TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #31

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Now that makes sense, good catch. BB's flight out was delayed due to the extreme weather, and he was texting/FB'g about that while stuck at the airport (DFW?). Perhaps he was originally to arrive at Biloxi Sunday evening, and go straight to the boat which would leave 12:01AM Monday. But that makes sense that the same bad weather that delayed flights all over the region would have delayed the fishing trip until 12:01AM Tuesday start time, forcing BB into a hotel room for the first night. Using that one link that offers 2-day and 3-day trips to the Chandeleur Islands, the personnel have to have time to refuel-restock-clean and they have to have time off, too. So the schedules of the specific boats would have those days built-in to allow for weather delays (eg, 3-day trip, 1-day off, 2-day trip, 1-day off, etc.). The hotels in Biloxi are probably full on Friday-Saturday nights for weekend visitors, but a room on a Sunday night is likely available without a reservation. Makes sense! Thanks.

I am fairly sure the MPD could verify whether bb had a weather delay of his trip being postponed due to weather (i.e. Changed from leaving wee hours Sunday to wee hour departure on Monday. Has the MPD released any new search warrants after original ones, as posted on WS? If not, it would make sense to continue to "verify" whether the charter had to make schedule changes.
I know there is no baby there...I said I didn't know what those shadows were but it looks similar to the shape of a baby's head.

But can you not see the eye pic? It's pretty clear on my end.
If I am looking at it where you are, I see what you're saying, but I think it's SP's shoulder. Reminds me of those magic pictures where if you stare at it long enough, you see the hidden image.

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PLEASE forgive length! I have kept this all in since the beginning, so I've had lots of time to assemble my thoughts. Of course I'm ready for a big ol' cut. I have tried for days to shorten this post, and while I have whittled quite a bit, this is what I've ended up with:

So, I have been lurking since the beginning. I generally try to avoid thinking about murders because I am sclerphobic, but, Missy’s death upset me enough that I’ve taken the ride.

I first believed SP was a middle-aged female seeking revenge for an affair -- the woman half of the couple often discussed here. Robbery is another popular theory here, but one I’ve never subscribed to. IMO the murder was meticulously planned and meant to be up close and personal. There is a particularly sinister thread winding through this story, and I can’t imagine it was just a break in that went awry. It’s telling to me that LE says they are not worried for residents’ safety. I haven’t read that businesses and people were warned to lock doors and take precautions. I’m in a smallish town and 2 houses had recent attempted burglaries. Not only did LE get out a warning, it was spread person to person. Doors have been locked, and that is just due to attempted burglaries – not a murder in a church. I’d still be cautious if I lived in Midlothian, as I would think LE would be. Protect and serve -their catch call. Precautionary warnings, IMO, would be given for safety and to protect their butts if more murders, or supposed burglaries gone wrong were to happen. As far as I know, they also haven’t warned other churches. In my research, church burgs. happen in a rash. They lose AV equip, brass items, & credit cards. IMO this was intended for poor Missy.

IMO, the person who executed the murder is NOT the same person/s who planned it. I believe at least 2 were involved in planning, more like a 3-person M/F mix. SP IMO is a male –20s or 30s - reasonably in shape, cocksure because he/she is bolstered by a support system that believes they planned the “perfect murder.” SP was eerily calm, which leads me to think the “planning committee” picked the right monster for the job. Sociopaths are “eerily calm” in high stress situations just like SP. I also researched gender and homicide according to FBI materials to see if I could logically assign gender to SP. I found that women are less likely to plan a murder than men. Women typically kill in emotionally driven moments when overwhelmed by anger, rejection and loss of love/attention. I learned that men will still seek revenge following a spouse’s affair, especially if he is abandoned. It didn’t seem like MB’s marriage was out of the woods, and then there were those pesky “intimate” exchanges by text/email. Perhaps such messages had already been seen by the husband, or perhaps the electronic correspondence was a set up to see if she would respond. No matter what, trust between MB and BB had been usurped, and healing IMO wasn’t much happening.

