Found Deceased TX - Thomas Brown, 18, Hemphill County, 23 Nov 2016 #2

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Not to my knowledge and I think it would have been known to the public if they did. Something else that has me questioning is the posts and comments about how far his remains were from his vehicle and they want to use that scenario as a fact to discredit any thought of suicide. From what I understand there was very little of Tom’s remains found and the report stated animal activity involved. So what makes people think that what little remains found were found in the exact spot where he would have died had he committed suicide? Why have they never thought that animals could be responsible for his remains being found so far from his vehicle?
So you say, “... they want to use that scenario as a fact to discredit any thought of suicide.” Who are “they” that you are referring to?

I’m here because I want to know what happened to Tom Brown. That’s what his family wants to know, and that’s why I’m here.

Yes, there certainly was animal activity involved:
“Soon after, a team of law enforcement officers arrived to search the surrounding area, moving slowly, step by step, for at least a couple hundred yards. They came across a femur, several smaller bones, a pair of tennis shoes, and some remnants of blue jeans. They picked up part of a Texas driver’s license, which looked as if it had been chewed on by an animal. The officers were barely able to discern the name on the license: Thomas Kelly Brown.” (BBM)
Tom Brown’s Body, Chapter 7: The Wake

I am not an expert by any means, but IMO, it would be safe to surmise that the area described above (where I bolded) is either where he died (not likely) or his body was placed (likely). So no, the distance is NOT due to animal activity. Had whoever dumped him there like trash taken his clothes and shoes off, this might not have been an issue. But since they were trying to make this look like a suicide, they didn’t. Oops.
Thanks for the update inmyhumbleopinion! I hadn't checked Klein's page recently so it's nice that he provided some encouraging news. Next month would be time for Tom to graduate from college had he chosen that path and my heart goes out to his family missing yet another milestone.
I do know at one time LE/Texas Rangers were looking for a rope in the trees in the area of Marvin Lake.

Because it was a crime scene, LE would have been looking for ANYTHING that would provide a clue regarding what had happened. If I recall correctly, LE from various agencies worked the scene for more than a week.
My apologies...I just realized there weren't any "alerts" from the past few days and I just caught up on what I missed and realized I asked a question that had already been answered :(. Thanks for your patience...I'll double check the posts first ;)
I haven't posted on this case before, but one weekend I binge read both threads through in one fell swoop. To me, it's pretty obvious that this was a case of foul play with a great deal of misdirection by a guilty party who was in a prime position to orchestrate things behind the scenes. There are really no logical explanations that I can conjure up to get behind the suicide theories that have been brought up. And when you have to twist yourself in pretzels to explain the unexplainable like why his body was found 12 miles from his car and his phone planted way after the fact, I ain't buying it. Is there resistance to the idea by some because the potential POI is in LE? Because they are not exempt from killing people. Not by a long shot.

I have my own suspicions about motive, but it's best left unvoiced on this forum. I'm very happy to hear there will be a Grand Jury.
Kittybunny ..... perfectly said. When I look at the evidence, circumstances, miscues, and obvious diversionary tactics .... in totality, I cannot give suicide even 1% odds. I just cannot. There are far, far too many coincidences and unexplained actions & inactions to believe otherwise, IMO. There is something very dark below the surface.
In my opinion, the incident was not “random” in nature whereby something simply “happened” to occur coincidently. I believe that there are reasonable indications that Tom was being monitored to some extent for much of the evening of November 23, 2016 in order to find an opportune time that he would be alone. At approximately 11:20 PM Tom left the elementary school parking lot. At 11:25 PM Tom swiped the debit card and proceeded to purchase approximately 23 gallons of fuel. At about 11:37 PM Tom responded to a text from his former girlfriend that he was ok. After responding to that text, and within fewer that 20 minutes of Tom and friends separating from the elementary school parking lot, Tom was not heard from again. His cell phone was turned off at approximately 12:15 AM (never to be seen again until its discovery 11 months later). The Durango was abandoned before sunrise at approximately 5:56 AM on a remote trail at the north edge of town conspicuously only about 1/4 mile from a residential area.

