TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #35

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Cops?? Today??

So when you buzzed... did they let you in?

I agree 100% with you on the SWFA cameras.

Yes. A Mdln SUV by the elementary school (hanging in the parking lot) and an SUV coming up 287.

I looked around but didn't see anyone inside. I had my tape measure (bought a bright green one in honor of Batbrat). I respected that they had the whole thing looked up. Will have to go when it's open.
Hi! I had to take a break- this case just got a little too intense for me due to being a local and having ties to CG, Midlothian and Mansfield and some of the people involved.

It is my understanding that the FBI and Rangers are still involved.

Shortly after the Dallas police officers were killed, there was a robbery of a local gun store and many guns were taken. With tensions as high as they were at the time, I got the impression that some resources had been diverted to that- trying to keep one another alive and prevent more killings, you know? But from what I've been told, they are still very much investigating MB's murder.

Some locals that I know are starting to wonder if it will become a "cold case." But then you talk to someone else the next day and they're confident the police are just gathering solid evidence before they can make any arrests.

Can you elaborate on the confidence some have about the investigation? I ask because there are plenty of posters here who claim to have that same confidence. However it seems based on nothing but staunch optimism or wishful thinking.
Crime Classification Manual: A Standard System for Investigating and Classifying Violent Crime
by John Douglas (Author), Ann W. Burgess (Author), Allen G. Burgess (Author), Robert K. Ressler (Author)

Take a Look Inside

https://www.amazon.com/Crime-Classi...-Classifying/dp/1118305051/ref=dp_ob_title_bk Third Edition


NIN Posted a SP Profile in Thread 34 Post 854
How about discussing an SP profile. Let's add or eliminate from the following list:


· Keeps calm under pressure ( risky window of operation)
· Possibly has access to tools, if s-he brought them to the church
· Organized ( tools , gear)
· Knowledge and capability to gain access to a secured building
· Being able to leave in the early morning hours,either lives alone, works early or just took the chance to leave the house unnoticed. Or roommate is accomplice
· Access to police outfit, fake or authentic
· Outfit and concealment planned
· Risk taker (surveillance cameras, tight timeline)
· Brutal (MB head and chest injuries) or has training to go “for target”
· Confident, dominant
· Possibly skilled with hammer (swing) and prybar( possibly bending door plate of door next to bulletin board?)
· Specific gait, temporary or permanent
· Methodical
· Feminine touch (when standing in front of bulletin board)
· Keeps track of time (if targeted hit)
· Coordinated (entry/ exit point)
· Right handed


According to the unpaid wages class action lawsuit, the median annual income of a trainer with Camp Gladiator is just over $3,000, and one third of their trainers earn less than $2,000 per year.

Schoellhorn is seeking actual and economic damages on behalf of herself and other interns and trainers, attorneys’ fees. She is also asking for an injunction against the fitness bootcamp so that it will compensate future interns and pay their regular employees proper overtime pay.

This Unpaid Wages Class Action Lawsuit is Schoellhorn v. Camp Gladiator Inc., Case No. 3:16-cv-02064, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.
According to the unpaid wages class action lawsuit, the median annual income of a trainer with Camp Gladiator is just over $3,000, and one third of their trainers earn less than $2,000 per year.

Schoellhorn is seeking actual and economic damages on behalf of herself and other interns and trainers, attorneys’ fees. She is also asking for an injunction against the fitness bootcamp so that it will compensate future interns and pay their regular employees proper overtime pay.

This Unpaid Wages Class Action Lawsuit is Schoellhorn v. Camp Gladiator Inc., Case No. 3:16-cv-02064, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.

And interns and trainers thought they could make $ 100,000! There must be a lot of irate interns and trainers out there.
are you thinking the CG campers that found MB are the other couple listed in the SW target numbers? If so, I don't believe so
1st camper - Man
2nd and 3rd campers - women

i am local. Though you are correct that the couple has a daughter that is friends with one of the girls.

I am wondering if the 3rd call was from Paramedics saying subject is deceased. We need police and ME office.