I find it really odd that BB mentioned he had just warned her to be careful. That’s, IMO, is an attempt to blame Missy or throw shade. An “I told her so.” If he were acutely worried about safety, would he leave MB and the kids to go fishing? If I were concerned about my partner’s safety, that would extend to my kids, and I wouldn’t be travelling. I also don’t think most women have the strength to maneuver in that uniform, carry tools, murder someone who could have put up a good fight (something I think was anticipated), and quickly escape. I believe padding was worn by SP not just as a disguise, but also to avoid being bruised/ injured in case of a police interview or other unwelcomed observations.

In terms of the linked in message, I don’t put much stock in it. If Missy were to truly think she were in serious danger, I doubt she would leave her daughters sleeping, as well as put herself in an empty building in the dark.
In terms of a robbery, IMO, no robber is going to put together the outfit for a church lift. This wasn’t a major bank heist. Also, SP wasn’t trying to gather anything. I researched church burglaries, and AV equip goes as well as brass items and credit cards. Cash usually is not kept. Churches get struck in a rash bc they’re seen as easy targets. Typically, area churches are put on alert.

Some in the forum have suggested that SP is drunk/high. IMO, if someone is jonesing for drugs, h/s is not going to walk around leisurely. And I think it’d be sloppier.

I believe SP had intimate knowledge of church or connections. Why not worry about a janitor? Some say SP was checking rooms for people. Again, too much leisurely behavior. If a robber carries a weapon, IMO, it’s a gun.
Not a hammer. Research says that robberies scarcely turn into a second felony when there is a chance to flee. MB couldn’t identify SP so why the brutal murder? Not worrying about a janitor is 1 reason I think this happened in tandem. Either this was someone with knowledge of the church or knows employees. FBI says that men will collude, but rarely will women.I feel there are a few people involved, but why is the question. I also believe there HAD to be transport help. Realistically, can most people murder someone fast and violently, then run in a cumbersome bloody costume with restrictive footwear, knee pads, & helmet all on a tight schedule? They can’t risk driving like that, and It would be a huge risk to change clothes at the location. SP is not going to take a chance to spread DNA or drop something.

IMO, though I love yous were purportedly sent by BB and MB every day for 10 months, apparently they weren’t before that. Why did BB mention this? IMO, he is overproviding. He’s trying to show they were on the mend, so why would anyone suspect him of killing his wife due to her indiscretions. Those ten months of purported “love” could have offered more time for a buildup of anger and PLANNING alongside of someone who, IMO, smiled too often days after the murder, who appears grossly cocksure and… walks like a duck. Someone who cares about a shirt when his grandkids are left without a mom and his son without a wife. The ultimate wing man who didn’t like to see his son being jilted and emasculated in the public eye by a woman who growing stronger by the day. Those feelings incited the wingman’s ire, and coupled with perhaps a personal distaste for (my words) “upstart crockpot women” – started the ball rolling. Perhaps BB didn’t think it would go this far and is living a personal hell now, not only torn between two sides, but personally terrified.

The doors were perhaps left open to perhaps provide a trap in case MB sought refuge? Perhaps doors being open and any broken glass/drywall might intrigue MB enough to check it out, near a waiting SP? Perhaps SP was looking for a good place to commit the act, checking for cameras in the rooms. I think the “weak looking” hammer hit to the window was part of the ruse. That certainly rules out a robber IMO. The low energy hit was an energy saver for what was coming. Unlike many of you, I have not focused on the layout of the church, so I might be way off in this area.

So, in closing, I believe it was a well planned paid hit, done by a youngish male who was enough of a monster that he’d do it and provide proof - someone who perhaps wanted cred and money, and thought a modicum was a million. I join some who think the hand on the wall came later, and was a support due to exhaustion, shock, adrenaline, pain, dizziness, etc. Also, I do that sometimes if my back is killing me. It gives me a little support. I have arthritis in my spine, and any support is better than none. Perhaps SP was wounded by MB.

