Recovered/Located UK - Constance Marten & Mark Gordon & Newborn, left a broken down car on motorway, Bolton Greater Manchester, 5 Jan 2023

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You are right. Doesn't make any sense.
Maybe folie a deux?
You may well be right there....
I was also thinking about the fact that they paid the Bolton taxi driver CASH for driving them to (1) Liverpool (with ferry connections to the Isle of Man and Ireland), but then apparently changed their mind and had the taxi driver take them all the way from Liverpool to the Port of Harwich in Essex in the south-east of England! That must have been an incredibly expensive journey, and they obviously preferred to pay by cash rather than by card.
Interestingly,no passports are required to travel on the ferries from Liverpool to the Isle of Man or Ireland.
However,if you want to travel by the Harwich to Hook of Holland (Netherlands) ferry you certainly need to show your passports before travelling!
If the couple for some reason wanted to leave "mainland" UK they should have done so by one of the departing Liverpool ferries for Ireland or the Isle of Man with no passport requirements!
So why didn´t they choose this option as the obvious one??? Nothing makes any sense here...
I agree, I’m surprised it is anyone’s business that a 35-year-old, her newborn and her partner are voluntary missing and must come in to have the baby assessed. Many women for centuries have given birth without medical intervention. There may be concerns about the baby’s welfare, but if she’s been spotted and there is no indication they are in need of lifesaving help, it’s time to let them be. I’m guessing there are other reasons why authorities are concerned? I’m NOT implying this is the case for this mother, but here in my state in the US, authorities want to check their status if the mom was suspected of substance use, for example. But I haven’t seen any concern for that. Jmo
ETA: Sorry to be repetitive. I hadn’t updated the thread and all of these things have been discussed. Weird case!
The issue is, and correct me if I'm wrong that in the states the authorities would state more clearly why they are concerned. Here in the UK they just don't. Our family courts are very closed and there is a huge emphasis on privacy. It's hard to explain but its a case you need to read between the lines on and it is highly unlikely to ever be revealed once found and there will never be confirmation. The UK don't have an issue with home births and they are going door to door looking for them, it is hard not to speculate on this case but I think it just has to be taken as there is a lot more to it and we will never know.
The issue is, and correct me if I'm wrong that in the states the authorities would state more clearly why they are concerned. Here in the UK they just don't. Our family courts are very closed and there is a huge emphasis on privacy. It's hard to explain but its a case you need to read between the lines on and it is highly unlikely to ever be revealed once found and there will never be confirmation. The UK don't have an issue with home births and they are going door to door looking for them, it is hard not to speculate on this case but I think it just has to be taken as there is a lot more to it and we will never know.
initially i had thought it was a matter of "keeping up appearances" according to her connections and status. so, just to clarify, do you think then that if it were anyone else, in a different social position, the same would happen? I am not convinced, but i do not know much about the system in the uk so thanks for the info.
Coupled with the various Royal connections of Constance´s family, you certainly can´t be more "privileged" in a strictly material or social sense of the word.
This case, quite frankly, fails to make any sense to me, and I feel there might be a disturbing undercurrent somewhere, hidden away from public knowledge, possibly coupled with some kind of "rebellious" drive, as well!
It´s all very baffling indeed!
Yes. Americans who brand discussion of her background as "conspiratorial" clearly don't understand how profoundly the class system shapes British society. It's extraordinary, almost surreal, that someone of her social position has ended up in this situation. And the media's softly-softly approach is almost certainly due to her family's privilege.
In the CCTV still of them from the tube station, is the baby under her coat? I just can’t figure it out but it doesn’t seem terribly safe.
Looks like it to me. It also looks like she's trying to disguise herself from cameras, but possibly doesn't have a change of clothes to do so. I'm also pretty sure the bag she's carrying is a "bag for life" from one of the big supermarket chains. I don't think this disappearance was well planned.

East Ham is not that far from Colchester, about an hour's drive. It's in the London Borough of Newham, which I personally like a lot, but it is, shall we say, not a posh area. From East Ham they could have got a District Line train to Richmond (a wealthy area where she probably knows people).
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I find it quite interesting that the M61 motorway near Bolton was apparently closed for nearly 12 hours after the car broke down and a fire broke out.
That kind of investigation seems to me quite exceptional indeed!!!

The car was on the hard shoulder wasn't it? Fire wouldn't have spent so long there. Unless there was serious damage to the road it sounds like it became a crime scene, which suggests they found something inside that worried them. Blood maybe? They do keep highlighting how recent her birth was.

I don't think the interest is a class thing. Most people who try this run to family or friends and arn't that hard to track down, or at least verify the kids/ baby has been seen. They seem to be trying to pull a whole great escape, add that to the mysterious car fire opener and the papers got more interested than usual even before the aristocratic familt was known.

Her family has been universally silent. No appeals, not even an acknowledgment, a stiff upper lip is one thing but not when there's a little baby involved. I'm getting long term estrangement vibes. Most of her FB seemed surprised she even had a kid(s). Could be there's an element of culty stuff, long term mental health or drugs involved.

<modsnip - not victim friendly> This one she tried to hide or escape with, but misjudged her due date/baby came early. They tried to get to an out of area hospital but the car broke down/she gave birth by herself and now she's too recognisable to risk it.

London is going to be easier to hide in. It will depend on how much money they have and how many friends they think they can trust. I can't believe many of her old socialite mates will be on board with hiding two high profile missing people and a baby that hasn't been to a hospital yet.
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The Manchester Evening News (MEN )is reporting that there has been a new sighting of Constance, Mark and the baby in East London. According to the report, Met Police said detectives at Essex Police have established that the trio took a taxi from Harwich to East Ham station, in Newham in east London, on the morning of last Saturday (January 7).

The MEN also understands that Constance has not been in close contact with her family for a considerable time.

Manchester Evening News article

The Metropolitan Police is now leading the search.
New CCTV has been released (Picture: Met Police)

New CCTV has been released from the station (Picture: Met Police)

Where is the baby in this picture? Under her parka or maybe in that red flowered bag?
New CCTV has been released (Picture: Met Police)

New CCTV has been released from the station (Picture: Met Police)

Where is the baby in this picture? Under her parka or maybe in that red flowered bag?
Laid against her chest under her coat from the way she's cupping the bottom.

Still got that scarf though. I'd have thought she'd get rid of something so distinctive, but she hasn't. Worth looking out for if you live that way.
East Ham is not that far from Colchester, about an hour's drive. It's in the London Borough of Newham, which I personally like a lot, but it is, shall we say, not a posh area. From East Ham they could have got a District Line train to Richmond (a wealthy area where she probably knows people).

Snipped by me for focus.

I, too, know (and like) East Ham and Newham, but I wonder why they chose East Ham station of all places. If they were coming in by car from Colchester and wanted access to the Tube network, there are many more readily-accessible stations they could have chosen.

The latest photo shows them outside the station, so I guess the police are at this moment trying to determine whether they actually boarded the Tube at East Ham, or whether they left the immediate area by some other means.
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