UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #10

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Watching more of Corrie's YouTube videos, I not only get a sense of someone very outgoing, but also rather ADHD.

I've said ADHD before. My stepson has ADHD and he's loud, inappropriate, outgoing, flamboyant but has no friends...because his behaviour annoys people, they find him odd and embarrassing
It if Corrie suffered with any mental illness it might explain why the puppy was overlooked.

My sister and I do that, whenever we feel depressed we just buy another puppy or kitten, we have 8 dogs and 3 cats between us lol
Would like to point out after watching various interviews recently with people that had interacted with Corrie that night all pointed out he was alone.

Drove into Bury alone.

Drank in car alone.

Alone in the So Bar where he got up and sung on the mic with the 1 man band that was there that night. Apparently he asked the guy singer if he could sing a song and the guy played his guitar. Bit odd.

Was in whetherspoons alone going up to tables and speaking to strangers.

Went into club Flex alone as indicated by the door man and owner. Walked around chatting to random people etc. Got told to leave as he was drunk and annoying.

Left alone, ate alone, slept alone, walked into horseshoe alone.

We are being led to believe he was with friends that night but its very clear now he wasn't with his RAF friends at all. I am not sure why its been made out he was with them when all people that had seen him that night and have given interviews on the news saying he was alone.

Seemed to me he was desperate to go out, even if that meant alone. Desperate to make friends etc. Although this is not entirely odd, it takes guts to go out drinking and clubbing alone.

Just thought this is worth pointing out.
Can anyone point me to the video of Corrie conducting, <modsnip> Thanks! Haven't seen that one.
If the public has been deliberately misled over timings I will be stumped. Why?

Early on, we were led to believe that the Grape's footage was the last sighting of him at 3:20hrs. Then somebody posted that this footage was actually at 1:20hrs.
Would like to point out after watching various interviews recently with people that had interacted with Corrie that night all pointed out he was alone.

Drove into Bury alone.

Drank in car alone.

Alone in the So Bar where he got up and sung on the mic with the 1 man band that was there that night. Apparently he asked the guy singer if he could sing a song and the guy played his guitar. Bit odd.

Was in whetherspoons alone going up to tables and speaking to strangers.

Went into club Flex alone as indicated by the door man and owner. Walked around chatting to random people etc. Got told to leave as he was drunk and annoying.

Left alone, ate alone, slept alone, walked into horseshoe alone.

We are being led to believe he was with friends that night but its very clear now he wasn't with his RAF friends at all. I am not sure why its been made out he was with them when all people that had seen him that night and have given interviews on the news saying he was alone.

Seemed to me he was desperate to go out, even if that meant alone. Desperate to make friends etc. Although this is not entirely odd, it takes guts to go out drinking and clubbing alone.

Just thought this is worth pointing out.

I remember reading that Corrie left the base late because he had to sort his puppy out and it seemed he was hoping to meet his friends in Bury. But there seem to be no reports that they were in Bury at all. Confused...
Early on, we were led to believe that the Grape's footage was the last sighting of him at 3:20hrs. Then somebody posted that this footage was actually at 1:20hrs.

Amongst the footage of that night, is any of it time stamped?
I know the more mainstream showings are likely to have had it edited out if there is a ploy to mislead but if it wasn't edited from source when released, maybe it's possible that one report may have come out with the original stamp on? Maybe?
Though I'd have to wonder why? What's the advantage to misleading people?
This is what the police said in their 27th September statement: "Corrie McKeague was last seen in Brentgovel Street in Bury St Edmunds at around 3.20am on Saturday morning, 24 September, and has not been seen or been in contact with anyone since"
Interesting to note though is that in the same statement the police say "From CCTV in Bury St Edmunds it is believed he briefly slept in a doorway before getting up and moving away – possibly with the aim of walking home several miles away"
To me, briefly seems a strange way to describe a 2 hour sleep. What else happened in that doorway I wonder?
I remember reading that Corrie left the base late because he had to sort his puppy out and it seemed he was hoping to meet his friends in Bury. But there seem to be no reports that they were in Bury at all. Confused...