I agree that the Campers' names of those who discovered Missy that dreadful morning should remain 100% private. LEO knows who they are and, yes, they will likely be called to testify to the Grand Jury as well as at the death penalty criminal trial(s). The emotional impact and anguish must be overwhelming. My sincere condolences are extended to all of Missy's campers, friends and loved ones.

Ready for some justice.
I'd do the exact same thing if it were my spouse and I was innocent. You see families of murdered loved one's do it all the time for purposes of catching the killer. Typically the guilty stay quiet and out from in front of media.
Ahhh... except for the narcissistic sociopath who who believes himself to be smarter than everyone else. ID just aired the story of Dale Hausner/The Phoenix Shooter (convicted of 6 murders, sentenced to 6 death penalties, committed suicide). After his arrest but before the public defender could meet with him, Hausner scheduled a press conference to declare his innocence and integrity to the world, so great was his opinion of himself. He was one of 5 boys raised in a normal family and one of his brothers said they could not believe he would do these things. He wore the mask of sanity and fooled everyone. Another one is Jodi Arias, so convinced of her ability to lie and manipulate her way out of trouble, smiling to cameras, "no jury will convict ME!" Susan Smith who wept for her "carjacked" boys... Anyway, in this particular case of MB, I think the silence of the innocent is somehow compelling - her own mother and family of origin, her own friends, the CG campers, her church - no one wants to say much of anything.
This is further to KayElJay's post upthread.

Local or not, as per Websleuths Terms of Service (The Rules) do not state specifics about the case as fact if the information you post cannot be linked to MSM or LE. If you can't back your stated facts up with a link, don't post it. If you are close to the case, or to a case player in the case, and think you have valuable information to share, please apply to be a VI (verified insider) ... otherwise your "facts" are considered rumor, and Websleuths does not engage in rumor.

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I don't know that it really has a name. Maybe because many psychologists can't quite agree on why certain postoffensive behaviors occur. There may be a whole variety of reasons criminals have for returning to the crime scene or inserting themselves in the investigation - everything from regret/remorse/anxiety, thrill/gratification, compulsion/control/attachment to the victim, or an attempt to manipulate the scene or the investigation, etc.

It is fascinating stuff, though. Let us know what you find if you do end up researching it.

It really is fascinating. I just want to apologize for my previous reply that got cut-- I was just trying to answer someone's question about how locals feel and I should have said, "frustrated" and feeling like "nothing's happening." That's the talk on the street, sad to say. That's not to say that's true, but that is the sentiment.

If the psychology is correct, and the killer does return to look around, it would be fascinating to go there; it just doesn't feel right to hang out in a church for that purpose!

They shall return: Suspects returning to crime scenes

To all officers hitting the streets, when you hear those words, “The suspect has left the scene,” and you are dispatched to that once-violent and now reportedly-peaceful scene, remember that just like MacAthur, they “shall return” sooner or later. They may have already returned. Use caution and maintain a position of advantage on the approach. Continue to use caution not only while conducting the investigation, but also, while leaving the scene.

Back-up officers who provide a low-profile, protective over-watch will have their extra vigilance rewarded. It will not only be safer, but you will often make an arrest of the suspect, who you will see returning, or you will discover still lurking near the scene.

After completing the investigation and clearing the scene, if possible consider returning to the scene to watch from the shadows. You will discover often that as soon as it appears the police have left the suspects do return, or they pop-up from their place of concealment. If you have chosen your position well, you and your back-up officer can orchestrate and arrest.

It&#8217;s surprising how many killers return not just to the gravesite but to the scene of the crime. And some killers &#8212; the more organized or premeditated type &#8212; sometimes even inject themselves into the police investigation to provide bogus information. They do it for different reasons. They may want to find out where the investigation is headed or look for cues that it&#8217;s progressing along nicely because, naturally, they&#8217;re concerned about that.

