TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #27

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On your second one, I would argue they don't use what ever is handy. They come prepared. They are going "to work". They don't leave home with items they need to do the job properly.

Claim 2 and 3: I agree with you 100%

you made some excellent points. but just wanted to clarify that when i said "they use whatever is handy", i didn't mean that they turn up to the crime scene and hope there is a weapon lying around they can use. I meant, if they have a hammer at home and feel comfortable wielding that, they will use that. if they have a gun lying around they might use that. all i meant was: the use of a hammer does not NECESSARILY indicate a personal crime. sometimes hitmen are lazy. sometimes they don't have money for a gun.
a big negative against using a gun is that bullets are traceable to a particular gun. whereas as far as i can tell, blows from a hammer are not. this perp really really did not want to be caught. a lot of planning went into this, they were really careful. i mean, two months later and we don't even know their gender let alone method of murder? i have seen it said a lot of times that this could not have been a hitman because a hitman would not have been so sloppy as to have been seen on camera like this. this hitman was not sloppy. we don't even know if this hitman is a woman. they were not sloppy.

but this hitman did NOT want her girls to find her. thank God for small mercies, even hitmen can have a conscience.

or the person that hired them.

imagine how much easier it would have been to do the deed as she left for work. surprise her in the driveway. taser, bullet plus silencer. job done. no cameras. but who would have been likely to have found her? yep. and the hitmen (or the hirer) didn't want that. thank god.
you made some excellent points. but just wanted to clarify that when i said "they use whatever is handy", i didn't mean that they turn up to the crime scene and hope there is a weapon lying around they can use. I meant, if they have a hammer at home and feel comfortable wielding that, they will use that. if they have a gun lying around they might use that. all i meant was: the use of a hammer does not NECESSARILY indicate a personal crime. sometimes hitmen are lazy. sometimes they don't have money for a gun.

And I want to add:

Perhaps it could also be if a person has a felony conviction of more than a year, and was imprisoned, perhaps they aren't allowed by law to own a gun.

While I can see something like this happening, I still go back to the weapon of choice. It just seems to be so telling. I know there is no accounting for someone's thought process in a situation like this, but if it were a "hit" so to speak, to get rid of someone who knew something, it just seems like you take a gun. I mean with all the prep work and thought they were willing to put in to this, put on a disguise, lurk outside, and when she walks in (or comes back out to go park truck), shoot her and take off. Your snitch is gone. Why all the build up, risk and rage to do it with a hammer? Ugg, just so sad no matter how it turns out.

Some thoughts...

On the subject of male versus female perp, still think SP was male. But, if SP was a female, I think she would have used a gun, simply because she couldn't take the chance of getting into a struggle with Missy, who was very strong and fit. She would have wanted this horrendous deed to be quick and final. If there was additional trauma, this could have happened later. Since we have very few facts about this case from LE, we can't rule this out.

And I want to add:

Perhaps it could also be if a person has a felony conviction of more than a year, and was imprisoned, perhaps they aren't allowed by law to own a gun.


very true. mind you. not being able to lawfully purchase a gun will not stop a potential murderer from obtaining one, but it would definitely make it much more difficult.

in australia, it is extraordinarly difficult to buy a gun, you need a thousand reasons and a license to buy one. now of course, criminals have different avenues but they are quite limited. Most murders in australia are not committed by shooting and the inability to buy one readily I'm sure features in that.

i don't know what the situation is like in the USA and particularly Texas, but I would suppose that just likely anywhere, the more hurdles there are to buying one, the more likely it is that a perp will go for something else.
Some thoughts...

On the subject of male versus female perp, still think SP was male. But, if SP was a female, I think she would have used a gun, simply because she couldn't take the chance of getting into a struggle with Missy, who was very strong and fit. She would have wanted this horrendous deed to be quick and final. If there was additional trauma, this could have happened later. Since we have very few facts about this case from LE, we can't rule this out.


i have often talked about storing a baseball bat under my pillow to use against people who might break into the house at night. my husband simply tells me that i would be storing a baseball bat under my pillow for the burglars to use against me. i suspect he is right. i wonder if the perp thought the same about the gun .... what if missy wrestled it off them? you wouldn't want to take that risk. perhaps better to use a taser to incapacitate extraordinarily quickly. then bludgeon
the use of a hammer does not NECESSARILY indicate a personal crime.


Thank you.

I really have trouble with this concept that keeps coming up that an attack with a hammer to the head and face is inherently personal. You covered the rationale fo selecting a hammer as a weapon perfectly.

And I don't see attacking the head and face as "personal" at all in a hammer attack. That is just the general natural motion of swinging a hammer (and, so as to not get stuck on generalities, the specific swinging motion of this perp, as seen on video). It's also the most (or, really, only) efficient way to kill somebody with a hammer.

If MB was attacked in a way that specifically targeted the head and face with a knife, that would probably be extremely personal. Because it's otherwise unnatural and inefficient.

If, as people have speculated, she was shot first and THEN attacked with the hammer when she was down, yeah good chance that's personal.

Hammer to the face, in and of itself, says nothing of the sort to me.

