UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #1

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Yes..all so strange.

I am sitting wondering about the bin lorry story now, seems so out there giving we now have the timeline. And given he had his phone at 3am...what bin lorry is out at that time? Maybe a private one as people were saying but I find it so unrealistic. The information was so random and unverified that the police could have kept it to themselves and instead requested MSM to edit the time reported on every article I seen up until tonight of the CCTV sighting at the grapes pub. Or better still gave the correct time out in a manner that the media could report on it correctly! What a mistake to make, its HUGE IMO potential witnesses could have maybe discounted a sighting at a different location due to MSM reporting that he was at the grapes pub at 3:20am - wow, I would not be happy if I were his family.

His poor family. Please come home safe Corrie.


Hey Tricksy, guess where we want you to be at 3:24am on Saturday - Bury town centre checking out bin lorries. Oh yeah.
Im sorry but I am just getting more and more confused with this whole case,, considering Corries mum is a police liaison officer, not only would she be the missing persons family but would also know what shes on about from a professional point of view... So when she says this ... "At 5am yesterday, Corrie’s mum Nicola Urquhart, from Dunfermline, posted on Facebook: “Police are confident corrie is not still in Bury and has not left on foot. “This can only mean there is third party involvement, there is just no evidence so far to prove criminality. As such I would ask people to help me find this evidence as someone does know something.”

Then this is reported a few hours after in the Bury Free Press ,,, " Suffolk Police said today that they continue to investigate all possibilities. A spokeswoman added: “This includes the possibility that Corrie may have attempted to walk home but not been captured on CCTV"

"As a result of extensive work by detectives over the weekend, police have been able to identify a number of individuals who were seen on CCTV in the area at the time. This includes the three young people police made appeals to trace last week. Police are looking to speak to all of these individuals, with the aim of gathering any further information that may help locate Corrie. At this stage all of those identified are being treated as potential witnesses.

Is it just me or is this one of the most confusing missing persons cases youve ever come across,, mum will know what shes on about and so do the police so ,,,, Is it bad reporting from most of the press involved or what.... ah I just dont know... just wish there would be a break through for Corrie.
Im sorry but I am just getting more and more confused with this whole case,, considering Corries mum is a police liaison officer, not only would she be the missing persons family but would also know what shes on about from a professional point of view... So when she says this ... "At 5am yesterday, Corrie’s mum Nicola Urquhart, from Dunfermline, posted on Facebook: “Police are confident corrie is not still in Bury and has not left on foot. “This can only mean there is third party involvement, there is just no evidence so far to prove criminality. As such I would ask people to help me find this evidence as someone does know something.”

Then this is reported a few hours after in the Bury Free Press ,,, " Suffolk Police said today that they continue to investigate all possibilities. A spokeswoman added: “This includes the possibility that Corrie may have attempted to walk home but not been captured on CCTV"

"As a result of extensive work by detectives over the weekend, police have been able to identify a number of individuals who were seen on CCTV in the area at the time. This includes the three young people police made appeals to trace last week. Police are looking to speak to all of these individuals, with the aim of gathering any further information that may help locate Corrie. At this stage all of those identified are being treated as potential witnesses.

Is it just me or is this one of the most confusing missing persons cases youve ever come across
,, mum will know what shes on about and so do the police so ,,,, Is it bad reporting from most of the press involved or what.... ah I just dont know... just wish there would be a break through for Corrie.

BBM - not just you, it's totally baffling to me that the police don't seem to be trying to find him.

The facebook group is doing a fantastic job with leaflets and raising awareness while as far as we can see the police are doing searches but also saying they don't know if he left the town centre. I haven't seen any requests for help with the searches or reconstructions either.

I have a feeling there's something(s) we aren't being told going on behind the scenes here
BBM - not just you, it's totally baffling to me that the police don't seem to be trying to find him.

Yet they have searched the town, the surrounding area and the roads he could have taken to get home. They've obviously looked at his phone records and tracked his phone. They've looked at a lot of CCTV.

