TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #14

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I try not to make excuses for the behaviors of those closest to the victim, immediately after a horrific crime. This is the time you will see genuine, uncontrolled and not thought through feelings and emotions and GRIEF. Pure, unadulterated grief. It looks different in different people but you still recognize it as deep pain and grief. I think having to excuse behavior is a red flag in and of itself.

Having affairs or financial problems wouldn't change the traumatic effect of the murder of a loved one- especially a spouse, or the mother of your children. When people have affairs but don't leave, all it tells me is that the couple doesnt want to, won't or cant leave but that they are still connected- for whatever reason. All the stress or anger in the world will not change your feelings of the brutal murder of a loved one- if anything they will add to the trauma and sadness- at least in the early stages.

The husbands words are as odd as his behavior, IMO. There may be another explanation but right now I can't get past that.

Respectfully, I do think that the state of one's marriage can have an effect on how we handle something like this. It could be hurtful or devastating, but in a different way than if they'd just recommitted their vows and were renewing romantic and sexual love than if they were average longterm wedding than if they were on the verge of separating. I can't speak to what stage they were at, but at some point in marriage, many people relish companionship and trust over daily sex and romance. Not all, I know :) Long term relationships wax and wane.


My family is the same way - we don't wail, wring our hands, gnash our teeth and collapse. It's our way to intellectualize and philosophize rather than emote. It's more comfortable for some of us :) Not saying it's better or worse, just what's right for us because that's what and who we are. I'm most definitely not saying that we don't feel grief and despair, joy and happiness either. We feel the same emotions, not everyone shows them. The only time I saw my Dad in tears was dancing with my sister at her wedding. I was gutted to see that :D My Daddy was always such a stoic. He was strong for his kidlets as was my mother. BB may feel his emotions are on hold until he feels his daughters are more stable. He may feel it's safer to be stoic because once you let it out a little, it can be a flood and you're paralyzed.

Some people search out and desperately need the support and comfort of others, even if it's from strangers or the public via media - it makes me extremely uncomfortable when people assume I'm the same.

It feels so corny to say that people grieve (or handle other emotions) in the way that works for them, but it's so true.
honestly, people would probably read me the same way many here are reading him. Now, a song or commercial can make me cry in the blink of an eye, but during a true crisis i withdraw, become very stoic and "too together" for some peoples liking. I can't explain it but it's just how i am, and i'm sure others are too. Just last week we had someone begin beating on our windows of the house, my hubby who has a heart condition went into atrial fibrillation(originally thought he was having a heart attack). In a blink of an eye i had our gun and 911 on the phone. Even the paramedics said i was unnervingly calm. It's not that i don't love my husband, or that i wasn't scared. My body just doesn't react that way. In fact it took it about 3 days to hit me about what had happened, then i called my hubby and told him i was scared to be home and i think he needed to take some time off of work. I imagine if i was in bb's position i would come off extremely peculiar.

Dagnabbit! He was gonna use that for the girls' "counseling". Barf. JMO

People in that community will make certain those poor girls get the counseling they need.

I just don't think his behavior falls under the old "Everyone grieves differently" cliche for explanation. Everyone does grieve differently. But even with people who don't emote in the typical way, even with stoic people who aren't prone to show their emotions, there is usually an underlying sadness or pain that comes through. Since he comes across so disconnected from the tragedy when he's being interviewed (yet again) maybe he should consider the negative impact his insensitive appearance could have on his daughters.

Best case scenario, he's a self-centered man who would benefit from adding an allergy to microphones and interviews to his list of ailments. Worst case scenario, he's the reason all of this is happening.

Very definitely my opinion only.
I think some of us are questioning why he decided to take the long 9 hour drive home instead of a quick flight home and are trying to come up with possiblities.

There are no flights he could have taken and gotten home any sooner than he did, in fact the only flight he could possibly have caught, If it wasn't booked would get him home much later. Just saying.
Originally Posted by MotherOcean View Post
I heard BB say in an interview that "we" drove back from Mississippi on the day of MB's murder.

Why don't they just report who he was with? Will BB not tell anyone? Why is this person such a mystery if he is just a man friend?

