TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #14

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I think everyone around this case is bizarre. Such little emotion from anyone involved. BB and RB...laughing and chatting with the media. And then AJT and CT....there is nothing on their FB pages that I can find that even mentions Missy's death. I mean, come on. That is not normal. Here is a man that worked with her, at least, and his wife who knew Missy well...and they say nothing at all about the murder? And no one else on their pages mentions anything either. None of the Gladiators, or whatever they are supposed to be. They are putting up teary eyed emoticons because they slept late and missed their work out... ??? HELLO. A woman has been killed.

I swannee, I think the perp is a man. I can't get a handle on this. And I'm torn up that we are still waiting for an arrest. Perhaps this case is more twisted that we originally thought.

To be fair to AJ, he did post something regarding her murder on his professional fitness Facebook page. He did not get long and drawn out with it, but he did make a statement.

You can find his page called Camp Gladiator Trainer (and then his full name)
There was a working camera outside the church. It was not functioning at the time, or did not activate.


So it wasn't working. Or...was disabled by SOMEONE.
There is a photo of her on April 30th on a fb page.I am not trying to be rude but she looks bigger than the perp.You can see her full body.

I agree. And to add - I don't think ANY of the "target" and LinkedIn names or initials have anything to do with this. And I am appalled some of the search warrants were released. But I don't know about FOIA so maybe they had to be released.

But I see a slenderish perp, with regular, non-beefy arms, skinny knees, slender thighs, and skinny ankles now that video stills have been posted by Sleuthers.

I don't think the family, much less the search warrant names, have anything to do with this.
To be fair to AJ, he did post something regarding her murder on his professional fitness Facebook page. He did not get long and drawn out with it, but he did make a statement.

You can find his page called Camp Gladiator Trainer (and then his full name)

I just finished reading all his post and all I can find is a bible scripture posted the day after she died.
I can't get the DR Drew links to work on my phone. Did he reveal anything new that we didn't already know?
I can't get the DR Drew links to work on my phone. Did he reveal anything new that we didn't already know?

Nope. IN my experience, WS are always way ahead of Dr Drew or Nancy Grace. NG' bombshells are old news for WSer'.
To nip this in the bud as it's been debated several times, someone here checked out flight times and there wasn't one for a few hours. Also, it's possible he didn't want to be confined to a flight where he couldn't make and receive phone calls. You'd want to make an immediate decision and I imagine the car hire place was seen as an instant option to hit the road.

You're so right. I would consider that getting home in 9 hours is actually one of the most time-efficient, cost-efficient, and practical results one could achieve. And not meaning to be cold, but given the fact that she was already dead, and he could do nothing to reverse that, what would it REALLY matter if he got home in say 6 hours rather than 9?
...And no working cameras on the outside of the church. Did he know?

I wonder whether perp disabled outside camera(s) but this detail hasn't been released by LE. I'm not convinced perp knew about indoor cameras, where he/she appears to look at camera I think perp is looking at doors where Missy entered.
I believe BB flew down to his fishing trip and got a rental car to come home
Thoughts on posts for today:
Be patient with police. They are building a case (possibly more than one, but I doubt it). The threshold for a murder charge to stick(DP possibly involved) is extremely high. There is some money floating around close to the case, which can buy thebest defense money can buy. They need tomake this thing bullet proof and that’s what they’re doing right now.
-The whole dog/blood incident is a red herring. That’s an easy test and has already been done.
-Regarding not upping the reward $. When my aunt was murdered, Crime Stoppersoffered like a $1K or $10K reward(can’t remember). Our family later tried to up that personallyand they told us that there is virtually no correlation between peopleresponding at different level (unless you start talking about ridiculousamounts.) They said, save your money; it’snot going to help.
-Nobody who’s about to commit an intimate murder is tryingto “walk like someone else.” “Move like someone who might have more motive” oranything complicated like that. Not on their radar.
-This is almost certainly not a robbery. There is almost nothing to indicate that itis. They aren’t looking for anythingvaluable and don’t have the means to take it away.
-They are not thinking about whether it’s an accessory toanother felony, the DP, or probably anything that relates to their potentialpunishment. They wouldn’t do this ifthey thought they’d get caught.
The bumping or fumbling around might be due to 1. It might be darker there than we realize, and2. Their field of vision issignificantly compromised by their get-up.
No, I don’t think BB is an attention-seeker. He doesn’t come across as that kind of guy. You know people like him. Serious. In Control. He probably couldn’tfly back because flights are infrequent often full this time of year. He’s in a car because you can have more control/communicationthere. If he’s involved, he totallyfooled me (not necessarily a difficult thing to do).
There probably is 1 perp. Crimes of passion are generally solo jobs. Unless you have more than one person thathas motive. Transferring this kind ofpassion to another person is almost unheard of.
My lingering doubts about CT was that the perp looked quitemasculine and would need a tremendous amount of physical strength to pull thisoff. Pull up the video of her doing the “icebucket challenge” with a wife-beater shirt on and a 5 gallon cooler filled withwater and all doubts of physical strength and capability will evaporate.
If it is someone else (which is possible), they aren’t inthe public’s conscience yet.
Just too many coincidences.....I truly hope that it is not who I keep coming back to. Need to wait for an arrest, I guess. UGH. JMO
Some have said it is suspicious --
1. MsB did not accompany Mr BB on fishing trip.
Within ~ a day of death, VB said fishing trip was a vendor-sponsored trip, IIRC.
Since vendor to B-family owned business sponsored this, the guests would be vendor-invited, maybe include other companies too. In businesses I've known, sometimes vendee-employee only is invited; spouse, sig-other is not invited; in other businesses or other trips, vendee-employee & spouse/so are both invited.
Imo, MsB not accompanying him on bus. trip is not 'suspicious' in and of itself.
Even if invited, Ms B may have declined - hates fishing? gets seasick? not a gambler? busy w CG conference in Austin? busy w dau's activities? etc.
Or maybe Mr B declined invitation to her, without even telling her about it? Maybe he took a special friend? IDK.