The facebook group is doing a fantastic job with leaflets and raising awareness while as far as we can see the police are doing searches but also saying they don't know if he left the town centre.

I thought they were fairly clear that he's not in the town centre and he didn't leave on foot.

I haven't seen any requests for help with the searches or reconstructions either.

Given that the police and the military have searched for him fairly extensively and methodically I'm not sure what the public or volunteers could practically do beyond the original request for people to check barns, outhouses and similar.

I have a feeling there's something(s) we aren't being told going on behind the scenes here

I think you are very right.

As time goes on it becomes difficult to know what else to consider. I'm sure they've spoken to his colleagues and civilian friends, present or former girlfriends (or boyfriends), parents, extended family, his superiors in the RAF, and possibly got a steer on any medical issues that might have led to him taking off for any reason whatsoever.

It also becomes harder to continue to discount the possibility of abduction, by terrorists or others, but if that is what they are quietly working on we will see nothing about this because the intelligence services will also be beavering away below the surface.
considering Corries mum is a police liaison officer,

I seem to have missed this. Is she a family liaison officer or a press liaison officer? Either way, she would know that there's stuff the police know that they don't tell the family.
And given he had his phone at 3am...what bin lorry is out at that time? Maybe a private one as people were saying but I find it so unrealistic.

But for collecting from commercial premises in a town centre that's probably the best time to do it rather than disrupting busy town centre traffic during the day.
I seem to have missed this. Is she a family liaison officer or a press liaison officer? Either way, she would know that there's stuff the police know that they don't tell the family.

I believe she's a family liason officer so she should certainly know what happens although she's in Scotland where things might be slightly different
Yet they have searched the town, the surrounding area and the roads he could have taken to get home. They've obviously looked at his phone records and tracked his phone. They've looked at a lot of CCTV.

I thought they were fairly clear that he's not in the town centre and he didn't leave on foot.

Given that the police and the military have searched for him fairly extensively and methodically I'm not sure what the public or volunteers could practically do beyond the original request for people to check barns, outhouses and similar.

I think you are very right.

As time goes on it becomes difficult to know what else to consider. I'm sure they've spoken to his colleagues and civilian friends, present or former girlfriends (or boyfriends), parents, extended family, his superiors in the RAF, and possibly got a steer on any medical issues that might have led to him taking off for any reason whatsoever.

It also becomes harder to continue to discount the possibility of abduction, by terrorists or others, but if that is what they are quietly working on we will see nothing about this because the intelligence services will also be beavering away below the surface.

BBM - this is where there seems to be confusion, Corrie's mum says she's sure he isn't in the town centre the latest statement on the Suffolk police website says "Police are continuing to keep an open mind as to what has happened to Corrie, and continue to investigate all possibilities." They don't seem to want to close that door yet.

The suggestion of an abduction because of his job is obviously a possibility but imo doesn't make sense, if someone wanted to abduct a military person they'd need to be able to identify him as one and would have needed to be following him around waiting to make a move. This would have needed planning and personnel who managed to evade any CCTV for the whole evening, waited somewhere for a couple of hours when he was sleeping and somehow managed to get him into a car or property unnoticed. I may well be proved wrong but I can't see this as being at all likely.

Hi there. New here, but some additional thoughts on this confusing missing person case.

Firstly, the inconsistencies I've noticed. Some reports are claiming him to be a "Senior Aircraftman" and others a "Gunner". These appear to be 2 very, very different roles in the RAF. I'm more inclined to believe he's a Senior Aircraftman, what little info there is on the net about it, presumably some sort of mechanic/technical skills regarding aircraft. He's part of 2nd Reg at Honnington which is some sort of Parachute wing. A Gunner on the other hand, is someone trained expertly in close combat skills. Basically, if there's one person you don't want to "accidentally" kidnap, it's probably an RAF Gunner, because they'll probably know how to rip your head off. A Senior Aircraftman however, is likely to be much more vulnerable, without that extensive combat training. SO WHICH ONE IS IT, MSM? It's like some articles saying he's a Pilot and others a Stewardess. They are bewilderingly different roles.

