UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #21

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I want to know about the phone pinging too. How long would it take to get from bury St. Edmunds, Ely, Newmarket, etc. What time was the BSE pick up? 04:20? The phone must've pinged another mast

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Exactly right unless it was destroyed by the crushing process at Mildenhall (which I doubt as they have found mobile phones in LF).
None of any of this makes sense really. C phone pinged at Barton but the bin man went to many more pick ups. Why did the bin man go to the waste before finishing all his collection's ?
A fair point, except the ones who were lucky enough to escape probably wouldn't go to the newspapers. If the bin was just tipped in, Corrie could feasibly have jumped out anywhere. Who's to say he didn't climb out 100 yards up the road, and it WAS him seen near the Tesco roundabout.

This is what I mean when I've asked previously: other than the 100kg+ bin weight, what do the police KNOW that has justified million of £s and man hours being spent on this search? What is that second piece of info? Did Corrie just think "bugger, lost my phone, ruined my jeans and I'm covered in bruises, but this is a great story to tell the lads tomorrow" and carry on his merry way home?

It is a question I would love to know the answer to as well Cags.

I'm assuming that the police have inside information regarding this - and I don't mean the "tip" NU says she received 'cos I believe police would need better info than that before commencing such an expensive and intense search.

Yet the police appear to have convinced both parents C must be in the LF, so they must have a strong reason.

My gut feeling is still that C did leave the HS without being seen but whether he had a 'meet' or tried to make his way back to base I still think he is somewhere in the countryside waiting to be found.
There MUST be more to it than the bin weight because the landfill search was announced weeks before the weight was found to be wrong.

On Suffolk Police website:

10th Feb - SP announce landfill search
1st March - Man arrested on suspicion of PCOJ
7th March update states:

"Police have been carrying out extensive work to check and re-check data provided to officers. As a result of this comprehensive checking process and analysis it was discovered that the initial weight of the waste pick-up supplied to the investigation was incorrect and that it was far higher than originally thought.

This directly led to the arrest as police moved to secure any potential evidence ..."

BBM. The data error "led directly to the arrest", suggesting the error was found around that time (1st March), not weeks earlier when the search was announced (10th February).

ETA: Though it's quite possible that SP suspected the data was wrong and that's why they re-checked to confirm their suspicion.
There MUST be more to it than the bin weight because the landfill search was announced weeks before the weight was found to be wrong.

On Suffolk Police website:

10th Feb - SP announce landfill search
1st March - Man arrested on suspicion of PCOJ
7th March update states:

"Police have been carrying out extensive work to check and re-check data provided to officers. As a result of this comprehensive checking process and analysis it was discovered that the initial weight of the waste pick-up supplied to the investigation was incorrect and that it was far higher than originally thought.

This directly led to the arrest as police moved to secure any potential evidence ..."

BBM. The data error "led directly to the arrest", suggesting the error was found around that time (1st March), not weeks earlier when the search was announced (10th February).

ETA: Though it's quite possible that SP suspected the data was wrong and that's why they re-checked to confirm their suspicion.
TBH there seems to be more things that point away from the bin than to it unless SP did find forensic traces of C in a bin or a lorry and have not publicly released that info. JMO.
TBH there seems to be more things that point away from the bin than to it unless SP did find forensic traces of C in a bin or a lorry and have not publicly released that info. JMO.

Do police work on supposition or evidence? I wonder if they only decided that C must have been in the bin lorry as no other scenario works for them, then why not investigate the incinerated waste either first or at the same time as searching the landfill?
Really like to know what sent them to a Landfill search.
I have been re-reading this article on the latest SP news conference, and this BBM stands out.

Is it me? these quotes on where waste goes and what happens seem rather vague.

I do wonder if if SP are sure where the waste went that night and also what happened to it.

3. Police will search incinerator waste

Why police preserved incinerator waste and did not choose to search it while looking in the landfill site remains to be seen, but DS Elliot says the final line of action will be to search incinerator waste.

Commercial waste from Bury St Edmunds [U]is [B]usually taken to The Red Lodge Waste Transfer Station.[/U]

If it cannot be incinerated or recycled, then the lorry takes waste to Milton or Great Blakenham.