I am starting to think they weren't even in Bury at all. 2 car loads of guys apparently went out. And he didnt seem to meet any of them that night.

I wouldn't be surprised now if he left the horseshoe alone, feel down a ditch alone, and will be found alone in the coming weeks.
I am starting to think they weren't even in Bury at all. 2 car loads of guys apparently went out. And he didnt seem to meet any of them that night.

I wouldn't be surprised now if he left the horseshoe alone, feel down a ditch alone, and will be found alone in the coming weeks.

If this is the case I would feel absolutely desperately sorry for him. Would I find someone with his personality annoying? Yes I would. But would I bully someone by inviting them out and then effectively ditching them or standing them up? No I wouldn't.

Much is made of how he was "beyond happy" (odd turn of phrase) and I did note in the forces tv docu they inserted "Corrie had no mental health issues" (may be paraphrasing there) which to me stuck out because no one has really questioned or asked in depth about his mental health.

Suffering from mental health isn't always visible to others, is imagine coupled with corries behaviour he would take unnecessary risks. As someone here said he's in the right age group for male suicide. A long time ago before corries social media cleaned up there were a lot of statuses my generation would call "emo" I'd bet money that his mental health isn't as black and white as has been pushed.

Lastly, mental health doesn't automatically scream suicide, it also gives a huge motivation to go awol. When you're depressed you don't care about anything.

Also, quite unlikely but is there not more serious mental health issues like schizophrenia that tend to develop in early adulthood?
Well, from what we know...

An outgoing young man goes out, perhaps hoping to meet up with colleagues, drinks rather a lot, is obviously friendly and wants to socialise, gets a bit OTT under the influence, eats takeaway, sleeps in doorway, wanders towards the horsehoe and vanishes... that final CCTV footage on Brentgovel Street breaks my heart. I'm not used to Websleuths or following people's movements on CCTV, so it's stunning to me to see that guy's last known movements. If it was one of my grandsons, I'm sure I'd go crazy. I have so much respect for his family and the way they've handled this, particularly Nicola for spending so much time in BSE and making so many appeals for help.
I have checked out the bin situation in the horseshoe and there are 3 dry recycling bins, 3 general waste bins (all BIFFA) and 1 council blue bin.
I even looked in all of them and there was a small amount of cardboard in each of the BIFFA recycling bins and a couple of bags of rubbish in one off the general waste bins.

The conclusion I draw from this is that the shops clearly put their rubbish in their own allocated bins, so why was only one bin emptied that morning?
In addition, looking inside the bins made me realise just how small they are inside and for that reason I am fairly certain that Corrie did not get in one of these bins. The may be a restriction on weight allowed but I'm fairly sure that 85kg would be an unusually heavy weight for a bin in that location.

Great work Polo. Was there any indication this site is being used for textile/clothes recycling or a drop off / pick up from charity clothes shop. I'm just wondering if Corrie could have got hold a change of clothes on the spur of the moment. Perhaps tracksuit bottoms and hoodie over his existing clothes.
I remember reading that Corrie left the base late because he had to sort his puppy out and it seemed he was hoping to meet his friends in Bury. But there seem to be no reports that they were in Bury at all. Confused...

It could explain why his 'friends' haven't spoke out as his 'friends' weren't with him all night so saw nothing?

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If this is the case I would feel absolutely desperately sorry for him. Would I find someone with his personality annoying? Yes I would. But would I bully someone by inviting them out and then effectively ditching them or standing them up? No I wouldn't.

Much is made of how he was "beyond happy" (odd turn of phrase) and I did note in the forces tv docu they inserted "Corrie had no mental health issues" (may be paraphrasing there) which to me stuck out because no one has really questioned or asked in depth about his mental health.

Suffering from mental health isn't always visible to others, is imagine coupled with corries behaviour he would take unnecessary risks. As someone here said he's in the right age group for male suicide. A long time ago before corries social media cleaned up there were a lot of statuses my generation would call "emo" I'd bet money that his mental health isn't as black and white as has been pushed.

