TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #31

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it's in the Waxahachie Daily Light article


After the investigators’ initial push for the public’s help reviewing the security footage and the thousands of tips that flowed in from around the country, he said investigators are content with a lower profile investigation and will seek the public’s help if needed in the future.

Thank you! I thought that must be it but when I pull it up there are zero comments. So, I thought it must be something else. The poster referred to comment #159.
And watching those first 14 to 15 seconds of the surveillance video where the killer does a "happy dance" at the very end of the hall - I can't see a man doing a little dance like that unless he's a very effeminate man.

I hate to ask this, but which video do you see a happy dance in? I looked in the media thread and looked at the youtube links but maybe I missed it. I did find this enhanced video footage - is that dance in this video?


Thanks to anybody who can help.

Also, I posted this earlier this morning but deleted it because I'm not sure it's relevant or whether it has been discussed before, but I think the swat-gear person looks to have back problems.

In my most humble opinion, based on stance, toe position, forward lean in the photos that were posted at or around post #40, not putting full weight on one foot, hand on the wall, etc, I think the swat-gear-person might have back issues such as: anterior pelvic tilt, sciatica, and herniated or bulging discs in L1-S1. I'm only familiar with those injuries and not a medical expert.
Thank you! I thought that must be it but when I pull it up there are zero comments. So, I thought it must be something else. The poster referred to comment #159.

ohhhh okay you were referring to the post #159....I couldn't find that either. lol
I for one find it hard to believe that SP is a woman. MB was a fitness instructor that appeared to be in incredible physical shape. You would have to be one confident, extremely in shape female if you think you could take MB in a one on one confrontation. I think SP is male.
I hate to ask this, but which video do you see a happy dance in? I looked in the media thread and looked at the youtube links but maybe I missed it. I did find this enhanced video footage - is that dance in this video?


Thanks to anybody who can help.

Also, I posted this earlier this morning but deleted it because I'm not sure it's relevant or whether it has been discussed before, but I think the swat-gear person looks to have back problems.

In my most humble opinion, based on stance, toe position, forward lean in the photos that were posted at or around post #40, not putting full weight on one foot, hand on the wall, etc, I think the swat-gear-person might have back issues such as: anterior pelvic tilt, sciatica, and herniated or bulging discs in L1-S1. I'm only familiar with those injuries and not a medical expert.

yes it's at about .13 to .14 and it's difficult to see because it's at the very tail end of that first segment/hallway after the killer touches the wall while walking he/she has both hands in the air out to his/her side - 1 arm higher than the other and she's sort of prancing side to side IMHO similar to like walking a tightrope dance. I changed the video speed to as slow as I could get it to see this.

I posted about it several weeks ago that it sort of reminded me of 1 segment of the old musical Singing in the Rain and the dance he did.
I for one find it hard to believe that SP is a woman. MB was a fitness instructor that appeared to be in incredible physical shape. You would have to be one confident, extremely in shape female if you think you could take MB in a one on one confrontation. I think SP is male.

I think a hefty hammer and other tools and the element of ambush & surprise might trump MB's physical shape.
I for one find it hard to believe that SP is a woman. MB was a fitness instructor that appeared to be in incredible physical shape. You would have to be one confident, extremely in shape female if you think you could take MB in a one on one confrontation. I think SP is male.

Italics by me-
Agree, but a really p*ssed off female, running high on adrenaline might be able to overpower MB, especially if (because) MB was not aware of danger ahead. I still wonder if the original plans were for her to meet someone at the church, prior to class, hence her early arrival.

I go back and forth on male/female SP. Gut says female (means nothing), many feminine mannerisms including foot stance. Yet, I can't get past what appears to be a slouch, or humpback on SP. I don't know if the costume could have made it look as if SP has a slouch in his/her upper back. The slouch appears anatomical to me rather than padding to disguise his/her self. Example: an older woman with the beginnings of osteoporosis OR someone with a history of prior upper back problems.
Originally Posted by PoirotryInMotion
Concerning photos mentioned of CT compared to Swatperp...I've checked them out and I'm sorry...I just don't see any physical resemblance. CT has a full-figured, womanly shape and, while lovely in street clothes, if that were her in those videos wearing cumbersome SWAT gear and chest pack, I'm afraid Swatperp would look more like SwatSanta. JMO. Not knocking her appearance at all - in fact, I think she's rather pretty. It's just, when I try to envision the woman in that photo donning SWAT gear, I don't see the result looking like Swatperp, with his more triangular-shaped back and flat chest under that chest pack.

So far we have estimates on SP's height all the way from 5'2 to 6'1. From a wiry fellow to a large, husky mature male with sizable lats and hunched shoulders (there's still a bunch of people that swear RB is SP, in spite of him being 1000 miles away). So unfortunately, we can't rule many people out based on the video that we have seen, without disqualifying a lot of opinions.

