TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #30

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Speculation here, only from personal experiences: MB had a teaching degree that would have provided steady income, insurance, retirement, and better hours for a family. Perhaps there was frustration over her career choice.

Teaching positions can be hard find. We know she substitute taught the spring of 2014.

"Midlothian ISD pays $55 per day for substitutes with a high school diploma or GED, $60 per day for substitutes with a four-year college degree, and $70 per day for substitutes with teacher certification from any state."

From this we see at $70/day she would be earning about $10/hr with no benefits. She had health insurance benefits from Camp Gladiator.

I check the same school website for teaching positions for next year and there's only one spec ed job posted. These can be high competitive with multiple applicants. Missy was also home schooling one of her children and tutoring another student. She was busy busy busy. I admire her work ethics.


Actually, it's more likely that there were pairs of cameras in only two corners. The SW installation had two cameras pointing 90 degrees from each other. It's not a stretch to think the opposite corner would be the same - a pair of cameras positioned to point different directions. This would also take far less wiring during installation. Something more like this maybe:


You may be right. If so, not very effective.

ETA: I was assuming the same 90 degree setup in all four corners which would have been more effective. Could be they cut costs by doing as you've stated.
Why did she quit teaching and why did she decide to get into such great shape. Simple short answer ok.

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"Missy taught for several years until the birth of her first daughter, Hannah, on March 11, 2001. Missy and Brandon decided she would be a stay at home mom and care for their daughter. Missy always said she might go back to being a school teacher, but being the best mother she could be was at the front of her mind."

" In the last several years Missy’s passion became fitness. She first worked on herself and when she became more physically fit than she had ever been, she decided to help transform other people’s lives through fitness. She once again became a teacher. Missy was more than just a Camp Gladiator instructor trying to help you become more physically fit. She wanted her campers to also be mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit."

From her obituary: http://www.midlothianfh.com/obituaries/Terri-Bevers/#!/Obituary
<mod snip>

***Cady, I also found the agape love to be quite extraordinary. Considering what sort of person would do this to Missy, I doubt he/she was much changed by the message.

Up thread, it was mentioned that the gym owner's comments in regards to Missy's behavior might be considered unreliable due to the fact eyewitness testimony is often unreliable. That statistic would not be relevant in the case of the gym owner's testimony. Eyewitness unreliability was determined based on a study false convictions based on an eyewitness' identification of the wrong suspect. In most of these cases, eyewitnesses had overwhelmingly experienced psychological duress and/or were exposed to a weapon during the time their memories were formed.

In short, the accuracy or inaccuracy of someone saying they perceived XYZ with Missy's behavior has nothing to do with eyewitness reliability statistics.


How did I miss this in the cell phone warrant? That was no flashlight!,

Based upon the facts and circumstances surrounding this crime of murder as presentlyknown by the Affiant, and in conjunction with the Affiants training and experiences in lawenforcement, crimes against persons, and criminal activity, Affiant believes and chargesthat at the time of the commission of the offense of murder that the unknown suspect wasin possession of a cell phone for the following purposes, without limitation: (i) confirmingthrough public social media sites and/or applications the updated workout times andlocations as posted by Ms. Bevers; (ii) communicating
in the nature of calls, messages,texting, emails, data, push-to-talk, and walky-talky; (iii) using smart phone capabilities tophotograph, record, and/or video the victim and the murderous act; and (iv) usingfunctional applications and tools such as map locator applications, clock or timingcapabilities, GPS locating applications, and flashlight.
I agree with Cannonball that eyewitness statements can be very unreliable. After a traumatic event, people's perceptions and recollection can become colored by the event. That's why I don't put much stock in Garcia's description of Missy's demeanor and behavior. Nor do I give much weight to MT's allegation that BB had cautioned Missy to be careful. If someone can direct me to a statement by BB confirming that, I'll concede to it. Otherwise I think it might just be post-murder histrionics on the part of MT.
I could be very wrong, but I thought BB did say it in some interview. I went though NG transcripts, text media quotes, and Galadriel's transcript from the 5/24 interview and no luck. If BB did say something like he had just recently told her to be careful, it would be in the VIDEO of early pressers 4/19 or shirtgate with RB or another.
I've looked in the Media Thread and can't find it.....must be overlooking somehow, so can you give me a little more direction, please? Maybe it's in with something else.....
I'm not familiar with sponsor ads for memorial services. Thanks.

