TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #30

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I agree with all of this. She was likely busy getting ready for her CG conference, then subsequently in Austin during that time. One of NG's reporters stated that gym members said she had been more reserved recently, then stopped attending in the days before her murder. Somehow NG managed to morph that bit of info into "She had been acting very reserved for weeks then suddenly stopped attending! Was she afraid of someone or something?" She was away on a conference, then she was dead. Of course she no longer attended the gym. But as far as I know, no one said she "quit" the gym, and I haven't heard any actual timeframe of how long it was before her death that she hadn't attended.
I wonder if someone gave her a
stern lecture on her time spent away from home. "You're at the gym every freakin' day plus you do all those gladiator camps. And next week you're going to be in Austin! I'm tired of it Missy/Mom! Slow down!"

Maybe a friend, a husband a daughter? Doesn't sound like it would be an unreasonable request.

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As you know,I have been very much in the "walked into a burglery" camp, except for this^^^
This has been a big stumbling block for me.
It just feels like this unusual behavior and the murder could be related.
Why would someone so focused, change her ways so drastically?
I expect, if she had left one gym to join another, people would know that.
When the gym guy told about her leaving, no one has ever mentioned her joining somewhere else AFAIK

What could have happened that made her uncomfortable enough to lose focus on her goals?
She seemed very dedicated

And why wouldn't she start training somewhere else??

Possibly unwanted sexual attention from a man or woman, or jealous wife/gf threatened or glared at her making her uncomfortable, or confrontation, or followed/stalked to gym or to car afterwards.
She sensed something was wrong her intuition kicked in and dropped her routine to throw off the person?
I can't believe that there still isn't any new info on this case.

Reading this thread is like reading threads 1 and 2 over and over and over again. It's like Groundhog's Day.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

We need something NEW! :gaah:

Agree.....everything is getting rehashed. And not everyone has read all the threads, especially early ones that have information that can no longer be discussed. I just want to know who SP is, IMO all the details of architecture are known to investigators and say nothing about the identity of the Killer. JMO
Garcia's comment has often been twisted around. First, many think he said that he had not seen MB at all in the past few weeks. He obviously DID see her at some point, in order to say that she seemed reserved when he saw her.

If she wasn't there as much over a two week period, one look at her FB might help to explain why. There was some kind of a trade show of some kind that she attended (not the CG Austin trip, but a separate event). Her daughter played in multiple golf tournaments. One she missed for Austin, but she went to a second one IIRC. MB was a busy person.

And who knows what "seemed more reserved" means? We all know that eyewitness testimony is generally unreliable. I don't put much stock in Garcia's comments.

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BBM. Really? I wasn't aware of that fact. I would think that if they were friends (as in common interests) and spent that much time at the gym, he would have a better insight into her behaviour than say.. a neighbor. Just my opinion of course.
I wonder if someone gave her a stern lecture on her time spent away from home. "You're at the gym every freakin' day plus you do all those gladiator camps. And next week you're going to be in Austin! I'm tired of it Missy/Mom! Slow down!" Maybe a friend, a husband a daughter? Doesn't sound like it would be an unreasonable request. Sent from my SM-G386T using Tapatalk

May 10, 2016 "...But [MT] Tucker has mixed feelings about Camp Gladiator, noting that she doesn't even like to say the name. Asked why, she replies, "I guess because it took so much of her life, and then it took her life." ..."

and from the same People interview

“…In a separate phone interview on Tuesday, Marsha Tucker, Brandon's mother and Missy's mother-in-law, tells PEOPLE that the details about Missy's "flirtatious" messages "knocked us down a little bit." Tucker says she wasn't aware the couple was having financial or marital problems. ..."

MT wrote two letters addressed to the unknown SwatPerp. Here on 5/10, she blames CG for taking MB's life. Frankly, I don't believe her at all when she says she was unaware of financial and marital problems. Remember


“..."The morning before we knew anything had happened, he said ‘I’ve told her, I’ve told her she’s got to be careful.’ He was just so afraid something would happen,” said [MT] Tucker. ..."

JMO I have a hard time reconciling a close MT-BB relationship where he expresses intimate details about being afraid for MB, where MB texts MT thanking her for taking BB to his medical appointment showing a lot of MT involvement with the family, and then feigned lack of knowledge of any financial or marital problems. Without saying too much, MT would have knowledge about BB's finances.
I wonder if someone gave her a
stern lecture on her time spent away from home. "You're at the gym every freakin' day plus you do all those gladiator camps. And next week you're going to be in Austin! I'm tired of it Missy/Mom! Slow down!"

Maybe a friend, a husband a daughter? Doesn't sound like it would be an unreasonable request.

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Speculation here, only from personal experiences: MB had a teaching degree that would have provided steady income, insurance, retirement, and better hours for a family. Perhaps there was frustration over her career choice.
Since we're rehashing, let me go back to even BEFORE MB's murder for a second. Remember the carjacking that occurred at the Midlothian Wal-Mart on Easter Sunday? Did they ever make any arrests in that case? If they have, I guess my googling skills need work because I couldn't find anything.
And MTs lecture to fictitious perp about "agape" love, blew me away too. LOL
Garcia's comment has often been twisted around. First, many think he said that he had not seen MB at all in the past few weeks. He obviously DID see her at some point, in order to say that she seemed reserved when he saw her.

If she wasn't there as much over a two week period, one look at her FB might help to explain why. There was some kind of a trade show of some kind that she attended (not the CG Austin trip, but a separate event). Her daughter played in multiple golf tournaments. One she missed for Austin, but she went to a second one IIRC. MB was a busy person.