Then, of course, we have the decision to presume it's just a guy, who got drunk, and couldn't find his way home for 2 weeks. Surely, if ANYONE should be able to find their way home, it'd be someone serving in the military, RAF etc. As another user says, these men often train and run around the local area. The alarm bells clearly rung early, but I honestly think RAF Honnington and possibly Suffolk Police should be held accountable for giving it such low priority for 14+ days. This guy does not seem like AWOL material. Point being, they should have moved it up from a missing person's case within the first week, and they didn't. Why? It only raises more suspicion (which I'll touch on in a later paragraph).

Another major missing element is, what was the definitive time the ping on Barton Mills phone mast occurred? I see some people saying it was probably 4.30am, but has this info been properly released? Why won't they tell us when that ping actually occurred, because this could be a significant detail in this case. Why?

Well what about that age old magician tactic of having them look one way whilst you perform your trick the other? Misdirection. You send the phone off in one direction whilst you conduct whatever it is in the complete opposite. So whilst everyone is so focussed on Barton Mills, I've got this niggling feeling that it's nothing more than a distraction. To get us, Suffolk Police, etc, looking in the wrong direction. The answers are probably lying in Stowmarket, or such. The phone ping is important for this reason - if it was a later ping, ie 7am, then there's a chance whatever transpired transpired, and then the phone was "sent" elsewhere to record this false data (the misdirection). I'm not saying this is the actual case, I'm still puzzling it over myself, but I noticed here, no-one was questioning a misdirection element. I wanted to throw it out there.

One thing I've got on my mind, is like others, premeditation. But the side of it I'm not so big on, is that some random car from say, London, happened to be driving along the main road/dual carriageway and happened to see him and took a chance of kidnapping him. Nope. In my mind, this was conducted locally. It was planned locally. I'm even beginning to wonder whether, because it was so meticulously carried out (no traces whatsoever, Corrie's inability to raise the alarm) whether one of the RAF bases themselves, are the perpatrators. You've got some pretty hardcore regiments at Honnington and possibly Mildenhall - let alone the HQ of the RAF Police... if anyone will know how to bundle someone into a van and have them never heard from again, it's probably someone at one of those bases.

And as you remember the RAF statement was "LOL, he got drunk and probably got lost on the way home" - the most cop-out, tardy and frankly quite offensive response. So your men are prone to getting lost? Your men often fall into ditches in UK countryside never to be heard of again, whilst their phones fly off several miles away? The guy clearly had some drinks (HD CCTV) but he's clearly quite with it. He picks something up off the floor he dropped, most people would just leave it there, this to me, shows that drunk or not, his mind is working relatively clearly.

No doubt I'm blasphemous for considering, but everyone else has been connecting similar dots. It's almost apparent that certain info is being held back, it seems possible that Corrie's poor mum is being misled, and I do wonder if even Suffolk Police are merely puppets being used by TPTB who know exactly what's happened. So why could or would it? Perhaps there is a feud between Mildenhall RAF and Honnington RAF? Perhaps some high ranking officers wanted to prove a point? We would need to get an understanding of what grievances there are at Honnington, perhaps with locals, or internally with those serving - but of course fat chance of that, so it's covered up even before it needs a cover up. I don't want to diss the hard work of the search volunteers, or the police forces really, but I do think they're being played - by someone, someone local, and that can really only be the RAF themselves.

As others have said, there needs to be more from the men who were out drinking with Corrie that night, but they have been hushed up tight. If Corrie is known to walk back to base, then how long does he normally take? What route might he consider? Everyone is saying he walked up the dual carriageway but I personally think he may have taken Barton Hill Road, up to Great Livemere, which leads right up to Honnington base. But it seems to be more apparent that he perhaps never even made it out of Bury before whatever transpired, transpired.

