Recovered/Located UK - Constance Marten & Mark Gordon & Newborn, left a broken down car on motorway, Bolton Greater Manchester, 5 Jan 2023

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Totally off the wall thought but the trio could be getting assustance from family members who believe they need be protected from enemy forces. MOO

“………But it is Napier’s feed of posts – many shared since Constance’s disappearance – that paints a picture of his politics: criticims of the mainstream press; memes mocking Meghan Markle and Prince Harry; news articles about global warming being “a complete hoax” and conspiracy theories about aeroplane trails, the Covid vaccine and the “creature” that is Microsoft founder Bill Gates…..”
could well be the reason she broke contact with him..
Totally off the wall thought but the trio could be getting assustance from family members who believe they need be protected from enemy forces. MOO

“………But it is Napier’s feed of posts – many shared since Constance’s disappearance – that paints a picture of his politics: criticims of the mainstream press; memes mocking Meghan Markle and Prince Harry; news articles about global warming being “a complete hoax” and conspiracy theories about aeroplane trails, the Covid vaccine and the “creature” that is Microsoft founder Bill Gates…..”
This is a really good point. I don’t think it’s off the wall at all actually. I had not considered this before but some or even all of their extended family may not agree with the involvement of social services. So it could be they are receiving help and shelter from family. I know that there is an estrangement reported but maybe there are some family members who are in contact.( I’m not making my thoughts very clear. )
My understanding is that nothing could have been done to stop CM leaving the country with the unborn baby. It's only after the baby is born that anything can be done.
MG dosnt have a passport, and obviously the baby dosnt either so unlikely that CM would go abroad without him and couldnt take the baby with her either
This. They wouldn't certainly not be accepted by travellers but let's not forget about the squatting community

I spent about 1.5 years in a well organized squat in london in my late teens and there were many people with children who were part of alternative lifestyles and in this case, i could imagine some anti- establishment sorts helping the family to lay low for a time, but ehile i doubt that would last this long, i could certainly see it working for them in the past.

There is also no shortage of squats and squat-able places, ways to access heat and electricity and have a somewhat comfortable place to live for a time.

I imagine at this point, given the coverage they have received, they are keeping to themselves and if they was any interaction with people, it would be strictly with those who have the same views of gov't institutions and authority as they do.

But if it was simply that, there would be no fuss. Imho there is more to the story.
Really interesting post. I wonder if the tent is being used within a large squat in some industrial building to give a bit more privacy.
Really interesting post. I wonder if the tent is being used within a large squat in some industrial building to give a bit more privacy.
Welcome to Ws @leapinglizards!
Using a small tent in a large squat is a good idea, the small tent could even be just for the baby, speculation, imo,

Wondering if CM speaks similarly to her father and if the former theater student, was adept at mimicking accents in order to blend in wherever she goes?

Jan 19, 2023
''The estranged father of Constance Marten has made an emotional plea to his daughter, asking her to return home.''
I wonder what the consequences for not registering a birth are, other than a fine. Obviously if not registered, the baby won't be able to access healthcare or later education
You should regester their birth within 42 days however i dont believe they issue the £200 fine until 12 months post birth. Accessing health care is completely separate to this though, babies get their NHS number when they get their red book issued shortly after birth however if you take an unregistered baby to any hospital they wouldnt be turned away
About MG wearing bags on his shoes, it's maybe not relevant but I was reading today how people crossing the USA/Mexico border will wrap their shoes in bags to stop them being tracked as easily as it makes footprints a lot less identifiable.

Maybe he was aware of this practice and copied it.
About MG wearing bags on his shoes, it's maybe not relevant but I was reading today how people crossing the USA/Mexico border will wrap their shoes in bags to stop them being tracked as easily as it makes footprints a lot less identifiable.

Maybe he was aware of this practice and copied it.
Shame it has the opposite effect in East London than in the Sonoran desert.
About MG wearing bags on his shoes, it's maybe not relevant but I was reading today how people crossing the USA/Mexico border will wrap their shoes in bags to stop them being tracked as easily as it makes footprints a lot less identifiable.

Maybe he was aware of this practice and copied it.
I always assumed his shoes were leaking.
I wonder whether they saw a place where they could camp and went to buy the camping gear but MG had muddy shoes and didn't want to leave mud in the taxi in case it was a lead for the authorities?
All pure speculation on my part of course. Whatever the reason the plastic would not have lasted long.
I can't believe that it's been so long without nnews. I hope they are all OK.
I wonder how they are managing to get clothes and nappies for the baby.
I absolutely think they are out of the country. it must be nigh on impossible to remain undetected with a new born for nearly a month in the UK, particularly with considerable police manpower engaged?
Do you think? I’m not so sure. We are a relatively small country it’s true, but lots of dense woodland etc. and not huge amounts of manpower especially with current industrial action across the emergency services.

I don’t know much about this sort of thing but would they use drones/heat seeking equipment? I imagine even with technology it’d still take time and a lot of manpower.
I wonder whether they saw a place where they could camp and went to buy the camping gear but MG had muddy shoes and didn't want to leave mud in the taxi in case it was a lead for the authorities?
All pure speculation on my part of course. Whatever the reason the plastic would not have lasted long.
I can't believe that it's been so long without nnews. I hope they are all OK.
I wonder how they are managing to get clothes and nappies for the baby.

I don't think clothes and nappies would be a problem as long as they have some cash. Clothes are always being advertised on fb marketplace, even free to collector, and a fake profile would sort you out there.
As for nappies, one or the other of them wouldn't raise suspicion popping into any shop to buy baby supplies, people do it every day. They would before noticeable all together, but separately, people around them probably wouldn't even look up. JMO
I wonder if the tent is because they planned to temporarily hide in a migrant camp on the other side of the Channel. It's likely much easier to get in the back of a lorry to be smuggled out than it is to be smuggled in and no one in those camps is talking to police.
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