TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #30

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On the news report above, the silver car is identified as a Ford Escape.


From the pictures of the SP, s/he appears to be Caucasin. Even though one carjacker is described as light-skinned, these two do not fit our SP. Now, we do not know anything about the driver of the drop off vehicle.

I think this is just a coincidence. Do our Midlothian locals know if these carjackers have been caught? Has grandmothers car been returned? Has driver of silver drop off car been identified?

I tend to agree that the MB perp is probably Caucasian. MPD has never used that terminology, though. And we see so little of the perp's exposed skin on the video, it's hard to tell. But you're right that we don't even know what the driver of the silver car looks like at all.

I did take a still shot of both of the Easter carjackers and moved the one from the foreground side by side with the background suspect. Maybe it helps to show how much lighter-skinned he is than the other one, even though both appeared to me to be in direct sunlight. He does still appear darker (to me) than SP, however.


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Maybe. The video is brief, and he's wearing tennis shoes unlike the boots MB's killer wore which could have affected his gait. Below is a still shot of the Easter carjacker.


Why does his right leg seem to have another colour?
Thanks for working on this.
It would be great if we had blue prints of the building. I know it's wishful thinking....for obvious reasons.

City/County records? Permit plans filed with the city/county? Public record?
On the news report above, the silver car is identified as a Ford Escape.


From the pictures of the SP, s/he appears to be Caucasin. Even though one carjacker is described as light-skinned, these two do not fit our SP. Now, we do not know anything about the driver of the drop off vehicle.

I think this is just a coincidence. Do our Midlothian locals know if these carjackers have been caught? Has grandmothers car been returned? Has driver of silver drop off car been identified?

BBM. Here is a pic of the driver's side of the silver car. Unfortunately it isn't very good and I doubt anyone can get anything from it. But here it is.


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Short answer: marriage on the rocks, preparing for re-entering the man search game. Happens all time.
I tend to agree that the MB perp is probably Caucasian. MPD has never used that terminology, though. And we see so little of the perp's exposed skin on the video, it's hard to tell. But you're right that we don't even know what the driver of the silver car looks like at all.

I did take a still shot of both of the Easter carjackers and moved the one from the foreground side by side with the background suspect. Maybe it helps to show how much lighter-skinned he is than the other one, even though both appeared to me to be in direct sunlight. He does still appear darker (to me) than SP, however.

TY for posting this. I was always intrigued by LE's description of SP as "light skinned". Never have heard of anyone being described as a "light skinned " caucasian. jmo
Hmm. The background suspect I could tell for sure was black. The foreground suspect does appear to have lighter skin than the other one. As light as MB's killer? I don't know. MPD has not gone so far as to call the perp white, only light skinned.

Well, I'll just reiterate that I didn't go down this road to try to link the Easter carjacking to MB, initially. I was really wondering about MPD's investigative skills at solving a crime that happened in broad daylight on camera without the suspects being dressed up. I hope that they have long since made an arrest and these guys are behind bars and the Ford Escape returned to its owner. Because the alternative is that if that one is a cold case... fill in the rest.

Well the FBI and Texas Rangers are pitching in a little on the Bevers case. Not sure why the dig at MPD. Seems unnecessary, in my opinion.

Shards and pieces.....

Movin on.
Garcia's comment has often been twisted around. First, many think he said that he had not seen MB at all in the past few weeks. He obviously DID see her at some point, in order to say that she seemed reserved when he saw her.

If she wasn't there as much over a two week period, one look at her FB might help to explain why. There was some kind of a trade show of some kind that she attended (not the CG Austin trip, but a separate event). Her daughter played in multiple golf tournaments. One she missed for Austin, but she went to a second one IIRC. MB was a busy person.

And who knows what "seemed more reserved" means? We all know that eyewitness testimony is generally unreliable. I don't put much stock in Garcia's comments.

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MB has always been pretty busy. Despite of camp, family, classes and being a personal trainer, she still found the time to go to the AT gym on a regular base. No matter when she seemed reserved, fact is, it was reported that she did. It was reported, that she dropped her attendance at her gym. If this was a targeted event, those kind of information need to be followed up on.

Well the FBI and Texas Rangers are pitching in a little on the Bevers case. Not sure why the dig at MPD. Seems unnecessary, in my opinion.

Shards and pieces.....

