TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #27

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For all the longtime sleuths, have there been any well-known cases where the alibi was actually an accomplice (or the murderer)? We have spent much time talking about the POI on the SWs, but maybe the answer actually rests with one of their alibis.

From the beginning, I have thought that SP knew Missy and knew her well. The killing appears to be gruesome and has many of the markings of a revenge type killing. I don't know whether the motive was personal (romantic), financial, or to keep her silent. I think that the answer to her murder rests with one of those who knew her best. For the record, I don't have any one person in mind.
Was wondering, are MB's children eligible for SS survivor benefits? I had a friend who lost their father at a young age and SS even helped with college expenses, but that's been a while. Anyone know the latest SS guidelines for death of a parent? tia

If the deceased parent paid into SS, then the children are eligible for SS until they turn 18.
If the SP was wearing boots, walking down the hall, which appears to be a hard surface floor (Tile etc), and no one else in the building How could MB not hear them? In my opinion I would think the sound of someone walking would echo all over that building. I do not think it would be to far of a stretch to say SP had a gun and used it to "control" MB ( he or she was wearing tactical like outfit and of course police carry guns) so that SP could get close enough to her to kill her. again my opinion.
Well, I suppose the alternative might be, if she weren't killed to 'silence' her, she might've been killed as revenge for her already tipping off LE. (There WAS that second deputy arrest right after her death.) Perhaps she was killed in retaliation, as an example, so that anyone else with that knowledge would be encouraged to keep it to themselves. (Maybe that's why no one has come forward with a tip for that $20,000 reward.) This might be especially the case if dirty cops are involved. Dirty cop will 'get you' if you snitch. Gotta admit, the costume at least would have symbolized that particular message.

I'm still leaning towards her being silenced. Possibly she spoke to someone (though I doubt family)...maybe, as someone has suggested (Glammie?) she did try to tell LE...maybe she told the wrong one.

Oh, I'm pretty sure at least a few people have come forward for the $20K.

I'm giving this revenge kill a little air time in my brain. Does make you think.

I like that previous phrase about people starting to look at each other sideways. Anyone here ever play "Mafia." I get the sense it's happening a little more than people might admit.

Now IF, we go back to a passion killing theory and a spouse knows (or suspects) their partner. Do you think the other spouse is saying me-snip<circumvents profanity filters> If s/he did that; could s/he do me in too?
Survivors Benefits For Your Children

Your unmarried children who are under 18 (up to age 19 if attending elementary or secondary school full time) can be eligible to receive Social Security benefits when you die.

And your child can get benefits at any age if he or she was disabled before age 22 and remains disabled.

Besides your natural children, your stepchildren, grandchildren, step grandchildren or adopted children may receive benefits under certain circumstances.
For those who listened to the podcast what are your thoughts? Here is what I heard (Pete Schulte's thoughts):

1. Thinks too much information has been released via SW and other official documents
2. Doesn't believe a gun was used at the scene
3. Just because a person is no longer a POI doesn't really mean that they have been fully cleared; some "odd" behavior by at least one POI
4. Believes that SP is a male because he was able to overpower MB, who is strong and fit
5. Does not subscribe to the gun running scheme
6. Thinks the case is at least a few months away from being solved

Am I forgetting anything?

ETA - If a gun was not used, I leans towards a male for the same reasons Schulte mentioned. However, if a gun was used, that more than levels the playing field.

If you ambush someone I don't think fitness matters too much.
I am a woman of average, maybe less than average fitness. I'm pretty sure if I walked up behind a really really fit person of either gender and hit their head with a hammer as hard as I could*, they'd be out of luck. Wouldn't really matter how much fitter than they were.
The swatperp had a lot of advantages. Their gear was protective, and they were there first. I don't think fitness need factor into this at all.

*Please note I have no desire to do this to anyone, but I think I'm a good example of a unfit to average fit woman.
Perhaps (speculation) the garbage bag idea was an afterthought.

Besides, that "item" might not be garbage bags at all.

Hey Everyone,

My guest on True Crime Radio tonight is Peter Shulte former cop, prosecutor, and now defense attorney will be my guest. Mr. Shulte has been on all the network shows as an expert in the Bevers case. Also joining us is reporter and author Dawna Kaufmann to discuss more true crime.

