TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #31

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I have gone back and forth on my thoughts of that scene, If it is indeed after the murder, I think they may be dizzy and light headed as they process what they just did. I am sure this has been asked and answered, but at the beginning of that scene, is SP walking out of a room? If so, that wouldn't really fit with what I would expect for demeanor after committing the crime. I can't imagine still wandering around empty rooms after...

I think he/she is coming out of the (northern) kitchen area upon perp's arrival. But can't confirm.
A couple of days ago I was walking down our steep staircase that only has one stair railing, which is on the left hand side going down. I don't know why, lol, but somehow I had my left arm full of things carrying downstairs. Which left me with no hand-railing on the right to hold on to. What did I find myself doing ? I was using my right hand to feel along the wall for balance, just like SwatPerp did. It was a strange feeling, when I realized what I was doing I immediately thought of this case. The difference of course, SP wasn't going down stairs. I so agree with you that SP was "dizzy" or inebriated or even possibly under the influence of some sort of drug. Ambien comes to mind. So later they could claim amnesia ? But it could be many things, anything that affected their balance. JMO

Glad you didn't get hurt 😀

This case is going to drive all sleuthing people crazy, I catch myself looking at people with a funny walk.

Drugs and or alcohol could be related, I could see a DA using that as a crutch in the case. However I hope that's not the issue here. So many people want this solved. I personally think she was targeted for what reason I have no clue, just so sad.

I think it was determined early on that CT is AT's wife and not the relative of the Bevers. You would have to search thru the threads to find that info.

And on W. Houtz, if I recall, this person lives 3 hours away. Most murders are perpetrated by people known to the victim and usually in close proximity to the victim and I just think it would be unusual to drive 3 hours to commit a murder. I know that it does happen - i.e. Jodi Arias, the crazy space lady who wore adult diapers, etc. but I don't think it's the norm.

yeah i have searched through the threads and i could only find where various posters stated they believed it was most likely that the CT was AT's wife and not anyone else. But nothing official beyond that. If no-one has seen an unredacted search warrant then really we can discuss all we like, but we are still only guessing which CT it is.

i didn't know W Houtz lived three hours away. What about the MMA fighter, I think he is a lot closer isn't he, in the D-FW area?
IMHO The person she suspected isn't the perp, so she's changed her theory. I'd love to know who she thought it was.

Me too‼️‼️‼️
This is one of the reasons I hate fakebook, I click on your link, and I can get nothing. FB is intent on excluding everyone that isn't on their crappy site. I guess my point is, what's the point of posting it here if everyone here can't access it ? Sorry, I'm just frustrated, please forgive me.

I do not have Facebook. In that link that was provided, click on the link next to Hosted By_______

If that does not help, I clicked on that and I got this:


Maybe you can see it now?

Then you just scroll through like the Original Poster suggested.

I hope this helps.
A couple of days ago I was walking down our steep staircase that only has one stair railing, which is on the left hand side going down. I don't know why, lol, but somehow I had my left arm full of things carrying downstairs. Which left me with no hand-railing on the right to hold on to. What did I find myself doing ? I was using my right hand to feel along the wall for balance, just like SwatPerp did. It was a strange feeling, when I realized what I was doing I immediately thought of this case. The difference of course, SP wasn't going down stairs. I so agree with you that SP was "dizzy" or inebriated or even possibly under the influence of some sort of drug. Ambien comes to mind. So later they could claim amnesia ? But it could be many things, anything that affected their balance. JMO

I also think drugs...
Concerning photos mentioned of CT compared to Swatperp...I've checked them out and I'm sorry...I just don't see any physical resemblance. CT has a full-figured, womanly shape and, while lovely in street clothes, if that were her in those videos wearing cumbersome SWAT gear and chest pack, I'm afraid Swatperp would look more like SwatSanta. JMO. Not knocking her appearance at all - in fact, I think she's rather pretty. It's just, when I try to envision the woman in that photo donning SWAT gear, I don't see the result looking like Swatperp, with his more triangular-shaped back and flat chest under that chest pack.

The Dallas Morning News is trying the paywall thing again(maybe they think the third time is a charm)?? After 5 hits, they direct you to the paywall to read articles.