My only other thought is a catfish/online fan who MB rejected when things – and the person - proved weird or stalkerish. This might account for her altered demeanor in the 2 weeks prior. This could be someone who provided MB with a distracting “affair,” but ultimately ended with MB slamming the door. That kind of thing wounds a person’s dignity to the bone, especially if the other person appears to cavalierly resume their “happy” marriage and home. She loved her kids like crazy, which drives people to keep a marriage together even if unhappy. If you meet a creeper, suddenly what you have at home may seem better than what’s out there. So, let’s make it work, let’s say I love you, but the heart’s really not in it. In the end, the other person wasn’t going to go quietly away. “I’ll show her” kind of thing, and honestly I believe she had several people who felt the same way about her burgeoning independence.

We all know that we’re still living in a misogynistic society. MB was gaining strength in and out and enjoying her changing appearance. and that ticks off and scares a lot of men, especially those who feel insecure.

For what it’s worth, I can't believe this randomly happened on the one weekend hubby was away. That had to be part of the plan, and honestly it is really stupid because it inspires even more suspicion. His absence provided an opportunity all the way around, I think the primary wingman is a heck of a lot less intelligent than he believes he is. He is mighty impressed with himself and was smiling from the beginning. The cat and canary thing.

Please know this is ALL MOO! It’s conjecture based on my brain’s intersection with all posts, FBI stats and what I have seen in interviews. I know it’s long, but I have no one to talk to about this case. Please forgive me!

This will be a fight to the end, but rarely does someone get away without making a mistake or talking to the wrong person. I think someone in particular – the wingman - will do some bragging because ultimately he’s a fool looking for recognition. There but by the grace of time and case building go SP. Until then, I believe a few people are quaking in their (non-tactical) boots.

"In terms of a robbery, IMO, no robber is going to put together the outfit for a church lift. This wasn’t a major bank heist."

amen to that!
You guys are driving me crazy.:gaah: Every time I think I have my perp and motive down someone makes an excellent point and I change my mind. Keep up the good sleuthing.
Which one do you mean? The one into the Sanctuary? If so, it is a long process that involved knowing where other things on the map must be located, so here goes.

There is a YouTube channel called CreeksideChurchVids. On that channel there are three very helpful videos that help determine the short hallway on the North side of the Sanctuary and the office layout and position, which combined with an enlarged screencap from the MPD video (the 20 second one) identify, show, and locate that hallway.

So, this came first.

The first video to watch is the one titled "Creekside Church's "Dad Day" Worship Intro Movie" (it is pretty good!). In that video at about the 30 second mark you see a guy come out a door in an alcove, cross the hall, and enter a room. While the camera is slightly angled, with respect to the door in Room 8, you can see that the person came straight across - they didn't have to change their direction to come into the room. So that means that there is a door directly across from a door in Room 8. From pictures inside of Room 8 it is known that there are only two doors on the North hallway (there is a door into the Kitchen in that room but that isn't important for this discussion). It can't be the Northeast most door because we would see the alcove that the guy came out of in the long MPD video (at the beginning) and with the camera angle in the "Dad Day" video we would see the East hall. So, it must be the other one. Which is positioned by counting the 2 foot ceiling tiles. in Room 8 to the door. The alcove is deep because the guy coming out of it fully opens the door and there is clearly room for another door length plus. Thus, I determined it to be 8 foot deep. The camera is off angle to show the door in the alcove and that is likely a 30 inch door plus the frame and since the shot shows some width beyond the door I determined the alcove to be 4 feet wide. The position of the second door in Room 8 is calculated by counting ceiling tiles it is at the 112 foot mark (or 76 feet down the North hallway).

Next, determining the office layout and where it was located.

