Deceased/Not Found UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 Jul 2020 *Arrests*

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BBM me too I found this very rude. As if to say all large families living in a council house should have social services involved... talk about tar them all with the same brush

yes, quite. glad it wasn't just me. it was the same when i mentioned i had seen the mothers social media said she was to study to become a social worker......someone leapt in straight away to say she would need a degree (yes, and?) so i agreed.....the reply was a snotty, no. as in 'no way' could a mother of 10 from a council estate obtain a degree.
I apologise for the people who are offended by my previous posts, I'm not neurotypical and struggle to effectively communicate what I mean. I was trying to put forward an opinion of why I thought the police, from Bernadette's screenshot, would have been in contact with her family before her disappearance now knowing that they've been charged with her murder. Having disabilities and living in social housing myself I know that social services are usually involved from a helpful standpoint just because you tick the check boxes of being a vulnerable househould with high stresspoints (disabilities and a large family being high up on the list) where problems may occur in the future.

The mother trying to get media interest, putting pictures of her children online in such a vulnerable state after surgeries, and trying to get attention from celebrities doesn't sit right with me, it's exploitative of her disabled kids who can't consent. It certainly wasn't meant to come across as snobbishness or political.. I don't vote against my own interests and a social system that I wouldn't be able to live without.
I promise I'll try my best to be more careful with how I word my posts if I post in the future, sorry again :(
I apologise for the people who are offended by my previous posts, I'm not neurotypical and struggle to effectively communicate what I mean. I was trying to put forward an opinion of why I thought the police, from Bernadette's screenshot, would have been in contact with her family before her disappearance now knowing that they've been charged with her murder. Having disabilities and living in social housing myself I know that social services are usually involved from a helpful standpoint just because you tick the check boxes of being a vulnerable househould with high stresspoints (disabilities and a large family being high up on the list) where problems may occur in the future.

The mother trying to get media interest, putting pictures of her children online in such a vulnerable state after surgeries, and trying to get attention from celebrities doesn't sit right with me, it's exploitative of her disabled kids who can't consent. It certainly wasn't meant to come across as snobbishness or political.. I don't vote against my own interests and a social system that I wouldn't be able to live without.
I promise I'll try my best to be more careful with how I word my posts if I post in the future, sorry again :(

much appreciated. thank you for explaining
I apologise for the people who are offended by my previous posts, I'm not neurotypical and struggle to effectively communicate what I mean. I was trying to put forward an opinion of why I thought the police, from Bernadette's screenshot, would have been in contact with her family before her disappearance now knowing that they've been charged with her murder. Having disabilities and living in social housing myself I know that social services are usually involved from a helpful standpoint just because you tick the check boxes of being a vulnerable househould with high stresspoints (disabilities and a large family being high up on the list) where problems may occur in the future.

The mother trying to get media interest, putting pictures of her children online in such a vulnerable state after surgeries, and trying to get attention from celebrities doesn't sit right with me, it's exploitative of her disabled kids who can't consent. It certainly wasn't meant to come across as snobbishness or political.. I don't vote against my own interests and a social system that I wouldn't be able to live without.
I promise I'll try my best to be more careful with how I word my posts if I post in the future, sorry again :(

I think most posters fully understood and appreciated your comments and read them exactly how you thought they would be read.

There was nothing wrong with your wording.
You have absolutely nothing to apologise for.
Please stay and continue to post ,you have made some valuable contibutions.
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I apologise for the people who are offended by my previous posts, I'm not neurotypical and struggle to effectively communicate what I mean. I was trying to put forward an opinion of why I thought the police, from Bernadette's screenshot, would have been in contact with her family before her disappearance now knowing that they've been charged with her murder. Having disabilities and living in social housing myself I know that social services are usually involved from a helpful standpoint just because you tick the check boxes of being a vulnerable househould with high stresspoints (disabilities and a large family being high up on the list) where problems may occur in the future.

The mother trying to get media interest, putting pictures of her children online in such a vulnerable state after surgeries, and trying to get attention from celebrities doesn't sit right with me, it's exploitative of her disabled kids who can't consent. It certainly wasn't meant to come across as snobbishness or political.. I don't vote against my own interests and a social system that I wouldn't be able to live without.
I promise I'll try my best to be more careful with how I word my posts if I post in the future, sorry again :(

I agree with what others have said, there's no need to apologise, your posts have been eloquent. I certainly didn't take them to be offensive in any way.
That Insta post of Bernadette's may have been why the police called in the parents. If genuine, then police already knew of the family, or at least one of them. If she was being asked to lie, maybe that could be a reason why she has 'disappeared' if she was refusing to do so and knew something of importance. That text, then 5 or 6 days later she is seen no more. I can imagine putting that publicly on social media would not have pleased the parents one little bit.
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All treatments would be covered by the NHS and disability benefits for children here are quite generous. They likely would have received free adaptations to their home too.