I just go onto incognito or private browser when I get stuck not being able to read those kind of articles...
I just checked it out and I'm sorry...I just don't see any physical resemblance. CT has a full-figured, womanly shape and, while lovely in street clothes, if that were her in those videos wearing cumbersome SWAT gear and chest pack, I'm afraid Swatperp would look more like SwatSanta. JMO. Not knocking her appearance at all - in fact, I think she's rather pretty. It's just, when I try to envision the woman in that photo donning SWAT gear, I don't see the result looking like Swatperp, with his more triangular-shaped back and flat chest under that chest pack.


I know...it's driving me crazy too.... in some of the video the killer looks thinner and in other portions the killer looks fatter. Who the heck knows...lol

I know that a photo of the killer posted in the Ellis County Citizen - does look like Santa Swat Perp:

photo of killer from elliscountycitizen.png
I just checked it out and I'm sorry...I just don't see any physical resemblance. CT has a full-figured, womanly shape and, while lovely in street clothes, if that were her in those videos wearing cumbersome SWAT gear and chest pack, I'm afraid Swatperp would look more like SwatSanta. JMO. Not knocking her appearance at all - in fact, I think she's rather pretty. It's just, when I try to envision the woman in that photo donning SWAT gear, I don't see the result looking like Swatperp, with his more triangular-shaped back and flat chest under that chest pack.



I do enjoy your posts, while this one made me giggle like a little girl. If one could strip her down would she look like Bat's Green Alien?
I just go onto incognito or private browser when I get stuck not being able to read those kind of articles...

Thanks for the information, I will certainly do that when my 5 viewing times are up. lol
My only problem is when I get back here it logs me out and I loose my spot

RIP Missy Bevers 🌹

I do enjoy your posts, while this one made me giggle like a little girl. If one could strip her down would she look like Bat's Green Alien?

:) Yes, Batbrat's 'green alien' posts really helped with discerning what was under that costume. I liked what she said, (and it was alluded to earlier in the threads, I think, too) - that if Swatperp looks skinnier sometimes and fatter other times, logic will tell us that if it's a toss up, the skinnier perp wins. In other words (and here I'm probably digressing away from Batbrat's statements and rambling more into my own)...bulky costume, camera lenses/angles, subject movement, and pixilation or other distortion can perhaps add weight to Swatperp's image, but those things don't subtract weight. So, lean towards the lean.

I have gone back and forth on my thoughts of that scene, If it is indeed after the murder, I think they may be dizzy and light headed as they process what they just did. I am sure this has been asked and answered, but at the beginning of that scene, is SP walking out of a room? If so, that wouldn't really fit with what I would expect for demeanor after committing the crime. I can't imagine still wandering around empty rooms after...


i think this is the first time SP is being seen. SP looks left then takes off right and is just getting his/her bearings so to speak - getting comfortable in their situation. I think if it was post murder we might see a blood smear on the wall. JMO

still believe SP is decoy and that he/she let real killer in SW door or one in south hall. (I do not believe the real killer is ever seen. This person is never caught on camera - as I suspect was part of their plan.)
Something else, watch the MLPD video of the perp and notice, how the individual walks around the corner from the W hallway (bulletin board) to the S hallway (dutch doors). They do not watch the exit doors!

I understand they are trying to possibly looking away from the cam avoiding a close-up capture, and yet, they are costumed up to the tip of their heads. Wouldn't it be important to also keep the doors in view, just in case? They are not worried about it at that moment. JMO.

Wondering, what timeframe we are looking at in that particular sequence of the video. The closer to when MB usually arrived at the church, the more interested the perp would be keeping the parking lot in view, if this was a targeted hit IMO. If this was a burglary, one would be watching out, what's going on outside at any time. I would think..

This video shows how close the bulletin board is to the South exit/entry double doors, by the way:

marker 0.24ff



I think SP had someone in their ear.
Concerning photos mentioned of CT compared to Swatperp...I've checked them out and I'm sorry...I just don't see any physical resemblance. CT has a full-figured, womanly shape and, while lovely in street clothes, if that were her in those videos wearing cumbersome SWAT gear and chest pack, I'm afraid Swatperp would look more like SwatSanta. JMO. Not knocking her appearance at all - in fact, I think she's rather pretty. It's just, when I try to envision the woman in that photo donning SWAT gear, I don't see the result looking like Swatperp, with his more triangular-shaped back and flat chest under that chest pack.