The instructive video for this is the one titled "Rewind for March 11, 2012". All of what you need to see about the office layout happens in the first 15 seconds. First, the person with the camera turns toward their door which is on the left side of the room and the door is 1 foot from that wall. Going out the door you see a 4 foot wide hallway, 8 feet deep (I will get to that, in a bit) and a doorway (open) on the right. He turns left and you see a two foot wide space followed by a large window followed two feet later by a door in a 4 foot wide hallway that continues for some distance before a "bookcase" is seen and that hall turns left. The color of the rug is the color I used on the map. Now, I determined that short hall to the door is 8 foot because you have a large window and a door on the one side. It wouldn't be a functional room if it were less than 8 feet and there are no projections into the South hallway, so it must be all within the "office space". But it can't be much more than 8 feet because of how close the camera is to that door when you see it.

He then immediately turns left and aims the camera into the office.
If you move along in the video a bit and take any screencap of it you can work out some dimensions. In particular, starting from the right, you see a two foot space followed by a 1 foot column. Then a space where there is a 3 foot board with a centered 2 foot calendar 1 foot from the post and 1 foot from the window (which we can see only partially). At least 9 feet plus a window. So, how big is this room? It is at least 12 feet considering the size of the windows if it were a single window.

From Google Earth measurements, and the County Tax CAD maps we can determine the building is 192 feet by 168 feet measured corner to corner. There are 3 foot eaves on each side. The taller inner sanctuary part is 120 by 196 and has 3 foot eaves all around it. Since the "outer" building abuts the inner building each side outside of the Sanctuary is 36 feet. So, we calculate. The South hall is 8 feet wide, the large window room is 8 feet and it is separated from another room by a 4 foot hall. That is 20 feet. 36 minus 20 is 16. So we have a 16 foot by at least 12 foot room with a window starting 9 feet from the east side of that room. We will determine (confirm) it is a double window later. Now, we also know that the large windowed room is at least this long.

So, how big is the Pastor's office (the one the person with the camera came out of)? That will be determined by a screencap from another video, along with Street View, to determine window positions and thus dimensions of that office. Also, we will be able to determine where the offices are located (they are on the South hallway).

The one titled "Rewind for January 22, 2012" was instrumental in knowing where the offices are located and where the Pastor's office is in particular. In that video you can see that he has a white board "easel" while he talks. At about the 50 second mark if you look just slightly above that white board you will see something move across the screen from right to left. It is very small but it is, in fact, an 18 wheeler heading northbound on 287. The angle that it moves and the distance away shows that office is far down on the South side. Also, that window you see is positioned 3 feet from the east wall of that room. It is the east wall because the window faces south and it is to the left of the couch.

There are pictures from inside the Dutch Double door room that show the signs on the wall at the West End of the South hallway which say "Church Offices" with an arrow. You can see these mounted on both sides of the hall in the MPD videos that show that hallway - they are the little brown rectangles up on the walls.

So, how to determine the position of the Pastor's office. First, we have a "complex" of offices that is 28 feet by 24 feet wide at least. Westward, a 4 foot hall, at least 12 foot room, followed by a 4 foot hall equals at least 20 feet. Remember, there is a door to the right of the Pastor's office so this can't be at that Southeast-most corner. On the outside of the South side we can determine the window layout and exact positions for most and "rough" positions for others (though rain down spouts help) counting the roof "slats".

We have a double window at the 4 foot mark (in the Dutch Double Door room). We know this because the roof supports for the Carport are two feet wide and this Carport extends into the building until it junctions at the South hall. So those supports are also at that end as well. This would be in the Dutch Double Door Room space, but from pictures of inside that room (the ones showing the direction to the offices) the west wall of that room is straight and that it is 3 feet from the wall (size of book case and items on it) to the Dutch Doors. Another picture from inside that room shows that the window is 1 ceiling tile from the west wall. Incidentally, double windows take up 6 feet of space (which can be determined in any room picture by counting tiles above them).