I should also be clear, I absolutely believe this murder was generally "personal" in nature, whether to SP, someone on the outside who hired him/her, or both. I just don't feel like, for whatever reason the hammer was used, the primary motivation was disfigurement.
very true. mind you. not being able to lawfully purchase a gun will not stop a potential murderer from obtaining one, but it would definitely make it much more difficult.

in australia, it is extraordinarly difficult to buy a gun, you need a thousand reasons and a license to buy one. now of course, criminals have different avenues but they are quite limited. Most murders in australia are not committed by shooting and the inability to buy one readily I'm sure features in that.

i don't know what the situation is like in the USA and particularly Texas, but I would suppose that just likely anywhere, the more hurdles there are to buying one, the more likely it is that a perp will go for something else.

Unfortunately, in the US, it isn't difficult to get a gun legally or otherwise. Someone with a felony, or any hitman for that matter, would not want to obtain one legally. Legally=registered to them. Illegally=no way to definitively trace the gun or bullets back to them unless it is found in their possession or with their prints on it.
I still think that Missy was ambushed, bashed in the head or face with a heavy metal tool and the rest was easy......barbaric and disfiguring and gruesome. I still think that swatperp is female, too. JMO
My little girl just got this book out from the library, had to share!

i have often talked about storing a baseball bat under my pillow to use against people who might break into the house at night. my husband simply tells me that i would be storing a baseball bat under my pillow for the burglars to use against me. i suspect he is right. i wonder if the perp thought the same about the gun .... what if missy wrestled it off them? you wouldn't want to take that risk. perhaps better to use a taser to incapacitate extraordinarily quickly. then bludgeon

We have a big didgeridoo on the landing, which I brought back from Australia a few years ago. If anyone ever gets into my house they are getting knocked right back down the stairs with that!
i have often talked about storing a baseball bat under my pillow to use against people who might break into the house at night. my husband simply tells me that i would be storing a baseball bat under my pillow for the burglars to use against me. i suspect he is right. i wonder if the perp thought the same about the gun .... what if missy wrestled it off them? you wouldn't want to take that risk. perhaps better to use a taser to incapacitate extraordinarily quickly. then bludgeon

Oh please don't. Your husband is right. My great aunt was murdered with her own bat. A taser (not cheap one) is good, a gun is better for protection IMO
If you (general) are afraid of those then mace (high rated good stuff) or even wasp spray will work.

I still think the element of surprise is key in this...unless SP used a taser but we don't know that. Even if a taser was used I doubt Missy would have
seen it coming until it was too late. JMO
We have a big didgeridoo on the landing, which I brought back from Australia a few years ago. If anyone ever gets into my house they are getting knocked right back down the stairs with that!

bahaha .. cop a didgeridoo in the back of the head and a burglar wouldn't be getting back up again in a hurry
Oh please don't. Your husband is right. My great aunt was murdered with her own bat. A taser (not cheap one) is good, a gun is better for protection IMO
If you (general) are afraid of those then mace (high rated good stuff) or even wasp spray will work.

I still think the element of surprise is key in this...unless SP used a taser but we don't know that. Even is a taser was used I doubt Missy would have
seen it coming until it was too late. JMO

it's very difficult to get mace or anything similar here. i suppose hairspray in the eyes would confuse for a minute
it took me a while to get this. i thought it was a subtle electric chair reference for a minute there

Lol! No, it's for our Sparky.
I don't imagine she's very sloth like though, especially modding this thread, she's certainly kept on her toes!
very true. mind you. not being able to lawfully purchase a gun will not stop a potential murderer from obtaining one, but it would definitely make it much more difficult.

in australia, it is extraordinarly difficult to buy a gun, you need a thousand reasons and a license to buy one. now of course, criminals have different avenues but they are quite limited. Most murders in australia are not committed by shooting and the inability to buy one readily I'm sure features in that.

i don't know what the situation is like in the USA and particularly Texas, but I would suppose that just likely anywhere, the more hurdles there are to buying one, the more likely it is that a perp will go for something else.

Yes, most definitely, a criminal could potentially get a hold of a gun, whether it was lawful for them to own one or not.

Yes, most definitely, a criminal could potentially get a hold of a gun, whether it was lawful for them to own one or not.


everyone starts somewhere though don't though... i'm just thinking out loud. say someone is need of some quick cash but is not YET a criminal.. just a bit of a deadbeat. say a mate comes up to them and says "hey.. you wanna earn an easy $5K...."....

you mull it over for a minute or twelve and say sure. but how are you going to do it? you don't want to go out and a buy a gun because it will be traced to you. you don't have any mates selling them on the corner. how do you find out who does? craigslist?
I have also thought the same. Here is a scenario I've considered. A shot or 2 were fired but missed, shot out a window (later a gun sniffing expert named Titan is brought out to find the bullet), MB may have knocked the gun out of their hand. (I think no one would dress in uniform with all the gear and not have their weapon.) SP and MB struggle, which LE already stated. MB went on the offensive when she realized who it was or what was happening, SP is wilding swinging the hammer partly in self defense but mostly because the situation is almost out of control and she is almost back to the door and her vehicle (her body was found in the SW corner of the building). So a breaching hammer gets used as a last effort to stop her and ends up killing her because it's so heavy and pointed, also resulting in a lot of cuts and puncture wounds about the chest and head because in a struggle some blows land and some don't. Not at all as the SP intended but done nonetheless.
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