Deceased/Not Found UK - April Jones, 5, Machynlleth, Wales, 1 Oct 2012 #2 *M. Bridger guilty*

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We are not getting complete info; he may have asked both girls to get into his vehicle, but the older girl declined. April's mom may have been asked to name men April would have been familiar enough with to get into a vehicle, and so she named MB.

If this man is guilty, he may have been suppressing urges for years. The various upsets in his life may have caused him to finally act.

And in the end, if he killed April, it may have been because she could identify him.

BBM This is what I remember reading earlier on here. But, there have been so many versions of events it's hard to sort fact from rumor or speculation.

Some here have mentioned that SO's can have a history of offenses that went unreported. We do know that MB has been alone (the only adult) with several of the children, including AJ, in the past. He has had opportunity. We don't know what the other children may have revealed now that MB is behind bars, if there is anything to reveal.
My heart just breaks for April's family. They have so many questions about their little girl. It is unimaginable to continue on and not know the answers. I pray April is found soon. Even if she is no longer with us, as we fear. At least they can know....and have the freedom to grieve.

Isn't nighttime hard during difficulties? Yes, for me too.
The Mirror is a tabloid, which means its journalists are more concerned with sensation than accuracy.

You really can't rely on anything they print.

It is not considered mainstream media in the UK so should not be used as a source.
Can't believe I'm speaking in defense of a tabloid here, and a red top at that.

But. Historically, the tabloids have long led in publishing information about crimes. I mean, it's one-third of their formula: sports-sex-crime.

While the Mirror and its ilk do in fact sensationalize, one can also filter, through the hype, a number of interesting and informed sources their reporters have developed.

And those sources and that reportage won't be found often in the broadsheets - though Daily Telegraph has done a fine job on this case. Which surprises and delights me.

My beloved Guardian and Murdoch's pay-to-view Times don't really bother competing when it comes to crime.
Can't believe I'm speaking in defense of a tabloid here, and a red top at that.

But. Historically, the tabloids have long led in publishing information about crimes. I mean, it's one-third of their formula: sports-sex-crime.

While the Mirror and its ilk do in fact sensationalize, one can also filter, through the hype, a number of interesting and informed sources their reporters have developed.

And those sources and that reportage won't be found often in the broadsheets - though Daily Telegraph has done a fine job on this case. Which surprises and delights me.

My beloved Guardian and Murdoch's pay-to-view Times don't really bother competing when it comes to crime.

And who can argue that they are above floating over to.....drummmmmroolllll.....TOPIX. Most of it is nothing but junk. But its so....interesting. :thewhip:
I believe that LE found clothing and enough blood for them to up the charge to suspicion of murder. IMO there must be something pretty solid and well connected to him that caused that change and it will come out at trial but generally in these cases when there is no body, it is the forensics that show they could not be alive given the blood loss that makes a faster charge.

Also DNA can be returned in 24 hours when its top priority and I belive this is.

The idea that he hasn't got a history means nothing to me. most sex offenders molest over 70 times before being arrested. I have a feeling victims are coming out to LE now.

Most sexual sadist murders a triggered by an upheaval in the perps life, a breakup with a girlfriend is exactly the sort of thing that could have been the trigger.

Just my two cents
Police now have twelve and a half hours to question him - minus the time he gets to sleep.
It's long been a bookmark.

I have a degree in journalism and, while I do take umbrage at some criticisms aimed at those reporting the details of the main story line here - I agree with what Clio posted earlier, at #621 - journalism, too, can stand an occasional good whacking.

It's not as if, though, reporters are working from A Single Godhead of Information here - different papers have their different sources, for example. Different sources may tell one different things. Accounts from various sources may confuse us. It goes with the territory in reading crime stories as they develop.

It seems that with the way news flies around the Internet, much of the reporting has become a gigantic game of 'Grape Vine.' You all remember how that goes, right? They grab news from each other, add their own bit, and now it's a different story.
I can only pray that they have the right suspect. If not, a lot of valuable time has been wasted.
It seems that with the way news flies around the Internet, much of the reporting has become a gigantic game of 'Grape Vine.' You all remember how that goes, right? They grab news from each other, add their own bit, and now it's a different story.
Daily Mail seems to just steal it wholesale, though in the past couple months they have provided links to the original sources of the info - when those sources are U.S. media. Probably after many complaints. So I suppose - maybe - English tabloids have working agreements on such things.
Ada, I'd give you "thanks" for post #827, but my "thanks" quota has run out!
And who can argue that they are above floating over to.....drummmmmroolllll.....TOPIX. Most of it is nothing but junk. But its so....interesting. :thewhip:
Sites like that make one appreciate WS the more. I mean, one can be reading along, happy as a lark, when suddenly - BLAM! They don't even bother with well-crafted snark. The blood's in the water and here come the sharks!!
I can only pray that they have the right suspect. If not, a lot of valuable time has been wasted.

They haven't ceased searching or taking tips for a minute. I don't think they are being tunnel-visioned. They are following the evidence they have.
Police now have twelve and a half hours to question him - minus the time he gets to sleep.

There is an old saying of which I am sure you are familiar, woof. "No rest for the weary."
Only my grandmother, now 92, has always said, "No rest for the wicked."
I suppose she memorized it wrong.
Nevertheless, I love it.....and I'm in favor of it.
Mark Bridger's dad was royal cop:

THE April Jones murder suspect is the son of a former royal protection officer who guarded the Queen Mother.
Mark Bridger’s father Graham, 71, spent nearly 30 years in the Met Police.
Maurice Hartigan — the boyfriend of Bridger’s sister Karen, 48 — said: “His old man was a serving copper.
“He used to escort the Queen Mum around.”
Mr Hartigan, 70, claimed Bridger was a fantasist.
He said: “Mark told me he was in Special Forces and was in Iraq and Afghanistan but he’s never been in the Army.”
Bridger, 46, grew up in Croydon, South London.
But Graham and mum Pamela, 69, later moved to East Sussex.
After Bridger went to Wales, they rarely saw him.

Read more:

I'm having a hard time believing MB had anthing to do with this........I guess, I need to see some evidence.
There is an old saying of which I am sure you are familiar, woof. "No rest for the weary."
Only my grandmother, now 92, has always said, "No rest for the wicked."
I suppose she memorized it wrong.
Nevertheless, I love it.....and I'm in favor of it.
I've heard it both ways. Works both ways too.
Sites like that make one appreciate WS the more. I mean, one can be reading along, happy as a lark, when suddenly - BLAM! They don't even bother with well-crafted snark. The blood's in the water and here come the sharks!!

Its akin to World Wide Wrestling! Alas, a redneck's paradise....
Just remember that all the trash-talking is fake. But it still hurts like heck to take the body-slam.;)
Police now have twelve and a half hours to question him - minus the time he gets to sleep.

It's almost two am there, it's time to wake him up! Don't want to waste anytime here. I hope April is found.
There is an old saying of which I am sure you are familiar, woof. "No rest for the weary."
Only my grandmother, now 92, has always said, "No rest for the wicked."
I suppose she memorized it wrong.
Nevertheless, I love it.....and I'm in favor of it.
Originally it was: No rest for the wicked. (Wiki) From the Book of Isaiah, no less.
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