And who knows what "seemed more reserved" means? We all know that eyewitness testimony is generally unreliable. I don't put much stock in Garcia's comments.

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i put a lot of stock in Garcia's comments. I know when relatives or co-workers are not themselves. Maybe tired, or other problems. I would feel comfortable at times (unless they're cranky lol) to ask if everything is ok.
So you mean at 1:49-1:52 ? This is the same part where the camera is already ON (had already captured movement before the door opens)? Then the SP is across the hallway with the mystery saran wrap box/tool/etc. in their left hand while smashing with their right hand? JMO but what I notice is that the camera itself is practically right above the door that opens, and high above but very close to SPas he smashes (so close it cuts off view of his head) - so I don't think it is the kitchen door. MOO this camera is located in the corner either SE or NE and is viewing the Eastside hallway.

i'm going with NE camera. I don't think there's a SE camera.
i put a lot of stock in Garcia's comments. I know when relatives or co-workers are not themselves. Maybe tired, or other problems. I would feel comfortable at times (unless they're cranky lol) to ask if everything is ok.

He wasn't a relative or co-worker. She was a member of a gym he managed. Who knows how many people he ran into in the two weeks leading up to her death? I think there is a good chance of error in his recall, since it comes after the fact of her murder. It's natural following something like that to try to figure out if there were signs of something, and he might have unintentionally remembered her behavior as more significant than it really was.i think it's telling that no one we know of has said that MB was acting differently... Except Garcia.

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Respectfully SBM BBM

I going to preface by saying yes a change in routine is important to the investigation.


Much is being made out of Missy not being at the gym for the 2 weeks prior to her murder and I would like to make a couple of points. 2 weeks prior to the murder would take us 4/4.

1. She was out of town from 4/13 - 4/17 so she could not have gone to the gym.
2. IMO Missy did not literally work out 7 days a week at the gym. Any good trainer will tell you your body needs a chance to recover from workouts so IMO she took at least one day off a week.
Counting maybe 2 days off for rest and recovery and 5 days off for traveling we're really looking at 7 days she missed the gym.

If you look at her FB it looks like she's doing a lot of recruiting for the Austin event. Maybe she was getting her workout in at boot camp and using gym time to actively recruit.

I know NG reported that she quit going cold turkey. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1605/11/ng.01.html
But IIRC I remember reading the manager said she had hardly been there much. I can't find the link now. Anyone recall that? Any how not going at all and not going much are very different.

Mr. Garcia was on Nancy Grace. CNN has transcripts online.
And who knows what "seemed more reserved" means? We all know that eyewitness testimony is generally unreliable. I don't put much stock in Garcia's comments.

BBM. Really? I wasn't aware of that fact.

Both quotes snipped for brevity.

"Since the 1990s, when DNA testing was first introduced, Innocence Project researchers have reported that 73 percent of the 239 convictions overturned through DNA testing were based on eyewitness testimony. One third of these overturned cases rested on the testimony of two or more mistaken eyewitnesses."

i put a lot of stock in Garcia's comments. I know when relatives or co-workers are not themselves. Maybe tired, or other problems. I would feel comfortable at times (unless they're cranky lol) to ask if everything is ok.

If he DID ask her, and got an answer, he didn't say what the answer was when he was interviewed publicly. She had been using that gym for several years.......and did personal training there. Maybe she cutback on personal training sessions. All I got from his comment was that it was unusual for her to not be there very often anymore. Just my take. JMO
I agree with Cannonball that eyewitness statements can be very unreliable. After a traumatic event, people's perceptions and recollection can become colored by the event. That's why I don't put much stock in Garcia's description of Missy's demeanor and behavior. Nor do I give much weight to MT's allegation that BB had cautioned Missy to be careful. If someone can direct me to a statement by BB confirming that, I'll concede to it. Otherwise I think it might just be post-murder histrionics on the part of MT.
There would be cameras at all four corners meant to catch all movement in the four major corridors. I'd say there are at least 8 interior cameras, possibly one more in the main entrance.

Actually, it's more likely that there were pairs of cameras in only two corners. The SW installation had two cameras pointing 90 degrees from each other. It's not a stretch to think the opposite corner would be the same - a pair of cameras positioned to point different directions. This would also take far less wiring during installation. Something more like this maybe:



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Speculation here, only from personal experiences: MB had a teaching degree that would have provided steady income, insurance, retirement, and better hours for a family. Perhaps there was frustration over her career choice.
Why did she quit teaching and why did she decide to get into such great shape. Simple short answer ok.

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I agree with Cannonball that eyewitness statements can be very unreliable. After a traumatic event, people's perceptions and recollection can become colored by the event. That's why I don't put much stock in Garcia's description of Missy's demeanor and behavior. Nor do I give much weight to MT's allegation that BB had cautioned Missy to be careful. If someone can direct me to a statement by BB confirming that, I'll concede to it. Otherwise I think it might just be post-murder histrionics on the part of MT.

She sure got her two cents worth in right away, didn't she? She had it all figured out. JMO
Although I would not claim that he is a Horse Whisperer, BBs brother, CT, is a Chiropractor who treats horses. He was one of the sponsors listed on Missy's Memorial Flyer that can be found at the Media Thread.
I've looked in the Media Thread and can't find it.....must be overlooking somehow, so can you give me a little more direction, please? Maybe it's in with something else.....
I'm not familiar with sponsor ads for memorial services. Thanks.
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