Lastly, mental health doesn't automatically scream suicide, it also gives a huge motivation to go awol. When you're depressed you don't care about anything.

Also, quite unlikely but is there not more serious mental health issues like schizophrenia that tend to develop in early adulthood?

Darroch also said that during the phone call they were talking about Darroch's upcoming trip to BSE...thinking and planning that trip could make Corrie feel excited?

I think the 'no mental health problems' thing in the documentary was just meant to dispel any thoughts that he might be suicidal.

Since being on FB I have to say a lot of teens seem very emo to me, and even some adults. It might just be the needy, attention-seeking personality coming out rather than anything deeper? It's hard to tell, though. And I don't mean the 'needy, attention-seeking' thing in a negative way, it's just the way some people are, and I feel safer being kind about it than complaining about it just in case it is a sign that someone's feeling lonely and depressed. Teens, especially, do tend to feel things very deeply, but they also tend to get over things.
If Corrie was alone that night (which is looking extremely likely) why have his 'friends' lied? They have clearly told Nicola/LE that he missed his lift out of confusion between two cars, they must have said they were out with him as we've been told several times he met up with them, they've said they didn't realise he had been thrown out of flex implying they were together as a group and I'm sure Nicola has also used their descriptions of his behaviour being normal/happy that night and no different to previous nights out. <modsnip>
But from what we've heard from staff in the places Corrie went he was completely alone all night. So why are his friends implying it was a normal night out WITH Corrie when actually they were on a completely separate night out to Corrie?
Its another part of the jigsaw where the pieces just don't quite fit together properly.
Again, thinking about the WHOLE thing logically...
If we're beginning to accept the theory that Corrie left in a 'vehicle' it has to be by default one of three options:

A car.
If it's a car then it surely would have been noticed somewhere on CCTV leaving the town or picked up on ANPR cameras regardless of speed and could be owned by anyone above the age of 18. Incidentally, the slow travelling speed of the phone could be an indication of avoiding speed cameras AND an ignorant understanding of ANPR cameras?
A van.
Same as above but more than likely having three seats (standard configuration for a transit style van).
A bicycle.
Not only would it have been picked up on CCTV somewhere, it would have been noticed by nearly everyone he passed. It would have stuck out like a sore thumb with no lights on it for a start, never mind a drunk bloke with white trousers and a pink shirt wobbling his way to BM. A cycle in my mind is highly unlikely. Besides, who leaves a bicycle unlocked and with the lights still attached?

Then we have to consider unwilling, semi willing or willing:
If Corrie was unwilling to get into a car then that would surely mean a driver AND at least one other to subdue him whilst they got to their destination (BM/Mildenhall?). I'd suggest more than likely three people. One to drive and two to subdue. That's four people in total. That rules out the van as he would need to be physically knocked out and thrown in the back to make good an escape. It would would attract attention and cause it to be levelled at the incident and we've heard nothing about an altercation in the Horseshoe area as of yet.
If we consider Corrie is semi-willing we can presume that he was coerced into the vehicle after a short discussion. Why have a short discussion? I would suggest he was 'risk assessing' in the subdued lighting and checking out the person before getting into the vehicle. Eventually coming to terms with his actions so to speak. This again could be just a driver, male or female.
That leaves us with willing. If Corrie is willing then we can presume he gets into a vehicle with his consent with absolutely no issues. He's more than likely spoken to them at length in the past by text or phone call to gauge their personality and traits. A blind date if you like. We know from our investigations so far that he's a risk taker. He sails close to the edge. He's not scared to go forward or confront.
Could we reconsider the van option? We could, but surely it would be noticed more so for the same reasons we mentioned before? It would only need one person.....the driver. This could be a ideal 'hookup' situation.

I'm unsure of a conclusive speculative answer just yet but I feel sure that it wasn't Miss Green with the lead pipe in the library. I'm feel sure that it was at least one person (driver) and a car (not a van). I get the feeling that some previous correspondence has taken place via Grindr, Whatsapp etc and an image has been exchanged suggesting military. It's been seized upon by the recipient and a date has been set up as a 'last turkey in the shop' scenario by Corrie.