They may go to the police in order to beat them to the punch, just in case someone may have seen them or provided a description of their car. This way, if their names pop up later, they can come back and say, &#8220;Oh, wait a minute, I went to you guys a month ago. I was cooperative.&#8221;
and some want to see what LE knows. Fishing for info. "I thought about this...oh, you already thought of this too."
Phishie-Phishie...Psychologically, does this seem like a form of returning to the scene of the crime? or perhaps like inserting oneself into the crime investigation?
Ahhh... except for the narcissistic sociopath who who believes himself to be smarter than everyone else. ID just aired the story of Dale Hausner/The Phoenix Shooter (convicted of 6 murders, sentenced to 6 death penalties, committed suicide). After his arrest but before the public defender could meet with him, Hausner scheduled a press conference to declare his innocence and integrity to the world, so great was his opinion of himself. He was one of 5 boys raised in a normal family and one of his brothers said they could not believe he would do these things. He wore the mask of sanity and fooled everyone. Another one is Jodi Arias, so convinced of her ability to lie and manipulate her way out of trouble, smiling to cameras, "no jury will convict ME!" Susan Smith who wept for her "carjacked" boys... Anyway, in this particular case of MB, I think the silence of the innocent is somehow compelling - her own mother and family of origin, her own friends, the CG campers, her church - no one wants to say much of anything.

Yes. Yes. Yes. There's also a defiant arrogance with those you mentioned and the like. Let's not forget Drew Peterson. BB does not strike me that way. I also lean to have faith in Ms. Jollee''s statement in the broadcast that everyone she had talked with said his mannerisms "are just him".
Phishie-Phishie...Psychologically, does this seem like a form of returning to the scene of the crime? or perhaps like inserting oneself into the crime investigation?

Then again, how many of us are begging for information and giving LE tips, etc

They shall return: Suspects returning to crime scenes

After completing the investigation and clearing the scene, if possible consider returning to the scene to watch from the shadows. You will discover often that as soon as it appears the police have left the suspects do return, or they pop-up from their place of concealment. If you have chosen your position well, you and your back-up officer can orchestrate and arrest.

In so many ways, human behavior is entirely predictable. That is what makes this so fascinating.
I thought that taking another look at MT's first letter to the killer was a good exercise, and something we have not discussed in a long time. How about the second letter which was also published by her on FB and is available from MSM sources?

MT said:
MT - My 2nd Letter to the Murderer of Missy Bevers: 5/7/16

It has been 2 weeks since I wrote the 1st letter to you. Almost 3 weeks since you murdered Missy.

I would guarantee your life has been more miserable than ours! Our life has been filled with peace that you wouldn't understand. Something only a God-fearing, saved by Jesus, person truly understands! We have been blessed by so many wonderful people, willing to share our grief, by praying with us, preparing meals for her family and just blessing us with all of their actions in so many ways!

How about you? Are you feeling all the love from your family and friends? Or do they suspect you, thinking something is not right with you? How did it make you feel when so many people all over this nation, said such glowing things about Missy? You probably sat back and thought," how little do they really know her". I assume you were jumping up and down when the news about her life was not as perfect as a lot of people thought.

Well, let me tell you a little secret you may not comprehend. No, she wasn't perfect and she never claimed to be. But, the secret is, there is something called "agape" love. Meaning, there really is a love you have, that no matter what you have done in the past or present, you still love them! I know her husband does, her 3 girls, her mom, brothers, all her family and friends.

Sorry, there is nothing that can ever change that! I'm sure that disappoints you. But, it's the truth!!
Are you getting a bit nervous, shaking in your " boots that look too big?" You should be! It's just a matter of time now.

Things would be a lot easier on you to just go ahead and turn yourself in. I'm sure the officials will take that into account.

Go ahead and clear your conscience, you will feel better. No sense in having your family witness you being picked up by the police and leaving that lasting vision on their minds forever! We are all waiting! It's one way or the other!!

1. MT is never afraid to use 'I' in her statements to express what she feels or thinks. In the bolded section, she chose to use the vague 'you' in the first sentence 'a love you have'. She does not mean the SP 'you' - the 'you' could be replaced with 'a person' or 'one' - making this an impersonal and distant from herself statement.

2. Continuing in the bolded section, she explains 'I know..." and gives a list of people who loved MB - but she does not include herself. She never says "I loved MB" - after teaching the lesson about agape love, 'you' love, and expressing all that other love that others have.