2. Mr BB went on fishing trip in face of LE report of Mr & Ms B's 'financial difficulties.'
Could be a little short for one month or could be on steps of bankruptcy ct. IDK. As Pres Clinton said - it depends on your definition.
if this was a vendor-trip as VB said, then MrB was not spending 'frivolously' (not paying for airfare, meals, charter boat, etc., likely just incidentals, imo).

3. Mr BB said he returned to Midlo in rented car, instead of flying back (which presumably would have been faster.)
IIRC, inclement weather in MS prevented planes taking off immed'ly when he needed to return (landing at DFW. Wait a couple hours? One day? Two?
1 1/2 hr scheduled flight time can take 6-8-10 hrs, w airport check-in, delays on take-off & landing, actually back to house. Driving could be quicker.
Someone suggested that if MrBB were genuinely upset, he would have had a friend go w, to share driving w him.
As this was a business (related) trip, is it possible that either:
(a) he would not have been comfortable asking a person in group to cut trip, miss activities & drive w him. We, or at least I, do not know if others on trip were chums w him. If not a good friend, 9 hr drive w a business-only associate could be quite awkward, strained, not comforting.
(b) even if MrBB had a pal like that, is it possible pal lives in WashDC or SanFran, i.e., would not want to end up in DFW/Midlo area, instead of home? Then fly home, extra exp they would not ask vendor to pay? Or turn car around to return to MS by self?

Some others find one, two, and/or three of ^ suspicious; IDK, maybe, maybe not. Some are *advertiser censored*-uming but may be 100% correct. We're missing a lot of facts about relationships - personal, family, & business - and drawing conclusions anyway. I'm trying to avoid that myself. JM2cts, may be wrong. 100%.

ETA: not trying to defend or attack anyone. Just saying there are many possibilities about motive of ppl under discussion to decide to do one thing or another.
You're so right. I would consider that getting home in 9 hours is actually one of the most time-efficient, cost-efficient, and practical results one could achieve. And not meaning to be cold, but given the fact that she was already dead, and he could do nothing to reverse that, what would it REALLY matter if he got home in say 6 hours rather than 9?

I don't disagree, but BB returned to TX in a rental car as far as we know. He flew to Biloxi so he wouldn't have been leaving his own car behind. Just to clarify the facts as we understand them at this point.
You're so right. I would consider that getting home in 9 hours is actually one of the most time-efficient, cost-efficient, and practical results one could achieve. And not meaning to be cold, but given the fact that she was already dead, and he could do nothing to reverse that, what would it REALLY matter if he got home in say 6 hours rather than 9?

I can imagine that he wanted to get home to his daughters as soon as possible, and I think that driving was a legitimate choice, with airline wait times, possible flight delays and communication blackouts being not acceptable.
I agree. And to add - I don't think ANY of the "target" and LinkedIn names or initials have anything to do with this. And I am appalled some of the search warrants were released. But I don't know about FOIA so maybe they had to be released.

But I see a slenderish perp, with regular, non-beefy arms, skinny knees, slender thighs, and skinny ankles now that video stills have been posted by Sleuthers.

I don't think the family, much less the search warrant names, have anything to do with this.

It's actually the lower half of the perp now for me that makes me think it is NOT her.The perp is def thinner in the thighs and buttocks area.Just my opinion.The perp looks a lot thinner when you watch the video at the end.Even the feet don't seem as large to me.I've only watched it now eight thousand times! :blushing:
Couple things, if you're new here PLEASE go to the media links and look at all there is to see and read with regards to this case! Let's all talk after you've checked out the facts presented already. And this thread moves so rapidly, can we PLEASE not post as a 'placecard?' If we all did that, it would be ridiculous. And usually casual banter back & forth works but when the thread is huge, it just makes some of us who read every post have to go through unnecessary posts. Just a suggestion as this thread is out of control! If I am out of line, I apologize, just trying to do the sleuthing without going through the extra posts. And yes, I have read every single one! I want justice for Missy like the the rest of you!!

Now back to sleuthing!!

If you check the extended video, look at the feet only. It has been mentioned before that it looks like the perp is wearing slippers? The backs up the shoes flop down as if there is a flip flop type shoe cover on the foot. Does anyone know what that could be? To disguise the print of the actual shoe/boot? And IF there were saran wrap involved, I was thinking it could stop blood spatter if wrapped around the victim prior to attack but probably after initial takedown. Just a thought, the perp ws very careful with covering up pretty much everything, why not minimize blood splatter evidencee too?

That was discussed in earlier threads. I wish I could remember which one. Kinda ironic considering how this post started. LOL
IMHO people are simply interested in this particular case, thus lots of posts. Is completely understandable and has brought newbies like me to WS
I can't get the DR Drew links to work on my phone. Did he reveal anything new that we didn't already know?

Nothing new, as expected, but Dr. Drew's reporter said she spoke to BB and he talked about things related to finances and marital issues, but she said they were 'off the record' so she wouldn't reveal them on Dr. Drew. The transcript for the show should be posted at some point.
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