Respectfully, If I were the friend or knew who it was for the simple reason as we are here at WS going over everything with a fine tooth comb... over and over and over. At least its moderated (thanks MODS) but elsewhere on the www ...(and its out there forever!) well you know. Honestly its none of the public business to know. I am 100% sure that the LEO know and have looked into ever aspect. Would you (anyone) want their life, there family/friends and everything everywhere under the microscope just because you were with someone or helped someone get home in a tragedy? Not trying to be snarky, ... back to catching up...
Could someone weigh in on whether these two assumptions are correct?
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1. There is no setting to receive email notifications ONLY when someone replies to your post?

2. If there is a particular WS member whose recent posts you want to search for, there is no way to accomplish this with the WS Advanced Search feature. You can only display a list of the THREADS they've posted in -- not the individual posts. Apparently the only way to find their forum posts is to locate a post they've made (not always an easy task) -- and then left click their username and select "View Forum Posts" as shown below.


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Click on profile and you go to that members profile. there is all the post (it only has IIRC last 30 days) or you can search a thread for that members posts ..
Re the outdoor video surveillance.

Some of it was working since LE refer to it as having recorded Missy's truck entering the parking lot https://m.facebook.com/195047007358...1462364174./10154082916172359/?type=3&theater

I think there is more to the lack of outdoor surveillance evidence than church carelessness/coincidence

It was the store's camera down the road a little piece that caught Missy's truck entering the parking lot. That is where her arrival time came from on the official LE MDPD timeline. They also corrected the time of the 2 calls made to 911. I'm not seeing it on the link you provided, but it was like 5:06 or 5:09 and not straight up 5 o'clock as noted in the link.
If my wife was murdered and shortly thereafter I learned she was having an affair, I doubt I would be crying in front of the cameras
I keep seeing people mention BB comment when he says are you ready to the cameraman. If you watch the beginning and listen to the cameraman says hold on I'm not ready or can you hold on my cameras not working. So when he finally says are you ready he is looking directly at that same cameraman like did you get it fixed are you ready. When I watch the video and take it all in within context it does not seem odd.
The longer this goes, the more I think the perp is someone that isn't on anybody's radar. Rats.
Who, does anyone here think, had the financial means to hire a hitperson? JMO And why?...............a hitperson would have shot her in the head with one or two shots and be done with it, as I see it. JMO

I would guess it would depend on how expensive the hitperson is. Some have charged less than $2,000, at least according to this article. If an amateur was hired, they may have thought a gun would be too traceable, although it is the most common weapon used for contract killings.
Im not seeing the perp checking a watch or looking at a clock in the church to keep up with the time. U would think if the perp was waiting for her to arrive he or she would be concerned about the time. Im not so sure this was a targeted attack.
I see several new members have posted just in the last few pages of this thread. Welcome!

Im not seeing the perp checking a watch or looking at a clock in the church to keep up with the time. U would think if the perp was waiting for her to arrive he or she would be concerned about the time. Im not so sure this was a targeted attack.

The police only released about 2 minutes or so of the video footage to the public. That means they may have about 25-plus minutes of footage that we haven't seen and we don't know what the perp was or was not doing in that footage.
I am not so sure that if I had a philandering spouse, who had multiple affairs (per LE) that I knew about (suggested as to why BB seems so aloof), who caused lots of small town gossip and rumors because of the affairs (no, I have no link - it is just a fact of small towns) and who was deceiving me with promises of new found fidelity and re-commitment (suggested by some as the reason for the 10 months of daily texts) and then ended up murdered by the latest conquest's jealous spouse (one of the favorite theories here), that I would be grieving like a widowed newlywed. Maybe BB is acting completely normal under the circumstances. Just saying. I feel for him.

Austin was the trigger. JMHO
This has probably been discussed umpteen times in the various 14 threads here...but it was reported the hammer was found near MB's body..."along with other tools from the church." Do you think the killer brought the hammer, and then discovered other tools in the church too, or do you think the killer found the hammer & any other tools once he/she arrived at the church? If the killer brought the hammer, it seems surely that law enforcement could determine the model/manufacturer and look at where this model was sold in the area or which specific stores carried it. If the killer did not bring the hammer....I wonder what method he/she was going to use to kill MB? And I know law enforcement is still holding some info close to the vest so we really don't know if there were other weapons used in her murder. Just wondering....
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