As such, I feel someone knew he had gone out that night, and they lay in wait. Of course they can't touch him right in the middle of Bury town center, CCTV and witnesses, but you don't need to go too far beyond Brentgrovel Street (by the looks of Google street view) to be in some pretty prime places for a pickup, even if there was some distraction or "what seemed like a normal offer for a lift" type scenario. Now, who would know he was out that night, allowing them time to prepare and premeditate? The RAF. That's about it. Do we know what corruption is like within the RAF? Probably not. The internal problems of the MOD/army and presumably RAF pretty much stay internal.

So yeah, missing and misleading facts, scrimping on detail -- it all suggests a coverup of some kind really, doesn't it. And I think the finger should be pointed toward RAF Honnington, and it's many regiments, headquarters and trained professionals. They knew Corrie was out that night and they are probably the only ones, beside his family and the chaps he was drinking with, that did. Do you have to sign out of base? I know you have to sign in but not sure about signing out. Well if so, who took his signature? Find out who the heck that person called that night, because they might be the catalyst.

And what other grievances did Corrie have with other RAF people at the base? His drinking buddies need to come forward with that info (doubt they ever will). Poor Corrie, he may be collateral for some bigger, nastier feud. It may have nothing to do with him at all. But AWOL? Missing? Kidnapped by random drivers? Don't be silly.

One final thought. You're welcome to consider me the crackpot. But it'd be useful to know if he has had any UFO experiences. As you may recall, Suffolk is home to probably the most famous UFO case, involving RAF servicemen, ever. What may seem like a joke to you, I guarantee you the higher ranking circles take very seriously, and will do whatever they can to silence this kind of "talk". I know it's a "crackpot" avenue, but right now, it's still an avenue. Beyond premeditated abduction by professionals, I honestly stumble to find any other explanation beyond abduction of the...kooky kind. It's not impossible. Granted, I'm the only person that would follow that line of enquiry up, so please, consider what else I said first, and this final thought, last :)

Here's hoping for the safe return of Corrie.

This would have needed planning and personnel who managed to evade any CCTV for the whole evening, waited somewhere for a couple of hours when he was sleeping and somehow managed to get him into a car or property unnoticed. I may well be proved wrong but I can't see this as being at all likely.

I disagree. This is the most likely scenario now. Whoever it was had an in depth knowledge of Bury, knew the RAF were out in town... If Corrie was "ordered" to get into a car by a higher ranking official -- he would have little choice but to obey. The sad fact is that we just won't get answers from RAF/Honnington. From what Wiki tells me, Honnington oversees the protection of all UK RAF bases. That would include a lot of privacy and possibly underhanded tactics. My local RAF base, well they fly and fix helicopters...but Honnington, I'd imagine it has some very dark secrets.
BBM - this is where there seems to be confusion, Corrie's mum says she's sure he isn't in the town centre the latest statement on the Suffolk police website says "Police are continuing to keep an open mind as to what has happened to Corrie, and continue to investigate all possibilities." They don't seem to want to close that door yet.

The suggestion of an abduction because of his job is obviously a possibility but imo doesn't make sense, if someone wanted to abduct a military person they'd need to be able to identify him as one and would have needed to be following him around waiting to make a move. This would have needed planning and personnel who managed to evade any CCTV for the whole evening, waited somewhere for a couple of hours when he was sleeping and somehow managed to get him into a car or property unnoticed. I may well be proved wrong but I can't see this as being at all likely.


If I were planning to abduct somebody from the armed forces I might pose as a taxi driver, or even recruit an existing taxi driver sympathetic to my cause. There must be a lot of military people out drinking in BSE on a weekend. Sooner or later one will flag you down. As soon as they tell you they want to go back to their base, you know you've got what you're after and away you go. Very simple really.
Great first post, Markymint!


If you're in the UK (or just interested in UK cases) see my sig link for the index.

I'm actually not sure if this one was ever added there, I'm about to go out for a while so if someone can add it on please we might get more people swinging by to help.
Hi there. New here, but some additional thoughts on this confusing missing person case.