All opinions are qualified, of course, and we all have them in here. :) It's just that I'm personally paring down the list due to an attempt to align my theory with what LE has said in its most current assessments and updates:

1) the people in the SW with the "target" phone numbers are not currently considered POI [*Correction: "suspects"..thx, MrsPC!]
2) Swatperp is not dark-skinned
3) Swatperp is in the 5'2" to 5'7" range - which rules out the "6 foot tall" idea circulating with BB's comments that first week of the murder.

We're all honing our individual theories in our individual ways as the tidbits come in considering this odd-gaited individual. And the suspense is killing me, but I think we're just going to have to sit back and wait... :waiting:
All opinions are qualified, of course, and we all have them in here. :) It's just that I'm personally paring down the list due to an attempt to align my theory with what LE has said in its most current assessments and updates:

1) the people in the SW with the "target" phone numbers are not currently considered POI
2) Swatperp is not dark-skinned
3) Swatperp is in the 5'2" to 5'7" range - which rules out the "6 foot tall" idea circulating with BB's comments that first week of the murder.

We're all honing our individual theories in our individual ways as the tidbits come in considering this odd-gaited individual. And the suspense is killing me, but I think we're just going to have to sit back and wait... :waiting:

I think law enforcement said the target interests are not "now" suspects...but they didn't say they are not persons of interest...did they?

here's a snippet of the transcript from the press conference:

Thank you for sharing. I had not previously seen this video, and it was very touching.

Nin, thank you for sharing this map. If I am reading the map correctly, it looks like several carriers service the area around CCoC. Is there a reason that a SW would only be served to one carrier?

Speculation but I think carriers share towers with one company owning the structure and the other carriers "rent" the right to use it. Otherwise there would be many more towers everywhere. Jmo..
We'll have to agree to disagree about whether the SWAT gear would disguise a full-figured, womanly shape in such a way as to make it appear male (to me)...that's truly a matter of opinion. The end of that video where SP is closest to the camera and chipping away at glass shows (to me) a male torso with chest pack atop flat chest, and relatively narrow waist and hip area; also at times mid-video. To each their own, perception-wise. :)

ETA: adding photo of sideways profile (which I think far more resembles a young teen than middle-aged woman). Click to open it up larger, and notice the sharp delineation of chest pack:

View attachment 97858

If going by the eyes, Sparky's enhancement resembles the deep-set eyes of my male POI to an uncanny degree, in my opinion (and I told her as much when she first posted that photo many, many threads ago, though not sharing name or photo of my POI. He will remain private.)

And so, to me, the eyes don't resemble CT's at all - but then, I think it's all largely a matter of unconscious bias, as any photos we have of SP's eyes are zoomed and enhanced to the degree that I'd guess we'd be likely to see whomever we were inclined to see in them. So, JMO, but I would have little confidence in them as far as fingering the culprit beyond any doubt (even my POI).

For that I'm wanting something a little less subjective and vulnerable to preconceived bias, and am sorry we don't have more to work with. (The walk is the strongest physical characteristic we have from those videos, I believe.)

I love hearing the perceptions of others. CT has remained on my list because I think that she has a strong resemblance to SP. She has the same slouched shoulders, and her eyes are practically identical to those of SP. I don't see masculine eyes at all. However, I really enjoy hearing how a person looks at the same picture and sees something completely different.

Having said all of that, the picture of CT from the Touch-A-Truck event looks nothing like SP. CT looks very pear-shaped with defined hips. SP had a straighter lower body.

I for one find it hard to believe that SP is a woman. MB was a fitness instructor that appeared to be in incredible physical shape. You would have to be one confident, extremely in shape female if you think you could take MB in a one on one confrontation. I think SP is male.

A gun, especially when coupled with the element of surprise, could be a great equalizer.

I think law enforcement said the target interests are not "now" suspects...but they didn't say they are not persons of interest...did they?

here's a snippet of the transcript from the press conference:

View attachment 97859

I am a strong proponent of your interpretation of what LE said.
I think law enforcement said the target interests are not "now" suspects...but they didn't say they are not persons of interest...did they?

here's a snippet of the transcript from the press conference:

View attachment 97859

Yes, you're correct...thanks for clarifying that and reminding me.

On the other hand, no one had ever been said to be a suspect...so then, what were they trying to say with that statement?

I'm guessing they were possibly just trying to alleviate some of the rampant social media rumors. Without a "suspect" (which they've actually never had), every theory (and therefore every person) is technically still "on the table." I will say, to me this still doesn't point strongly to CT or any one of those people with "target numbers" on the SW. IMO, (and probably not a popular one at that), I believe CT has been much maligned on social media based on nothing more than her photos and on speculative conjecture from a lot of people who don't even know her. That's terribly sad (to me).
Thank you for sharing. I had not previously seen this video, and it was very touching.
Nin, thank you for sharing this map. If I am reading the map correctly, it looks like several carriers service the area around CCoC. Is there a reason that a SW would only be served to one carrier?