He treats all kinds of animals with chiropractic methods, and his Facebook is open.
Teaching positions can be hard find. We know she substitute taught the spring of 2014.

"Midlothian ISD pays $55 per day for substitutes with a high school diploma or GED, $60 per day for substitutes with a four-year college degree, and $70 per day for substitutes with teacher certification from any state."

From this we see at $70/day she would be earning about $10/hr with no benefits. She had health insurance benefits from Camp Gladiator.

I check the same school website for teaching positions for next year and there's only one spec ed job posted. These can be high competitive with multiple applicants. Missy was also home schooling one of her children and tutoring another student. She was busy busy busy. I admire her work ethics.



That might be the answer to Razz's question about why she quit teaching-for the insurance after BB got sick.
***Sandy, I tried to respond to you, but your inbox was full :)

***Cady, I also found the agape love to be quite extraordinary. Considering what sort of person would do this to Missy, I doubt he/she was much changed by the message.

Up thread, it was mentioned that the gym owner's comments in regards to Missy's behavior might be considered unreliable due to the fact eyewitness testimony often being unreliable. That statistic would not be relevant in the case of the gym owner's testimony. Eyewitness unreliability was determined based on a study false convictions based on an eyewitness' identification of the wrong suspect. In most of these cases, eyewitnesses had overwhelmingly experienced psychological duress and/or were exposed to a weapon during the time their memories were formed.

In short, someone saying they perceived XYZ with Missy's behavior has nothing to do with eyewitness reliability statistics.



It does have to do with the unreliability of perception and memory, however.

"Another reason why eyewitness testimony may be inaccurate comes about due to an eyewitness's memory being influenced by things that they might hear or see after the crime occurred. This distortion is known as the post-event misinformation effect (Loftus and Palmer, 1974). After a crime occurs and an eyewitness comes forward, law enforcement tries to gather as much information as they can to avoid the influence that may come from the environment, such as the media. Many times when the crime is surrounded by much publicity, an eyewitness may experience source misattribution. Source misattribution occurs when a witness is incorrect about where or when they have the memory from. If a witness cannot correctly identify the source of their retrieved memory, the witness is seen as not reliable."


  • PERP.hair.2.png
    19 KB · Views: 212
Actually, it's more likely that there were pairs of cameras in only two corners. The SW installation had two cameras pointing 90 degrees from each other. It's not a stretch to think the opposite corner would be the same - a pair of cameras positioned to point different directions. This would also take far less wiring during installation. Something more like this maybe:


Batbrat, if you're correct about the limited camera placement, then the door perp exits from room 12 is on the east side of the church, and the door he breaks the window on at the end of the video is on the backside of the auditorium.


Thanks! The layout is all coming together for me now.
I could be very wrong, but I thought BB did say it in some interview. I went though NG transcripts, text media quotes, and Galadriel's transcript from the 5/24 interview and no luck. If BB did say something like he had just recently told her to be careful, it would be in the VIDEO of early pressers 4/19 or shirtgate with RB or another.

I don't think that he did say that and even if he did claim to sayit,it was post murder. I have always thought that MT said that BB told MT that he was worried about Missy......not that he had warned Missy herself. She had been leaving home to work out or teach for several years.....so why all of a sudden would anyone "worry"? JMO And it was early enough in the morning for him to accompany her 'til others were around and still get home to get ready for work. JMO
You may be right. If so, not very effective. ETA: I was assuming the same 90 degree setup in all four corners which would have been more effective. Could be they cut costs by doing as you've stated.
To both Scout and BatBrat - isn't the NE corner away from the street the obvious best place for a burglar to break in, followed by the SE corner? JMO it's odd to have a lot of coverage of the main hallway and not the back hallway if the point is to capture an overnight burglar or vandal.
KS (http://www.people.com/article/terri-bevers-family-slain-fitness-instructor-killing-targeted) and BB (5/24 interview "75%") have both stated that they believe the SP is a woman. IMO I do not see this hairline on the neck and see any woman:

I don't know if you were aware of this TV station interview from Apr. 20 two days after the crime (I missed it myself til today), but it's an interview with a former police chief with her thoughts on the surveillance video of the perp.