The show is pre-recorded and will be available tonight by 10:30 PM Eastern at http://www.spreaker.com/user/triciag

Okay last time I will speak of what I saw, it was the day missy was killed prior to the thread being opened on WS. Again, I'm local and so I was watching the news and she looked familiar to me so I immediately started sleuthing her FB. We have many friends in common one a very close friend which is where I recalled seeing her before. It was then that the fourth of Fifth post from the top that the check showed. I was very busy and didn't think of taking screenshots. I then noticed several hours later there was a thread in WS. I guess it really isn't that important just bothers me. Lol. I will scroll and roll from now on :)

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Ah, yes. Sorry rsd - I see what you are asking. Ark-mimi is likely right. My guess would be they went to come out the door we see on the left (triggering cam) and then something caught their eye and they stepped back in the room to investigate. Maybe that is even the random rectangular box looking thing they are holding? Then came back out again before the cam had shut off. Some will actually set the time to record after motion to longer intervals (10-60 sec) for this very reason. The more you record after, the less you lose when motion starts.

Ark-mimi - do you know what room SP is walking out of in that portion of the video? Or what hall that is on the church diagram?

At our church, the cameras are set so that when one it triggered by movement, others also start recording. That way the few seconds it takes a camera to come on and begin recording aren't missed as someone goes from one area to the next.
Quoting myself from a post I wrote on June 1st:
So this tells us that whoever killed Missy had hatred for Missy, but was considerate of the rest of the family, and is someone to whom Brandon thinks he is important enough to warrant a confession to get his forgiveness, even knowing they'll be tried for capital murder and face the death penalty.

More thoughts:
It's clear the perpetrator knew Missy's routine, and most likely used her public Facebook postings for info. She posted on April 14 that she was en route to Austin, and for what, so the perp could have known she was heading to Austin for at least 2 days. If this person ONLY wanted her dead, the person could have gone to Austin and killed her, making it look like a random crime of opportunity while she was out of town.

Instead, the perp waited until Monday morning, dressed themselves head to toe with the intent to conceal their identity, protect themselves from harm, and contain trace evidence inside their costume. Then they went to the church, wandering about inside for at least 30 min prior to Missy's arrival and the murder. They apparently both arrived at and left the premises undetected by cameras.

From what we know of the injuries Missy sustained, the attack appears to be quite personal. To attack the head and chest area indicates to me someone who wanted to ruin Missy's appearance. Following along the personal theme, my comments above apply - this was someone who hated Missy, but cared enough about the rest of her family to spare them the trauma of finding Missy's body after she was killed. And it was someone who wanted to do it exactly the way it was done, because there were other options not chosen. (Such as killing her in Austin, or killing her at her home, or shooting her from a distance across the parking lot when she arrived at the church, or even attacking her with the hammer outside the church...just for a few examples)

Was it coincidence that her husband was out of town? BB apparently thinks his forgiveness means enough to someone that they'll confess and face the death penalty to get it, so again that points to a personal motive for this killer. Who knew and loved every member of Missy's family except Missy???
If the SP was wearing boots, walking down the hall, which appears to be a hard surface floor (Tile etc), and no one else in the building How could MB not hear them? In my opinion I would think the sound of someone walking would echo all over that building. I do not think it would be to far of a stretch to say SP had a gun and used it to "control" MB ( he or she was wearing tactical like outfit and of course police carry guns) so that SP could get close enough to her to kill her. again my opinion.

ambush means exactly that, and that is the term LE used.
[COLOR=#878787 !important]

  • 1.
    a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"seven members of a patrol were killed in an ambush"[/COLOR]
    synonyms:surprise attack, trap; archaicambuscade
    "the soldiers were killed in an ambush"

[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 1.
    make a surprise attack on (someone) from a concealed position.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"they were ambushed and taken prisoner by the enemy"[/COLOR]
    synonyms:attack by surprise, surprise, pounce on, fall upon, lay a trap for, set an ambush for, lie in wait for, waylay, bushwhack; archaicambuscade
    "twenty youths ambushed the patrol car"