We then have a series of three single windows that are positioned by counting roof "slats" in relation to the end of the Dutch Double Door room double window. The first is 12 feet from the 1st double window. The next is 4 feet after this. And the third is 8 feet after the second window. Because of this placement we know that the 12+ foot office we determined earlier can't be associated with any of these windows, otherwise there would be another window in that office to the right of the one we see. So we know that the office space is further down the South side.

Next up is a series of 3 double windows positioned at 104, 122, and 136 feet. The first double window is 22 feet beyond the last single window. The second window is 12 feet after this. And the third is only 8 feet after the second. So, again we know that the 3rd double window can't be in the 16x16 office because there would be a second window to the right of the one we see as there is 9 feet of that wall visible. It can't be the second window because the second and third windows are only 8 feet apart. In the Pastor's room we know that there is 3 feet before the double window in that room and the double window is 6 feet wide that is, 9 feet needed. So we finally conclude that the first double window is in the 16x16 office and the second double window is in the Pastor's office.

At this point we have 9 feet, a 6 foot window, 12 foot space, a 6 foot window, and 3 feet or 36 feet that make up these two offices. We know the first office is 16. Therefore the Pastor's office is 20 feet wide. The start of the 16x16 office is the 95 foot mark (104-9) and ends at 111. The Pastor's office begins at 111 and ends at 131. The door in the Pastors office is 1 foot from the west wall, if you recall from earlier. The door of the Pastor's office and the door out of the office space is are aligned and are both at the 112 foot mark of the South side (or 76 feet down the South hallway). If you go all the way back to the beginning of this response the second door in Room 8 across from an alcove is also at the 112 foot mark.

It would make a lot of sense for the Pastor to easily get into the Sanctuary, particularly backstage, without having to go out of his way to do so. Thus I suspect the south hall also has an alcove and, in my opinion has been seen in the videos though you have to enlarge a screen cap (especially from the 20 second MPD released video of the South hall as it is brighter).

Here is an enlarged screen cap with the relevant markings.


It does not happen too often, but I am speechless! Brilliant work. :clap:

I couldn't decide if I actually wanted to reply, but here you go.

1) Demeanor - You are absolutely right that we cannot comment on the demeanor of an unsub. However, we can comment of the demeanor of any person listed in the SW, and from what I have seen, the in-laws collective demeanor is not consistent with a grieving family. First, you have RB gloating over and laughing about dog blood four days after his son's wife was brutally murdered. Then, you have KS talking about MB's affairs, and MT is no better. There have been numerous comments about how this affects MT, KS, RB, BB and so forth, but there is very little talk of MB and what her life meant. You also have numerous examples of peculiar comments that don't really seem to add up. When taken as a whole, the behavior is suspicious.

2) Motive - You have a husband and wife suffering from "martial and financial" problems. That is motive enough IMO. There are several other possible motives as well, but those cannot be mentioned here due to TOS. You can sleuth those on your own. On top of that, we don't know that life insurance wasn't a factor. We don't know that a divorce wasn't in the works. As for the potential current affair that you reference, we don't know all of the details. We know that MB was currently exchanging familiar and flirtatious emails with at least one member of the opposite sex. There are also other people listed in the SWs who are likely there for questionable relationships with both MB and BB. However, we don't know the exact nature of those relationships so speculation is the best we can do.

3) Means - You are absolutely right about other people having the means so kill MB, but that doesn't change the fact that the people close to Missy also had the means! Also, I believe that this was a plot that involved two or more people. Since so many people close to MB (not just BB) had motive to kill her, it's not a stretch to think that they would plot together to make it happen. I am not sure why you jumped to the conclusion that this means that Missy "could have only [emphasis added by me] been killed by someone she knew." In fact, I don't think that at all. However, with the limited information that we have (combined with the information we are allowed to share on WS), that is my top theory at the moment. Of course, if more compelling data is brought to my attention, I will happily consider it. Having said that, my list of potential plotters is not limited to the people listed in the SWs; it's just that the TOS prevent me from mentioning the others.