In my opinion, there are persons who have pertinent information regarding what happened to Tom. Whether those persons were involved or simply have information, they really need to come forward if they have not done so already. Mistakes and misjudgments can be made, especially when family or friends are involved. Mistakes and misjudgments can be taken into consideration when persons come forward on their own. It would not be a wise choice to get themselves in potential trouble just for the sake of protecting somebody who was involved. I hope they think hard about that.
So back to that night - Thomas rebuffs this individual. The motive: IMO most likely to protect the killers public identity as straight, also perhaps anger at being turned down as well - results in TB being killed.

Again - this is all just (probably bad, but who knows) intuition and trying to find a motive that fits.
I had never considered this possibility, but it makes perfect sense. MOO
The motive is perhaps the most perplexing basic issue surrounding this case. If the motive was truly known, it would point directly to those who are responsible. Whatever the motive is, I believe it is the result of some "social circumstance" that would seem relatively minor to most. However, when anger, emotion, and pride become involved (and potentially coupled with intoxication associated with alcohol/drug use), individuals can perform actions that they would otherwise never consider. Things can go south in a hurry .....
Kittybunny ..... perfectly said. When I look at the evidence, circumstances, miscues, and obvious diversionary tactics .... in totality, I cannot give suicide even 1% odds. I just cannot. There are far, far too many coincidences and unexplained actions & inactions to believe otherwise, IMO. There is something very dark below the surface.

BBM This is the answer to Tom's death as far as I am concerned and we may never know that deep dark secret.
The motive is perhaps the most perplexing basic issue surrounding this case. If the motive was truly known, it would point directly to those who are responsible. Whatever the motive is, I believe it is the result of some "social circumstance" that would seem relatively minor to most. However, when anger, emotion, and pride become involved (and potentially coupled with intoxication associated with alcohol/drug use), individuals can perform actions that they would otherwise never consider. Things can go south in a hurry .....
Very true. As the story unfolded it was told that Tom had in confidentiality revealed his fetish to his girlfriend and to his female friend, but somehow that information had traveled around town pretty quickly. Not something that would be easy for a teenager to deal with and with the strong religious beliefs of his mother I wonder how she reacted when she heard about it. It doesn’t sound like he had anyone he could go to and talk about some of the things he was experiencing.
Was there any DNA or fingerprints on the holster that was found? Any on the shell casing from the car? It was said Tom disliked guns. Who did it belong too? Will questions like this be answered at the grand jury?
Very true. As the story unfolded it was told that Tom had in confidentiality revealed his fetish to his girlfriend and to his female friend, but somehow that information had traveled around town pretty quickly. Not something that would be easy for a teenager to deal with and with the strong religious beliefs of his mother I wonder how she reacted when she heard about it. It doesn’t sound like he had anyone he could go to and talk about some of the things he was experiencing.

Tom had great support from his family, especially his mother. She set curfews and boundaries and expected him to adhere to them .... and by all accounts, he did. She monitored and supported his school and community related activities and provided encouragement to him. One example is demonstrated in one of her lengthy public interviews where she discusses conversations between her and Tom that were related to his decision to quit the football team. Those conversations revolve around her attempt to discuss and understand his reasons and not to condemn or criticized him for his decision. IMO, she would have done the same for any issue that he came to her with. Seek to understand.

Nonetheless, it is not uncommon that people (teens and adults) sometimes do not seek support to help them through crises; instead try to solve the issues themselves, for whatever reasons they may have. Maybe pride, maybe embarrassment, maybe a sense of self sufficiency, etc.