Per April 18 Press Conf, no alarm ... no permit and are required to have a permit if have one... http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12592838#post12592838

Most juridictions now have a fee attached for false alarm calls. Most churches have numerous key holders and/or vol workers/helpers for off hours activity that create a ton of false alarms. Most fees increase with each time you get a false call. I.e. First one is free, 2nd $25, 3rd $50 4th $75 etc. this prevents many organizations from having alarms terminated at PD. They may have an "alarm system", just not activated to notify LE. Cameras are cheap in comparison. They provide some coverage. Many facilities (churches,schools,non profits,etc) with larger sq ft only have cameras on main doors and hallways. Not unusual.

along the same lines, exterior cameras are difficult to keep working. Lightning creates havoc on them. Not surprised those at CC church were not working given the weather in mid that day and prior days.
Since the thread is a little quiet at the moment I wanted to say a couple of things that have been bugging me for a little while. There are some claims that I see made by people time and time again which need to be address.

Claim 1: If it was a hit they would have used a gun/No credible hitman would use something personal like a hammer

Rebuttal: For a start we don't know if the perp used a gun. The cause of death has never been officially released. Just because we have only ever heard about puncture wounds and seen a hammer, DOES NOT mean a gun was not involved. We just don't know

Rebuttal Two: Hitmen use guns. They also use hammers. They can use whatever is handy. The nitwit murderers of Teresa Sievers (allegedly) used a hammer and as far as we know, they had no personal beef with her beyond being allegedly hired by the husband.

Claim 2: If the police knew who did it, they would be arrested by now/be in custody by now

Rebuttal: Sometimes the police can believe they know FOR YEARS who committed a crime, but just not have enough evidence to be able to make it stick in court. The last thing they want is to go to court too quickly, get an acquittal OJ style, and never be able to try the case again. Sure it's not safe with a perp on the loose, but better than going to court too quickly, the perp getting off due to lack of "beyond reasonable doubt" evidence, and having the perp on the loose FOREVER. They may well have the perp on 24 hour surveillance to ensure the community's safety. With agencies like the FBI on it, this will not be a backcountry hick operation. The safety of the community will be a major concern.

Claim 3: The family/friends have been cleared

Rebuttal: No. No they have not. LE have said that so far alibis have checked out and that the family are not the current focus of the operation. But they have NOT said they are no longer persons of interest. I understand why websleuths does not want them sleuthed, but they have definitely NOT BEEN cleared and I wish people would stop saying that.
I agree with all 6 statements. Well, for #6, I think it is more of a few months away from having enough evidence to go to trial rather than being solved.
Honestly, I almost find it hard to believe they don't know who it is. They have extra video (therefore much more detail into mannerisms) and statements from the campers first on the scene. They have read every single word of every single text message or instant message that MB, RB, BB, CT, AT and who knows who else has made in recent months. They have gone over financial records, taken statements from friends, family and co-workers and know the COD. The autopsy report alone likely tells them quite a bit about SPs motive. I would bet they have checked and re-checked the alibi of everyone with even a hint of a motive. The only way I can see that they don't know who it is, is if someone hired a random hitman. In that case, they may know who did the hiring but need time to track that down. You don't have to watch to many episodes of 'the first 48' to see how many cases have video but take several months just waiting on confessions or someone coming forward with concrete evidence. If they don't have a very clear image of the face, they will rarely go to trial until they get more. Episode after episode they can see the perp with no disguise on video actually committing the murder, but if the face is blurry, slightly covered or far away, they wait. It is just too easy for the defense to argue reasonable doubt if you go in and say, well we have no dna and no eye-witnesses, but we have this video where you can see how closely the person resembles the perp on camera. While I have days it feels like this was a perfect crime, I am basing that on nothing more than the perp was covered. Perfect would have been never being on camera. Not leaving a weapon behind. Not committing the murder in a way that shows rage. This wasn't the perfect crime. So, while I don't have a clue who did this, I feel pretty confident LE does.

