UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, York University, 18 March 2009 - Chef - #2

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It looks much lighter in the 'morning' video. Is it the same camera?

Was 6:20am GMT?

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Thanks Cagney. This video incudes the well known CCTV footage of a man walking into and then out of Heworth Place at about 7:15PM on the 18th.
But it has also footage from same CCTV camera of what appears to be same man walking into Heworth Place at about 5:07AM on the 19th and then walking out of Heworth Place just 8 seconds later.
Why would a man walk into and then, after 8 seconds, out of that street so early in the morning?
It appears to be half-light at 5:07AM (assuming the CCTV clock is correct, maybe it is wrong or maybe it is on 12hr setting and PM?).

Hmmm, 8 seconds is not long enough for a wee. I still think he might have been picking something up from the alley behind Claudia's house, or even just peeking over the fence to see if she was up (bathroom light on or something like that)
Video already posted contains two lots of footage from same camera.
In the footage on evening of the 18th the video caption states the man is off-camera for 68 seconds.
In the footage on the 19th, man goes off-camera at 5:07:10 and comes back on camera at 5:08:01, so he is off-camera for 51 seconds sorry the 8 seconds I posted before is wrong).
This suggests he is doing same thing on both dates, which takes only 51 to 68 seconds.
Mark Anthony Ford-Thompson

Thompson, described by a friend as a “big, bad wolf ”, also went into the homes and bedrooms of two further women. One managed to get him out of her house using a knife but he came back and she fled her home dressed only in her nightwear, fearing for her life.
The crimes of the 37-year-old of Jamaican origin began when he was a hotel waiter and spotted a woman on her own in Coney Street late at night in 2009.
In 2013, having become a painter and decorator, he was introduced to a 32-year-old woman by a mutual friend in a pub.
Video already posted contains two lots of footage from same camera.
In the footage on evening of the 18th the video caption states the man is off-camera for 68 seconds.
In the footage on the 19th, man goes off-camera at 5:07:10 and comes back on camera at 5:08:01, so he is off-camera for 51 seconds sorry the 8 seconds I posted before is wrong).
This suggests he is doing same thing on both dates, which takes only 51 to 68 seconds.

Difference seems to be the bag he has with him only one time ...
Difference seems to be the bag he has with him only one time ...
Possibly he is also wearing a rucksack in the the 19th footage, maybe visible on his return walk at about 1:16 in video?
Why someone would walk in and (after about a minute) out of Heworth Place on evening 18th, and then walk in and (after about a minute) out of Heworth Place early morning19th?
I am hoping I will have a revelation and think of a reason, but so far, nothing :(
Mark Anthony Ford-Thompson

Thompson, described by a friend as a “big, bad wolf ”, also went into the homes and bedrooms of two further women. One managed to get him out of her house using a knife but he came back and she fled her home dressed only in her nightwear, fearing for her life.
The crimes of the 37-year-old of Jamaican origin began when he was a hotel waiter and spotted a woman on her own in Coney Street late at night in 2009.
In 2013, having become a painter and decorator, he was introduced to a 32-year-old woman by a mutual friend in a pub.

In Oct 2013 there was first an attempted attack which was not completed. This was followed within a few hours by a second attack (the most evil of all the attacks dealt with in the trial) on a different victim.

Going back to Feb 2009, there was an attempted attack which was not completed. There appears at first glance to be a mystery here. Why was this not followed within a few hours by a second attack on a different victim?
The answer is simple - the attacker was reportedly arrested, and investigated for some days, making it impossible for the attacker, in Feb 2009, to immediately do a second attack.
Does someone here remember all the cars which showed up in Claudia's street (type, colour - driving, parking, turning)?
Does someone here remember all the cars which showed up in Claudia's street (type, colour - driving, parking, turning)?
A car (Focus) which drove along main road and braked near her house early morning 19th (Lime House CCTV).
A van (Astra) parked outside a shop on the main road evening 18th (bus dashcam).
A rusty white van whose driver reportedly spoke to females during preceding days (witness reports).
A vehicle of unknown make with a door open next to a man and a woman talking (arguing?) on road near university early morning 19th (witness report).
Sorry don't have links handy and I probably have some details and times wrong.
A good source which probably covers all of them is the police site
Officers also want to trace the owners and users of a Vauxhall Astra van which was parked opposite her house at about 9pm on the evening of March 18, and a light hatchback car, possibly a Ford Focus, which braked unexpectedly in her road at 5:42am the next morning.