It is presumed the incineration waste is from Red Lodge.
I think they're just stating waste goes to Milton or GB. I'm sure police were able to establish that it was Milton it went to. Otherwise they would have surely asked GB operators to stop dumping and would have secured the area in that site as well.

I think it's just the way that statement is worded tbh.

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Do police work on supposition or evidence? I wonder if they only decided that C must have been in the bin lorry as no other scenario works for them, then why not investigate the incinerated waste either first or tat the same time as searching the landfill?
Really like to know what sent them to a Landfill search.

Ok, not what you're looking for in terms of details, but MM is still convinced by what SP has told him:

"Facts and evidence, he’s here. There’s nothing more to it. We need to find Corrie and put him to rest."
Ok, not what you're looking for in terms of details, but MM is still convinced by what SP has told him:

"Facts and evidence, he’s here. There’s nothing more to it. We need to find Corrie and put him to rest."

Both parents are convinced, I only thought DS Elliott's phrasing was ambiguous though she does use the word 'evidence' at some point.
I'm trying to second guess SP I suppose - which is quite pointless of course. :facepalm:

However in that link you provide she does refer to hypothesis and theories so I wondered.
Just a question of wait and see no doubt.

Det Supt Katie Elliott, of Suffolk Police, said: “Corrie had been known to go to sleep in rubbish.

“We’ve explored every other reasonable hypothesis and there is nothing to support any other explanation.

“All the work we have carried out points to Corrie being taken to the landfill site. There is nothing to support any theory other than Corrie was in that bin.”
Both parents are convinced, I only thought DS Elliott's phrasing was ambiguous though she does use the word 'evidence' at some point.
I'm trying to second guess SP I suppose - which is quite pointless of course. :facepalm:

However in that link you provide she does refer to hypothesis and theories so I wondered.
Just a question of wait and see no doubt.

Det Supt Katie Elliott, of Suffolk Police, said: “Corrie had been known to go to sleep in rubbish.

“We’ve explored every other reasonable hypothesis and there is nothing to support any other explanation.

“All the work we have carried out points to Corrie being taken to the landfill site. There is nothing to support any theory other than Corrie was in that bin.”
I'm still not convinced and I don't think SP are convinced that he is in the landfill , it all comes down to a bin weight that to me is unreliable , it's not like any one actually saw c getting in to a bin that night,
are sp 100% sure that the correct bin was collected that night, if it was then are they 100% sure that the correct bin was not fly tipped at some point before collection , considering no CCTV covers the actual bins I can't see how they can be sure or anything , IMO
LE, MM, and NU all appear to be confident that Corrie is in the landfill.

Based on what we know, the landfill seems most likely to me too. JMO

But the one thing that bothers me, and something I hope LE addresses at some point since they believe he climbed into the bin that was ultimately tipped into the back of the lorry, is the lack of forensic evidence found in or on any of the bins, or more importantly, inside the bin lorry.

I struggle to understand how they didn't find a trace of biological evidence linking Corrie to the inside of that bin truck, yet they are certain he was in it. Thoughts? Maybe the upcoming independent review will shed some light on this.

Corrie McKeague's dad vows to keep landfill search going - 'even if it means selling the shirt off my back'

27 July 2017

The father of missing RAF gunner Corrie McKeague has spoken of his determination to continue the landfill search for his son following a scheduled review of the investigation by another police force.


In a press conference last Friday Suffolk Police DS Elliott said the next step is to have the investigation reviewed by an external force to see if there are any other lines of inquiry.

She added that she stood by the claim that all evidence points to "Corrie going in that bin to the landfill site.”

Speaking from his motor home near the landfill yesterday afternoon (July 26), Martin said if the review corroborates that the evidence is correct he will do all he can to ensure the hunt for his son's remains at the site continues.

He continued: "The review needs to be done to make sure that there has been no mistakes and everything leads to Corrie being in this landfill.

"Bring another police force in and put all the other stuff to bed. And if they come back here they have a pretty good indication of where the [landfill workers] were working [at the time of Corrie's disappearance] and how it [the refuse] was all pushed in by the site owners."