Firstly, the inconsistencies I've noticed. Some reports are claiming him to be a "Senior Aircraftman" and others a "Gunner". These appear to be 2 very, very different roles in the RAF. I'm more inclined to believe he's a Senior Aircraftman, what little info there is on the net about it, presumably some sort of mechanic/technical skills regarding aircraft. He's part of 2nd Reg at Honnington which is some sort of Parachute wing. A Gunner on the other hand, is someone trained expertly in close combat skills. Basically, if there's one person you don't want to "accidentally" kidnap, it's probably an RAF Gunner, because they'll probably know how to rip your head off. A Senior Aircraftman however, is likely to be much more vulnerable, without that extensive combat training. SO WHICH ONE IS IT, MSM? It's like some articles saying he's a Pilot and others a Stewardess. They are bewilderingly different roles.

Then, of course, we have the decision to presume it's just a guy, who got drunk, and couldn't find his way home for 2 weeks. Surely, if ANYONE should be able to find their way home, it'd be someone serving in the military, RAF etc. As another user says, these men often train and run around the local area. The alarm bells clearly rung early, but I honestly think RAF Honnington and possibly Suffolk Police should be held accountable for giving it such low priority for 14+ days. This guy does not seem like AWOL material. Point being, they should have moved it up from a missing person's case within the first week, and they didn't. Why? It only raises more suspicion (which I'll touch on in a later paragraph).

Another major missing element is, what was the definitive time the ping on Barton Mills phone mast occurred? I see some people saying it was probably 4.30am, but has this info been properly released? Why won't they tell us when that ping actually occurred, because this could be a significant detail in this case. Why?

Well what about that age old magician tactic of having them look one way whilst you perform your trick the other? Misdirection. You send the phone off in one direction whilst you conduct whatever it is in the complete opposite. So whilst everyone is so focussed on Barton Mills, I've got this niggling feeling that it's nothing more than a distraction. To get us, Suffolk Police, etc, looking in the wrong direction. The answers are probably lying in Stowmarket, or such. The phone ping is important for this reason - if it was a later ping, ie 7am, then there's a chance whatever transpired transpired, and then the phone was "sent" elsewhere to record this false data (the misdirection). I'm not saying this is the actual case, I'm still puzzling it over myself, but I noticed here, no-one was questioning a misdirection element. I wanted to throw it out there.

One thing I've got on my mind, is like others, premeditation. But the side of it I'm not so big on, is that some random car from say, London, happened to be driving along the main road/dual carriageway and happened to see him and took a chance of kidnapping him. Nope. In my mind, this was conducted locally. It was planned locally. I'm even beginning to wonder whether, because it was so meticulously carried out (no traces whatsoever, Corrie's inability to raise the alarm) whether one of the RAF bases themselves, are the perpatrators. You've got some pretty hardcore regiments at Honnington and possibly Mildenhall - let alone the HQ of the RAF Police... if anyone will know how to bundle someone into a van and have them never heard from again, it's probably someone at one of those bases.

And as you remember the RAF statement was "LOL, he got drunk and probably got lost on the way home" - the most cop-out, tardy and frankly quite offensive response. So your men are prone to getting lost? Your men often fall into ditches in UK countryside never to be heard of again, whilst their phones fly off several miles away? The guy clearly had some drinks (HD CCTV) but he's clearly quite with it. He picks something up off the floor he dropped, most people would just leave it there, this to me, shows that drunk or not, his mind is working relatively clearly.

No doubt I'm blasphemous for considering, but everyone else has been connecting similar dots. It's almost apparent that certain info is being held back, it seems possible that Corrie's poor mum is being misled, and I do wonder if even Suffolk Police are merely puppets being used by TPTB who know exactly what's happened. So why could or would it? Perhaps there is a feud between Mildenhall RAF and Honnington RAF? Perhaps some high ranking officers wanted to prove a point? We would need to get an understanding of what grievances there are at Honnington, perhaps with locals, or internally with those serving - but of course fat chance of that, so it's covered up even before it needs a cover up. I don't want to diss the hard work of the search volunteers, or the police forces really, but I do think they're being played - by someone, someone local, and that can really only be the RAF themselves.

