UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

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By searching all the press articles I have discovered that the vehicle used in the 2013 abduction of a woman in the same city was a white ford transit van with the rear windows blacked out by affixing black bin liners.

Police were keen to trace a man who told Co-op store staff at Tang Hall in York, 10 days after she went missing, that he knew Claudia. (Pic not found yet but I remember the man was dark-skinned.)
The following month, police said they were looking for the driver of a rusty white van who had been seen trying to talk to women on Claudia’s route to work in the days before she vanished.

Edit: Pic found ...

Co-op shopClaudia.jpg ClaudiaMarkThompson.jpg

Koios posted:
-.-.-.- (Pic above to the right)
The mystery of how CL's phone was (reportedly) deliberately turned off, not before, but many hours after CL did not arrive at work, is interesting.
Case 1. In the CL case in 2009 one thing that stands out is the police release which stated that her mobile remained on until about 12.10pm (lunchtime).
Therefore, if the police release is correct, her phone remained on for at least 6 hours after she went missing.
On the assumption that she was abducted, this indicates irrational behaviour by the abductor, because an abductor behaving rationally would presumably dump or disable the phone immediately, not leave it on for 6 hours..

Case 2. In a 2013 case, a woman was abducted, and from press reports can be learned the remarkable fact that although the abductor knew the victim had a mobile phone, and immediately threw it on the floor of his vehicle to prevent the victim using it, the abductor not turn it off, it remained on and in the vehicle for about 5 hours, indicating irrational behaviour by the abductor.

This demonstrates that an unusual and irrational behaviour can occur in both of two apparently completely unlinked cases, separated by 4.5 years, in the same city.
Case 1. In the CL case in 2009 one thing that stands out is the police release which stated that her mobile remained on until about 12.10pm (lunchtime).
Therefore, if the police release is correct, her phone remained on for at least 6 hours after she went missing.
On the assumption that she was abducted, this indicates irrational behaviour by the abductor, because an abductor behaving rationally would presumably dump or disable the phone immediately, not leave it on for 6 hours..

Case 2. In a 2013 case, a woman was abducted, and from press reports can be learned the remarkable fact that although the abductor knew the victim had a mobile phone, and immediately threw it on the floor of his vehicle to prevent the victim using it, the abductor not turn it off, it remained on and in the vehicle for about 5 hours, indicating irrational behaviour by the abductor.

This demonstrates that an unusual and irrational behaviour can occur in both of two apparently completely unlinked cases, separated by 4.5 years, in the same city.

There is something else I just noticed. In 2013 Thompson drove to Malton where he raped his victim again. Malton, of all places. Where Claudia is from and where her Mum lives.
One of more possible theories in case Claudia

Double killer Christopher Halliwell had sick 'murder sketchbook' which could reveal locations of other victims

Mr Fulcher went on: “There were a good dozen or so sketches that I saw and they were all of remote locations. One of my lines of inquiry was obviously to try to identify where these places were.

“All the evidence pointed to there *being more victims. The theory I was working on was that if I could find those locations I could find other victims.”

But a source close to Wiltshire police told the Sunday People that the current investigating team did not even know about the existence of Halliwell’s drawings.

“Wiltshire police obviously think they have their man now and don’t have to follow up any more leads. But what about closure for other people?”
Unarmed martial arts can be broadly grouped into focusing on strikes, those focusing on grappling and those that cover both fields, often described as hybrid martial arts.
Punching: Boxing, Wing Chun, Taekwondo
Kicking: Capoeira, Savate, Taekwondo
Others using strikes: Karate, Muay Thai, Sanshou
Throwing: Hapkido, Judo, Sumo, Wrestling
Joint lock/Chokeholds/Submission holds: Hapkido, Jujutsu, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Sambo
Pinning Techniques: Judo, Wrestling

Martial arts expert Thompson, married to Adr**na F*rd-Thom**on, a University of York research and teaching fellow, was arrested on suspicion of attempted rape and taken into custody.
One had woken up in her bed to find Thompson standing over undoing his trousers just hours before he grabbed the student and bundled her into his white van.

What makes a woman stick by her rapist husband?

Mark Ford-Thompson went out in the early hours looking for a woman to attack.

They moved to York for her PhD and were married in 2009 – the same year that police investigated him for a sexual assault in their new home town.

Ford-Thompson was not taken to court at the time, but has now been jailed for that offence and eight others. Judge Michael Taylor told him: “You have shown not an ounce of mercy or remorse. These offences amount to any woman’s worst nightmare.”
Wonder if MFT was ever known to use hair straighteners ?
There is something else I just noticed. In 2013 Thompson drove to Malton where he raped his victim again. Malton, of all places. Where Claudia is from and where her Mum lives.
A clarification of the sequence of events in the 2013 case. By combining numerous press reports it can be learnt that the first rape was in the van either at the abduction location in city centre, or in nearby Hunsgate area, and the second and third were in the van near a shopping centre loading bay off St James, and it was only afterwards that the drive out of the city to the Kirkham Abbey area (and back) happened. There was no further rape there. It does not take much imagination to guess what the perpetrator's originally intended purpose was in driving out of the city to remote countryside.
Wonder if MFT was ever known to use hair straighteners ?
There was an important update added to the police appeal about the straighteners
"In relation to Claudia’s hair straighteners, helpful information was passed to the investigation team which established that she may, on some occasions, have taken them to work."
Therefore it is possible she put the straighteners in her rucksack just before she set off to walk to work that Thursday morning.
Thompson (timeline)

Thompson moved from Jamaica to London at the age of 16, where he took up boxing, before heading to Tanzania in 2005 to teach martial arts.
He met his wife while she was over there conducting research and in 2007 moved to York to be with her while she finished her PhD. They married in 2009.