I still see a young woman who appears big on top with skinny legs. IMO SP is wearing a cheap vest which doesn't appear to add a lot of bulk. I just don't see a lean and tall person beneath the garb.

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i think this is the first time SP is being seen. SP looks left then takes off right and is just getting his/her bearings so to speak - getting comfortable in their situation. I think if it was post murder we might see a blood smear on the wall. JMO

still believe SP is decoy and that he/she let real killer in SW door or one in south hall.

I've thought this too! What if was more then one killer? Would explain the why in some pics they look skinny, then in some fat. Plus if they all had to dress the same but one of them wore bigger sizes, then the smaller person would have to accommodate, i.e. the "shoes too big" theory..
Concerning photos mentioned of CT compared to Swatperp...I've checked them out and I'm sorry...I just don't see any physical resemblance. CT has a full-figured, womanly shape and, while lovely in street clothes, if that were her in those videos wearing cumbersome SWAT gear and chest pack, I'm afraid Swatperp would look more like SwatSanta. JMO. Not knocking her appearance at all - in fact, I think she's rather pretty. It's just, when I try to envision the woman in that photo donning SWAT gear, I don't see the result looking like Swatperp, with his more triangular-shaped back and flat chest under that chest pack.


I agree with you. IMO - CT's body size & shape doesn't align with SP on surveillance, even when considering camera distortion and angle....doesn't jive.
I saw the clear “Don’t call me, I’ll call you cue.” What does it mean? Is LE closing in on the perp? Reminds me a bit of our Technology Department. You give them a problem to solve or a project to complete and then they crawl into their offices for 6 months and you kind of have to take their word that they are progressing. Until the program rolls out, you don’t really see much. They really could be in there playing Madden and as long as they didn’t start walking into their offices with a bunch of Madden trophies, no one would be the wiser.

So for now, I think we give LE the benefit of the doubt. By their shutting about everything down, they do seem to be saying, “Don’t mess us up.”

And if you’ve read some of the other SM sites, there truly are some characters out there that probably shouldn’t be driving a car, much less raising children unsupervised. And LE probably gets even more of it; and it just wastes their time.

I will say that IF we get to the end of this thing, and they got all that help and shut everybody down, and they don’t have a clue who did it, I am going to have a tough time respecting their work.

One last thing. Perp has some SERIOUS foot issues. Do this for me. Go to Comment #159. There you will find a set of pictures of the Unsub casually standing. Now stand up and place your feet at the exact same angle that they are standing at. Look at the screen. Now look at your feet. Yes, that is SP’s unique signature/thumbprint. I suspect that just knocked out about 98% of the population.
Concerning photos mentioned of CT compared to Swatperp...I've checked them out and I'm sorry...I just don't see any physical resemblance. CT has a full-figured, womanly shape and, while lovely in street clothes, if that were her in those videos wearing cumbersome SWAT gear and chest pack, I'm afraid Swatperp would look more like SwatSanta. JMO. Not knocking her appearance at all - in fact, I think she's rather pretty. It's just, when I try to envision the woman in that photo donning SWAT gear, I don't see the result looking like Swatperp, with his more triangular-shaped back and flat chest under that chest pack.

So far we have estimates on SP's height all the way from 5'2 to 6'1. From a wiry fellow to a large, husky mature male with sizable lats and hunched shoulders (there's still a bunch of people that swear RB is SP, in spite of him being 1000 miles away). So unfortunately, we can't rule many people out based on the video that we have seen, without disqualifying a lot of opinions.
re: first photo , it really shows this person's odd stance, I would have a hard time doing that even if I tried. A very distinguishing characteristic. What's interesting, the perps stance may go a long way, I bet they never even thought about that one.

Yes, in my opinion it is a common stance in ballet, dance, gymnastics, and perhaps martial arts.

I have always felt SWATperp has had an athletic background & at one time was very active.
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