Yes, he possibly had some private struggles going on. But he also had some significant accomplishments: a member of a State Championship football team, class president, lead role in several school plays, looking forward to going to college, very well liked by classmates. Just in my opinion, when I look at the totality of the details of the case, I don't see that those struggles are connected in any way to whatever or who ever caused his death. There are far too many other unexplained "coincidences" and actions that need to be answered.
I keep thinking about the look-up of the suicide hotline. Since this is a sensitive subject, I will use OutWest's friend's 1,2 & 3 to identify everyone. I don't think this has been discussed, but if so, I apologize.
From OutWest's timeline above:
6:30 PM Tom meets with Friend1 (male) and Friend2 (male) and cruise around Canadian
8:00 PM The three return to Elementary School parking lot. Friend2 leaves leaves for home; Tom and Friend 1 hop in vehicle with Friend3 (female).
9:11 or 9:45 PM A search for "suicide hotline" is sourced from Tom's phone

Didn't Friend2's father commit suicide within a week of Tom's body being found? It has been addressed that it had nothing to do with Tom and I am not suggesting it did. BUT!
If Friend2's father had been suicidal and he had talked to Thomas about it at some point, maybe Tom looked the number up to give to Friend2 the next day to give to his Dad. It didn't necessarily have to be for Tom. JMO

It is JMO, but I have always felt in my gut that the suicide of Friend2's father WAS related somehow to Thomas, but that is just my gut feeling here. No hard facts.

If the phone was planted ... the truth about the search history is also obscure.

Tomas search history had a deleted record of visiting the suicide hotline website.

If a search history record is deleted, It can then be found in the DNS cache. But DNS is notoriously unreliable with both the websites and the time stamps of lookups.

You can ping a website, for instance, and it can get added to your DNS cache as part of your search history without ever having visited the site. And. It is known that even then, the timing could also be off.

If the phone was planted, it was for one purpose only - to show the visit to the suicide hotline and encourage more people to believe the suicide narrative.

It is possible that this search history is not genuine.
Thank you so much for your kind words, @Razz <3! It’s good to be here :)

IMO, obviously, but I don’t necessarily believe NL took Tom’s life. I do think there are many other things that he is criminally liable for in Tom’s death. I also don’t believe NL ever had to “show he was competent.” He just needed the right people to say that he was, IMO.

There’s a book by Malcolm Gladwell titled “Blink” amd it’s about how our gut intuition is usually right.

I don’t know for sure if NL harmed Thomas that night but it’s the gut reactions that scream out at me.

When people first learn the details of the case they all cry out - “that sheriff is shady!! He knows something!”

I still go with my gut on this one and agree with that consensus.

There is no alibi for where NL was that night though it is known he was out of the house. He was seen in town that night.

When Tom went missing, on Thanksgiving morning, his first communication with Penny on the disappearance of her son was,”Well these things happen when you let your son hang around druggies” referring to Michael Castletine because he was known to smoke weed on occasion.

Then NL soon changed his story and told the Brown family that Tom left town with a gay lover he met online.

When asked, NL claimed he did not process the Durango because it was too dirty and kids “go missing all the time.” Even though there was a shell casing in the car.

When the backpack was located, he didn’t tell the family for over a week. When Penny found out and asked about it, NL told her that Thomas was somewhere sitting under a tree eating little Debbie snack cakes. (From the many snack wrappers left in his backpack)

At the 8 month anniversary of Thomas’s disappearance, he publicly claimed he was working with Chidress county who had a missing person named Grant Brown who disappeared at around the same time as Thomas. Grant Brown was found months prior, so if he was indeed collaborating he would have known that.

On a radio show, NL claimed that Thomas’s case was a criminal investigation but has retracted that without any supporting evidence to show it is suicide.

NL’s entire official write up on the disappearance of Thomas is two pages long and the current sheriff Brett Clapp made reference to this really unprofessional and dismissive report.

Over the entire course of the investigation NL provided zero leads or support but he did offer up a lot of lies and obstacles.

At the time, NL lived within easy walking distance of where the Durango was parked.

