Recovered/Located UK - Constance Marten & Mark Gordon & Newborn, left a broken down car on motorway, Bolton Greater Manchester, 5 Jan 2023

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Jan 20 2023 rbbm.
by Mark Williams-Thomas
''We don’t yet know why Marten and Gordon have chosen to go on the run – or how long they’ll manage to evade detection. But after decades of experience in tracking down wanted people, I can tell you some of the ways I believe they have managed to go “off-grid”.

As each day goes by, we are learning more and more about their lives. We know they are wanted not only because of concerns for the welfare of their newborn son, but because of Constance herself – who may not have been seen by medical professionals since his birth.

Such haste to get from the north to the south of England suggests they had already identified a place to lie low and hide. But how are they both managing to stay hidden? Here are some key ways:
  • Not using credit cards because they can be tracked to location of use.
  • Using false names allows them not to be instantly recognised. I highly suspect that they will have already set up aliases, which will have their own “legend” or backstory giving some level of authenticity.''
When people don’t know an area, they tend to head for bigger cities and towns, which offer less familiarity that a small village. A stranger in a small village will be noticed.''
"Wanted"? Blimey the independent has become such a tabloid rag in recent years IMO. The language and implication is so strong. If they are vulnerable and emotionally co-dependent as seems likely from all accounts, this narrative of hunted fugitives is going to feed into their paranoia and feeling of victimisation. I honestly hope they avoid reading this stuff, because it is getting increasingly heavy-handed
Another thing that I wish the police and the press would stop, is talking talking about them having vast amounts of cash on them. Surely this makes them even more vulnerable?. Some unscrupulous person offers to take them in and hide them, knowing they have this cash or at least access to vast amounts of cash and then harms them,or threatens to turn them in if they don't hand it over.

I don't know, maybe I just have little faith in humanity.
''The mother of a sex offender who is missing with an aristocrat's daughter has claimed they 'married in secret' and says her son is a 'good boy'.

''She said: 'I am very concerned. I love my son. He is a good boy so I don't know what this is all about.''

'I am worried for all of them. I am thinking, I wonder if someone kidnapped them?'

''The victim, now aged 64, anonymously told the Mail: ‘I stepped out of my room and he told me not to scream or he’d kill my kids.
‘It was over four hours.
‘He’d been watching me for months from different places and he had it really well-planned.’
Over the next four and a half hours, Gordon forced her to carry out a series of sex acts while wearing a nylon stocking to disguise his identity.
She said: ‘I’ve had post-traumatic stress disorder my entire life.
‘After this happened it was like my life stopped. I lost everything.
‘I lost my home because I wasn’t able to do anything or sell it. I was emotionally just not even there.
‘I couldn’t function. I couldn’t think.’
Gordon fled the scene following the attack on April 29, 1989, but within weeks he struck again, breaking into a second neighbour’s home.
She recalled: ‘There was another neighbour of ours and three weeks after he’d been in our house, he went to their house and broke in.

‘This time he expected the man to be gone and he wasn’t which saved the woman’s life.

‘He [had] taken a knife and put a knife on each bedroom door.’

The homeowner in the second raid, Patrick Nash, told today how he awoke to find Gordon standing in his bedroom armed with a shovel at around 7am on May 21, 1989.''
Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding or over-simplifying, but if we peel back the aristocracy and even the ages of the parties, it's not the first case of a young woman who gets involved with someone with a dangerous history. "I love him, you don't understand, he's not like that. " etc, etc.

If social services have been involved, and I suspect they have,<modsnip - no link>, I suspect this was a hidden pregnancy (maybe?) and the plan was to keep this baby, assuming social services posed a threat to that, fleeing in order to preserve the remaining family unit.

I can't fathom being on the lam shortly after giving birth.

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Both previously in various vehicles since August and since? Good way to keep mobile and under the radar and why they might have all their possessions in the car that set fire
How come you know that they've had various vehicles since August? I very likely missed something cos there's been so much press/new releases in the last few days :) I did remember reading that they'd left their last bricks and mortar in September..

Edit - ahh, maybe you are saying that your thinking is they could have had a string of bangers since leaving the fixed abode (and could have a new one right now)?
Did msm say they'd had air BnB under aliases? Although they could have/could still alternate car and BnBs.
Agree with expressed concerns about police/media creating a very untenable situation for all three missing people. Possible this “hunt” is putting baby at more risk by driving family further underground. No way they can pop in for medical check now Without being known.
Another thing that I wish the police and the press would stop, is talking talking about them having vast amounts of cash on them. Surely this makes them even more vulnerable?. Some unscrupulous person offers to take them in and hide them, knowing they have this cash or at least access to vast amounts of cash and then harms them,or threatens to turn them in if they don't hand it over.

I don't know, maybe I just have little faith in humanity.
I wonder if this supposed ‘vast amount of cash’ the press keeps going on about, went up in flames in their car. They lost all their luggage/belongings. They dont seem to be om cctv carrying suitcases full of money..

Constance Marten, 35, and Mark Gordon, 48, disappeared two weeks ago after they had apparently concealed her pregnancy for five months
“The source said it was then the crews spotted placenta and other signs of childbirth in the back seat. It is believed the baby was born in the car one or two days earlier”
“The discovery of the placenta means they went to great lengths to try to hide the birth as well as avoid getting essential medical attention”

<modsnip - not victim friendly> - so they concealed the pregnancy for 5months..that makes sense if they were evicted in september-oct-dec in hotels Bb’s etc, i really hope the baby wasnt premature…<modsnip - not victim friendly> its so very very sad. Poor baby, what a disrupted start to his little life..
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How come you know that they've had various vehicles since August? I very likely missed something cos there's been so much press/new releases in the last few days :) I did remember reading that they'd left their last bricks and mortar in September..