2008 his wife seems to had been in Australia, NSW.

Community-based vertebrate pest
management PhD project:

Adriana is conducting telephone interviews with the project
leader or liaison offi cer of all of the relevant projects that have
been nominated to participate in this research. If you are
involved in or know of a project that you think would be suitable
for this research, please contact Adriana by e-mail: adriana. or by phone: (02) 6391 3953.
Thank you to all people from across Australia that have
contacted Adriana to date.
Page 2, top right

I don't know yet if he was also in Australia that time or remained in the UK without his wife. If he remained in the UK he had many time left (and "reason") for approaching women ... If he accompanied his wife then it would be interesting to investigate his criminal behavior re women in NSW ...

Teesside Crown Court heard that at one point, martial arts expert Thompson - who is the son of a church pastor - told the undergraduate: ‘I don't get sex from my wife, so I go to get it elsewhere.’

The jury which convicted Thompson heard he put the student in a headlock and dragged her to his van which he had parked around the corner.
He told the terrified young woman: 'You have two options - you can give me what I want and you tell nobody what has happened, or tonight is the night you die.'

Read more:
I want to focus on this.
1. According to an official police release, CL's mobile remained on for many hours after she went missing.
2. In an apparently unlinked case several years later, the victim's mobile remained on for many hours after she went missing.
I'm summarising my opinion of this case. From the start, finding that the victim was a sociable person with many friends, there was inevitably a psychological bias in the investigation, towards the assumption of abduction by a person well known to the victim (that appears to give an easy solution, because then it can be imagined that the victim got ito a vehicle voluntarily,) But in fact, a person with many friends has at least an equal chance of being abducted by a stranger, as a person with no friends,
Given that the efficient police investigation has very thoroughly for several years investigated abduction by some person well known to the victim, and not found any person known to the victim to be involved, I think they would have found the perpetrator if that were the case, therefore it seems likely that this may have been abduction by a stranger, and the most probable place and time are in my opinion (see police releases about breakfast dishes and toothbrush) abduction from the street between 5am and 6am on Thursday while walking to work.
Another comparision or similarity call it what you want:
1, In 2009 CL possibly disappeared from the street, completely sober, in the early hours of the morning.
2. In 2013 a woman disappeared from the street, completely sober, in the early hours of the morning.
There was an important update added to the police appeal about the straighteners
"In relation to Claudia’s hair straighteners, helpful information was passed to the investigation team which established that she may, on some occasions, have taken them to work."
Therefore it is possible she put the straighteners in her rucksack just before she set off to walk to work that Thursday morning.

It would be so verrry nice if the rucksack (incl. hair straightener) would be found! Or someone who had taken it ( It's never too late: call the CS anonymously and tell them a place where it would be deposited!).
Reading all the reports (no sign of struggle in house, breakfast dishes in sink, etc) I think it is probable that CL left her house normally to walk to work that morning.
She did not arrive at work therefore the possibility of abduction from the street into a vehicle while walking to work exists.
Here are two different scenarios of that.
1. Voluntary entry into a vehicle of someone known to her.
2. Involuntary entry into vehicle of someone not known to her. This would require force and/or threat. There are no reports of any struggle in the street nor of anyone shouting for help. If scenario 2 happened, would it suggest that the abductor had specific physical skills or training (which could be used to force someone into a vehicle rapidly at the same time prevent the victim shouting out) ?
"Police revealed they were looking for the driver of a “rusty white van” who was seen trying to talk to women on Lawrence’s route to work in the days before she disappeared"

I'm trying to find more details about this "rusty white van" whose driver was seen trying to talk to women. Does anyone know what size it was? What make it was? Description of the driver?
Also I'm trying to identify the exact make of a van used to commit a serious abduction and attacks in 2013.
Most press reports do not state the make however I fortunately found one newspaper report of the trial which states it was a "white Transit van".
I was picturing a full size transit van, until I found this press appeal

"Police believe a horse rider may have disturbed a serious sexual assault and are appealing for the person to contact them. It happened more than three months ago near Malton, North Yorkshire, but police believe the rider, thought to be a woman, may be able to recall some key information. She was riding in the Kirkham Priory area in Ryedale at about 7.30am on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 and disturbed the occupants of a small, white van - although she may be unaware of this".

That appeal says "small white van" and yet is obviously referring to the same van as the first report which said "white transit van".

Therefore I am provisionally concluding that the van in the 2013 case was probably a small white Transit Connect van (smaller than the full size Transit), because it is the only solution which fits both the "Transit" of one report and the "small" of the other report. It would be helpful if anyone knows of any source which confirms this conclusion?
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