NL worked with Gregory Pyne prior to Hemphill County. Gregory Pyne and NL were both dismissed from HCSO for incidences in which they were found to be unreliable and spreading untruths.( for those of you new to this case- Gregory Pyne happened by chance upon Thomas’s remains while searching for deer antlers and scat. This point makes everyone cringe. )

NL has a notoriously bad reputation from the time he was young. As an adult, his is known by many as a bully.

NL, in fact, bullied Tom before he was even a sheriff at Hemphill. He took Thomas into his car even though he was outside his jurisdiction and Thomas was a minor at the time. This is against police protocol and detaining a minor in such a way is illegal. But the picture we get is that NL can do what he wants. He felt entirely justified.

He grossly mishandled the physical evidence and provided zero support to the Brown family.

So IMHO this is how the story plays out in my head -

A bully sheriff who had a history of harassing teens and taking minors into vehicles, has a young man in his town go missing two months after he becomes sheriff. It’s the same young man he bullied a year and a half prior and he was publicly reprimanded for that. There is little physical evidence to support what happened to Thomas because he didn’t do his job and mishandled all the evidence. To top it off, at every opportunity, he scoffs at this disappearance, gives flippant and irresponsible answers while continually demonizing or mocking the victim, playing up weird unsupported scenarios. Then his side kick deputy finds the remains and he and his deputy eventually get dismissed.

My gut tells me NL knows everything.
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I wonder if they did and that supports theb

There’s a book by Malcolm Gladwell titled “Blink” amd it’s about how our gut intuition is usually right.

I don’t know for sure if NL harmed Thomas that night but I do understand these things.

When people first learn the details of the case they all cry out - “that sheriff is shady!! He knows something!”

I still go with my gut on this one.

There is no alibi for where NL was that night and it is known he was out of the house. He was seen in town that night.

When Tom went missing, on Thanksgiving morning, he told Penny who went to his office,”Well these things happen when you let your son hang around druggies” referring to Michael Castletine because he was known to smoke weed on occasion.

Then NL changed his story and told the Brown family that Tom left with a gay lover he met online.

NL claimed he did not process the car because it was too dirty and kids “go missing all the time.”

When the backpack was located, he didn’t tell the family for over a week. When Penny found out about it abs confronted him, NL told her that Thomas was sitting under a tree eating little Debbie snack cakes. (From the many snack wrappers left in his backpack)

At the 8 month anniversary of Thomas’s disappearance, he claimed he was working with Chidress county who had a missing person named Grant Brown who disappeared at around the same time as Thomas. Grant Brown was found months prior, so if he was indeed collaborating he would have known that.

On a radio show, NL claimed that Thomas’s case was a criminal investigation but has retracted that without any supporting evidence to show it is suicide.

NL’s entire official write up in the disappearance of Thomas is two pages long and the current sheriff Brett Clapp made reference to this really unprofessional and dismissive report.

Over the entire course of the investigation NL provided zero leads or support but he did offer up a lot of lies and obstacles.

At the time, NL lived within easy walking distance of where the Durango was parked.

NL worked with Gregory Pyne prior to Hemphill County. Gregory Pyne and NL were both dismissed from HCSO for incidences in which they were found to be unreliable and spreading untruths.( for those of you new to this case- Gregory Pyne happened by chance upon Thomas’s remains while searching for deer antlers and scat. This point makes everyone cringe. )

NL has a notoriously bad reputation from the time he was young. As an adult, his is known by many as a bully.

NL, in fact, bullied Tom before he was even a sheriff at Hemphill. He took Thomas into his car even tho he was outside his jurisdiction and Thomas was a minor at the time. This is against police protocol and detaining a minor in such a way is illegal. But the picture we get is that NL can do what he wants. He felt entirely justified.

He grossly mishandled the physical evidence and provided zero support to the Brown family.

