.

VB (MIL) Is she speaking specifically and directly to someone she definitely knows is the killer(s) in her public communications?
I don't want to witness your arrest. Turn yourself in.

Bloody shirts are a red herring. JMO

A.J.T. founded the Camp Gladiator company. Would he risk his business to head off to prison? He earns enough that his wife doesn't work full-time. No way. JMHO

This stalking to Murder Missy did not just come about b/c they knew she would be inside that church because of the rain. Didn't BB post a weather app SS on his FB pg that indicated heavy rain? Did Missy always enter the places where she instructed the CG? No, or possibly. Normally they would exercise on the sidewalks that I assume are lighted.

SWAT gear well-equipped with tools was a disguise because of the CCTV video. The murder could have been performed at home as she got into her truck or shot from a sniper's distance when she entered the parking lot. Only the killer thought long about this plan, especially detail to the disguise and how to enter, exit and get away.

Dear MrsPC,
We opined earlier if that tool was a "level" but I notice the ragged uneven edges. That looks like something I've never seen. A white taser? Thank you so for the image.

Agreed. Always. City data gal myself.

The average income is acceptable as it's the middle class + educated who have moved into the area the past 4 years. We need the new 2016 census reports.
No murders in over ten years.
Unfortunate for Missy.
Plenty of theft tho.

Monday, April 18, 2016
3:50 a.m. — Suspect first appears on video surveillance camera at Creekside Church of Christ.

4:16 a.m. — Mrs. Bevers’ pickup truck is shown on video surveillance driving into the church parking lot.

4:20 a.m. — Mrs. Bevers appears on video surveillance camera walking into the church building.

4:35 a.m. — Participant in Camp Gladiator arrives at location.

5:00 a.m. — First of two 911 calls received from location.

5:03 a.m. — Initial Patrol Officers dispatched along with EMS to the location.

5:10 a.m. — Officers arrive at the location.

Some members arrive thirty minutes early, if the instructor is agreeable. Who was helping Missy that morning unload the equipment that it takes to get this workout done?

I can't bold it - but AT did not found Camp Gladiator.
I keep watching the video.

It looks like the pants are too short, there's something close to the crotch crease on the right leg (white), and when I paused the video, I thought that the police part looked like a vest and under it looked like the heavy jacket used when training dogs for protection (the bite jacket or whatever it's called). Wouldn't that jacket both be pretty easy to get your hands on AND add bulk?

Or maybe baseball catching equip...
I can't bold it - but AT did not found Camp Gladiator.
You are correct- he did not found CG. He had his own boot camp business up until recently when he rolled it into Camp Gladiator. He now has one workout in Mansfield in the afternoons (unsure of days) and the Midlothian 5 am workouts.
I got some pics of the white thing last night - it appears to me from watching the surveillance video that the killer was not carrying the white thing from the start - it wasn't in the killer's hand until they opened up that first door (before moving to the next door where they tried to pry the door.) After the killer opens that first door then you see that it's in his/her right hand and when he/she moves to that next door he/she places the white thing in a right pocket before proceeding to pry that 2nd door. And from a closeup pic it appears to be shiny/ceramic/braided...almost like some sort of pillar/candle holder/something of that nature.


It's a locking mole wrench. It has red plastic tips on the ends. The jaws are wide open holding a round bolt. "Shiny" is metal, silver to be exact and the round bolt head in the jaws is either copper, brass or gold colored. The "braided" appearance is pixelation.
Silence of LE is key for me. If there was nothing to go on and they were nearing a dead end, more information would be released. It is a matter of time before an arrest is made; I have no idea how soon that will be but for the children's sake, I pray it is very soon. Until it does, or until there is more information to discuss, I think I'm going to try to take a break from all this. I need some rest.

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Nor has the reward been increased. I'm pretty confident an arrest is imminent. Very confident.
I just tried researching on my own- here is the question:
Does anyone recall that early on in this case, LE mentioned they got a really bad picture of a car (from local gun shop) but that it might not be usable???

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes, thats the one I am wondering if it was coming out of the Church Drive. IT could have came from a totally diff surveillance camera though. Someone may already answered this with a link (hopefully) iirc it was stated that was in the corner frame of a video?
Could you imagine living with someone who you suspect could be the perp? I couldn't.
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