TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #17

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The search warrant describing the puncture wounds says, "Neither the suspect nor victim, were seen again on video."

The search warrant is dated April 19.


Correct but as noted in the AT&T Target Numbers SW/and Affidavit for the SW... The Affidavits are only a Summary of facts known to the Affiant (writer of the Affidavit) If you also will note going back and reading the released 7 SW there are multiple Affidavit writers and each describes it a little different that another in their summary

This is from Sergent Cody McKinney MPD, writer of most of these SW released so far
The recitation of facts contained in this Affidavit is not meant to be a complete narrative of all
information that is known to Your Affiant, but only a summary of facts, to necessitate the
establishment of sufficient probable cause, in support of tit is affidavit, for the issuance of this
Evidentiary Search Warrant.
Does everything here correspond with the map that we currently have? Not sure how to attach that image to this post. Can someone check Nancy Grace map against the one we have?

It seems that it would have been caught on camera according to their map.
I'm confused...so we have 3 floorplan maps now and 1 shows MB body was found near the bulletin board room...is that correct?

floorplan of church.jpeg

floorplan of church 2.JPG

floorplan of church 3.png
Not 100% sure but I heard someone on NG say that the camera lenses were 'fish eye' lenses and distort the images quite a bit. But LE now has a better idea of the height and weight of SWATPERP. I think if there were 2 SWATPERPS, LE would have made that fact known.

FWIW I think since this all occurred in the dark, pre-dawn, hours in the rain that LE may have only headlights on the video to show SWATPERP's car in the parking lot, especially if it traveled from the north. MB's car may have been seen because she traveled from the south.
IMO: If by any chance MB was killed by the bulletin boards or the SW corner, LE is fibbing....It is on video.
Yes and for all important aspects of why we are examining the maps, they are correct! Mimi was right on from the start. Good job Mimi!!
it is truly awful. I am a criminal defense lawyer and see some bad things. I just can't shake this one from my mind though.

Please don't judge me, but the thought of what horror MB possibly endured keeps me awake at night. It's like a perpetual horror film.
That isn't actually fully consistent with what else we know. BB - her husband who should know her - said that she would have driven away if there had been a car there when she arrived.

Unless Missy drove completely around the church building before parking under the overhang, she would not have been able to see a car parked at certain places at the rear of the building. I'm stating that from looking at the aerial view of the building and parking lot, and the area at the back that is lower than the front of the building.

(And once again, I'm behind in reading, so someone else may have already mentioned this.)
Looks like arkansasmimi has it right.So according to Nancy Grace and the map, Missy was killed in front of the bulletin board?

So that is by door that the suspect half heartedly attempted to open in the video footage?
So any guesses to what is in that room?
Also if that is the right location, I'm assuming that:
Missy was pulled in the room (tricked into going in the room, gets equipment from the room? Does she have a key?...
the suspect took out the camera and it occurred in the hall or corner...
or LE is not telling the whole story about not seeing the murder take place, the meetup, or suspect leave the area

all my opinion only

By Alexandra Allred
Guest Columnist

Posted May 16, 2016 at 7:07 PM
Updated at 7:10 PM

I love murder mysteries. So much so that I am a murder mystery novelist. I grew up in a household where obituaries were read as faithfully as the front page news and, so quite naturally, I am intrigued by the more unusual circumstances of death. It is, you could say, a curiosity that led to a profession.
But it is fiction.
While some of my fiction is derived from actual events, it is still fiction.
What happened to Missy Bevers is a horrible reality that no one should ever know. Still, in the past month I have been asked by friends, readers, and a former agent when I plan on writing the Missy Bevers murder mystery.
Are you kidding me?
From Mansfield, one would be coming in from the north on US 287 to the church - the part of the highway that is not very well captured on the sporting goods store video. Jus' saying.
Unless Missy drove completely around the church building before parking under the overhang, she would not have been able to see a car parked at certain places at the rear of the building. I'm stating that from looking at the aerial view of the building and parking lot, and the area at the back that is lower than the front of the building.

(And once again, I'm behind in reading, so someone else may have already mentioned this.)

Another point for someone knowing her routine.
Please don't judge me, but the thought of what horror MB possibly endured keeps me awake at night. It's like a perpetual horror film.

Me too. I did a pinky swear with my SO, that I would try, try not to get totally enmeshed in another case, like I have with several others. (Savopoulos/Teresa Sievers) But, I find myself thinking/wondering/pondering all the time, WHO/WHO/WHY. I opened safari in the middle of the night (when I couldn't sleep) and shuddered, there was a blown up picture of the perps face.... oh, so scary.
Mods.... please remove if not allowed.

This is from a blog by Tamara Jolee, who was interviewed on Tricia's radio show. Nothing new in here, mostly a description of how the community is feeling. She stresses that readers must make their own decisions, as she can only give her perspective of what life is like in Midlothian now.

Looks like arkansasmimi has it right.So according to Nancy Grace and the map, Missy was killed in front of the bulletin board?

If this is the case, the public is being sold a bill of goods and LE is fibbing. We see the bulletin boards on video prior to her arrival. Unless they were disconnected, there is no reason to believe they wouldn't have recorded the murder/confrontation.

I am beginning to believe, seriously, these LE officials are clueless. No disrespect intended, but they have been had. IMO!
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