With the facts that I have at my disposal, a targeted hit by someone close to MB is far more likely and logical than a perp dressed in tactical gear who killed because he/she wanted a sandwich at a church in the middle of the night. JMO

If you are asking why SP didn't go to the SW corner immediately, it's because he knew he had time. SP was prepared and knew MB would not be arriving for several minutes. SP only went to the SW corner close to when MB arrived. That way he could ambush her. According to LE, that's exactly what happened. I don't have the exact quote, but it was something to the effect of MB was seen walking toward the location of SP.

Additionally, if I look at what LE has said and done, nothing that they have said contradicts any of my thoughts. I have previously outlined my thoughts on what LE said in the May 20 presser. I will add that when LE said that Missy's family is not at the focus of the investigation, I think that they meant exactly that - Missy's family. You don't have to agree with my interpretation, and I admit that I could be wrong. However, until I am presented with a more compelling theory, this is where I stand.

Having said all of that, I can't help but think of Gary Condit (the Chandra Levy case) as I investigate the MB case. Gary Condit had a suspicious demeanor, a strong motive, and definitive means to kill CL, but he was eventually exonerated. I don't think that it is forgone conclusion that the family is involved, but with the information that I have right now, it's the most logical theory for the time being IMO.

ETA - I am not answering any follow up questions to this post. I am moving on.

BRAVO! Excellent! Love it!
You guys are driving me crazy.:gaah: Every time I think I have my perp and motive down someone makes an excellent point and I change my mind. Keep up the good sleuthing.

Can you imagine, what the perp thinks..

I find it interesting how many WS members comment about how other WS comments change their minds on who their POI is -but don't say who their POI is and why. WS members that have a different POI please let us know as maybe this would spark some new ideas. Thank you in advance.
I find it interesting how many WS members comment about how other WS comments change their minds on who their POI is -but don't say who their POI is and why. WS members that have a different POI please let us know as maybe this would spark some new ideas. Thank you in advance.

The POIs still have to comply with the TOS (Terms of Service) of WS. Perhaps that's why not so many are commenting on their thoughts. ;--)

Can you imagine, what the perp thinks..

WannaBee's Top 10 Things Perp in a Church thought while watching NG re-runs tonight:
1. Do my feet really point out THAT much?
2. I really don't dare walk out in public that much because someone's going to see my gait. I'm going to have to dramatically change it(cane/walker/wheelchair?)
3. My Podiatrist/Orthopedic HAS GOT to recognize that as me.
4. So they REALLY can't figure out that I'm a guy/gal
5. I'm going to go on a crash diet so my shape doesn't resemble the Vid (but not at CG!)
6. Who's that idiot on WS that keeps zooming and clarifying my face.
7. What was RB thinking bringing a bloody shirt to the dry cleaner!
8. There's no such thing as bad publicity, right Midlothian?
9. Man I really miss Sparky!
10. I really, really,really hope that vest doesn't pop up somewhere.
The POIs still have to comply with the TOS (Terms of Service) of WS. Perhaps that's why not so many are commenting on their thoughts. ;--)


Yes - I thought that might be the reason; however, it is ok to speculate and if they have some sound reasons that fall under the TOS rules maybe it would spark some new leads. Just a thought. :)
The POIs still have to comply with the TOS (Terms of Service) of WS. Perhaps that's why not so many are commenting on their thoughts. ;--)


I would love to hear some different theories and motives... of course within the context of the TOS.
It sounds like its time for another game of clue. We did this several threads back and it was interesting reading everyone's thoughts.

Post your theory of the murder
1. Give your profile of SP
2. Motive
3. Whether you think MB knew SP and
4. if she was targeted or not

So now I have two:

1. MB was targeted by middle aged female who went to have an anonymous talk with MB about a perceived wrong. Things went terribly wrong and it was "an unplanned murder" out of fear of SP being discovered because MB recognized her. MB didn't know her directly but would recognize her.