When asked what he will do if Corrie is never found he said: "It's a hard thing to live with and it would be even harder if this review is done and it all points to that landfill.

"I am hoping that that decision is made to come back. If not, we'll have to do what we need to do, even if that means selling the shirt off my back then that's what I will do.
I'm still not convinced and I don't think SP are convinced that he is in the landfill , it all comes down to a bin weight that to me is unreliable , it's not like any one actually saw c getting in to a bin that night,
are sp 100% sure that the correct bin was collected that night, if it was then are they 100% sure that the correct bin was not fly tipped at some point before collection , considering no CCTV covers the actual bins I can't see how they can be sure or anything , IMO

Aah thanks Scorpio. I'm obviously with you on that, so relieved it's not just me. There doesn't seem to any firm evidence he went into the bin nor that the bin was tipped into this specific LF ( from what we hear of course).

In my mind if SP were convinced he was in that LF then they would keep looking? But not a sign of C or any of his belongings so far after all these months, so strange.

I'm glad this case will have an independent review. Only hope it doesn't become another Madeleine McCann case costing millions of ££££.

ETA:+++ Just seen your post Greater Than. Absolutely agree. Really good to have your comments. :tyou:
Aah thanks Scorpio. I'm obviously with you on that, so relieved it's not just me. There doesn't seem to any firm evidence he went into the bin nor that the bin was tipped into this specific LF ( from what we hear of course).

In my mind if SP were convinced he was in that LF then they would keep looking? But not a sign of C or any of his belongings so far after all these months, so strange.

I'm glad this case will have an independent review. Only hope it doesn't become another Madeleine McCann case costing millions of ££££.

ETA:+++ Just seen your post Greater Than. Absolutely agree. Really good to have your comments. :tyou:
I would also like to se more work done on the phone to try and narrow down its movement , to me the 8am bit is all a bit strange , ware was the bin lorry at 8am, but the phone never went any ware after the mildenhal mast , doesn't make any sense to me,
are sp 100% sure that the correct bin was collected that night, if it was then are they 100% sure that the correct bin was not fly tipped at some point before collection , considering no CCTV covers the actual bins I can't see how they can be sure or anything , IMO

I've been thinking the exact same thing. If it's true that it was a different lorry driver, that heightens the chance that the wrong bin was collected.
So if bin B was collected instead of bin A, and bin B usually weighs 13 stone and they are expecting bin A that weighs 1 stone then of course they are going to think it is unusually heavy.
Except it's not. It's the normal weight for bin B. So they could have searched the landfill thinking bin A was emptied when it was bin B.
I hope that makes sense. Sorry for going on... [emoji15]
I would also like to se more work done on the phone to try and narrow down its movement , to me the 8am bit is all a bit strange , ware was the bin lorry at 8am, but the phone never went any ware after the mildenhal mast , doesn't make any sense to me,

Good question.

The phone stayed at the BM mast then switched off/battery expired at 8 am apparently, so how can that tie in with these other refuse collections by this lorry?

Where was this lorry between 4.30 am and 8 am? Was it dumping at Red Lodge at this time and C and his phone were left there so the phone signal stayed in this area??

Did the Intelligence Unit employed by NU. come up with answers? Genuine question.
I've been thinking the exact same thing. If it's true that it was a different lorry driver, that heightens the chance that the wrong bin was collected.
So if bin B was collected instead of bin A, and bin B usually weighs 13 stone and they are expecting bin A that weighs 1 stone then of course they are going to think it is unusually heavy.
Except it's not. It's the normal weight for bin B. So they could have searched the landfill thinking bin A was emptied when it was bin B.
I hope that makes sense. Sorry for going on... [emoji15]
Yes Jo it does make sense. Early on it was referred to as cardboard waste going to a sorting conveyor belt and that the cardboard was folded so it would be clear if a person was in it. It was only after the PTCOJ arrest that suddenly it was a general waste bin that was being discussed so I think there was some mix up early on either with the collection or the reporting of the type of waste and it's final destination. Also no trace of Corrie was found in the bins or the lorry AFAIK as GT has also just mentioned so I do not understand what the evidence actually is that he is in the LF. JMO.
I've just been trying to check dates regarding the Landfill. IIRC there was a petition for the landfill to be searched, as LE were reluctant to do it. MPs were contacted and then it got to be discussed in parliament (January) where it was said the MOD could do all in their power to find him and the money spent in doing so was not a problem. Then in February, LE announced they were going to search LF after all, but first they had to do some work on it to prepare for it. Then at the beginning of March arrests were made for PTCOJ and the bin lorry weight was changed.