Edit - ahh, maybe you are saying that your thinking is they could have had a string of bangers since leaving the fixed abode (and could have a new one right now)?
Did msm say they'd had air BnB under aliases? Although they could have/could still alternate car and BnBs.
Yes, it is pure speculation. I'm just thinking if she gave birth in the car and was in the car two days later, maybe they weren't on the run to get a ferry at all, but just keeping on the move, keeping going, avoiding being in one place for too long. Traversing the country.

Maybe that's why they didn't find any leads on them in the places they have them on CCTV. I know a few people who have lived in cars for a while. It isn't that much of a challenge. Maybe a lot harder with a baby, but it would simplify having to deal with humans who could identify them. (Obviously they would have to find disreputable types to buy dodgy cars that then set on fire from in cash, but I imagine they are ten a penny).

Petrol stations have CCTV but easy enough to keep off the radar if just one person, vaguely identifiable, and not where the police are looking anyway.

I think the air BnB thing is speculation by the press because they haven't found any landlords and air BnBs don't require face to face contact so possible under aliases etc. If I were on the run, I would live in a car. Well I can't drive, but if I could I would.

Constance Marten, 35, and Mark Gordon, 48, disappeared two weeks ago after they had apparently concealed her pregnancy for five months
“The source said it was then the crews spotted placenta and other signs of childbirth in the back seat. It is believed the baby was born in the car one or two days earlier”
“The discovery of the placenta means they went to great lengths to try to hide the birth as well as avoid getting essential medical attention”

Where on earth are their heads at - so they concealed the pregnancy for 5months..that makes sense if they were evicted in september-oct-dec in hotels Bb’s etc, i really hope the baby wasnt premature…theres obv a lot of mental health issues going on, its so very very sad. Poor baby, what a disrupted start to his little life..
Yes the "concealed the pregnancy for 5 months" freaked me out a bit. I really hope that's just press reporting things oddly and they aren't on the run with a 4 month premature baby
Yes, it is pure speculation. I'm just thinking if she gave birth in the car and was in the car two days later, maybe they weren't on the run to get a ferry at all, but just keeping on the move, keeping going, avoiding being in one place for too long. Traversing the country.

Maybe that's why they didn't find any leads on them in the places they have them on CCTV. I know a few people who have lived in cars for a while. It isn't that much of a challenge. Maybe a lot harder with a baby, but it would simplify having to deal with humans who could identify them. (Obviously they would have to find disreputable types to buy dodgy cars that then set on fire from in cash, but I imagine they are ten a penny).

Petrol stations have CCTV but easy enough to keep off the radar if just one person, vaguely identifiable, and not where the police are looking anyway.

I think the air BnB thing is speculation by the press because they haven't found any landlords and air BnBs don't require face to face contact so possible under aliases etc. If I were on the run, I would live in a car. Well I can't drive, but if I could I would.
I imagine living in a car straight after having a baby is absolutely wretched..trying to cope with the bleeding & general strain on the body after giving birth, trying to clean & wash the babys bits & pieces, trying to eat, no washing or showering facilities, no space, no bed not to mention its freezing at the moment. I should think theyve been in Airbb’s or at worst a camper or converted van..
I imagine living in a car straight after having a baby is absolutely wretched..trying to cope with the bleeding & general strain on the body after giving birth, trying to clean & wash the babys bits & pieces, trying to eat, no washing or showering facilities, no space, no bed not to mention its freezing at the moment. I should think theyve been in Airbb’s or at worst a camper or converted van..
If you've got enough money for cheap clothes from supermarkets to be somewhat disposable then keeping clean personally - mother and child is the biggest bit. Baby wipes have a limit. I really hope I'm wrong, but if they did it for a documented couple of days it might have been their decision.

I had a homeless guy come into my shop last month every day for a week or two and he was really chatty. I helped him where I could by giving him hot water for his hot water bottle, filling his flask for him, giving him fruit and bread to sustain him. He was delusional and clearly suffering from psychosis, but in his lucid moments, he described how he was really proud of how he had learned to survive in the six months or so of being homeless, how he had learned to find resources to clean himself and feed himself and keep himself safe. He spent the universal credit the volunteers at food banks and night shelters had helped him get on expensive satellite phones and gadgets that made his life sustainable and then fed and cleaned himself via social food programmes and nice people like me just helping him along. He belonged to someone, somewhere ...

I'm mentioning this, because there are a lot of resources out there, that are there to support and sustain and don't ask too many questions. I am assuming that every homeless hostel and every food bank and soup kitchen, every "warm space" (often leisure centres are offering free showers and warmth in these harsh months with the cost of living crisis) will have been briefed? But possibly not . They rely on a changing bank of volunteers. . As low as the country goes, because we are a wealthy country, there are a lot of services to catch the fallen ones. It might be more bearable than you can imagine, precisely because society is crumbling and there is a lot of volunteer help, and people don't ask questions of the people attending soup kitchens (where you can also bathe, sometimes). A baby would stick out like a sore thumb, but if they go one at once, collect warm water to bathe the infant, it would be more plausible.
I’ve been following this case closely and have my own thoughts about what could have triggered this disappearance. It could be that Constance has a drug dependency and that there is a worry that the baby would have been born with an addiction that would need treatment and support.

It could also be that the baby was very premature- perhaps they could tell this by placenta size?


It might not be down to the partner’s previous offences but down to other lifestyle factors such as addiction.

An ideal disguise for Constance would be a burka. She could make herself look much heavier too and even carry the baby underneath. I believe this would allow her to move around freely.

These are all just my musings and I hope that mum and baby are safe and warm somewhere.
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