Morning peeps! TGIF! Fantastic post Zoeneli! Thanks everyone for the summary and links to the show last night for those of us who missed it live.
Since the thread is a little quiet at the moment I wanted to say a couple of things that have been bugging me for a little while. There are some claims that I see made by people time and time again which need to be address.

Claim 1: If it was a hit they would have used a gun/No credible hitman would use something personal like a hammer

Rebuttal: For a start we don't know if the perp used a gun. The cause of death has never been officially released. Just because we have only ever heard about puncture wounds and seen a hammer, DOES NOT mean a gun was not involved. We just don't know

Rebuttal Two: Hitmen use guns. They also use hammers. They can use whatever is handy. The nitwit murderers of Teresa Sievers (allegedly) used a hammer and as far as we know, they had no personal beef with her beyond being allegedly hired by the husband.

Claim 2: If the police knew who did it, they would be arrested by now/be in custody by now

Rebuttal: Sometimes the police can believe they know FOR YEARS who committed a crime, but just not have enough evidence to be able to make it stick in court. The last thing they want is to go to court too quickly, get an acquittal OJ style, and never be able to try the case again. Sure it's not safe with a perp on the loose, but better than going to court too quickly, the perp getting off due to lack of "beyond reasonable doubt" evidence, and having the perp on the loose FOREVER. They may well have the perp on 24 hour surveillance to ensure the community's safety. With agencies like the FBI on it, this will not be a backcountry hick operation. The safety of the community will be a major concern.

Claim 3: The family/friends have been cleared

Rebuttal: No. No they have not. LE have said that so far alibis have checked out and that the family are not the current focus of the operation. But they have NOT said they are no longer persons of interest. I understand why websleuths does not want them sleuthed, but they have definitely NOT BEEN cleared and I wish people would stop saying that.

Excellent post.
Since the thread is a little quiet at the moment I wanted to say a couple of things that have been bugging me for a little while. There are some claims that I see made by people time and time again which need to be address.

Claim 1: If it was a hit they would have used a gun/No credible hitman would use something personal like a hammer

Rebuttal: For a start we don't know if the perp used a gun. The cause of death has never been officially released. Just because we have only ever heard about puncture wounds and seen a hammer, DOES NOT mean a gun was not involved. We just don't know

Rebuttal Two: Hitmen use guns. They also use hammers. They can use whatever is handy. The nitwit murderers of Teresa Sievers (allegedly) used a hammer and as far as we know, they had no personal beef with her beyond being allegedly hired by the husband.

Claim 2: If the police knew who did it, they would be arrested by now/be in custody by now

Rebuttal: Sometimes the police can believe they know FOR YEARS who committed a crime, but just not have enough evidence to be able to make it stick in court. The last thing they want is to go to court too quickly, get an acquittal OJ style, and never be able to try the case again. Sure it's not safe with a perp on the loose, but better than going to court too quickly, the perp getting off due to lack of "beyond reasonable doubt" evidence, and having the perp on the loose FOREVER. They may well have the perp on 24 hour surveillance to ensure the community's safety. With agencies like the FBI on it, this will not be a backcountry hick operation. The safety of the community will be a major concern.

Claim 3: The family/friends have been cleared

Rebuttal: No. No they have not. LE have said that so far alibis have checked out and that the family are not the current focus of the operation. But they have NOT said they are no longer persons of interest. I understand why websleuths does not want them sleuthed, but they have definitely NOT BEEN cleared and I wish people would stop saying that.

Okay, my rebuttals to your rebuttals on #1.
You are correct, they may have. But unless LE is also fabricating all the statements that she had puncture wounds to her head and chest that were consistent with the tools they used for the b&e, then they also used a hammer. To me, if she was killed first with a gun, this points more towards someone with a lot of rage. Your dead, but now I am going to bludgeon your face with a hammer.
On your second one, I would argue they don't use what ever is handy. They come prepared. They are going "to work". They don't leave home with items they need to do the job properly.

This is one issue I have with the idea she had information on the gun case. If anyone had access to untraceable guns, it was those guys. You are there to accomplish a goal. You do it quickly.