My apologies for offloading my bulk thoughts.

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Had a think overnight and fine tuned my thoughts. I'm beginning to think it was 'willing'. How do I back up that assumption?
It comes to light though this forum's research that Corrie may have been on his own all night. Why travel through so many bars and nightclubs in such a small space of time relatively early on in the nights events? Why walk in a direction that is away from your car? Why 'walk with purpose' towards a doorway for a 'sleep' unless there was a wait involved. Why then leave that safe environment and wander into a darkened and relatively unsafe environment unless you had prearranged a meeting of some description? Because he was biding his time and waiting for the correct time to meet someone.....therefore he was 'willing' to meet.

If he was 'willing' to meet someone at a given time (we worked out it would probably be 0330) and he couldn't have left on foot without being seen (which I think is impossible), then it must have been a vehicle....and probably given the odds of prearrangement a car.

If it's a car, it more than likely would have a maximum of four spare seats (three in the rear and one in the front) plus the driver. This meansAT LEAST ONE person was involved through a prearrangement.
If this scenario is accepted (and it's the one I'm going with at the moment)...then it could be a male or female perp. A 'willing' Corrie suggests to me at the very least an equal physicality is involved or a less than equal physicality on the perps side. Possibly female? If it's female I'd suggest she'd be equally as happy at risk aversion as Corrie. Personally, I can't see a female signing up for Tinder etc and meeting Corrie at 0330 for a blind date unless some sort of medium term relationship has ensued. I can see a male signing up for Grindr etc and meeting Corrie in a darkened, relatively quiet and unlit area of town with easy egress that dodges CCTV and attention. On the face of it homosexuality is accepted as an equal opportunity in life but sadly there are elements of society that still don't agree with it.

My thoughts so far?
Collected via prearrangement by male(s) through an app.

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I did wonder if someone found his phone in the doorway and chucked it when they realised it was a bit rubbish.

Also, is there a bin between the doorway and the horseshoe? Did he leave his food cartons in the doorway or bin it elsewhere?

Just catching up so i apologise if this has been answered but in the CCTV with the blue car and the three people walking past hughes there is one piece of rubbish outside Hughes, looks like a chip carton (and as previously stated by another poster it does look like Corrie is only holding one Item when he walks past the grapes) so it may be Corries- he isn't carrying anything later. Maybe he did leave his phone and someone picked it up and they happened to head to Barton Mills. (the silver car? or the band?)
If Corrie was alone that night (which is looking extremely likely) why have his 'friends' lied? They have clearly told Nicola/LE that he missed his lift out of confusion between two cars, they must have said they were out with him as we've been told several times he met up with them, they've said they didn't realise he had been thrown out of flex implying they were together as a group and I'm sure Nicola has also used their descriptions of his behaviour being normal/happy that night and no different to previous nights out. <modsnip>
But from what we've heard from staff in the places Corrie went he was completely alone all night. So why are his friends implying it was a normal night out WITH Corrie when actually they were on a completely separate night out to Corrie?
Its another part of the jigsaw where the pieces just don't quite fit together properly.
Do we even know if his friends said he was lost in the confusion. Nicola said it as per above comment. What if the norm is Corrie getting soo drunk he becomes the annoying loud person who risks all of them getting in a fight or kicked out. Its amusing for awhile but then if your having to look after the passed out drunk. Boring. <modsnip> If he was infact crying in the doorway maybe the realisation his behaviour isn't soo normal or cute has struck him. Don't forget they all had phones !

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Can anyone point me to the video of Corrie conducting, <modsnip> Thanks! Haven't seen that one.

I saw it on the forces TV documentary, <modsnip> it may well be in other places too.

I can't link at the moment but you should be able to find it via google
Early on, we were led to believe that the Grape's footage was the last sighting of him at 3:20hrs. Then somebody posted that this footage was actually at 1:20hrs.

That was odd right from the start, I can't think of a reason why everyone was allowed to believe CCTV1 was the final CCTV for quite a number of days IIRC and I think it was only corrected because of social media postings which made it clear that it couldn't have been the 3.24am footage

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