As others have said, there needs to be more from the men who were out drinking with Corrie that night, but they have been hushed up tight. If Corrie is known to walk back to base, then how long does he normally take? What route might he consider? Everyone is saying he walked up the dual carriageway but I personally think he may have taken Barton Hill Road, up to Great Livemere, which leads right up to Honnington base. But it seems to be more apparent that he perhaps never even made it out of Bury before whatever transpired, transpired.

As such, I feel someone knew he had gone out that night, and they lay in wait. Of course they can't touch him right in the middle of Bury town center, CCTV and witnesses, but you don't need to go too far beyond Brentgrovel Street (by the looks of Google street view) to be in some pretty prime places for a pickup, even if there was some distraction or "what seemed like a normal offer for a lift" type scenario. Now, who would know he was out that night, allowing them time to prepare and premeditate? The RAF. That's about it. Do we know what corruption is like within the RAF? Probably not. The internal problems of the MOD/army and presumably RAF pretty much stay internal.

So yeah, missing and misleading facts, scrimping on detail -- it all suggests a coverup of some kind really, doesn't it. And I think the finger should be pointed toward RAF Honnington, and it's many regiments, headquarters and trained professionals. They knew Corrie was out that night and they are probably the only ones, beside his family and the chaps he was drinking with, that did. Do you have to sign out of base? I know you have to sign in but not sure about signing out. Well if so, who took his signature? Find out who the heck that person called that night, because they might be the catalyst.

And what other grievances did Corrie have with other RAF people at the base? His drinking buddies need to come forward with that info (doubt they ever will). Poor Corrie, he may be collateral for some bigger, nastier feud. It may have nothing to do with him at all. But AWOL? Missing? Kidnapped by random drivers? Don't be silly.

One final thought. You're welcome to consider me the crackpot. But it'd be useful to know if he has had any UFO experiences. As you may recall, Suffolk is home to probably the most famous UFO case, involving RAF servicemen, ever. What may seem like a joke to you, I guarantee you the higher ranking circles take very seriously, and will do whatever they can to silence this kind of "talk". I know it's a "crackpot" avenue, but right now, it's still an avenue. Beyond premeditated abduction by professionals, I honestly stumble to find any other explanation beyond abduction of the...kooky kind. It's not impossible. Granted, I'm the only person that would follow that line of enquiry up, so please, consider what else I said first, and this final thought, last :)

Here's hoping for the safe return of Corrie.

I disagree. This is the most likely scenario now. Whoever it was had an in depth knowledge of Bury, knew the RAF were out in town... If Corrie was "ordered" to get into a car by a higher ranking official -- he would have little choice but to obey.

A very interesting first post and lots of things to consider. I am by nature a *advertiser censored* up not conspiracy person but this case does make me wonder if there is something going on behind the scenes
If I were planning to abduct somebody from the armed forces I might pose as a taxi driver, or even recruit an existing taxi driver sympathetic to my cause. There must be a lot of military people out drinking in BSE on a weekend. Sooner or later one will flag you down. As soon as they tell you they want to go back to their base, you know you've got what you're after and away you go. Very simple really.

Certainly possible but I still remain to be convinced, do you have your driver on standby every evening, if he's a real taxi driver you have no idea what fares he's going to get, you'd have to have your full kidnap team on alert with your safe house or whatever just in case he's able to find an RAF person on their own sufficiently drunk for you to be able to spirit away.I'm going to respectfully disagree with you, not simple at all IMO.

If it is a kidnap I wonder what they hope to acheive but not saying anything for so long
More of the misdirection. We're being told to worry about the three teens at 4.30am. Really, we want to be worrying about the people Corrie interacted with before he left base that night & during his departure from the base. These are the people that knew where he was going, what we was going to be doing and in what kind of time frame.