I just found another MSM article the mum did about another one of her children with the condition, this time a girl (contains pics of child so I won't link). Apparently people stole this child's wheelchair from their shed and vandalised it so she had to be pushed to school in a pushchair/buggy. Why go to a media outlet?

What stood out to me though is this young girl has a different surname to Bernadette, her mother, and her dad SW. A different father? Article also states the other two children who have the condition in the family are younger siblings, with their condition being hereditary presumably they have the same parentage as their sister in this article. So is SW actually the father of these kids? I can't figure out the dynamics of this family and the attention seeking of the mother, I thought they were all full siblings.

These poor babies, and now having to go through all of this , their stability and family has been torn apart :(
Sarah said: " [female child] is almost constantly in pain. Her legs go to jelly and she’ll suddenly fall over, and she often says she has pins and needles in her feet.

“The most we and her doctors can do is try our best to relieve her pain, but there have been times when she’s been in so much agony she’s chosen to wet the bed rather than get up and go to the toilet.

“Because cold makes it worse, she has to wear tights and leggings under her trousers during the winter. We’re constantly battling to keep her warm enough.”

When the tumours do surface, [female child] must have them surgically removed – leading to four operations in just a year.

Because the tumours have a 50% chance of regrowth, [female child] is classified as an open case with the hospital and don’t have to worry about going through the referral process all over again every time they visit.

Sarah said: “The doctor even said, ‘I’m going to be seeing a lot of this young lady over the next ten years,’ about [female child].”

Because the little girl also suffers from osteoarthritis, it is thought she will be completely dependent on a wheelchair by the time she reaches her forties

Reading that made my blood boil. I have every sympathy for people with disabled kids but when I hear the word 'hereditary' when talking about 3 kids (out of 10!) suffering in constant pain, for their entire short lives, from the same mother/father, I think JUST. STOP. How the bloody hell they had time to keep getting pregnant baffles me when I know couples with 1 disabled child that takes up every minute of the day. Why put them through it? Looking after 7 kids without disabilities would be tough enough. Don't even get me started on the possibility of there being drugs involved....that's not what disability benefits/child benefit/child tax credits are for ffs.

Oh, & if you have 2 mercs in the drive & 10 kids, you can probably afford to move out of your council house so that a family who CAN'T afford £700+ per month, can move in.
That Insta post of Bernadette's may have been why the police called in the parents. If genuine, then police already knew of the family, or at least one of them. If she was being asked to lie, maybe that could be a reason why she has 'disappeared' if she was refusing to do so and knew something of importance. That text, then 5 or 6 days later she is seen no more. I can imagine putting that publicly on social media would not have pleased the parents one little bit.

Other posters have stated that the Instagram post was a joke post which went viral on facebook.
I apologise for the people who are offended by my previous posts, I'm not neurotypical and struggle to effectively communicate what I mean. I was trying to put forward an opinion of why I thought the police, from Bernadette's screenshot, would have been in contact with her family before her disappearance now knowing that they've been charged with her murder. Having disabilities and living in social housing myself I know that social services are usually involved from a helpful standpoint just because you tick the check boxes of being a vulnerable househould with high stresspoints (disabilities and a large family being high up on the list) where problems may occur in the future.

The mother trying to get media interest, putting pictures of her children online in such a vulnerable state after surgeries, and trying to get attention from celebrities doesn't sit right with me, it's exploitative of her disabled kids who can't consent. It certainly wasn't meant to come across as snobbishness or political.. I don't vote against my own interests and a social system that I wouldn't be able to live without.
I promise I'll try my best to be more careful with how I word my posts if I post in the future, sorry again :(

I agreed with your points also
Ah, so the Insta story has been dismissed? (Can't read all posts as my local mobile service has been down over 24 hours and still not loading properly).

There is a thread on Twitter which is interesting and relates in a way to comments upthread here apropos the father post on BW's page. Another person made a comment too several days ago I saw on Twitter that seemed out of the blue at time and off-centre, but now I wonder. Look through posts and replies on there.
I also apologise for any offence incurred by my post referring to council housing.

Nevertheless, we are talking about 10 kids (3 of whom suffer a very debilitating syndrome).

Obviously there would or should have been a response from Social Services in order to deal with the situation.
Nevertheless, we are talking about 10 kids (3 of whom suffer a very debilitating syndrome).

Obviously there would or should have been a response from Social Services in order to deal with the situation.

Disabled children are automatically placed under the Child in Need threshold, which usually means an assessment is carried out, care plan agreed and support offered from the council and/or local agencies. Social services usually step down at this point. Only if an assessment brought up issues which placed the child/ren in the at risk of harm threshold would there be long term intervention ie child protection plan
Ah, so the Insta story has been dismissed? (Can't read all posts as my local mobile service has been down over 24 hours and still not loading properly).

There is a thread on Twitter which is interesting and relates in a way to comments upthread here apropos the father post on BW's page. Another person made a comment too several days ago I saw on Twitter that seemed out of the blue at time and off-centre, but now I wonder. Look through posts and replies on there.
Thanks for this, can you direct us subtly to the twitter account?
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