Movin on.

I think the digs against LE are very unfortunate. One of the worst recent examples, IMO, are the baseless questions throwing suspicion on LE's 'independent corroboration' of BB and RB's alibis. I mean, people have been suggesting/implying that LE would have just checked one source to corroborate each. Give me a break -- it's not the hugest department, but they're not Keystone Cops.
I don't know if you were aware of this TV station interview from Apr. 20 two days after the crime (I missed it myself til today), but it's an interview with a former police chief with her thoughts on the surveillance video of the perp.

Her name is Catherine Torrez. Here are all the quotes from her from the interview:

"I believe it was a targeted hit."
"The gait and mannerisms appear very masculine. So in my opinion, it’s a man."
"The clothing that he’s wearing looks new out of the box. It looks too crisp and too black-and-white.
It was just enough so that if… I think if she ran into him, she would think it’s a police officer and she was safe, so that he could get close enough without her trying to run and get away."
"He’s very slow and methodic about walking through the building. He’s not in any hurry, of not getting caught. So he’s obviously done his homework to know that the police are not on their way."
"Interviewing everybody that knows them (the husband and the wife). That’s where I would go."

I don't lean toward her view that MB was targeted, but her observations are interesting given her LE background.


Interesting. I say guy too. Look at his stance (kicking his foot out kinda cocky) before opening the double door. Plus some of the stuff took a lot of muscle. Breaking Windows? Easy Peasy for him.
I see you said disregard this post... The additional porte cochere doors that create a vestibule were built on the other side of that vertical beige wall part (deep in photo to the left, through the glass). The beige wall part was outside - now it is inside the vestibule. You can see it in the lower right of the photo NIN posted yesterday (which is clearer and brighter than the one I am uploading, but I got tired of looking for NIN's post). My question about this hallway is the righthand wall with the bulletin board. arkansasmimi and others say there is another small hallway that would run parallel to the both the main entrance lobby and also the SW bathroom hallway. I do not see this mid-wall hallway. It's on arkansasmimi's floorplan. SP exits a door on that wall, looks at the bulletin board, attacks the handle of the next door, in the MPD video.

I am too wondering about any additional corridors in the building.

If we have locals, especially Creekside church-members reading here, please share your knowledge about the church layout. We are spending lots of time on things, that could easily be clarified with a one post floor-plan or specific information. We are all interested in catching Missy's murderer. If you can help us out, please do so.

Thanks, Nin
Well the FBI and Texas Rangers are pitching in a little on the Bevers case. Not sure why the dig at MPD. Seems unnecessary, in my opinion.

Shards and pieces.....

Movin on.

Big drug store 'drug' theft locally here during the day. Perp never caught. Guessin out of town. On video. Sigh.
out of town perps may be hard to find. Could be the case here.
I am too wondering about any additional corridors in the building.

If we have locals, especially Creekside church-members reading here, please share your knowledge about the church layout. We are spending lots of time on things, that could easily be clarified with a one post floor-plan or specific information. We are all interested in catching Missy's murderer. If you can help us out, please do so.

Thanks, Nin

why not just email the church sec'y:

Not sure if this has been posted, Has any of the Churches staff been considered as maybe being SP? I know its "Out There" but again so isn't this case. The person would know the building, cameras, schedules, etc. just my thoughts and opinions.
I doubt that the church folks want their detailed floor plan posted on the Internet. Their security has already been violated by the break-in and Missy's murder. I don't see any of them sharing it here, and I can't blame them.
BB'S WARNING TO MISSY on being careful:
I wouldn't take it as a sign of anything. I warned someone multiple times to be careful with their prescription pain killers, and they ended up dying of an overdose, anyways. I was still in terrible shock when it happened. Worrying about it was one thing, but the reality was surreal. JMO
I just started catching up on posts from this thread today, and even though I am far from done yet, I am appalled. I have seen snark, nitpicking, passive aggressiveness, rudeness, bickering, posters demeaning other posters, & posters telling others how to post.

Enough is enough!

is welcome here at WS. New sleuths, veteran sleuths, people who agree with you, people who don't agree with you, etc., etc. We have not ever and will not ever tolerate bullying or intimidation in any form, either on the thread or through PMs. If you see it happening here or you are on the receiving end of an inappropriate PM, I cannot stress this enough, please report it.

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