3. Overall, the impression is another sermon like the first letter. Given the circumstance of a murder, in a church, this SP is not a person likely to be swayed by such attempts to induce guilt. Why make the sermon then? (I think that sometimes a sermon is used to avoid making a direct denial of guilt by criminals who are in fact guilty - using the "moral outrage!" to deflect anyone questioning them.)

4. Why is MT making assumptions about the SP's family, SP's feelings, SP's thoughts, SP's outcome? The only outcome for SP on April 18, May 7 and today Aug 3, is that they have not been caught. I don't understand what she hopes to achieve. I don't know why she is even thinking about SP that way, as a person. JMO a victim family would likely think of SP as a boogieman or monster of some kind and not someone with a life, feelings, family. Maybe it is just me, but it seems that a victim like MB is the one humanized in tragedy, and the unknown killer is dehumanized in even the minds of strangers.

5. Of course loss of a family member is stressful, and MT like anyone would have a lot of stress over the loss of her DIL. But if the public FB post does not help solve the crime, is it merely for her own stress relief - is this FB really useful in any way? What is the purpose of the two letters? What does MT gain from making the two FB posts if not locating the killer?

6. If any of you have a thought on the style used of a series of rhetorical, unanswerable questions to the SP, I really would like to hear your observations.
I thought that taking another look at MT's first letter to the killer was a good exercise, and something we have not discussed in a long time. How about the second letter which was also published by her on FB and is available from MSM sources?

1. MT is never afraid to use 'I' in her statements to express what she feels or thinks. In the bolded section, she chose to use the vague 'you' in the first sentence 'a love you have'. She does not mean the SP 'you' - the 'you' could be replaced with 'a person' or 'one' - making this an impersonal and distant from herself statement.

2. Continuing in the bolded section, she explains 'I know..." and gives a list of people who loved MB - but she does not include herself. She never says "I loved MB" - after teaching the lesson about agape love, 'you' love, and expressing all that other love that others have.

3. Overall, the impression is another sermon like the first letter. Given the circumstance of a murder, in a church, this SP is not a person likely to be swayed by such attempts to induce guilt. Why make the sermon then? (I think that sometimes a sermon is used to avoid making a direct denial of guilt by criminals who are in fact guilty - using the "moral outrage!" to deflect anyone questioning them.)

4. Why is MT making assumptions about the SP's family, SP's feelings, SP's thoughts, SP's outcome? The only outcome for SP on April 18, May 7 and today Aug 3, is that they have not been caught. I don't understand what she hopes to achieve. I don't know why she is even thinking about SP that way, as a person. JMO a victim family would likely think of SP as a boogieman or monster of some kind and not someone with a life, feelings, family. Maybe it is just me, but it seems that a victim like MB is the one humanized in tragedy, and the unknown killer is dehumanized in even the minds of strangers.

5. Of course loss of a family member is stressful, and MT like anyone would have a lot of stress over the loss of her DIL. But if the public FB post does not help solve the crime, is it merely for her own stress relief - is this FB really useful in any way? What is the purpose of the two letters? What does MT gain from making the two FB posts if not locating the killer?

6. If any of you have a thought on the style used of a series of rhetorical, unanswerable questions to the SP, I really would like to hear your observations.
She does say it in her Peoples interview...
Tucker fights back tears as she describes it: "She'd gone to Austin for a Camp Gladiator meeting, so I took Brandon in for minor surgery," she recalls. "Missy texted to say, 'Thank you for taking care of him. I love you.' That was the last text I got. I loved her, and she loved me."
Nothing strange about a new camper showing up early on the 1STVDAY OF THE 1ST WEEK of a new camp. There's waivers and stuff you have to sign, so I don't blame them for going early. Also, I wouldn't be surprised about the 2 calls to 911. Imagine walking up on a horrific scene and freaking out--you're not thinking about who has already called, IMO you're just wanting help asap. Think about how many times people have called in the same wreck that they witnessed. ALL JMO
What I am saying (can't speak for anyone else) is that in my research I came across someone who was going to join CG and even had a photo taken with MB...he is on my list but when she was killed I forgot about him as a someone to take a look at...romantic or otherwise...
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