Thank you, Koios! I used your information for my search.

Halliwell’s letters from jail revealed

He has also written about his former hobbies, including restoring classic cars, are “irrelevant now”.

He said: “In 2007-8-9 I restored a canal barge which I intended to live on but I sold it to pay off debts after my divorce. And I used to restore classic cars, one of which is in a museum. I never drank because I never knew when I might have to use my car. A phone call from a customer could come at any hour and I had to be sober.”
Still nothing to indicate Halliwell was in York on those two days, or ever (except for one press report that appears to be probably incorrect).
If it was abduction by a stranger, one might say it would statistically be someone who lives in or frequently visits that city.
Also statistically one might assume that whoever did this, may well have committed other attack(s) on women on earlier date(s), or on later date(s), or possibly both.
Combining those two statistical assumptions, a logical approach would be to build up a list of attacks on women in York both prior to this case and after this case.
Still nothing to indicate Halliwell was in York on those two days, or ever (except for one press report that appears to be probably incorrect).
If it was abduction by a stranger, one might say it would statistically be someone who lives in or frequently visits that city.
Also statistically one might assume that whoever did this, may well have committed other attack(s) on women on earlier date(s), or on later date(s), or possibly both.
Combining those two statistical assumptions, a logical approach would be to build up a list of attacks on women in York both prior to this case and after this case.


Maybe applicable for CH (also MF-T). I think CH's haze circle was more large than M F-T's. We will see. I collect details to find a link to Claudia, maybe only later on. My hope is there will be finally someone who remembers a man with light/dark teint, a specific car, a specific profession or something else. Of course I don't know whether the details would help if concealed in an old thread ... Unfortunately I'm sure this thread will become old like the others before.

Claudia Lawrence's mum 'has contemplated suicide' as she struggles to cope with daughter's disappearance

Joan Lawrence admits suicidal thoughts haunt her as she approaches her seventh Christmas Day without her daughter.

“And I also have that glimmer of hope that Claudia may one day come home.

And how harrowing would that be if I wasn’t here?"

My heart goes out to Ms Joan Lawrence, if she hangs in there, she may find out where her daughter can be located.
Many cases that we have seen here have seemed like they were simply too old and impossible to solve, do get solved!!
My heart goes out to Ms Joan Lawrence, if she hangs in there, she may find out where her daughter can be located.
Many cases that we have seen here have seemed like they were simply too old and impossible to solve, do get solved!!

Similarities to Suzy Lamplugh. The parents carried on hoping for some results (I don't think the word 'closure' is sufficient in such circumstances).
Sometimes it never comes. I just can't imagine how difficult life must be for them. :tears::tears:

MP campaigns for "Claudia's Law

"I hope to introduce a Ten Minute Rule Bill on guardianship, helping relatives and friends manage the affairs of missing people, in memory of Claudia Lawrence, the daughter of my constituents, who went missing seven long years ago.
"I'm hoping the Government will offer their full support, and also be willing to honour her memory by referring to it whenever possible as Claudia's Bill"

MP campaigns for "Claudia's Law

"I hope to introduce a Ten Minute Rule Bill on guardianship, helping relatives and friends manage the affairs of missing people, in memory of Claudia Lawrence, the daughter of my constituents, who went missing seven long years ago.
"I'm hoping the Government will offer their full support, and also be willing to honour her memory by referring to it whenever possible as Claudia's Bill"

Thanks for posting that. Just recently reading about the hardship families face when a loved one is missing for a number of years, so I feel it's about time consideration is given to this subject.

ETA - I was referring to this article, and would add that their have been promises of action on law change for years :facepalm:

What happens when someone goes missing? At the moment, when it comes to their financial affairs, the answer is – nothing. With no legal authority to act on their behalf, families can find that their worries are worsened considerably by being unable to deal with their missing family member’s banking, mortgage, insurance or benefits in their absence. At worst, the missing person’s finances can be irreparably damaged and homes may even be lost.
To refresh the memories of someone:

A rucksack and phone of the type owned by Claudia.

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