Her name is Catherine Torrez. Here are all the quotes from her from the interview:

"I believe it was a targeted hit."
"The gait and mannerisms appear very masculine. So in my opinion, it&#8217;s a man."
"The clothing that he&#8217;s wearing looks new out of the box. It looks too crisp and too black-and-white.
It was just enough so that if&#8230; I think if she ran into him, she would think it&#8217;s a police officer and she was safe, so that he could get close enough without her trying to run and get away."
"He&#8217;s very slow and methodic about walking through the building. He&#8217;s not in any hurry, of not getting caught. So he&#8217;s obviously done his homework to know that the police are not on their way."
"Interviewing everybody that knows them (the husband and the wife). That&#8217;s where I would go."

I don't lean toward her view that MB was targeted, but her observations are interesting given her LE background.

I've come to believe Batbrat is correct about camera placement. I think they probably thought it was adequate. The issue they've run into is that cameras' don't reach the entire length of the corridors, particularly on the longer east and west corridors. Additionally, the motion sensors seem to have shorter range than the cameras, which is why the camera doesn't turn on unti perp is within tha range.
Up thread, it was mentioned that the gym owner's comments in regards to Missy's behavior might be considered unreliable due to the fact eyewitness testimony is often unreliable. That statistic would not be relevant in the case of the gym owner's testimony. Eyewitness unreliability was determined based on a study false convictions based on an eyewitness' identification of the wrong suspect. In most of these cases, eyewitnesses had overwhelmingly experienced psychological duress and/or were exposed to a weapon during the time their memories were formed. In short, the accuracy or inaccuracy of someone saying they perceived XYZ with Missy's behavior has nothing to do with eyewitness reliability statistics. http://apps.americanbar.org/litigat...012-0512-eyewitness-testimony-unreliable.html http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-the-eyes-have-it/
Exactly. The gym owner's recollection is more like the friend who recalled the creepy LI message. It's the sort of thing someone notices, doesn't pay much attention to it, and then the crime occurs triggering their recall of an event or thought from BEFORE the murder. MOO sometimes there is an agenda to discredit any and all witnesses. .... Also, the other statistic referenced "73% of 239 cases" is regarding very pinpointed, questionable cases where there was a cause to believe that DNA could change the result - perhaps it is more interesting that in 27% DNA did NOT exonerate the convicted person. Also, 239 is close to zero in a nation with over 300 million residents and over one million incarcerated at any given time, very pinpointed selection.
Why did she quit teaching and why did she decide to get into such great shape. Simple short answer ok.

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I do not have the answer to either question. And I unfortunately don't have a short answer.

This is only speculation on my part as an educator and former stay at home mom who thankfully had a teaching certificate to fall back on after being left for another woman and subsequent divorce.

1. Teaching is hard and not everyone's cup of tea.

2. After having three girls, maybe she was in a rut and/or wasn't getting enough attention from hubby?
Since we're rehashing, let me go back to even BEFORE MB's murder for a second. Remember the carjacking that occurred at the Midlothian Wal-Mart on Easter Sunday? Did they ever make any arrests in that case? If they have, I guess my googling skills need work because I couldn't find anything.

I'm bumping this because we're now a few pages past it and no one has answered yet. I just read that there was yet another carjacking a few days ago in Midlothian, with the carjacker dying in a collision post-theft. http://www.redoakrecord.com/2016/ne...-crash-2-killed-including-carjacking-suspect/

&#8203;I wonder why a relatively small city like Midlothian has two carjackings a couple of months apart? And the April one was really brazen &#8211; broad daylight 2:30 pm at a WalMart on Easter Sunday. Surveillance at a church nearby caught someone dropping them off in a silver sedan - suspiciously like the one in the SWFA parking lot the night of MB's murder. I'm not necessarily saying that the event is related to MB in any way, although one of the carjackers does appear to have a similar gait with the right foot extending out. But what I'm curious about is, if MPD didn't solve THAT crime, what are the chances they're going to solve MB?
He wasn't a relative or co-worker. She was a member of a gym he managed. Who knows how many people he ran into in the two weeks leading up to her death? I think there is a good chance of error in his recall, since it comes after the fact of her murder. It's natural following something like that to try to figure out if there were signs of something, and he might have unintentionally remembered her behavior as more significant than it really was.i think it's telling that no one we know of has said that MB was acting differently... Except Garcia.

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If she was a bubbly, outgoing person and then got reserved, some people (not everyone) would notice.
That might be the answer to Razz's question about why she quit teaching-for the insurance after BB got sick.


Not sure if this link works, but I checked and MB's teacher's license is valid.

I also agree it's not always easy to find an open position. I've known several teachers through the years that drove to other towns to teach wherever they could get hired. In addition, substitute teaching is a good option while waiting for an opportunity to come along.
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