I thought LE may have more SW from cell phone carriers they had not released yet. If they do not release more SWs, then they are very specific in only looking for a cell phone with AT&T as service provider. As to why would be open to speculation.

Speculation but I think carriers share towers with one company owning the structure and the other carriers "rent" the right to use it. Otherwise there would be many more towers everywhere. Jmo..

There are a number of different models:

  • An operator might acquire cell sites, build the towers and install their gear
  • An operator might choose an area for a cell site and see if there is a special tower owner in the area that they can rent space and then install their gear. This also works for building roof tops in cities. It also works for whole regions if the tower company has lots of sites.
  • An operator might form a strategic partnership with another operator and agree to share each other's towers and install their gear.
  • Two or more operators might agree to share their radio networks and for a given market or region they might use one of the partner operator's gear.
  • An operator might decide to buy capacity for another operator and so go into business as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO).
  • There are lots of options and a given operator is likely to use some mixture of above.

Quoted from here:
Yes, you're correct...thanks for clarifying that and reminding me.

On the other hand, no one had ever been said to be a suspect...so then, what were they trying to say with that statement?

I'm guessing they were possibly just trying to alleviate some of the rampant social media rumors. Without a "suspect" (which they've actually never had), every theory (and therefore every person) is technically still "on the table." I will say, to me this still doesn't point strongly to CT or any one of those people with "target numbers" on the SW. IMO, (and probably not a popular one at that), I believe CT has been much maligned on social media based on nothing more than her photos and on speculative conjecture from a lot of people who don't even know her. That's terribly sad (to me).

You are correct about CT...and I guess I just need to step back a bit. But it's difficult to deny her left foot similarity to the killer (heel in the air/toes on the ground) and her being someone known to MB, the fact her husband worked closely with MB & praised her on FB, and her being on the target interest list. Law enforcement gave me the bug I guess.

I am still researching others.
So there was a new search warrant issued in April for the Facebook page info from MB and BB. Do we have a copy of that one yet? Has anyone requested it? Think it might have any clues?
You made up my mind with these photos. My immediate thought was... "woman." Then, next, I thought, "dance, ballet, exercise, extensive training so that now, when standing or moving, that training is incorporated naturally and cannot be hidden." These photos are incredible. Thank you for posting them. I was once an exercise tech and everyone I worked with would have looked just that way if caught on still photographs... we were all serious about our jobs and exercised incessantly. I've finally been convinced. (Most especially photo #1 and photo #4... note the straight back and head right in line in photos #3 and #4) You can cover yourself up with a SWAT-like disguise but you can't hide your physical training.

I've been looking at this video for 2 months now and there just seems to be too many inherent contradictions to create a clear, coherent, and consistent profile for how they move, et al. Heck there isn't even close to consensus on gender.

UNTIL that last post. That explanation actually "fits" I feel like we're going somewhere again. Thank you.

p.s. S/he looks on the shorter side, esp the top picture (notice where the peek-a-boo window in the classroom door comes up on him/her.)
If a cop fires his gun each and every incident has to be reported to the agency, isn't that correct ? Question: If one were to fire her/his weapon is there a way to clean it or fix it so that it could not be determined if the gun was fired?

Correct. The gun could be completely taken down, cleaned,and reassembled. That would remove any residual proof the gun was
fired recently.
If the gun was used (and not reported) LE could still link it back to the person who used it...if LE has a bullet, it can be matched up
to the gun via rifling marks from inside the barrel to the rifling marks on the outside of the bullet.
LE would just need the right suspect with a gun of the same caliber and in some cases they can even tell what type of gun was
used in the crime by the bullet/ammo or shell casings used.
Thank you! I thought that must be it but when I pull it up there are zero comments. So, I thought it must be something else. The poster referred to comment #159.
SB post #46. (it was the poster's 159th post). My apologies.

p.s. Thank you NIN for your awesome work there with those pictures. I agree with the poster who commented that if the FBI, et al can enhance them even a little more, we're getting a pretty good look at the unsub.
So there was a new search warrant issued in April for the Facebook page info from MB and BB. Do we have a copy of that one yet? Has anyone requested it? Think it might have any clues?
It was sealed and just newly released. It was within an article using scribd. Search warrant for mb and bb Facebook pages. Nothing of evidentiary value.
ALL JMO: I've been hesitating to say this, but I keep thinking race could be a motive if she was in fact having an affair with AT. As someone who lives in TX, unfortunately some people still hold stigmas. I don't agree that it's right by any means, but just a thought for motive.
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