My other theory and the one I lean towards
2. MB was targeted because she knew or had seen something. SP in this scenario is male early to mid 20's. Not in the system yet but has some shady dealings that he's covering up. MB didn't know her killer.

In both cases neither was listed on SW.
WannaBee's Top 10 Things Perp in a Church thought while watching NG re-runs tonight:

7. What was RB thinking bringing a bloody shirt to the dry cleaner!

Why does it need to be anything beyond "I hope they can remove this dog's blood from my shirt."
WannaBee's Top 10 Things Perp in a Church thought while watching NG re-runs tonight:
1. Do my feet really point out THAT much?
2. I really don't dare walk out in public that much because someone's going to see my gait. I'm going to have to dramatically change it(cane/walker/wheelchair?)
3. My Podiatrist/Orthopedic HAS GOT to recognize that as me.
4. So they REALLY can't figure out that I'm a guy/gal
5. I'm going to go on a crash diet so my shape doesn't resemble the Vid (but not at CG!)
6. Who's that idiot on WS that keeps zooming and clarifying my face.
7. What was RB thinking bringing a bloody shirt to the dry cleaner!
8. There's no such thing as bad publicity, right Midlothian?
9. Man I really miss Sparky!
10. I really, really,really hope that vest doesn't pop up somewhere.

I hope SP and anyone else who may have had something to do with this senseless murder and maybe stupid enough to be on here reading comments thinks the following:

Is there a police officer around the next corner waiting for me?
When I open my front door will there be guns in my face?
Will I be arrested in from of my family and friends at our next BBQ? In front of my child/children? My Mom/Dad?
Will I ever be able to not look over my shoulder again and not have to worry? NO - be very afraid because it's coming and sooner than you think. LE has you - you just don't know it yet.

WannaBee's Top 10 Things Perp in a Church thought while watching NG re-runs tonight:
1. Do my feet really point out THAT much?
2. I really don't dare walk out in public that much because someone's going to see my gait. I'm going to have to dramatically change it(cane/walker/wheelchair?)
3. My Podiatrist/Orthopedic HAS GOT to recognize that as me.
4. So they REALLY can't figure out that I'm a guy/gal
5. I'm going to go on a crash diet so my shape doesn't resemble the Vid (but not at CG!)
6. Who's that idiot on WS that keeps zooming and clarifying my face.
7. What was RB thinking bringing a bloody shirt to the dry cleaner!
8. There's no such thing as bad publicity, right Midlothian?
9. Man I really miss Sparky!
10. I really, really,really hope that vest doesn't pop up somewhere.

Great post, Wannabdetective!
I used the hiatus of this conversation to work on making a map of the church to scale and make every attempt to accurately place doors windows, etc. After painstakingly reviewing over 300 photos, several videos, Google Earth, Street View, and the property tax information and after many contested exchanges with my wife (who was always right by the way) I believe I have the church layout very close to what it is.

The caveats:

Some windows and doors may be off by 4 inches.
The thickness of doorways is exaggerated to a 1 foot dimension (usually shared between hall and room to show it's presence).
Bathroom locations are determined by where the plumbing stacks are located.
It is a work in progress.


Thank you for this...truly amazing work.

(And I sure love seeing that Rm 12 IS indeed at the northeast corner by the exit doors!)

ETA: might the 'red' room opposite Rm 12 have a door window facing Rm 12? Remember in the video (at the end) when SP comes out of Rm 12, he starts chipping away at the window of a door presumably just across the hall (also right there just about out of sight of the NE corner cameras).

ETA again: here's the photo with Rm 12 on the left, and SP facing the opposite side and chipping at the door, with the beginning of the glass crumbles on the floor...(click to see larger version).

I was wondering where Sparky was. I must have missed something. Where's Sparky???

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