So it would seem that the pressure was put on SP to search the LF and how could they refuse with it having been discussed at the very highest level, backed by MPs and a petition? The only problem was the weight of the bin wasn't enough, but miraculously it suddenly changed so that it was. Of all the bins that are collected everyday, IMO it seems very odd that only this one was accidentally recorded with the wrong weight.

LE said that C's phone picked up the BM mast and it remained on that mast and it did not move. It was then either switched off or the battery went about 8am. Two masts are possibilities, the one near the BM roundabout which is directional and doubtful as to whether it would pick up in Mildenhall. The other is nearer to Red Lodge waste transfer station where waste from BSE goes to be sorted on a conveyor belt and where most waste is either recycled (don't just think paper, plastic bottles etc as they do far more different recycling, e.g. metals, wood etc) or if it cannot be, it goes to the incinerator at Great Blakenham. The waste from that process, is then checked to remove any metals etc.

I cannot think why the phone would stay on the BM mast from the time it got on it at around 4.30am as LE said, until 8am, if it was in the bin lorry that went to other places that would pick up different masts. Now, what about that bread delivery driver who insists he saw C crossing the road at about 4.30am at BM? What he said he saw C do would fit in well with a vehicle dropping him off there on the Mildenhall side of the roundabout and the bit about C putting his foot up on the barrier is not something that anyone would be likely to make up. JMO
I've just been trying to check dates regarding the Landfill. IIRC there was a petition for the landfill to be searched, as LE were reluctant to do it. MPs were contacted and then it got to be discussed in parliament (January) where it was said the MOD could do all in their power to find him and the money spent in doing so was not a problem. Then in February, LE announced they were going to search LF after all, but first they had to do some work on it to prepare for it. Then at the beginning of March arrests were made for PTCOJ and the bin lorry weight was changed.

So it would seem that the pressure was put on SP to search the LF and how could they refuse with it having been discussed at the very highest level, backed by MPs and a petition? The only problem was the weight of the bin wasn't enough, but miraculously it suddenly changed so that it was. Of all the bins that are collected everyday, IMO it seems very odd that only this one was accidentally recorded with the wrong weight.

LE said that C's phone picked up the BM mast and it remained on that mast and it did not move. It was then either switched off or the battery went about 8am. Two masts are possibilities, the one near the BM roundabout which is directional and doubtful as to whether it would pick up in Mildenhall. The other is nearer to Red Lodge waste transfer station where waste from BSE goes to be sorted on a conveyor belt and where most waste is either recycled (don't just think paper, plastic bottles etc as they do far more different recycling, e.g. metals, wood etc) or if it cannot be, it goes to the incinerator at Great Blakenham. The waste from that process, is then checked to remove any metals etc.

I cannot think why the phone would stay on the BM mast from the time it got on it at around 4.30am as LE said, until 8am, if it was in the bin lorry that went to other places that would pick up different masts. Now, what about that bread delivery driver who insists he saw C crossing the road at about 4.30am at BM? What he said he saw C do would fit in well with a vehicle dropping him off there on the Mildenhall side of the roundabout and the bit about C putting his foot up on the barrier is not something that anyone would be likely to make up. JMO

IMO the only pice of solid evidence they have is the phone movements , the phone went to the Barton mills area and remained in that area until connect was lost at around 8am , we went along with that at first as we were told that the bin lorry went direct to Sainsbury's in mildenhall , now we know that the bin lorry made other collections in BSE before going to mildenhall , soham, Ely then newmarket, around a 45 miles round trip , and all the time the phone never left Barton mills phone mast, the phone is the key IMO , they need to get some telecommunications experts in to track the phone better ,
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