So IMHO I’m left with this story -

A bully sheriff who had a history of harassing teens and taking minors into vehicles, has a young man in his town go missing two months after he becomes sheriff. It’s the same young man he bullied a year and a half prior. There is little physical evidence to support what happened to Thomas because he didn’t do his job and mishandled all the evidence. To top it off, at every opportunity, he scoffs at this disappearance, gives flippant and irresponsible answers while continually demonizing or mocking the victim, playing up his homosexuality or basically insinuating Thomas’s lack of worth as a member of their community. Then his side kick deputy finds the remains and he and his deputy eventually get dismissed.

My gut tells me NL knows everything.
Well then, hopefully we'll find out the truth when the grand jury convenes this summer. I think I'll refrain from commenting until then.
There’s a book by Malcolm Gladwell titled “Blink” amd it’s about how our gut intuition is usually right.

I don’t know for sure if NL harmed Thomas that night but it’s the gut reactions that scream out at me.

When people first learn the details of the case they all cry out - “that sheriff is shady!! He knows something!”

I still go with my gut on this one and agree with that consensus.

There is no alibi for where NL was that night though it is known he was out of the house. He was seen in town that night.

When Tom went missing, on Thanksgiving morning, his first communication with Penny on the disappearance of her son was,”Well these things happen when you let your son hang around druggies” referring to Michael Castletine because he was known to smoke weed on occasion.

Then NL soon changed his story and told the Brown family that Tom left town with a gay lover he met online.

When asked, NL claimed he did not process the Durango because it was too dirty and kids “go missing all the time.” Even though there was a shell casing in the car.

When the backpack was located, he didn’t tell the family for over a week. When Penny found out and asked about it, NL told her that Thomas was somewhere sitting under a tree eating little Debbie snack cakes. (From the many snack wrappers left in his backpack)

At the 8 month anniversary of Thomas’s disappearance, he publicly claimed he was working with Chidress county who had a missing person named Grant Brown who disappeared at around the same time as Thomas. Grant Brown was found months prior, so if he was indeed collaborating he would have known that.

On a radio show, NL claimed that Thomas’s case was a criminal investigation but has retracted that without any supporting evidence to show it is suicide.

NL’s entire official write up on the disappearance of Thomas is two pages long and the current sheriff Brett Clapp made reference to this really unprofessional and dismissive report.

Over the entire course of the investigation NL provided zero leads or support but he did offer up a lot of lies and obstacles.

At the time, NL lived within easy walking distance of where the Durango was parked.

NL worked with Gregory Pyne prior to Hemphill County. Gregory Pyne and NL were both dismissed from HCSO for incidences in which they were found to be unreliable and spreading untruths.( for those of you new to this case- Gregory Pyne happened by chance upon Thomas’s remains while searching for deer antlers and scat. This point makes everyone cringe. )

NL has a notoriously bad reputation from the time he was young. As an adult, his is known by many as a bully.

NL, in fact, bullied Tom before he was even a sheriff at Hemphill. He took Thomas into his car even though he was outside his jurisdiction and Thomas was a minor at the time. This is against police protocol and detaining a minor in such a way is illegal. But the picture we get is that NL can do what he wants. He felt entirely justified.

He grossly mishandled the physical evidence and provided zero support to the Brown family.

So IMHO this is how the story plays out in my head -

A bully sheriff who had a history of harassing teens and taking minors into vehicles, has a young man in his town go missing two months after he becomes sheriff. It’s the same young man he bullied a year and a half prior and he was publicly reprimanded for that. There is little physical evidence to support what happened to Thomas because he didn’t do his job and mishandled all the evidence. To top it off, at every opportunity, he scoffs at this disappearance, gives flippant and irresponsible answers while continually demonizing or mocking the victim, playing up weird unsupported scenarios. Then his side kick deputy finds the remains and he and his deputy eventually get dismissed.

My gut tells me NL knows everything.
I think you have a solid theory. In fact, this is pretty close to what I used to think until Skip’s podcast came out. I agree with Christian. I no longer think Lewis is the one who actually took Thomas’ life. I do believe that he has full knowledge of what transpired that night, and he had better tell the truth, if he isn’t already (I guess we would know if he were ... sigh).
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