I am going to make a note on mine. Mine are assuming something along the lines of a hitman being someone you pay for the job because they know what they are doing. I will agree that it could still be a hitman. It would be more along the lines of one of her friends or family wanting her gone and asking someone they knew to do it though. They dictate exactly how they want her killed. It still generated from something very personal, and wasn't carried out by a professional you paid large amounts of money to for their expertise. It really is more of an accomplice at this point than a hitman.

Claim 2 and 3: I agree with you 100%
I listened to the podcast and now I have questions is this based on Peter Schulte's expert opinion or does he have inside information.

  1. Is this interview based on his professional prospective or does he have inside information?
  2. Has he seen all the video or just what has been released to the public? He talks about SP mannerisms being masculine is that based on the 2 minutes we've seen or the full video?
  3. Has he reviewed all the search warrants including any warrants that may have been sealed? He says that "the search warrant affidavit that we've reviewed it says that they believe both MB and her husband were both having infidelity they both were having affairs". Where is this search warrant or is this his interpretation of the released search warrants that really doesn't say that.

Just trying to separate facts from his opinion.
Okay, my rebuttals to your rebuttals on #1.
You are correct, they may have. But unless LE is also fabricating all the statements that she had puncture wounds to her head and chest that were consistent with the tools they used for the b&e, then they also used a hammer. To me, if she was killed first with a gun, this points more towards someone with a lot of rage. Your dead, but now I am going to bludgeon your face with a hammer.
On your second one, I would argue they don't use what ever is handy. They come prepared. They are going "to work". They don't leave home with items they need to do the job properly.

This is one issue I have with the idea she had information on the gun case. If anyone had access to untraceable guns, it was those guys. You are there to accomplish a goal. You do it quickly.

I am going to make a note on mine. Mine are assuming something along the lines of a hitman being someone you pay for the job because they know what they are doing. I will agree that it could still be a hitman. It would be more along the lines of one of her friends or family wanting her gone and asking someone they knew to do it though. They dictate exactly how they want her killed. It still generated from something very personal, and wasn't carried out by a professional you paid large amounts of money to for their expertise. It really is more of an accomplice at this point than a hitman.

Claim 2 and 3: I agree with you 100%


Great post, and I 100% agree with the part I put in bold. While I do not think that a professional hit man was involved in this case, I have not ruled an accomplice such as the one you describe above.
Oh, I'm pretty sure at least a few people have come forward for the $20K.

I'm giving this revenge kill a little air time in my brain. Does make you think.

I like that previous phrase about people starting to look at each other sideways. Anyone here ever play "Mafia." I get the sense it's happening a little more than people might admit.

Now IF, we go back to a passion killing theory and a spouse knows (or suspects) their partner. Do you think the other spouse is saying me-snip<circumvents profanity filters> If s/he did that; could s/he do me in too?


Well, I mean people who actually know something about her death. ;) If we're talking deliberate, drug-crime related hit, someone else out there knows why she was killed. (I probably should have said "substantive tip.")

It would be more along the lines of one of her friends or family wanting her gone and asking someone they knew to do it though. They dictate exactly how they want her killed. It still generated from something very personal, and wasn't carried out by a professional you paid large amounts of money to for their expertise. It really is more of an accomplice at this point than a hitman.


This has been my gut feeling all along. A non-professional or semi-professional (someone with a criminal background who may or may not have killed before) known to someone close to Missy. Someone willing to do the dirty work for the person who wanted her dead. Someone wanted Missy not only dead, but they demanded a closed coffin funeral.
I just listened into the true crime podcast w/ our wonderful, Trish and PS. My thoughts- interesting background as a cop, prosecutor and now defense attorney who I am sure can read between the lines on the SW, LE statements and following the train of thought of the investigators on this case.
He seems to feel this was a targeted hit, which I have to agree with. The only real feedback I have is that early in the investigation there was a lot talk about the behavior of visiting with LE by the spouse. We seem as sleuths, to have evolved from that mind-set but PS seems to have not yet. That is the only indication, to me, that his familiarity may just be peripheral..
Trish really asked some hard questions and he is very experienced and handled them well. PS thoughts about toomuch info. being released on the SW- I agree with our, Trish- nope, not really!
Interesting but my only real takeaways.

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