There's also the curiosity of the phone mast data -- I mean, it seemed to be on hand pretty quickly, without any effort didn't it? And it was never disclosed if it was the Police that made the enquiries. It's almost as if that info was fed to the police by "third party" (RAF Honnington/RAF Police I'm looking at you). All part of the misdirection. And that's why I feel this case stinks...

PS. Thanks for the welcome! Ok, I realize I'm treading dangerously in conspiracy ground now and that's not the aim of this site/thread, so will just stay attentive. Good to be able to get this off my chest here though, didn't exactly want to post this on the facebook group... People here are certainly asking the right questions.
He appeared unsteady on his feet in the video but timelines indicate he didn't have much time to get drunk so there could also be the possibility that someone's spiked his drink and sat waiting on him on the road that he was known to walk home. Whilst he was kipping in the doorway he was in view of cctv so no one's going to attack or kidnap him there. The police have said they believe Corrie is not still in Bury and he didnt leave on foot. IMO someone's got him.
More of the misdirection. We're being told to worry about the three teens at 4.30am. Really, we want to be worrying about the people Corrie interacted with before he left base that night & during his departure from the base. These are the people that knew where he was going, what we was going to be doing and in what kind of time frame.

There's also the curiosity of the phone mast data -- I mean, it seemed to be on hand pretty quickly, without any effort didn't it? And it was never disclosed if it was the Police that made the enquiries. It's almost as if that info was fed to the police by "third party" (RAF Honnington/RAF Police I'm looking at you). All part of the misdirection. And that's why I feel this case stinks...

PS. Thanks for the welcome! Ok, I realize I'm treading dangerously in conspiracy ground now and that's not the aim of this site/thread, so will just stay attentive. Good to be able to get this off my chest here though, didn't exactly want to post this on the facebook group... People here are certainly asking the right questions.

If I ever went missing I would hope that one of the first things the police would do would be to collect phone ping data, it's become so routine now that I'd guess it would be available instantly from the network provider so I'm not too surprised that the info was available quickly.

I think part of the problem here is that if a someone doesn't show up to work them having gone missing isn't going to be the first thing you think of. You might think they're ill or got drunk and lost track of time or skiving off for some other reason, there must have been a period of time before people started to think something bad might have happened and in that time the clues could be gone - the phone being an example here, it could have been thrown away in any bin anywhere or dropped in a river well before the alarm was raised.

Actually that makes me wonder, we've been told that the phone was pinging as late as 8am on the Saturday, if soemone had harmed Corrie deliberately in some way I'd say one of the first things they'd do would be to stop the phone pings, not allow it be be tracked for over 4 hours

Still don't know what to think but most likely imo is a tragic accident
He appeared unsteady on his feet in the video but timelines indicate he didn't have much time to get drunk so there could also be the possibility that someone's spiked his drink and sat waiting on him on the road that he was known to walk home. Whilst he was kipping in the doorway he was in view of cctv so no one's going to attack or kidnap him there. The police have said they believe Corrie is not still in Bury and he didnt leave on foot. IMO someone's got him.

I really don't know if I'm being hopelessly naive, would anyone go to the effort of finding out where all the CCTV cameras are to abduct someone whose movement they would have no way of predicting. I haven't seen anywhere if this was a preplanned night out or a spur of the moment few bevvies and a kebab. Do we know if the friends are RAF too?
I really don't know if I'm being hopelessly naive, would anyone go to the effort of finding out where all the CCTV cameras are to abduct someone whose movement they would have no way of predicting. I haven't seen anywhere if this was a preplanned night out or a spur of the moment few bevvies and a kebab. Do we know if the friends are RAF too?

I'm nearly sure I read that it was not unusual for Corrie to walk back to base after a night out which would make his actions predictable. I wonder if this is a regular occurrence with any of the other lads at base as this would leave them vulnerable.
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